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IV. Sword King's Crown

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IV. Sword King's Crown Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:43 pm



Name: Sword King’s Crown

Slot: Helmet

Type: Crown

Class: Legendary

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 3x S-Rank


Description: This is a crown carefully crafted by Ikazuchi with the intention of supporting his swordsmanship. It is formed of an unknown material he chanced upon during his travels that boasts extremely high mana conductivity and a high natural ability to maintain and repair mana passages that sustain the abilities attached. The aesthetic design is sleek and simplistic, closely resembling a silver ring that hugs most of his head comfortably with branches into multiple forks near his temples. This aesthetic choice was made for the sake of comfort and convenience during combat. The dense metal provides the natural weight required to consider the crown a heavy head piece, and the techniques used to craft it cause a protective cover to be created over the wearer’s head as long as the durability does not fall below a certain point by damaging either the cover or crown directly.

Measurements: As the crown was crafted directly for Ikazuchi, it perfectly fits snugly in a way that avoids discomfort and prevents it from being lost in battle.

Bonus and Drawbacks:: +50 Strength, -60 Speed


Requirements: Ikazuchi


  • Insight: The wearer of the crown is able to instinctively perceive and understand the nature of the spells that they observe being cast within 25 meters of them. As long as the wearer observes the gesture of the casting or magic seal, they will understand the type of spell being cast as well as the effects and enhancements modifying it.


  • Name: Mind Sword
    Rank: S++
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Insight
    Type: Defensive (Overcharged)
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The User unsheathes their sword causing the spell to activate and generate a magic seal behind their head and lay dormant until targeted by a specific spell-type. Should the user observe a spell that would automatically strike them being cast with the Insight effect, this defensive sword aura will trigger and cut through those attacks defensively blocking up to a total of 4x S-Rank Damage. During the dormant period after casting the spell does not cost Mana to sustain, but once triggered will result in Mana cost per turn should they wish to sustain it. This defensive spell only initially responds to effects that would otherwise instantly or automatically hit, including effects that cannot be avoided due to being topic-wide. After activation based on trigger conditions, the spell interacts like a normal defensive spell. This spell cannot be nullified.


IV. Sword King's Crown Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:46 pm

Claiming with Armor Expert perk from being Adventurer


IV. Sword King's Crown Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 3:32 am

Ika has claimed the Sword king's crown

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