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Old Friends: The Spine [Epic]

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Old Friends: The Spine [Epic] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 11:51 am

It made sense to him to relocate the mindrache caraveneers to somewhere more within his control; more guards. More resolute natures; moving to era and the central city took time and patience. Time they had, patience they had. There was no time limit; the caravan would go where it felt like and it felt like being safe. Cozied in the halls of the rune knight hq and blessed by the time to gather themselves. Saturn stood sleepless by the window as he reflected on his choices to take them away from the rune knight outpost. It was a good idea; a sound idea. They didn’t know what to do and he had offered them some semblance of order.

He had spoken with the elders, the ones that made it difficult to really move forward aside from moving them away from the outpost and into safety. He was just glad that they didn’t lose anyone during the travel. With them now being in central the options blossomed; he was able to get them equipment, weapons and armor easily. It was a strange sight to see. But it was one he was glad about; little claws grasped the hilts of swords. Armored visages stared out at him; he could already tell they were going to be a little difficult to train.

They always had to fight upwards; so he’d take the form of something they’d no doubt be able to handle a little easier than his massive frame. A standard human, blond billowing hair, a soft smile, easy laid back eyes. His knight uniform changed along with him and he’d stand there holding a sword in one hand. Not his chosen weapon but sleeping dragon would be too much for them.

Seven trainees wouldn’t be a problem, he was hoping for more and honestly had even expected some of the rune knights to want to include themselves. But alas they didn’t have the time. Sighing softly the rune knight adjusted himself a bit and motioned for the first mindrache to take a swing at him, they stumbled and weren’t used to the armor they were wearing. Tilting his head saturn realized that they’d need to get used to that first.

So he’d set them about to run, jump, climb and the like in the armor with one another. Doing exercises; floundering at first. It’d take time, time they had. No one would attack them here. So as the weeks started to go by saturn saw improvement in their movements; they were a bit more fluid with the heavy nature of metal upon scales. He wasn’t doing this to make them wear the armor but something lighter that would let them move swiftly. Smirking as they were now wearing armor better fitted for their smaller frames. Leather and some plating or mail here or there. They moved a lot better. It was like his armor in design although much of it was a bit more… Compact.

Taking up that sword again for the first time in weeks saturn would test each of them; their reflexes, aptitude and spirit. Some fared better than others and well.. Others didn’t fare well at all. He’d ponder the difference, some were gold, the most excessive and lazy, the silver and copper were easy to handle. Bronze and red seemed to be problematic as they had tempers. The only one that seemed ‘off’ was the green mindrache who wasn’t entirely suited to armor or weapons directly. Maybe he’d be better with magic?

More training, more long days followed by long nights. Saturn barely slept; his eyes tracing around the headquarters. No one knew who he was in this form; just some trainer of some kind? He didn’t tell people he was the colonel, just a friend of them. A lie to keep the mindrache safe; the less attention he grabbed the better. He hated lying to the people that worked under him but he had to be careful now; knowing that there were some that would leap at the opportunity to earn easy money.

As the mindrache got better the rune knight armorers and trainers seemed to spring forward. Eager to help and eager to please the unknown knight. They tried to make small talk with saturn and he’d have to play the part of a man that no one recognized. He was from a distant outpost; one that didn’t really warrant keeping anymore. He was experienced and that was all that matter; things they accepted. They were happy to help the mindrache and happier to accept the coin.

Could he trust them? Saturn’s eyes traced through the faces as they worked hand and hand. Saturn felt like he should but something didn’t sit right. He’d have to be careful; careful for the people under his care. Sighing softly he’d go through another day, he slept a few hours but didn’t feel tired. He’d stand in front of the window again; watching the green mindrache train with the red. The both of them had been friends for ages and were easy to work with when paired together. A warrior and mage type guard. It’d make things a little more varied and harder to address.

Smart really.

The knight trainers stepped into high gear, having them train in heavier instances of armor. Heavier instances of weapons; the mages would drain the mindrache mage; helping him deepen his mana pool. It was thankfully not something that would go out of line and out of sight. Saturn’s training was a reprieve as he taught them foundations of things he had learned from others paving the way for success to the knights themselves. He could feel the work with each swing; they were getting the hang of things now and they likely made it so that the mindrache were physically stronger. Magically stronger. Saturn was sure that the training would help.

Near the end there was a few hiccups; a few missed days, a few injuries that made him question the legitimacy of the knights training them. It felt like a trap; too easy. Too simple. He’d furrow his brows and the human form found itself a more flat view of it’s mouth. Not a frown; but not happy either. He’d fold his arms and after a little bit he’d chuckle.

They’re fools to think that the mindrache wouldn’t be able to outstrip them…


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