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A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui]

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#1Fei Yu 

A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:54 pm

Fei Yu
It had been a while since the official inauguration ceremony and the official establishment of the Clock Tower. Already people were eager at work while at the same time recent events had finally seen a particular fairy recover from a loss that had scarred her immensely.

Although the events that unfolded and her newfound ambition was also why she send some of the Fae to search for one of her friends. Even now she wondered what Kamui would have thought about being approached by a fairy, a being of Caelish folklore who claimed Kamui was being invited to the Clock Tower to meet someone, in fact the director of the Clock Tower had asked personally for her!

"It's not often we receive a guest who isn't a magus studying at the tower or one of the Fae~" The fairy serving as Kamui's escort chimed eagerly as they approached the clearing within the forest that had concealed the Clock Tower, well-concealed might had been the wrong term because the tower literally ascended all the way into the sky!

"Gotta say it is a remarkable feat~ Not only is she a newborn fairy, but she earned the interest of both Oberon and Titania! Even went as far as uniting the ancient houses of Caelum in the endeavor of constructing the clock tower. Then again, with the responsibilities upon her shoulders I don't envy Fei Yu in the slightest~"

After they ascended the staircase leading into the tower the fairy led Kamui into what appeared to be a spacious room with a slab of stone at the center. Fluttering over she chimed softly. "We'll take the elevator, unless you wish to spend the next week climbing stairs~" The fairy chimed teasingly as she pressed the palm of her hand onto the orb and soon made it lit up!

The room had a wave of mana engulf it, and a moment later a soft click sound followed as the orb stopped glowing. "There we go~ The director's floor~"

Hovering toward the door she made it slide open and guided Kamui further inside the building, along a corridor till at last they arrived at a large gilded door that the fairy knocked lightly on. "Yu Yu! I brought your guest!" The pixie exclaimed happily as a soft voice came from inside the room. "Please let her in~"

The fairy swept her hand over the door, causing it to shimmer and fade away, just long enough for the two of them to pass through the door upon which is became solid again! The room they were in was clearly an office of some sort, judging from the assortiment of bookshelves at the walls, or the desk that had several papers and maps scattered over it, and there seated in her chair was the oddly-familiar looking elf-like child Kamui had met on the Luluhawa island. She smiled gently at Kamui. "Thank you for bringing her here~ I'll see her out later, so you can go back home to the others." The fairy saluted playfully and disappeared in a sparkle of lights while Yu gestured toward the chair opposite of her desk. "Please take a seat Kamui-chan~ And thank you for coming on such a short notice."


A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:50 am

It has been some time since Kamui and Yu Ming had parted ways after Lulu Island. Not overly long, and they had gotten to know each other a bit better as they travelled together, but long enough that meeting her again was more something to look forward to rather than dread. Kamui noticed that her old travelling companion, who once struggled while learning about herself and her magic, had now risen in the world.

The Clock Tower was magnificent in its skyborne splendour and air of magic and mystery about it. Kmaui notes that it suits the fairy rather well. When the fae approached her, the swordswoman regrets saying she almost killed the thing until it garbled out in a panic that Yu was summoning her. Kmaui, still not knowing much about the fae, agreed to go, mostly because Mami wanted to meet Nyancelot again. And it was Mami beside her, bouncing along with excitement as the underling led them to Yu. A different one than the one Kamui almost killed.

Kamui didn't reply to the fairy, but Mami did. "Oh wowee! A floating tower! I'm so excited to see our friends again!" They squeal as they go into the tower proper, and head into the elevator. As they entered Yu's office Kamui couldn't help but approve of the security put in place. 

Finally, they were face-to-face with the tower headmaster, Kamui giving a nod and almost smiling at her greeting, and Mami giving an energetic wave, looking around in excitement. The cheagle bounced onto Yu's desk as the swordswoman elegantly sat in the chair. "It was of no issue Yu Ming." The woman begins formally. "The transportation you provided was adequate. For what reason have we been summoned?" Kamui asks formally, only for Mami to roll their eyes. "That's Master's way of saying she's really happy that you called her, that the ride was swell, and most of all, she wants to know if she can help you with anything you need!" Mami chirps, causing Kamui to glare at her companion. But it wasn't a harsh glare, so the cheagle was probably telling the truth. "Also, can I see Nyancelot? I wanna show him how I perfected a move he taught me!" Mami asks, voice full of cheer.

#3Fei Yu 

A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:43 pm

Fei Yu
Yu smiled briefly at Mami's efforts to correct Kamui's stoic response, the energetic nature of the cheagle was not entirely undesired right now. "You might want to address me by my fairy name~ Fei Yu is what Gaia called me, although I don't mind if you call me Yu instead." She paused for a moment, mostly because using her old name might had been a source of confusion for some of the inhabitants of the tower. "Well the reason I called you here for was-"

Mami's words earned a soft pause in Yu's words as she gently pushed her chair backward and moved toward a chest on a nearby desk. "About that- Unfortunately it will be impossible to see Nyancelot for the time being." As she gently unlocked the chest she pulled a small cloth-wrapped relic and placed it gently onto the table, unfolding the cloth to reveal the knight's blade had been left in her care.

"During the inaugeration ceremony of the Clock Tower that ran parallel with the Ascension ritual for myself a Fractured Sky appeared above Caelum. Although only briefly, minions from the void poured out to cause chaos among the populace. While the guards were doing their utmost to protect everyone from the onslaught of voidal minions 'something' struck from within the void. I was severely injured in the event and Nyancelot... died to protect me."

She didn't want to tell Mami that Nyancelot had been mind-controlled by a denizen of the void. No, she had sworn to ensure that Nyancelot's legacy was an honorable one, that he had died in a way befitting of a knight. It was her insistence on this that had made even Oberon and Titania agree to the idea.

"Which brings me to the earlier question about why I called the two of you here. As you have likely heard already the Fractured Sky is expanding in both power and influence, and as long as people continue to make their sacrifices to the void without a second thought it is only a matter of time before Gaia is consumed entirely by it. To honor Nyancelot's legacy I have sworn to prevent this from happening, and been conducting research into Voidal Corruption. But the other matter I am working on is a more personal request. Tell me Kamui-chan, Mami-chan, have either of you ever heard about a way to bring someone back from the dead?"


A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Wed Feb 07, 2024 6:29 pm

Kamui braced for the worst at the turn in Yu's tone at the mention of Nyancelot. She had immediately noticed the loyal retainer was not present, which she had found strange, seeing as the cat was loathe to leave his lady's side in the past. Sure enough, as Yu talked, Kamui side-eyed Mami, watching their reaction. It was less dramatic than they thought it would be, the small creature simply looking like they were wilting like a flower, tears filling their eyes. Kamui awkwardly put her hand on her companion's back, not great at comforting others.

"O-oh..." Mami says softly, eyes filled with sorrow. "I'm so sorry for your loss Yu... I'll miss him a lot too," Mami says starting to sniffle as they learned into Kamui's hand. From that point on Kamui kept her hand there as Mami mourned their friend, nodding along solemnly as Yu explained the events of the recent past here at the clock tower. This fractured sky issue didn't sound like a threat, one that may bring glorious challenges Kamui's way, so she was willing to help. Only for her eyebrows to rise as Yu brings up the idea of bringing someone back to life. This also causes Mami to perk up with hope.

"This one must assume that as fae are not undead, as you have stated before, they have negative views on necromancy. While I am not opposed to aiding you for the right price, I am overall opposed to the use of the evil arts due to its conflict with the divines will." Kamui says formally to Yu, causing Mami to wlit in disappointment. "But I am not opposed to aiding you in your fight against the void, granted it proves as a way to increase my strength." Kamui offers

#5Fei Yu 

A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:26 pm

Fei Yu
When Kamui addressed her question about bringing back people to live, the fairy had expected that Kamui's first thought would redirect to one of necromancy. "I'd loathe the idea to rely on such a corrupt and twisted school of magic, even if it was to bring back a dear friend of mine." For a moment Yu's voice sounded cold and detached, almost as if she was speaking as the director of the Clock Tower rather than a individual but after a moment her lips curved up into a gentle smile. "But your initial assumption of tying the act of resurrection to the vile rites of necromancy is understandable. After all, even if a banned practice on the same level as a taboo, many societies still embrace it, frequently for ill purposes. However, did you know that necromancy is in fact a offshoot of a much more ancient tradition that is far more natural and in fact even often suggested to be divine in nature?"

She paused for a moment, her eyes closing as she leaned back in her chair. "At its roots, necromancy was born because most lacked the means of creating a living vessel for the soul to inhabit. Of course later on the twisted ambitions caused necromancy to turn into a magic that relies on creating simple 'pawns' for the necromancer to use. But before Necromancy there has been tales of priests and shamans who are capable of communing with the dead, some can even temporarily allow a spirit to manifest itself. This art used to be known as Spiritmancy, and while records of their practices still remain, some passed orally from master to student, it doesn't exactly solve the issue of a living body to inhabit. Which brought me to some musings after I encountered a particular individual. Despite being a person, she was essentially trapped in the body of a marionette, a doll so to speak. As a result I started digging deeper into the idea of: What if we were to make an actual living vessel for Nyancelot?"

She smiled briefly, a light tilt of her head following: "An outrageous notion? I would be inclined to agree, if not for the fact ancient alchemists already succeeded in the concept. I am talking about the existence of Homunculi, or simply said a vessel made from alchemy that has been modified in such a way that it is barely recognizable as being any different from a living being. But the problem is."

She sighed deeply at the next part. "While I found an old collector of tomes who is in possession of such records, his demand is quite outrageous... Told me that if I want the tome I need to beat his champion, which unfortunately for one like myself is nearly impossible. My proficiency is in magic, not martial arts. But surely I don't need to spell out what I mean to suggest with this?"

She smiled gently at Kamui after she turned her gaze at Mami. "It will also help you prepare for the challenges ahead because the void is a very, very dangerous presence, I heard some of the strongest champions of Earthland been afflicted by it in some way or form, and some even disappeared alltogether.


A giant tower for a tiny director [Kamui] Empty Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:59 am

Kamui nodded, slightly relieved that Yu was not considering necromancy, As the swordswoman was linked to the divine, interacting with someone who went against the law of the gods in such a way would have been awkward to say the least. It was also nice seeing Yu take authority like she did, certainly earning a bit more of Kamui's respect.

The ronin and cheagle listened through the explanation patiently, Mami's hope growing as the fairy woman spoke. The director kept her explanation simple but informative, showing her teaching powers so that even a strength-obsessed hard head like Kamui and a simple-minded companion like Mami could follow along. They even both reacted when she mentioned the marionette person, both of them making the connection instantly. After all, the doll woman in question of telling almost everyone her backstory in an attempt to have them take her seriously. "You mean Ms.Mielle?!" Mami gasped out, while Kamui just raised an eyebrow. "She's part of the reason I swore myself to master you know! She's my friend." Mami squeaks out, eyes sparking. "And I love that idea! Nyncelot can come back!! Ooooooooooooooh master we have to help please~!" Mami says, turning towards Kamui.

Now Kamui HAD to pretend to be thinking of refusing, just to make the other squirm. Of course, she was on board. This was an honourable way to bring back a loved one, and a respectable course of action overall. But the thing Kamui cared about the most was of course the chance for a good fight. Still, she made a show of hemming and hawing over the idea while Mami trembled in restraint. 

Then Kamui stared long and hard into Yu's eyes. This was sincere, not a show for Mami. She had to make sure Yu was not driven entirely by emotion, to see if there was desperation or even insanity. Because if that was the case, Kamui definitely did not want to get involved too deeply. But after almost a full minute of staring, Kamui seemed to have found what she needed out of Yu's returning stare. 

Leaning back into her chair, Kamui relaxed a bit. "Very well Direcor Yu. In this duel at least, you have my agreement. I consent to be your champion." Kamui states. "Then we may discuss further of this one participating in your battle against the void." She finishes off, though her aura may betray her eagerness.

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