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Monster Hunter Part 1

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:31 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken an interesting quest in Fiore. This was not a place he cared about as he had taken his mother back to Joya for her to live out her life there. It was where they had originated from, and he was glad that she was back home. Still, the quest he had taken was to take down a mutated creature that had escaped from its cage. This was interesting, but he was pretty sure that they had let the monster loose.

That meant there was chaos all over this place, right? Yeah, that was going to be beautiful, and he had made his way toward the destination. Hai had gone with him as well and he was curious to see what was going on here.

“Father how are you going to take this on?” He asked Drakkon.

The chaos god had looked over at him with a smirk on his face.

“I’m going to allow it to run rampant for a bit and see what chaos it can bring forth to this place.” He said to him as they kept moving.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:32 am

Go D. Drakkon

Hai heard his words, and he nodded not surprised to listen to what he said.

“I see, it’s because it’s not the North, Joya, or Pergrande, so there is no point to their existence.” He said to Drakkon.

Drakkon chuckled when he heard that, but he wasn’t wrong about that.

“Yeah, I heard that Paradise Dawn is moving to Iceberg and that Yuurei is migrating the people of the North to Seven, so the North will be free to wreak havoc soon, but Seven and Iceberg will be protected.” He said to Hai that he understood the situation of the world today.

Hai heard his words and nodded, as he understood. Still, with all this talking they had reached their destination, and it seemed like what they were looking at was a chimera rampaging around the city. Drakkon looked at Hai and he picked up his father and they flew to the tallest building. After that was done, he looked at everybody running around and screaming for their lives.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:32 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon laughed as he saw everybody running for their lives. It seemed like things were going well for him, and he figured he would fight it.

“Let’s merge Hai. It would be easier to handle the beast this way.” He said to his son.

Hai had roared when he heard his father’s command and the two of them had become one. It was then his appearance had changed and he took flight toward the chimera. The chimera had stopped attacking the people when it heard that roar. It was as if it knew a monster or a predator was coming for it. When Drakkon appeared in front of the chimera it had shot out poison from its tail. Drakkon had dodged it without a problem and then watched it destroy a building and harm some people as well.

It was then he looked back at the creature as it rushed toward Drakkon. It had tried to take a bite out of the Devourer, but he had taken out his Enma and stabbed the creature in the roof of its mouth keeping it open.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:32 am

Go D. Drakkon
The monster roared from the pain it was going through right now and was jumping up and down to get Drakkon to get off. The people underneath them were running and some of them would be crushed because of this action.

“Yes, so much chaos is being brought here today. Please continue and show me more.” He said to the Chimera.

When it saw that it couldn’t push Drakkon away it rushed towards a building and slammed itself on it. Drakkon pulled Enma out and he flew away from the falling debris. He looked over to the creature as it had shaken its head and looked at him. Its animal instincts had told it to run, but it couldn’t. It knew it wouldn’t be able to outrun Drakkon. So, it fought, and it would shoot out a bunch of poison in the air and it started raining down on the land it was on.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:33 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon saw this and he shrugged as he didn’t care about these people. He had protected himself with a fire that had wrapped itself around him. He moved around to dodge the poison that he could dodge, but whenever anything hit him, his defense spell protected him. He had gotten close to the chimera, and he swung his Enma towards the beast. It had moved a bit but couldn’t fully dodge the attack. A piece of his horn had been cut off and it fell to the ground crushing a few people down below. It would roar from the pain as it looked at Drakkon with the want to admit defeat.

The son of chaos saw this and he didn’t like that. He wanted this thing to entertain him a bit more.

“Alright, I won’t kill you, but I want you to entertain me more. Show me what else you can do before I put you to sleep.” He said to the chimera.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Monster Hunter Part 1 Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 10:35 am

Go D. Drakkon
It was as if he understood Drakkon as he had gotten up and decided to show him what it could do. It shot a beam of light out of his eyes. The Dragonborn had dodged the attack, and it hit the ground below and people screamed in pain and agony. He soared through the sky as the chimera had continued to attack Drakkon. It shot poison, shot beams of light, and ran around rampaging through the city.

The Devourer saw that it had done a lot of damage and had a smirk on his face. It was time to put the thing to sleep and knock it out like he promised. He had appeared next to the beast, and he flipped his Enma the opposite way and swung it with full force hitting the chimera and knocking it out. The fight was done right there as it fell to the ground. Drakkon had moved over to where his client was, and he would report what he had done and what the chimera was capable of.

When it was all said and done, he would get paid, and he swung his Yamato to create a dimension and send him to a different area.

202|1054 [50% WCR] [10% Guild Perk 4, 5% Helmet, 5% Armor, 10% Ring, 20% Relic]

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