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The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo]

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The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:03 pm

Eelzad stood at the entrance to the sewers beneath Orchidia, the faint smell of decay and stagnant water wafting up to greet him. He had taken on the quest to deal with the city's growing pest problem, and it was clear from the townspeople's desperation that this issue had been festering for far too long. Equipped with his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets and a lantern to light his way, Eelzad descended into the darkness.

The sewers were a labyrinth of tunnels and channels, the walls slick with moisture and the sound of dripping water echoing around him. He moved cautiously, his senses on high alert for any signs of movement. The occasional scurry of smaller rats indicated that he was in the right place, but Eelzad knew he was looking for something much larger—and far more dangerous.

As he ventured deeper into the sewer system, Eelzad began to notice signs of the giant rats. Chewed-through wooden beams, large claw marks on the walls, and piles of waste suggested that these creatures had made themselves quite at home. The stench grew stronger, a pungent mix of rot and filth that made it clear he was approaching their main nesting area.

"The smell is terrible..."

WC: 206


The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:06 pm

Eelzad paused at a junction in the tunnels, the flickering light of his lantern casting eerie shadows on the walls. He listened intently, trying to discern any unusual sounds over the constant dripping of water. It wasn't long before he heard it—a low, guttural growl followed by the unmistakable sound of something large moving through the muck.

He followed the sound, his steps careful and deliberate. The tunnel opened into a wider chamber, the floor littered with debris and refuse. In the dim light, Eelzad could make out the hulking shapes of the giant rats. They were much larger than their common counterparts, with matted fur, sharp teeth, and glowing eyes that reflected the lantern's light.

Eelzad steeled himself, knowing that he would need to act quickly and decisively. He activated his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets, feeling the familiar surge of magic course through him. The gauntlets glowed faintly, ready to channel his Ripple Magic into powerful attacks.

"Alright, let's do this," he muttered to himself, stepping forward into the chamber.

The giant rats noticed him immediately, their growls growing louder as they advanced. Eelzad wasted no time, launching a series of quick strikes with his gauntlets. The ripple-infused punches hit their mark, sending two of the creatures sprawling back with yelps of pain.

WC: 218
TWC: 424


The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:11 pm

After clearing out that nest, Eelzad descended further into the depths of Orchidia's sewer system, his steps echoing softly in the dimly lit tunnels. The air was thick with the stench of decay and stagnant water, making every breath a challenge. Eelzad pushed forward, his determination to solve the city's pest problem unwavering.

As he ventured deeper, the signs of the giant rats became more apparent. Chewed-through wooden beams, large claw marks on the walls, and piles of waste indicated that these creatures had made the sewers their domain. Eelzad paused occasionally, listening for any sounds that might guide him to their nest.

After several minutes of careful exploration, Eelzad's keen senses picked up on something unusual. The faint, eerie glow of demonic energy lingered in the air, a telltale sign that something more sinister was at play. He followed the trail, his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets glowing faintly in response to the dark energy.

Rounding a corner, Eelzad entered a large chamber filled with debris and refuse. The smell here was nearly overwhelming, a pungent mix of rot and filth. His eyes scanned the room, and he spotted several giant rats scurrying about, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light.

WC: 204
TWC: 628


The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 8:19 pm

Eelzad's attention was drawn to a particularly large rat, distinguishable not just by its size but by the malevolent aura it emitted. This rat seemed to be directing the others, its eyes glowing with an eerie, demonic light. The sight confirmed Eelzad's suspicions—this creature had been touched by a demon and mutated, gaining both size and intelligence as a result.

"Looks like I've found the source of the problem,"
Eelzad muttered to himself, his resolve hardening. He knew that defeating this demon-touched rat would be key to breaking the aggressive coordination of the others.

As he approached, the giant rat let out a guttural growl, its eyes locking onto Eelzad with malevolent intent. The smaller rats responded immediately, moving to intercept him. Eelzad activated his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets, feeling the familiar surge of Ripple Magic course through him. The gauntlets glowed with a soft blue light, ready to channel his power.

"Alright, let's see what you're made of," Eelzad said, his voice steady.

The battle began with a flurry of movement. Eelzad dodged and weaved through the smaller rats, delivering precise, powerful blows that sent them sprawling. Each punch was infused with Ripple Magic, the light energy burning through the rats' flesh and dispersing their demonic influence.

Despite his efforts, the numbers were overwhelming, and Eelzad found himself constantly on the defensive. The giant rat, meanwhile, watched with calculating eyes, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Eelzad knew he needed to take it down to disrupt the pack's coordination.

WC: 258
TWC: 886


The Giant Rat Issue [Eelzad/C-rank/Solo] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:07 pm

"Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" he shouted, his fist glowing with radiant light as he charged at the leader rat.

The giant rat met his attack head-on, its demonic aura flaring in response. The clash was intense, but Eelzad's Ripple Magic proved stronger. His punch connected with the rat's head, sending a shockwave through the chamber. The leader rat let out a final, pained screech before collapsing, its body disintegrating into ash and shadows.

With their leader defeated, the remaining rats scattered, their aggressive behavior dissipating. Eelzad took a moment to catch his breath, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He knew there was still work to be done to prevent this from happening again.

Examining the area where the leader rat had fallen, Eelzad found traces of demonic energy lingering in the air. It was clear that the rat had been corrupted by a demon, its mutation a result of dark influence. This discovery only reinforced the importance of his mission.

Eelzad spent the next few hours methodically clearing out nests, sealing off entry points, and identifying areas where food and waste had accumulated, attracting the pests. He also took samples of the demonic residue to report back to the Rune Knights, knowing that understanding the source of the corruption would be crucial in preventing future infestations.

WC: 220
TWC: 1000

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