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Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid]

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Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

Her body ached, the nature of just why it was that this was happening still a complete and utter mystery to her. Yet it agonized her to not be aware, to not be sure of just why it was that her power seemed empty. It made no sense. She had gained massive power, the capability of stealing Magic itself, the capability to siphon away life. And she had used it, much to her delight and the dismay of those whom had suffered from it. Yet, there was something wrong now. Why did her power not work? Why was she not able to absorb power further? It should have worked, yet it was not.

She looked to the man before her, a man whom had failed to pay his debts to Phantom Lord, bound and gagged, secured tightly to a seat, chains bounding him utterly and absolutely. He trembled in panic, having seen Astrid just absorb the life force of the man that was once beside him. Yet, as he looked, terrified that he would be next, she simply looked at her hand, wondering why it failed to work.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

There was no reason for her to believe that it should not have worked. It was perfectly fine just a short time ago. She watched as the it glowed bright, the throat of the man whom she kept her hand wrapped around glowing as well while his skin became deformed, gaunt, almost like that of a corpse, until eventually all of the life escaped his body. In a short time, it was nothing more than a corpse bound to a seat, much like that of the two others that were caught. All of them condemned to the same fate, and she wanted to see the life leave them as she did it all herself. There were members who insisted on helping, but she wanted to teach them a lesson personally.

It wasn’t enough that they were to die. Anyone could kill a person. But there were few that were able to send a message after the fact. Everyone who would stumble upon these bodies would know that it was Phantom Lord who did it. She wanted them to realize just what that meant though.

And yet, it was seeming that only two of them would suffer the fate she desired of them.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

“Why are you still alive?” She called out as the man trembled, crying something beneath the gag within his mouth. Once again, he felt the squeezing upon her throat, Astrid’s grip tightening, tightening and tightening hoping to see the glow. She looked like a drug addict staring down their next fix, her eyes desperately wanting to see the glow again. She wanted to feel the sensation of life escaping this man and enter her own. It was intoxicating, and yet it was not working. She held tight, waiting until the man’s face began to turn colors, becoming blue, his eyes bloodshot, a small bit of spit escaping out of the corners of his lips beyond that of what the gag could contain.

After this for a short time, she released her grip and pulled away, screaming out in frustration as the man coughed, struggling as the gag remained securely fastened. It had been looser, but the cries had gotten on Astrid’s nerves. Securing it was a better solution, and though it certainly made the man’s circumstances less than ideal, Astrid wasn’t too terribly concerned.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

Another hour, and progress had hardly changed. There was no difference in her circumstances, albeit her body beginning to find itself succumbing to exhaustion. It took a lot of effort to attempt to strangle someone over and over and over again, without having any benefit of a break, nor food or water. It did not help either that she had been awake for nearly a day already, the arrival of these lawbreakers having been something that was unplanned, undesired. At least, now it was becoming undesirable.

At first, Astrid was elated at the chance of dealing with these people, these fools who thought that they could interfere with Phantom Lord and just have nothing happen. No, that was a key mistake on their part. Iblis may have been gone, but people seemed to have mistaken his departure with the idea that there was nobody in charge of the Guild. She sought to make sure that they understood that, and two corpses certainly was a telling message. But she wanted three. It was a perfect number in this case, and the message would be all the more clear too.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

Another few hours and still no more progress had been made. Still, for as much as she tried and struggled, she was not able to drain the vitality of the man, his body barely able to cry at this point. He was exhausted, his breathing was heavy, out of pain and out of the soreness of his throat, having been repeatedly choked over and over again, to the point where even as much as he may have sought to protest and wish that the situation was different, he knew there was nothing that he could do. Through exhausted eyes, he stared at Astrid, seeing her frustration taking place as her own footing seemed erratic.

It was far more than her simply being tired. She was exhausted. How she would have loved a chance to rest, to have some water to drink. Anything. But now at this point, it was no longer even about killing this man. His death was certain.

No, the bigger challenge was that she still could not steal his vitality, something that she had to figure out before anything.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:48 pm

By the time the sixth hour had run by, she had barely taken to strangling the man any further. There wasn’t much point. She knew that he would not die, as much as he would have wished to have happened. And she also wouldn’t have gotten what she wanted. Neither of them would be happy. He remained in the seat, his body motionless, whatever strength that may have been within him was all but lost. All that he wished for would have been to die, to give him the reprieve he desperately wanted.

And for her, she simply sat there against the wall of the underground dungeon, her eyes struggling to stay awake as she looked out, her focus shifting at times between not only the man bound and her hand, her mind still struggling to understand. It made no sense. None of this did. And yet she had no reason to explain why it was not working.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:49 pm

Sleep had still yet to take her. She was awake despite desperately wanting to rest, but she was unwilling to. Unwilling to allow the man a chance to see her resting. It was as much of a defeat as she could have rationalized and thought to herself. What if he may have survived the night, to awaken and see that she was resting? And then worse yet, what if he were to have passed away then. If she were to have awoken and see that the man was dead? The thought tore into her skull, something that she would be unwilling to ever allow.

She would sooner seek out the aid of a necromancer and force the man back to life if only to deny him such a pleasure. That was something that she was absolute towards, but it would not matter because this man was going to die.

Getting to her feet, she winced as the exhaustion began to take hold of her, her body as much wanting to shut down and rest, being unable to, unwilling to allow herself a chance to rest. It took a moment, but she proceeded towards the man, noticing that fortunately he was still alive.

Just barely, but he was still alive.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:49 pm

“You may think you’re winning. You may think that you’re going to be OK, but you won’t be. You will die. That I promise you.” She expected a response, some muffled kind of cry or something, but it did not happen. There was just silence from the man. She took his chin within her grasp, another hand coming down and slapping him hard, the sound echoing throughout the room, yet the force was surprisingly weak. She was tired, more than even what she realized. Just to be able to stand was a struggle for her and yet she was still there trying to get him to respond or otherwise simply acknowledge her.

As long as he was alive, that was all that mattered. But as time went, the more she tried to coax a reaction, the more she tried to drain the vitality from the man, there was nothing that happened, other than time further passing. After a while, which could have been a few hours or a few minutes from what she could tell, she stopped again. She tried to get a response, only to notice nothing coming from the man. No reaction, no movement. Any efforts to have him hold his body upright utterly failed.

For a moment, she was worried. Worried that death had finally claimed him.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:49 pm

She desperately sought trying to get some sort of response out of the man, and yet there was nothing at all that was working. She cried out in frustration, using what little energy she had left to throw the man backwards, the Magic chains that held him in place snapping loose at her command, causing the chair to release and get launched backwards, the back of the man’s skull smashing against the hard stone floor with a heavy thud as blood, bone, and brain matter splattered all around the ground.

Her footing gave way, exhaustion nearly taking her herself as she slumped down to the ground, adrenaline and hatred driving her and being the only things that seemed to keep her upright. Death would not claim her. Not yet. But exhaustion was certainly trying and it had nearly succeeded. It would not be long before death made its appearance too if she were not careful. But within the dungeon, she seemed to have been alone.


Death Tarot [Topic: Astrid] Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:50 pm

The sound of the door opening was one of the last things she seemed to have noticed, her assistant Sia along with multiple other members of Phantom Lord having entered inside, immediately coming to Astrid’s aid. They helped up the woman, Astrid barely having the strength to stand on her own, her eyes struggling to remain open as she looked to Sia seeing the terrified look upon her face and responding only with a weak smile, one that seemed more forced than anything. It was clear that whatever had happened here had been too much. She had obsessed over why the vitality drain failed to the point that she nearly had killed herself in her fit of exhaustion. It was a fortunate thing really, that Sia and company were able to get to her before that happened.

However, it was a worrisome thing, and she feared that even though she wanted to know more as to why it took place, she doubted she would be able to accurately figure out why. At least for now.


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