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Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫)

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Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:47 am


Name: Rhea Alvarez
Age: 23
Height: 5'10
Eye Color: Varies
Pronouns: She
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Ethnicity: Stellan | ???
  • Rune Knight (Private)
  • Dragon Slayer

Magic: First Generation: Light Dragon Slayer
Class: Berserker
Race: Half-Elf | Half-???
Rank: A-Rank
Guild: Rune Knights
Tattoo: Lower Back [Gold]
Relationship: -


Rhea Alvarez is a true wild spirit, known for her free-spirited nature and fierce determination. She’s caring, strong-headed, and has a stubborn streak that makes it hard for her to take no for an answer. When Rhea sets her mind on something, she doesn’t stop until she gets it done. To her, a person’s word is everything; once she finds that she's been lied to, it's difficult for her to look at a person the same way. Crossing her leads you nowhere, because she becomes as spiteful as can be.

Rhea thrives on adventure and loves the thrill of discovering new things. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty, whether she’s digging for artifacts or tackling a challenging task. Her confidence is infectious, and she takes immense pride in her heritage, which she wears like a badge of honor. Her pride in her cultural roots is a big part of who she is. She values her traditions and is deeply connected to her family’s history. Such is the reason why she has so much mistrust of colonizers and is driven to protect her homeland from further exploitation.

Despite her tough exterior, Rhea has a gentle side, especially when it comes to animals. She has a natural affinity for them and treats them with kindness and care. The same side is shown to kids, and elderly folk. Although she may come off as standoffish, Rhea's mother always taught her to respect. Ultimately, Rhea lives life on her own terms. She’s guided by her own principles and desires, making her a force to be reckoned with. Her blend of strength, compassion, and a free spirit make her a unique and unforgettable young woman; a warrior at heart, always ready for her next adventure.



  • The Immortal Sun: An ancient artifact in legend and whispered about only in tales, Rhea wants to be the first in her family to uncover its secrets. In the world of Stellan treasure hunters, the quest for this artifact is about more than ambition for power. It is their ultimate prize, akin to the Holy Grail. To discover the Immortal Sun would not only elevate Rhea's status but also solidify her family's legacy within the annals of Stellan history.

  • Stella: Rhea is a proud Stellan, driven by a deep desire to grow stronger in order to protect her homeland and her loved ones. She is unwavering in her resolve to prevent colonizers from stealing more land and threatening the existence of her family.

  • Her Father: She has no name, no image, no clue about who her father is, but she is determined to uncover the truth


  • Claustrophobia: Having been raised in the wild, tight spaces have always triggered her panic, to the point where she can barely function or think straight.

  • Noscomephobia:  Hospitals give her anxiety, mainly because they're a foreign concept to her. Back home, healing comes through time, the natural environment, or magic.

Last edited by Rhea on Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:55 pm; edited 2 times in total


Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:23 pm



Name: First Generation Dragon Slayer Magic: Light

Element: Light

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


  • The user has an enhanced smell that allows them to smell anyone within a 25 meter radius. They can only associate the smell to someone if they have smelled them before in a topic. The user can't pinpoint their location to fight blindly. It simply tells them that whoever they are smelling is within a 25 meter radius.


  • Moderate Light Resistance: The user receives a Moderate Resistance versus Light.


  • None


  • The user can not purchase the Spell Overcharge offensive spell type enhancement.


  • The user must be a starter race.


  • Name: Consumption
    Rank: D-S
    Mana Cost: ~
    Requirements: Light Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 1 Meter
    Cooldown: None
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user opens their mouth towards an Offensive-type spell that is 1 meter within their range to consume it. The spell dematerializes into mana and is inhaled and consumed by the user. These spells must be of the same element as the respective element of the slayer magic. If the user consumes a spell that has another element combined with it, the damage or effect of the spell will be applied for the portion. Upon consuming a spell that is ranked equal or lower than the user, the user will receive the mana that was spent to cast the spell. Should a user try to consume a spell that is one rank higher than them they must instead pay mana equal to the amount used to cast the spell to consume it. Spells that are at least two ranks higher than the user require double the amount of mana to consume.




Rhea Alvarez | Sheet (♫) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 8:21 am







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