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Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.)

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Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:55 pm

He looked her in the eyes and he sighed as he was more asking her where the line is as he bets she had used it to change a thing or two that didn't go her way in small time back up thingys. He gets she is meaning things far back he was meaning if she couldn't even use it for something small that happened like three minutes ago. Ryuuji really doesn't understand her or what she is really on about or how her magic even works as he barely knew how his own gift worked and what they could do besides make eyes and seemingly protect him from damage that hits him like it had when he was training on the mountain. "Okay lets move on from this as we are going no where and I am just getting confused by what you can do or if you can even do it." He walked a bit faster and slightly ahead of the guild master as he was fully not sure what he was even doing here as he had lost his world and he was in pain.

#27Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:59 am

Judith Karlinius
While Judith figured she had explained it enough. Judith would try one simple thing to make sure maybe she could answer the question how he was trying to ask it."While i understand your desire to move on, I merely have to make sure that things are understood."So maybe she needed to rephrase this and she was going to do use it maybe simple to understand thing.

So she would maybe explain it like this."When I was given this power, I was told not to alter things. While i can go back in time and interact with the world in some manner with in the past and possible change some things for the better, It can cause a lot of problems in the future."Then again Judith realized she was trying to explain it still.

So she would sum it up as."So when I got this Dragon slaying power. To simply put I was told. Don't change anything you risky more bad then good."It all almost felt like Judith might just have been force to bare something most people couldn't handle, just because she would listen to the boundaries the being she got it from would want.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:53 am

"Like I said lets move on, as clearly you have the most pointless magic if you can't even use it. There is no point in explaining it to me as clearly I don't know what it is like to have a pointless magic that I can't even use to save someone that if you had been a minute faster you could have saved." Ryu was starting to just get frustrated as he said that he wanted to move on from it as the guild master had admitted that her magic was pointless to have as she couldn't even use it to help people or herself. Who ever made her promise to not use it was the winner in all of this as they got a person to be completely useless to everyone including herself.

Ryuuji keeps walking and he hears creatures near by and as his magic isn't useless he readies himself to fight and deflect attacks and protect the Guild master if they creatures or animals were to come out to attack them.

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