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IV. Sword King's Bastion

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IV. Sword King's Bastion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:47 pm



Name: Sword King’s Bastion

Slot: Armor

Type: Full Plate

Class: Legendary

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: The Sword King’s Bastion is a part of the Sword King set that Ikazuchi devised during his time refining his swordsmanship. As a part of the same set, the armor is crafted from an alloy that utilizes the same unknown metal that the crown was fully forged from to maintain the mana formations while strengthening its physical defense. Through skillful manipulation of the mana formation within, Ikazuchi was able to replicate the unique mana barrier that the crown creates in a limited capacity, over the locations that naturally possess gaps in defense. The combination of mana and metal gave birth to the ideal defense, alongside the defensive formations established within as additional measures.

Measurements: The Sword King’s Bastion is a unique armor set designed to perfectly fit Ikazuchi’s body by himself. This means that the armor, while heavy, fits ideally without any inconveniences for mobility. The gaps that the item does possess are supplemented by the mana formations ingrained in the armor resulting in a full protection of the body.

Bonus and Drawbacks: +40 Strength, -60 Speed


Requirements: Ikazuchi


  • Synergy: Sword King’s Bastion is imbued with a mana formation that passively connects and lowers the cost of item spells by 10%.


  • Name: Kingsguard
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Sword King’s Bastion
    Type: Overcharged Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self/AoE
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Kingsguard is a unique spell designed by Ikazuchi prioritizing the safety of himself and his allies. It contains the firm will and sharpness of his swordsmanship causing its strength to be bolstered, while his innovative crafting has granted the spell layers of complexity not traditionally seen. This spell is activated by the user either crossing their weapons or arms causing a shimmering barrier to be created that coats the user with 4x S-rank Durability, but the user may also at activation choose to create a dome with a diameter of 16 meters to protect the user and anyone within the dome. Should the user already be sustaining the spell, they may spend 1,000 mana to instantly expand the spell into a dome and return it to full strength once per topic

  • Name: Sword Intent
    Rank: S+
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Sword King’s Bastion
    Type: Supplementary AoE Knockback
    Element: Arcane
    Range: self
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: Sword Intent is a unique spell created by Ikazuchi to draw in his will and experience to empower mana to burst outward in all directions. The spell is activated by swinging his sword or arm diagonally downward which then causes a burst of mana infused with his intent to push anyone back 8 meters with him as the epicenter. Anyone struck by this will be shrouded by the mana which will momentarily bind them for one post if knocked back.


IV. Sword King's Bastion Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:48 pm

Claiming with Adventurer Armor Expert Perk


IV. Sword King's Bastion Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:32 am

Ika has claimed the Sword king's Bastion.

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