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Getting your hands on a monster~ [Pest Control/Manzo]

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Getting your hands on a monster~ [Pest Control/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:30 pm


WORDS: 400 | Oh Myyyyyyyy

“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~ Hm~” The sapphire eyed stunner seeming to be in high spirits in spite of the rather generous degree of sake consumption and crediting such a fact to the effects of her trips to the baths, Bella Benini hummed her way through the rocks and woodland which made up the surroundings of the Sultry Heights Hot Spring with a nice looking stick in hand, and a song in her heart to go along with it. Wagging her hips from one side and toward the other happily enough as she trekked through terrain that was certainly not made for one to wear stiletto heels, the foxy femme felt a sense of excitement in the air as she continued through the brush in search of her prize, and despite her mind and much more so wardrobe being geared more toward city stylings was actually rather enjoying getting back to nature a little bit too.

“So like, do you think we'll find a nice big one~?” Feeling especially happy that she wasn't on task by her not so stony lonesome and that if only for the fact that she had someone to converse with as she let instinct and the odd clue here and there guide her, though perhaps it was common enough knowledge for one on a hunt to keep their voice down the vixen couldn't help but feel her enthusiasm getting the better of her, and so turned toward the figure with whom she now rambled and roamed with a grin that looked more like a kid who was on their way to a candy store than someone tracking prey.

“I bet Miss Alisa will be max impress if we snag a monster of a monster, eh~? Maybe she'll give us some kinda… Personal reward~?” In this case such scenario's having rather significant overlap however when she was picturing the woman who ran their guild gaping at her achievement and giving out both metaphorical and perhaps literal pats upon the head for what they had done, despite the debauchery to which she was usually inclined today the girl with the golden hair had a look of innocence and eagerness about her which was uncommon, and perhaps spoke volumes of just how much she wanted to impress the mistress whose guild she had entered. Though really, that was only natural when one had been crushing on her since she first knew she was into girls, right~?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.


Getting your hands on a monster~ [Pest Control/Manzo] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:46 pm


A simple trek through the woods this would not be, a hunting trip it was. He could not help but find himself in high spirits after a nice relaxing bath with his not so usually hunting partner. It would seem as though they made quite the odd couple out of one another on this trip. He could only chuckle as she mused and hummed throughout their journey into the forest. "Monster of a monster huh? I don't know if such a beast like that lives out here but, If anyone is going to find it, it will be us." He said in a reassuring tone of voice.

She armed with sticks, and he armed with his two swords by his side, obviously one of them had been on far more hunting trips than the other. Though he was honestly more so impressed by the fact that she traverses the forest floor with heels on like that. The women of this guild were something else entirely at times such as this. Never ceasing to amaze even for a moment, which of course made him all the happier to have one of his own girls with him for such an outting.

"She does love to show her appreciation to her guild members, in more ways than one depending on the situation. So you may well get the reward you're seeking." He said as he crouched down the forest floor searching for tracks. It seemed like there were a few sets of prints here. Some larger than others, but nothing he did not recognize. If a monster was what she was hoping to find, than perhaps following the larger set of tracks would be the best course of action for the both of them.

"This way Bella." He instructed as he moved toward the wetland area the bordered the hot spring area. If there was a monster to be found, he bet the salamanders would be the best way to find one.

Getting your hands on a monster~ [Pest Control/Manzo] LGnxHvk

Getting your hands on a monster~ [Pest Control/Manzo] Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:55 am


WORDS: 270 | Making Sport

“Ohhhh, really~?” The voice of the vixen seeming to carry over an even greater sense of excitement when her cohort hinted that she would be well rewarded by their magnificent mistress if they impressed her with their hunt, Bella would be quite the liar indeed if she tried to tell anyone that the biggest reason for her commitment to the guild was the crush she had upon the woman who led it, and while she was certainly warming up to other of her mates there wasn't one who held a candle to the White Empress. The idea of garnering the appreciation of the lady Lisa was something that made many weak at the knees, and this feisty fox especially.

“You think so~? Wow, you're pretty handy at this tracking stuff?” For the moment however the daring duo having to focus on their task in order to garner those pats on the head or with any luck even better places, Miss Benini blinked as it seemed the blanched boy wished to take over the tracking in their task, and made little effort to deny him in that aspect given how effective he seemed in this arena.
“Did you learn that stuff in Joya~?” In fact almost finding it cute the way in which he had seemed to suddenly grow quite so serious and dedicated to the mission when they had started this job together, there was something about the way he took to task which felt weirdly comforting and helped her feel a bit safer, and perhaps not least because he represented a rare link to her history. After all, they did both hail from the same land, apparently?

The Female Of The Species

Is More Deadly Than The Male~!
- Bella Benini

credit to nat of adoxography.

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