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unfortunates and more [nq]

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unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:35 pm

Tachibana no Momiji - the Momo, as he called himself - was all the rage within Baska's tournament circuit; and this could be taken in many entendre, for his ... 'fanbase', for lack of better or inequal terms, was split. Down the middle. He inspired a certain level of passion in the commonfolk and the people that fight for their entertainment or sorrows. It couldn't really be held against them. As with most things, the center of the problem returned to Momiji, and he it's storm's eye. Even now, scampering his way up the hill to the hanging locale of his fellow finest, he had a peculiarity about him. Something that drove him and gleamed back in incalculable green.

It wasn't illegal to kill on tournament grounds, especially in matters of intense bouts where fight or flight acts on instinct or your opponent is the one playing dirty and pushing you to that point -- but it is frowned on, and unliked by many, and moreso did Momiji offer no excuse with his swift dismantling of each opponent. He never even spared a glance after their defeat, and he returned to his usual - manic - cadence within moments, unsettling and discomforting the people around him. His only remaining ally seemed to be the trusty receptionist; and she wasn't given much of a choice, in her position, her face tired by the sorts that hung about.

Even a tempest was a breath of fresh air.

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:46 pm

It wasn't that he particularly enjoyed killing. It just wasn't an easy feeling to parse; and he enjoyed that part. He liked not knowing what it meant. He liked thinking about it in a way that meant he didn't think about it at all; he understood, he didn't, he'd mull it over just to shrug and swallow it down with a giggle. How much sorrow could divinity spare for the mortals that crawled around the dirt of its garden? He had no use for broken toys. If someone was laid so low ... wiped away by the flick of his wrist, how much could they matter? How much impact would they have had, anyway? They obviously didn't mean anything to him. And if they didn't mean anything to Momiji ...

He'd sprawl his arms and a cheeky grin against the hard, cold wood of the receptionist's desk in the waiting room, humming to himself in a happy sway of his head. His cheeks alternated against the chill, only opening his eyes when the push of the papers met his hand and he had to paw around for the offered quill. "Hai hai, Momo's all ready~" And that was the sum of his offer to her, earning a headshake and a sigh that Momiji found more amusing that insulting. He'd only grin broader.

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:51 pm

Truth being told for this time around, he wasn't here entirely on his own whims. He had built quite the reputation in the streets and his nature - seemingly untouchable, absolutely unknowable (if, rather, more impossible to keep up with rather that understand) - lent itself fantastically for forces with both more nefarious and more noble purposes. It was rare he was faced with moral conundrum; decisions to be made, which contracts to take, especially with his little time spent in Fiore thus far ... but it also didn't earn his interest to decide, so his sidhe did for him. Momiji didn't care what he did as long as he enjoyed it, and the darker the things he was offered to do, the more his body naturally responded with excitement.

It'd flash in his eyes and grow like a parasite. That decision was made for him, and this job was a simple request despite its seedy connections. All they needed was Momiji to put someone down, like he's done before and would have likely done again regardless. He wasn't too noble to turn down free money. The catch was thus: he needed to fall a bracket, so he'd have to throw a fight to get to the target. This guy was more of an underdog ... but he'd find himself in the tiger's territory soon enough.

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:56 pm

Momiji had never thrown a fight - he had never even lost a fight, nor had he gotten close. This was true in both the arena and his life so far; he didn't pick anything he couldn't win, and he ended instantly any altercations he started. He was a quick shot. Prolonging something to being so much as hit ... it was unsightly. He was raised better than that. He was meant to rule, to have, to succeed; an inherent truth, regardless of where it had come from and what it had become. He had all the tools to do so.

He also had none of the fear or caution that generally came with positions of authority. He enjoyed the risks. He leaned into them. What would it feel like to hurt, he wondered? To die? It was an absurdity in the humor it offered - a comedy, because he thought himself so factually above life and death and the shell of either. It didn't cross his mind he could die, so it became a thought experiment. It became teasing his senses. A complete lack of anxiety. He'd continue to twiddle at the edge until he came crashing down ... and now, for the first time, he was given an opportune chance to see what being hurt felt like.

He'd take his first match with a grin and wiggle of his fingers, skipping off with that shiny steel gun still holstered.

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:01 pm

It was harder than expected to surrender yourself totally to another's rage. He reacted on instinct, narrowing his eyes and going so far as to pout in the middle of the staged fight; a well-built, if not quite brutish, man was taking swings with his own sense of determination in the eyes that fell like deep mud on Momiji's own. He had to fight himself to not shine brighter than their cast. He bit his lip, his own gaze troubled with confusion and an effort that had nothing to do with his part in the battle. He couldn't stand still ... he couldn't throw himself into the line of the punch ... he just kept his hands at his sides and swerved with his general jitteriness through the air.

The man across from him had begun to exhibit signs of exhaustion and he felt his eyes widen, an exasperated lilt to his expression. "No, no --" He whined, itching to take his shot at the tiring prey ... and instead giving one last hobbled hop back, throwing up his arm and waving his hand in the air amidst a missed blow. Red-faced annoyance shown back at him. "Momo surrenders! Momo's sleepy! Let Momo go, oh please, please! Uwaaa!"

It was effective, if startling to the crowd and his opponent both -- but one rule did remain enforced in these tournaments, and that was a cessation of combat after a clear loss on either side. Momiji properly conceded and was given leave to run away with his trail of giggles leaving utmost confusion in his wake.

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

unfortunates and more [nq] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:06 pm

The plan played out perfectly, despite the bump and the road and an exhaustion that hung more mentally than physically on Momiji's scrawny frame. He fixed his dapper attire, smoothing it out from the wrinkles and dust that collected on his incessant dodging, and shook his hands out in the air to wring away the energy that had taken hold in them. He didn't handle inaction well. He didn't have to wait for long - he was assigned the titular bout for today's excursion quickly, and he'd take his urges out in the coming frustration. Next time - he'd demand a champion as his contract. Momiji didn't wear loss well.

The man he was placed against fought better with his chips down, but Momiji didn't take his chips; he ate them when he wasn't looking, popping up around the arena grounds like a particularly manic prairie dog. This was a problem of money for money. He had borrowed jewels from the wrong people and hadn't performed well enough to win them back; and now, in his usual spectacular passion, Momiji put him down with an execution between his eyes. It was distasteful to kill someone from the back in honored combat, after all.

To the victor, as always.

[ 1384 / 1350 (10% Monopoly) ]

unfortunates and more [nq] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

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