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Old Friends: Stained Glass [EPIC]

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Old Friends: Stained Glass [EPIC] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:07 am

Saturn was sitting in the outpost, finding himself watching some new rune knight recruits go through the motions. Some had never swung swords before and others were practically seasoned adventurers that wanted some more stability to their lives. No one seemed to spare him a second glance; the forgotten dragonslayer made it easy for people to forget him. Something he didn’t seem to mind as he climbed more and more the ladder that was the rune knight ranks. Saturn adjusted a little bit, the vestige of the outsider and echo sat nearby. The former was napping and the other was leaning up against them while watching the knights spar.

The muffled excited voices of the guards and the rather fast paced rambling of something smaller drew his attention. Saturn’s brows furrow a little bit and he’d stand up. The recruits as though seeing him for the first time almost flinched but his attention wasn’t on them; he’d briskly walk by them and the two companions quickly followed suit. The vestige was quickly in their battle hardened ‘mode’ and echo just hung on for dear life.

What saturn was gifted with was not what he expected; in front of him was a little mindrache. One that he recognized from the caravan ages ago that he and echo had rescued. There were several others that looked worse for wear. Some sporting injuries that were getting tended too and once the lead saw him they spoke up immediately.

The demon stepped forward and knelt down, listening to what they had to say while echo started to chit chat with the others to find out more. Vestige sat there silently; keeping watch while the guards nervously looked between the two of them. Reminded of saturn’s presence they had saluted in a mix of fear and respect. The knight had a habit of surprising everyone with his presence now. Even more so when he left for long periods of time; like it was easy to forget he was even a part of the faction.

They had been attacked by a group of mercenaries and many of them had been kidnapped; a few of them had been hurt seriously and were taken away by the mercs while being treated. Some of the others had to be passed off to friends or family in the area as they wouldn’t wake up. They were using poisons. In the midst of their discussion saturn noted an arrow flying towards the two of them, brushing the mindrache elder to the side saturn slapped the arrow out of the air.

A group of mercs walked up, one with a bow. A few with swords drawn and the leader seemed to be sporting an axe. The bowman was sneering and the two knight guards seemed to back away. They were fearful; these men likely were hoping for an easy assignment and likely had very little training leading to mercs and bandits taking advantage of them. Saturn understood the danger and he felt his raiment take priorty of his safety. The equipment changing to its armored form from it’s social one. Regal and luxurious to lethal and powerful. He stood up; sleeping dragon snapping into his hand. Eyes slowly opening and his form shimmering slightly as he felt anger piping up.

I’ll say this once. Leave.

The mercs laughed; saturn didn’t. He stepped forward and brought the sleeping dragon down in a brutal arc. The leader was immediately knocked backwards as it snapped his axe into half the long way and cracked his armor with such an intense blow. Saturn stepped past the mindrache caravanners as echo and the vestige ushered them inside. The two knights practically shaking in their boots; drawing their swords…

Close the gates after you get inside.

Neither knight argued, the mercs didn’t try to stop them. There was a ten foot tall behemoth in armor with a spear in front of them. They all started to back away; noting that their leader wasn’t moving. Saturn didn’t hesitate, his spear worked faster than they could. Hooking, scooping and slamming one man after another into the ground. Some were winded, others knocked out. None of them got back up. The last was the bowman who shot an arrow directly into saturn’s chestplate; snickering as it dug deep but didn’t get through it. Saturn plucked the offending arrow and tossed it aside. The crystal of the void repairing it in a mere instant.

He could hear the mindrache talking behind the wall to echo; he could understand their plight easily enough. Huffing a bit as another arrow was shot at him he’d cleave it in two with his spear before twisting it and knocking it to one side. The bowman seemed to realize his error but before too long saturn hoisted him up with one hand by the throat and slammed him down into the pavement. Creating a little impact crater with the bowman firmly stuck in the center.

I’ll deal with all of you after this. Stay put.

Saturn turned about; sleeping dragon going back to its rest and his armor billowing back into his social outfit. Stepping forward to the gate it’d swing open and the guards seemed to be in awe of what he just did. He took out a band of mercs that likely would have given them all trouble in next to no time flat. In such a fluid range of motion too. Saturn knew that most of these guards were knew and therefore just didn’t have experience.

He’d kneel down next to one of the mindrache who wasn’t talking to echo to let them fill him in; there was a lot to go over and saturn’s expression changed drastically as they were talking about how they were being hunted for some reason; that this wasn’t the first band of mercenaries and there would be more… Saturn wasn’t sure what he could do regarding that in an immediate solution. So instead he’d just take the mindrache into the knights outpost, sealing the gate and having the mercs arrested, taken away from here so they wouldn’t present a problem by the city guard…


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