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Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest]

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Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:25 pm

Each day, Rhea found herself settling more into the pace of life in Fiore, particularly in the central region. Era City was proving to be a beautiful place, with its calm, alluring atmosphere. Most people were respectful, although the wealthy residents carried themselves with an air of superiority. Sure, the folks in Fiore had a stick up their culos, but Rhea couldn’t say she disliked it here. She’d met some nice colleagues and had already been labeled the most promising new recruit. Though she didn’t let it go to her head—after all, she knew she was stronger than most—it was a bit of a letdown. She constantly yearned for a real challenge.

Thanks to the connections she’d already made, Rhea learned about more demanding quests available to mercenaries and other daring individuals. So, she decided to spend the rest of her day seeking out one of these challenges. With determination in her step, she made her way to Crocus City, close enough to Era for a comfortable walk. Upon arriving in Crocus, Rhea headed straight to a tavern. The moment she walked in, she knew she was in the right place. The tavern was alive with energy, filled with people who had the look of fighters about them. The Dragon Slayer could smell the sweat and blood permeating the establishment. She felt a surge of excitement—this was where she belonged.


Last edited by Rhea on Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:10 pm; edited 1 time in total


Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:28 pm

As she roamed around the tavern, taking in the lively atmosphere, she heard a shout in the distance. Her attention snapped to a short woman with wild hair who was calling for help. Could this have been the challenge Rhea was waiting for? With a confident stride, Rhea moved toward the woman, eager to dive into whatever adventure awaited her. The tavern, full of potential allies and adversaries, buzzed around her, but she was focused on the woman at hand. Her heart raced with anticipation as she approached the source of the commotion.

The woman, noticing Rhea’s approach, looked both relieved and desperate. Her wild hair framed a face marked by worry and determination. Rhea could sense the urgency in her voice of the situation. This wasn’t just a random plea for help like everyone made it seem to be; it was the start of something exciting. Rhea smiled to herself. This was exactly what she had been hoping for when she left Era City in search of a real challenge. She felt the familiar thrill of anticipation, the rush of adrenaline that came with stepping into the unknown. It was time to prove herself, not just as the most promising new recruit, but as a true force to be reckoned with.

The tavern's noise seemed to fade as Rhea focused on the woman’s words. She was ready for whatever came next. Whether it was a rescue mission, a bloody battle, or a tumultuous journey, Rhea was prepared to face it head on. She had a constant itch for thrill and battle, and she wasn’t going to let it slip by. After all, this is exactly what she came to Crocus for.



Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:34 pm

The wild-haired woman, breathless and wide-eyed, stumbled upon Rhea with an urgency that was palpable. "It's huge," she panicked, "covered in black scales that shimmer in the light. Its eyes... they're like burning embers! Its claws can slice through stone. It's heading for the heart of Crocus. Please, you have to stop it!" Rhea, always eager for a challenge, nodded. "Alright, show me where it went," she said, her tone calm but resolute. The woman turned and led Rhea through the bustling streets of Era City, past the glances of townsfolk going about their day, fortunately oblivious to the impending threat.

The path to the forest was lined with the vibrant colors of the day. The sun was rising, casting a golden hue over the city and the surrounding countryside. As they ventured further from the city, the noise of everyday life faded replaced by the sounds of nature. Birds chirped in the trees and the gentle rustling of leaves accompanied their hurried steps.The forest was up ahead, a dense expanse of towering trees. The air grew cooler as they entered, and the leaves above them turned the sunlight into patterns on the forest floor. The woman led Rhea deeper into the woods, her fear evident in the quick, nervous glances she cast around.

"We're getting close," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I saw it around here."

Rhea scanned the surroundings, her senses heightened. The forest was quiet, as if even the wildlife had sensed the presence of something unnatural. Suddenly, they reached a clearing, and there, standing in broad daylight, was the creature. It was massive, standing on two powerful legs with dark, gleaming scales that seemed to absorb the suns rays. Its eyes, glowing a fiery red, locked onto Rhea with a malevolent intelligence. The air was thick with tension as the beast let out a low, rumbling growl. It knew that she was here to end its life.



Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:41 pm

"Stay back," Rhea instructed the woman, who nodded and took a few steps back, her face pale with anxiety. She knew nothing about the Private, but she hoped that Rhea didn't bite off more than she could chew. Rhea squared her shoulders, taking a deep breath. "Alright, veamos que tienes," she muttered to herself. The creature wasted no time, lunging at her with top speed. Rhea dodged to the side, barely avoiding the swipe of its razor claws. She countered with a powerful punch to its side, her fist connecting with a solid thud against its scales. The monster roared in pain, swinging its hand around in retaliation. Rhea leaped over it, landing gracefully on her feet.

"Not bad," she said with a smirk. "But you're going to have to do better than that."

The fight was becoming intense, a flurry of motion and ferocious energy. Rhea's fists and feet were a blur as she delivered blow after blow, each strike meant to weaken the beast. But the monster was resilient, its hide tough and its attacks kept coming. It swiped at the Dragons Slayer again, catching her off guard and sending her sprawling across the ground. Rhea gritted her teeth and forced herself to stand. "Is that all you got?" she taunted, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. The creature snarled and charged again, but this time, Rhea was ready. She ducked under its attack and delivered a rapid series of punches to its underbelly, each hit sending shockwaves through her arm.



Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:46 pm

Just when she thought she had the upper hand, the monster swung its tail with tremendous force, hitting Rhea squarely in the chest. These monsters loved hitting her with their tails it seemed. She was thrown back, crashing through the underbrush and slamming into a tree. Pain shot through her body as she struggled to her feet, watching in dismay as the creature turned and began making its way towards Crocus City. "No!" Rhea shouted, pushing herself forward despite the pain. She sprinted after the creature. The monster crashed through the forest, breaking branches and tearing up the earth as it went. The creature was moving fast.

As they broke through the forest, Rhea noticed with a pang of relief that the streets were still calm. The citizens were blissfully unaware of the impending danger. But her relief was short lived as the creature barreled into the city. A young boy playing near the edge of the forest was the first to see it. His eyes widened in horror, and he let out a scream, sending the entire area into a panic. People ran in every direction, shouting and scrambling to find safety. The creature roared, seemingly unfazed by the chaos it had caused. It looked around, almost as if it were searching for something specific.

Rhea chased after it, her muscles burning with exertion. "Hey! Over here!" she yelled, hoping to draw its attention away from the fleeing citizens. The monster turned its head, its red eyes squinting as it spotted her. With a roar, it charged. The streets of Crocus became a battlefield. Rhea dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the creature's deadly claws and snapping jaws. She landed a solid punch to its jaw, the impact causing his jaw to crack and snap. The creature stumbled, but quickly regained its footing and continued its search.



Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:51 pm

She pushed herself harder, her movements a blur as she delivered blow after blow to the beast. Her fists pounded against its scales, each hit fueled by determination and the desire to win. The creature roared in frustration, its attacks growing more frantic as it tried to land a hit on the agile Dragon Slayer. "Que punetas, just fall already!" The Stellan muttered through gritted teeth. She leaped onto the creature's back, wrapping her arms around its neck and squeezing with all her might. The beast bucked and thrashed, trying to throw her off, but Rhea held on, her muscles straining with the effort.

Finally, with a burst of energy, Rhea leaped into the air and brought both fists down on the creature's head. The impact was tremendous, and the monster let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground. Rhea landed lightly on her feet, breathing heavily. The crowd erupted into cheers, their fear replaced by relief. Rhea stood over the defeated creature, catching her breath and wiping sweat from her brow. She looked around at the faces of the people watching her, their expressions a mix of awe and gratitude. "Is everyone okay?" she called out, her voice thick with a Stellan accent carrying over the crowd. There were nods and murmurs of agreement. The young boy who had first seen the creature approached her cautiously, his eyes wide in awe.

"Woah! That was so amazing!" he exclaimed, mouth wide open. "You beat it without any weapons or magic!"



Monster Hunter: I. [Neutral Quest] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 1:02 pm

Rhea smiled. "Just doing my job," she said. "But let's make sure this thing doesn't get back up." The Private turned her attention back to the creature, checking to make sure it was truly defeated. As she did, the townspeople began to gather around. They started to ask her questions, praising her bravery and strength. "Who are you?" one of them asked.

"Yo soy Rhea Alvarez of Stella," she replied as her cheeks flushed with a pink color. Both embarrassed and proud. The adrenaline still coursed through Rhea’s veins as she stood over the defeated creature, catching her breath. The townspeople of Crocus City were starting to emerge from their hiding places, their fear giving way to admiration and curiosity. Children peeked from behind their parents, wide eyed and in awe, while others cautiously approached the scene, still in disbelief over the battle they had just witnessed. The sound of heavy boots and clanking armor grew louder. A squad of Rune Knights, stationed in Crocus, arrived at the scene. Their leader, a tall woman with a stern face, approached Rhea.

"Well well, Private. I wouldn't have expected this from one of our new recruits," she said, her tone both respectful and authoritative. "We'll take it from here. This beast will be secured and studied. We need to ensure there are no more like it."

Rhea nodded, stepping aside as her peers moved in to secure the creature. She watched as they carefully examined the beast, chains and restraints ready. As they worked, she reached down and pried a large, sharp tooth from the creature's mouth. Holding it up, she examined it closely before tucking it into her pouch. Another trophy for her collection.

"Three down, many more to go," she muttered to herself with a satisfied smile.

The townspeople began to disperse, many of them stopping to thank Rhea personally. She accepted their gratitude with grace, her mind already turning to her next challenge. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Rhea had faced a formidable opponent and of course, came out victorious, earning the admiration and respect of the townspeople. With a final glance at the defeated creature, now being taken away by the Rune Knights, Rhea turned and began to walk away. As she made her way through the streets of Crocus, the people she passed greeted her with smiles and nods of respect. Children waved, their faces filled with admiration. It was a feeling unlike any other, knowing that she had made a difference, that people were beginning to realize how strong she was.


- end -

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