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medicare [quest]

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medicare [quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:32 pm

He wanted to lick the medicine so bad. It rattled around in its little baggy, daring him to slip one from its packaging and see how many colors he would taste if he spilled it onto his waiting tongue. If he tried both at once, would he discover a new one, maybe? He hadn't experienced such temptation yet. He hadn't last had medicine since ... since, well -- and he lost his appetite for the little white pills, his lips turning over each other in a short grimace beat down by the furrow of his brow.

He'd stare straight ahead with those unsettled green eyes, digging emeralds into sifting dirt for their little gems of kin: he had to find two people, each claiming a different of these two prescriptions, and send them on their way content and hopefully less crazy. He could only assume their use. This was what Gerard, an alleged passing doctor, had called to him for help; but he had told Momiji he was in fine, upstanding health, and Momiji had taken that as praise to his physique and acquiesced to any request.

medicare [quest] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

medicare [quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:38 pm

They hadn't spent much time in the man's office, but his panicked state of affairs - or, rather, perhaps just a haggard sort (Momiji couldn't fathom the level of responsibility Gerard had for his patients, nor did he care, but he did like when he was told he looked nice and capable) led Momiji to today's mini adventure without much more aplomb. He was an official mage, wasn't he? The legality of his guild's status didn't seem to matter much to the people of Baska; Guardia Compagnia was positively regarded, and Momiji lifted his shirt often as his get-out-of-trouble-free-card. Being Neutral was better than being 'Dark', the little freak was learning. It was good to do things like this for the people sometimes. It made them like him.

And who wouldn't like Momiji if they were given a little more time with him, right? So he found himself in a throng of people going about their ways down the street, holding crinkled containers of tempting goods in both paws, and he'd lift them higher to glance between them until he settled on his plan. He decided to approach this simply enough. However was he meant to find either party with so many people, and so little hours in the day, and other things he wanted to do with his time? Poor, poor Momiji, won't someone think of his efforts?

There were addresses on the package that he couldn't actually read, but he could sound out the names phonetically and start to maniacally yell them until passersby took pity on him. He'd switch from plaintive, confused wailing to giddy enthusiasm and gratitude in a switch, flitting about the town and finishing the job with the myriad of assistance offered to him along the way. Nothing was too hard when you didn't do it alone! That's the power of friendship!

[ 492 / 450 (10% Monopoly) ]

medicare [quest] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

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