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What It's All About [Quest]

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What It's All About [Quest] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:18 am

The food here was absolutely delicious, Rhea thought as she sat in "Abdullah's Halal," a cozy little restaurant in the poorest part of Era. The spices were perfect, the meat tender, and every bite was perfect. No surprise it tasted so good, everything was seasoned to perfection. As she taste her meal, she overheard a familiar voice. It was Daragast, the dragon-dwarf who’d tasked her with defeating the Wyvern atop Era's Dungeon. Curious, Rhea kept eating while listening in. Daragast was airing his grievances about the city, sounding pretty frustrated. When she finished her meal, the Half-Elf approached him, figuring she could learn more about Era from him. “Hola, Ser Daragast,” she greeted with a smile.

“Rhea!” he replied, clearly pleased to see her. He invited her for a walk, and as they strolled through the streets, he began to vent about his concerns. The thing that really seemed to bug him was the construction in the poorer parts of the city, especially a new public school. “You see, Private Alvarez,” he said, passion in his voice, “the rich seem so smart because they can afford good education. The poor could be just as intelligent, if not more so, if they had the same opportunities.” Rhea nodded, understanding his point. Daragast continued, explaining that it would be smart for the Rune Knights to scout for talent in these underprivileged areas and hire them instead. This would bring more income to the locals and improve their living conditions.



What It's All About [Quest] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:19 am

As they walked, they saw some kids playing tag. The sight made Daragast smile. He excused himself and went over to a nearby noodle shop, returning with ten cups of noodles. He handed them to the kids, telling them to enjoy a meal after their game. Returning to Rhea, Daragast said, “It’s important to support local shops. Giving kids money to buy candy from richer areas won’t help improve this city.” Rhea smiled, his dedication and genuine concern for the community was beautiful to witness. She felt the same about the younger people back home. As they walked out of the poorer district, the sun was setting, giving a warm glow to the city. Daragast turned to her with a smile. “Thanks for listening, Private,” he said, handing her a small pouch of coins. “Think of this as a reward for your time and for understanding these issues.”

Rhea accepted the money gratefully because who would turn down free jewels? This chat had given her a better understanding of Era and the struggles of its people. She wondered in Daragast had taken the necessary steps to make these huge changes, otherwise he was just complaining. As she parted ways with Daragast, Rhea looked around the city, taking the time out to see its beauty. Her tasks in this city were teaching her a lot, and she realized that every little action could make a big difference. With each mission, she was not only learning more about Era but also about herself. Maybe Fiore wasn't so bad after all?


- end -

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