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Hip Hop (open 2 PD)

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#1Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:44 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Earan started their day off with their normal routine of making choreography followed by tuning up all the various instruments they had been slowly teaching themselves as they had started to realize that their magic might be closely related to their own knowledge of musical instruments. All they could hear was the sound of slightly off-key guitar as they twisted and plucked the strings ever so slightly There we go… he thought as now it was perfectly tuned. The musicians made their way to the shower and then got ready for the day. Before they set foot outside their room Earan quickly checked themself in the mirror to ensure that their hair was in top form in case they encountered anyone of interest.

Making their way to the main hall he gathered all the air they could contain in their lungs and shouted "HELLO IS ANYONE AROUND? ITS YA BOY E.C?" Even though yelling wasn't something that went against musician law for them it was a great way to wake up the voice. Everything was going rather well until this moment Maybe I shouldn't have shouted I'm sure they have other matters to attend to, all the various excuses the others could come up with had started to flood into their mind.

Even though the guild had been rather active they haven't really taken the time to really get to know a selected few but that's what being a star tries to pull double duty. “Could I have gotten on their bad sides during one of my practice days?” a thought that was vocalized as they thought


Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 9:27 pm

A tall well built man heard the screaming and he walked over to the area that they yelling had come from and he wondered what was going on and why they were yelling as well as who and eeecee is. The tall man looked at the man that was there were the sound of the yelling had come from and he looked at him with a bit of a narrowed eyes and he is trying to think if he knows this person or not and if they are new or a guest to the guild like his brother is some times when Yuurei invites him or he invites himself to wonder the guild and see the little ones.

Emil spoke with a questioning tone. "Why are you yelling is there a problem or something that you need to have handled or do you need something?" Emil walked closer and he reached a hand out in case this person was after some kind of greeting or something as he was going to guess a new member of the guild and he doesn't want to scare him or get on the wrong side of them.

#3Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 11:37 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
"Oh, Mr. Emil! Just the person I wanted to see today!" they quickly grabbed their hand with both of their own and shocked it repeatedly as they processed what had been said. Even though they had been on tour for roughly a month or so surely everyone didn't forget about them so quickly? "No, I do not need anything I just thought I spend some time with my guildmates now that all my shows for the month have finished." was it really that odd for such an excentric guild to be someone like Earan in it and not have weird events such as this take place. It felt as though Emil's aura always gave Fun Uncle vibes but that was mostly when they would on occasion pass each other, though telling them such a thing would be far too embarrassing and would more than likely creep them out. 

Feeling that they had been holding hands for much longer than any handshake should the awkwardness started to set in as they released their mate's hand. Oh man that was close, they thought taking a few steps back before speaking "Lets take a walk around the guild!" with a soft smile they awaited the response of the Tall yet somewhat styleish man. Earan rocked back and forth thinking about a certain surprise they had been trying to fit into the schedule for some time now, Examining his friend they could tell that they were rather one-tracked-minded but something deeper was going on.


Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:59 am

Emil blinked as this man shook his hand so enthusiastically and for so long he was not sure what this persons deal was or for what reason they were acting like they were but he guessed that it couldn't be helped as this guild was filled with a lot of people that one would consider strange and not so much normal to others. "Uh just call me Emil no need for the mister part. You were looking for me? That has to be a first in guild history that someone was here looking for me. So we are guild mates okay." Emil didn't recall this person but that could just be that he was focused on something else when he crossed them before Emil wasn't going to dwell on it.

"Yeah a walk is fine, I guess. Any special places you looking to see like the hidden secret button that will destroy the guild hall if we are invaded?" Emil was testing this guy to see what he says as to Emil's knowledge there is no such thing in the guild and if they play along Emil knows that he might need to be on his guard as this guy could be an enemy and Emil is not really looking for a fight right now and it is a rest day.

#5Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 4:10 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
To say that they took slight offense to Emil not remembering them would have been an understatement, to say the least, but they couldn't really blame them for it at this point. I'll get you back for that Emil, he thought doing his best to keep their smile up while internally they wanted to beat him over the head with a microphone. That wasn't a very funny joke but I guess I'll just have to adjust to his humor, a suggestion that would be very beneficial later on with other members.

Earan turned around thinking about all the sections of the guild that they had only ever heard about but never actually visited as they were deemed none essential. "OH! I know two places that with spectacular views that are great for relaxing." Even though the locations they had in mind were semi-secret showing one member wouldn't be too much trouble. It wasn't that they had ignored the Thunder user's question but more so saw it as irrelevant given their current goal.  

Earan had already started walking at this point when a rather odd question had come to the forefront of their mind, that question being what is strong? a question that they had asked themself many times in the past but could never really settle on an answer maybe just maybe Emil could help them narrow down the possible answers for them or give them some insight on the matter but asking randomly would lead them nowhere "So Emil what kinda things do you like to do." as they asked they spun around on their heels like a child as they walked.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 5:33 am

Emil guessed he had nothing else to do today besides go with this man as the kids were off visiting with their uncle Kaito in his dimension. He was originally going to take a quest and earn some cold hard cash but he needs to make sure he builds bonds with his guildmates as he was seeming to be the annoying strong loner of the guild at this point even though he wasn't aiming to be that. "Lead away kid and we will see where you wanna go since you aren't telling me." He had started following behind the smaller man and he wondered where in the place were they going to be going and why.

He heard the mans question of what does he like to do and he blinks and nearly walked into the man who turned around like he had but Emil stopped himself from walking into the man. "Well training, taking care of my children, cleaning my gauntlets, doing quests. what do you like to do?" Emil had no idea about this man but he was going to attempt to make the best of this and hope it doesn't backfire in his face.

#7Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 10:04 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Earan was rather ecstatic to finally be interacting with his guilds but being referred to as a child didn’t sit well with him even though Emil most likely refers to most people younger than himself as such. “Oh Emil you’ve been around the block a few times right? Would you say your magic is hard to control.” even though everyone has a very different time with their magic but it seemed like all the summons currently under contract request far more of him than originally at the start of it all. The click-clacking of their shoes made a rather lovely rhythm through the secondary rhythm following behind it was troubled by something or they naturally had an odd tempo. 

As the question now turned to them the idol wasted no time in explaining “Oh me? I make up new dances, schedule my shows, and shelter stray kitties even though I'm somewhat allergic to them." Though most of what they said was a lie that was a different matter. 

At this point, they had made it to the stairs leading to the observatory. A place that not many really visited or at least from what he knew but information about the guild happenings was rather outdated. Forgetting just how much walking was involved in getting to this location he stopped to catch his breath as their work was finally catching up to them "Who designed this place?!" a question that was supposed to be an internal thought but it couldn't really be helped.


Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 11:45 am

Emil hearing the question from the man of if his magic was hard to control or not. Emil rubbed his chin and he thinks about lightning magic is one of the more wilder magi types or at least in his opinion. "Well lightning magic even at it's base is a wild magic with a mind of it's own but when you look to mine with it being a special magic as I have a far stronger type of lightning magic as I have a god soul type, yes there are times that I would say my magic is hard to control as if I use it in it's rawist form it doesn't care between friend and foe. Meaning I am the ultimate being on the battle field but I can take out foe as well as friend without my magic having a second thought."

Emil knows very well that his magic is strong and can turn the tide of battle in an instant but that turn can go both ways in his favor or against his favor. He needs to be careful how much he lets loose and how when he lets loose he controls it or that no one is in the area with him so he doesn't have to worry about frying his teammates on accident. Emil is confused to why someone that is allergic to cats would be sheltering them, or why the man likes sound like he is applying to a business and not talking to his guild mate in a friendly way.

Emil followed him and he sees the man is looking to climb the forever stairs. He had followed the man as these stairs are a good stamina training as they are sort of steep and they are sort of unforgiving. seeing the man slowing down and asking who designed this place Emil blinked. "I don't know for sure, but the rumor I heard said they were a bit off." It was only a rumor and Emil had no idea if it was true or not but he was just going to pass it on as he had heard it.

#9Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:58 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
'Ultimate being' the bravado of this man was almost on par with that of his father but part of him wanted to see the man in action with the way that they talked about their power surely they would have some merit to their words. Earan needed to be as confident as Emil if they were to become the master of INFINITY STAGE truly. Even though it was fairly obvious that Emil was a hard worker they really couldn't see the man helping out during a show unless he was their bodyguard but then again the summons contracted for that job would more than likely want to kill him if they found out they were being replaced.

"Well, they need to be locked away like forever! Oh hey were here." not realizing the conversation had led them to the top of the stairs the idol let out a small sigh of relief before popping back into position, meaning they were back to full energy and ready to show off his first relaxation spot. From the short time the two had been together it felt as though Earan didn't come any closer to understanding his guildmate at all.

The room was fairly big not too much decore was set up beside a small little section next to a window "Oh good its still here come one it's just over there!" they shouted grabbing Emil's hand and pulling them along like a child dragging their parent to a candy store. If the man pulled their hand away then Earan would simply point at and rush over to the window Maybe I'll get to learn something new about him with this! they thought bouncing around the spot with excitement.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:59 am

Emil followed behind the smaller man and had no real idea to what was going on or why it was going on but he knows that he still needed to be careful as he had already made enough trouble for people like that Azure guy who seemed to have just disappeared and it was a shame cause Emil liked them. Emil now wonders if Azure had been eaten by someone or maybe dragged away to be someone's plaything as that man was probably to weak and timid to even fight back against them.

Emil followed the man wondering why the man was getting so very excited for something that was up in this dusty disheveled area that nearly no one came to visit as the stairs were not worth the prize but some times Emil would climb them for training as they were a work out and a half and helped you really feel the burn in your legs and he felt his hand be taken by the other man like he was their father and that was a normal feeling from his own children grabbing his hands and dragging him along so he didn't pull back from the other man's hold on him as he wondered what was the rush and what was the thing he was to see. "What is it that you want me to look at ?" He looked to the man to wait for them to explain what it was he was to be seeing.

#11Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 6:29 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
"Well, if you crouch down and look a little to your right you can see something breath taking." if Emil followed the suggestion he would see a perfect view of a small terrarium-like area. Earan found it to be rather relaxing to look at when they found themself in a creative black hole. Earan didn't really see the harm in trying to understand the hulking mass of dense flesh but maybe the lens through which it was being done needed adjustments either way today's goal was to connect with a fellow guildmate and that's what they were going to do.

They waited to see if Emil would humor the Idol a bit and look, if they did look the excitement of the potential answer would show as they smiled and tapped their feet. Oh man, what is he gonna say!? They asked themself before crouching down and bouncing side to side like a child that's had one too many sweets for the day "So what do ya think pretty cool right?"

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 8:14 pm

Emil looked through it and he has no real idea what he is to be looking at but the other man seems super excited so Emil was going to have to play along so this guy doesn't feel too bad that Emil has no idea to why they are excited and he answers with an excited voice as well. "Yes it is very cool." He was bluffing but what the other man didn't know couldn't come back to bite Emil is the ass and he wasn't looking to have another Lumikki thing happen here as he was not looking to get into a fight because of him being a smart ass here.

Emil hoped that the man would buy the lie and do something about it but there was nothing that he could do outside of bluff cause he really had no idea what this man was on about before. "Is there anything else that you are wishing to show me?" He was hoping they could move on quickly so he didn't have to admit to this guy that he had not one clue as to what he had been on about or to why he was so excited about it.

#13Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 6:48 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
"You sound like my dad..." he muttered standing up right after Emil voiced his thoughts the Idol was slightly disappointed by their reaction then again what were they expecting from someone as this old but part of them still had faith that they would be able to wow them with the next location. It was odd that someone from the guild would remind them of a family member but it was also nice to know that they still remembered the simpler times, Earan turned around with his left hand over his heart as he started leaving the room.

As they walked they quickly snapped out of their fall down memory lane and spoke "Well if that one didn't restore some of your youth then the next one will do the trick that much I'm sure!" If the next place weren't enough for Emil then they would have to try and just spend more time with the old man to better understand them and retry later on.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:07 am

Emil looked at the man that just said he hoped that would have helped to get some of his youth back he was confused. "I am not that old and I am also a half elf so I have a lot of life ahead of me... How old do you think I am? I am only twenty nine years old bud." Emil was a fair bit insulted by the man saying that he was old cause he wasn't even thirty yet and he is in shape so he isn't really showing signs of aging like that, plus his race he has a longer life so really he is no where near old for his race.

"You are acting like you want to end up in a fight with me, is that what your aim is to get beat up?" Emil looked at the man who had called him old and he got closer to the man to see what he does, will he agree and say he wants to fight or was this man just an idiot and misspoke some fighting words to him and would be saying he is sorry for the misunderstanding.

#15Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 6:02 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Earan stopped walking and turned around slightly "Thats not what i'm saying at all I'm trying to understand you but all your reactions are like a tired dad playing with his kids." realizing they voiced what should have remained within his mind the Summoner covered their mouth trying to think of a way to recover. It was very unlike them to have outbursts of any kind though to some it would be seen as showing his 'real face' something that would damage the popularity of any superstar.

Not wanting to fight one of the strongest members of the guild the only option left to him being to explain what they wanted to say to them or attempt to anyway. "I didn't mean that Emil I was just trying to say that you seem the type of person that doesn't like most things is all." It wasn't their finest moment but a good attempt at least which should give him some credit.

Earan felt as though he wasn't getting the reception that they hoped for but today could simply be a learning curve.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:17 am

At hearing the man say that he is trying to understand about him Emil tilted his head at the man and he wondered what was so great about himself as there was nothing that really was sticking out to himself that would really scream special or a big deal to himself. "Well in some ways I guess I am a tired father that plays with his children. I just don't know you and you are dragging me around and seem over joyed like a child and it is a bit strange?" Emil was simply speaking it how he saw it as there were many things that could go on or cause issues in a guild like miscommunications between guild mates.

It would seem that the other man was not looking to fight with him and see if they could have a showdown of sorts but he guessed that was normal as Emil's magic was a god's magic bestowed onto himself and that was something that nearly no one would even dare want to come face to face with let alone know would exist in some form as Emil thinks it is a very rare type of magic that could come and cause more issues than good if it got into the wrong hands and Emil was not fully sure his own hands were even the right hands to have such a magic that he could use to wipe out cities of living people if he just thought about it and slipped up.

Hearing the man say he didn't like most things confused him. "What do you mean by that?" He asked with little thought as there were many things that could mean if there was a reason that this man spoke those words he needed to back them them and quick.

#17Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:46 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Earan knew their choice of words would only lead them down an even deeper hole than they were already in but in the end, it was all up to how Emil would decide to interpret everything. Oh man, it was my first interaction with a member and I somehow messed it up, the idol mental projection had started to glitch out as this was far from what they were used to handling. The idea of fighting the man still danced around in their mind given what little information was on them outnumbering them would have been the main goal but the real issue comes down to maintaining the pressure. 

"Forget I even said anything okay, come on lets go!" It was clear that this was something only Vanilia Earan could deal with but changing back was not an option for them at this moment in time. Earan started to get the feeling that Emil wouldn't make a great bodyguard This is soo stressful they thought to themself as they turned around to leave.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Wed Aug 07, 2024 4:16 pm

Emil grumbled. "Brother I have no idea what you are going on about and saying this stuff and not explaining doesn't help in any form or way as that just leaves me confused and unable to connect with you." Emil followed after him as he was not sure what was going on any more as it seemed that they were not going to go to answer for this, what ever the man was after from Emil who was not sure how to even deal with this man even though he had been trying super hard to connect to him even though the man was making it super hard for him to do so as the man seemed to not have any interest in connecting with him on any leave that Emil could understand as he was not the most in tune with people that he didn't know or even how he could attempt to be in tune with them as he was not a talker more of a fighter.

#19Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:30 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
The mental stress had finally broken them slightly. Never have I ever been so stressed before! he thought trying to relax themself to no avail but pushed on anyway.

Off-beat steps followed behind the Idol as he tried to leave the room "Listen Emil, I just wanted to try and get to know you a bit more!" frustrated at the fact that not only were they unable to utilize their power but their communication has all but gone downhill. Their fears and worst-case thoughts had all started to shape the current reality but roughly halfway down the stairs they went up originally Earan turned around with head bowed and hair covering their eyes.

Taking a moment before speaking the summoner let out a sigh "Sorry for being so confusing Emil I just feel like I don't have what it takes to really be a part of the guild." underneath all the acting all they had really wanted was to get the green check of approval that he does have belong with them.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 10:38 am

Emil looked at the man that bowed in front of him and he blinked. "Pretty sure the only things it takes to be part of a guild is a body, beyond that it is just doing quests and not stepping all over the guilds name, which depending on who you ask I do quite often, so if you don't belong I don't either." He rubbed the back of his head as he usually also felt he didn't belong even if some say that he does he was too much of a risk to the guilds name and ways to really belong and he was pretty sure that Yuurei had only accepted him into the guild because he was the brother of his good friend Kaito.

Emil looked back at the man. "So I don't see why you wouldn't have what it takes, if you feel you lack something just work on it or come to us to help you work on it." Emil knows he would probably make a shitty teacher but he could try to help them with what ever they need but he knows that he is not some cool guy that could do anything like his brother is.

#21Earan F. Channtelle 

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 3:08 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Listening to the God Slayer made them realize just how silly they had been acting up to this point What have I been doing? They might not be the best when it comes to normal interactions but it was something that could be worked on over time after they have a better understanding of their magic. "You- No i've been rather silly today I'm sorry Emil..." Earan said adjusting their hair ever so slightly as they exhaled and turned around keeping their head lowered.

"I have no clue why I was getting so emotional before that tots wasn't Idol-like at all." they muttered patting their cheeks just before walking up to Emil with a blank expression and hugging them. Even though they weren't the best at conveying true emotion they knew that hugs always let others know that things were going to be okay or at the very least show a sign of acknowledgment.

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Earan_10

Talking ( 3366cc )

Hip Hop (open 2 PD) Empty Thu Aug 29, 2024 8:09 pm

Emil looked at the man confused at why they had said that to him as there must be some kind of reason they felt they had to say that but before Emil can fully understand what was even going on the other man just hugged him which Emil at first had no idea what to even do to that and he gently hugged the other man back then let the other man go. "Uhhh I am not sure what totes means but don't worry about it and lets go get some grub and maybe help you to get past what ever you feel is road blocking you like this." Emil then got past the man to lead him to the dinning hall so they can get some food and maybe the other man will have some idea of why they wanted to be a mage and to over come what ever was really holding them back like that but he needed to make sure that he wasn't too hard on the man.

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