From the ships of the sea that came from Fiore, a hoodied short figure pulls a cart off the ship. The wind went against the hoodie as the shadows refused to show the face of the figure. The cart was heavy as they wheeled it off into the capital of the city. The person's heart was beating as they knew the person who was going to get the news was not going to be a happy camper, but also happy that something else was here for them. The hooded figure went to a guard and asked for assistance, explaining the situation, the guard nodded in helping as he took the cart with stuff covered in blankets towards the infirmary.
Moments later after that happened, the hoodied figure came and looked around, 'I swear to - whatever, if they are not there I will give them an earful,' the person thought as they then spotted the door where they remembered Dae-Seong and Kyu were living at. They could easily break in but didn't want to.