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Blue Spirit Mysteries [Eelzad/Solo/D-Rank]

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Blue Spirit Mysteries [Eelzad/Solo/D-Rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:14 pm

Eelzad walked through the bustling streets of Orchidia, his destination the local bar where he was supposed to meet Dex Miller. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden hue over the city. Eelzad had heard of Dex Miller, the man who fancied himself a real detective after an accident ten years ago. Despite his delusions, Dex had called for help regarding a strange entity near the Orchidia River, and Eelzad was curious to see what this was all about.

As he entered the dimly lit bar, Eelzad spotted Dex immediately. The man was striking a dramatic pose, leaning against the bar with a glass of whiskey in his hand, looking every bit the noir film detective he believed himself to be. Eelzad approached, noting the hint of fear in Dex's otherwise confident demeanor.

"Dex Miller?" Eelzad said, extending his hand. "I'm Eelzad Kors. You put out a request for help?"

WC: 153
TWC: 153/500


Blue Spirit Mysteries [Eelzad/Solo/D-Rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:21 pm

Dex turned to him, eyes narrowing as if assessing a potential ally in his imaginary detective world. "Ah, the mage has arrived. Good timing, Eelzad. I've got a real case on my hands this time." He took a swig of whiskey, then leaned in closer. "It's a blue ball by the river. Big, glowing, and... sinister. It made me feel things, emotions I couldn't explain. Anger, sadness... It has to be the culprit behind my latest case."

Eelzad nodded, trying to take Dex seriously despite the bizarre nature of his claims. "Alright, Dex. Let's go check it out."

The two made their way to the Orchidia River as the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving the city in twilight. By the time they reached the riverbank, night had fully settled in, and the only light came from the moon and the occasional streetlamp. Eelzad could feel a strange energy in the air, and as they approached the spot Dex had indicated, he saw it—a large, blue ball of light spinning and hovering above the ground.

Dex fell silent, his earlier bravado replaced by a palpable tension. The blue ball was mesmerizing, its light casting an ethereal glow on the surrounding area. Eelzad felt an inexplicable pull towards it, an urge to touch the ball and see what secrets it held. Cautiously, he extended his hand.

WC: 230
TWC: 383/500


Blue Spirit Mysteries [Eelzad/Solo/D-Rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:29 pm

As soon as his fingers made contact with the light, a vision engulfed him. He saw a memory, vivid and surreal—a person he was certain had died long ago, alive and well, smiling at him. The scene was so real, it made his heart ache with a mix of joy and confusion. Before he could process what he was seeing, the blue ball emitted a powerful force, throwing both Eelzad and Dex backward.

Eelzad landed hard on the ground, the impact knocking the wind out of him. He managed to sit up, slightly dazed, and saw Dex lying unconscious a few feet away. He quickly crawled over to him, checking for a pulse and breathing a sigh of relief when he found both.

"We need to get you to a hospital,"
Eelzad muttered, lifting Dex over his shoulder and starting the trek back to the city.

As he stumbled through the streets, a figure approached them. It was Dacol Lubex, an important figure in Orchidia. "What happened here?" Dacol asked, his tone urgent but calm.

Eelzad explained the situation as Dacol helped him carry Dex to the nearest hospital. The medical staff quickly took over, and Eelzad found himself sitting in the waiting room, replaying the vision in his mind. The memory had been so real, yet he couldn't shake the feeling that it was a fabrication of the blue ball.

After some time, Dex began to stir, slowly waking up. Eelzad and Dacol were by his side as he regained consciousness.

WC: 254
TWC: 637


Blue Spirit Mysteries [Eelzad/Solo/D-Rank] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:10 pm

"Dex, are you alright?" Eelzad asked, his concern genuine.

Dex blinked, his eyes focusing on Eelzad and then on Dacol. "The blue ball... it showed me things... things I can't explain," he murmured.

Dacol nodded, his expression thoughtful. "We need to understand what this entity is and why it affects people this way. Dex, tell us everything you saw."

As Dex recounted his experience, Eelzad felt a sense of unease. The vision he had seen still lingered in his mind, and he couldn't help but wonder about its significance. He knew there were more questions than answers at this point, but for now, his priority was ensuring Dex's recovery.

"Thank you, Eelzad," Dacol said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll take it from here. You've done a great service tonight."

Eelzad nodded, feeling a mix of relief and lingering confusion. As he left the hospital and made his way back to his lodgings, he couldn't shake the image of the person from his vision.

"Who was that?"

WC: 178
TWC: 815

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