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V. Rock-It Launcher

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V. Rock-It Launcher Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:55 pm



Name: Rock-It Launcher

Slot: Relic

Type: Rocket Launcher

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Fire

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: An instrument of destruction the Rock-It Launcher was pioneered as a means to deal localized damage to a particular target for the cheapest possible amount for an individual that might lack the magic of their own. Largely constructed of wood and metal, the Rock-It Launcher is otherwise unassuming save for the glass vessel contained at the front holding a powerful spirit that is ready to explode upon breaking out. While typically a single-use item, the Rock-It Launcher overtime can have its armaments replaced allowing for reuse.


  • None

Note: The user must wear the Rock-It Launcher upon their shoulder and use both hands to accurately fire the weapon.

  • Chaotic Discharge: If the Rock-It Launcher is damaged beyond half its durability and has not been fired, the spirit will break free and explode causing everything within a 32-meter diameter area to be engulfed in flames and receive 2x S-Ranks worth of Damage.


  • Bearer of Bad News: Despite the Rock-It Launcher being considered a Relic, the item spells attached to it receive any Ranged Weapon Mastery Modifiers that the user possesses while the Rock-It Launcher is considered a Gun in fights also any weapon mastery modifiers.


  • Name: Volley Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Rock-It Launcher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 10 Post, may only be reduced down to 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user while holding the Rock-It Launcher may launch the Glass vessel, which is roughly 10 centimetres in diameter that is held at the front of the weapon at a target, once struck the glass vessel will explode creating an explosion of 32-meters and engulfing everything in flames causing whatever impacted to receive 2x S-Ranks worth of damage, any damage inflicted as a result of the Volley Shot can not be healed as the burns continued to impact the tissue.

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