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The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice

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The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:29 am


The Oath of Life -

A Painful Sacrifice

It had been days now since Kon made his escape from the manor with the aid of the Vaeri and Folre, during this time the Sinese military had been on constant alert looking for them to either evict him from the country, kill him or imprison him in an even worse prison. Favouring none of those options, especially after learning more about the prospect of unleashing Qinglong upon the world once again. During this time, he found himself virtually a prisoner within Folre and Vaeri’s home, which had benefits of their own where the trio prepared a second attempt to rescue Miharu from the grasp of the zealots. Numerous seals and blessings had been etched upon his artificial flesh to be removed after the successful return of their child. Towards the end of this almost ritualistic process, Kon more closely resembled a savage of old that bore tribal tattoos all around their body. Various auras glowed with contrasting colours whenever he drew upon his mana reserves that had since recovered. Vast as they were, it still took Kon a substantial time to reach his potential once again with the binding effect weeks earlier appearing to linger in his mechanical frame even now. He had never been one to foster any substantial beliefs towards one faith or another save for the time he was a Holy Knight serving Illumin, but the couple had shown a keen insight into their religious briefs.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:30 am


While he had been emboldened and empowered by whatever entities that the elves had worshipped, this sense of faith did not carry over despite them many times during the process mentioning that it would be made easier by him also undertaking the rituals with them instead of having them perform them upon him. To overcome this challenge of enhancing a non-believer, Kon had been liberally covered from head to toe, while the couple were able to just get away with a handful of markings. Not that they would be accompanying him into the temple but rather creating a distraction, he would not risk their lives in this endeavour, Kon had been naive the first time he came into the building and that would not happen again. Hirota meanwhile seemed otherwise content staying out of the conversation entirely merely resigning herself to their shared mind of the mind, almost ignoring the fact that she was the primary reason why he was now covered in tattoos and that his status of General within the Rune Knights was more than a questionable one at this point.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:30 am


After being drenched in swamp water, Kon after numerous days was able to wear some proper clothes once again. The clothing was simple, yet refined Sinese-make, of course, plain, dull clothes to blend into the crowds, unlike his previous robes that were vibrant, colourful and sparkled in the wind. Hoping to conceal his distinct golden eye, Kon fashioned an eyepatch covering the left portion of his face, while hunched over concealing his height and posed as a war veteran using a cane fashioned from a nearby desk leg. Folre and Vaeri were far more elaborate with their disguises being able to shapeshift freely much like the stories of old. They had taken on the appearance of two cats, one fully black, and the other white before leaving the home through an opened window. Kon meanwhile left through a side exit into a much quieter alleyway and began the tedious walk back to the temple. Much to his surprise, he was stopped by the same elderly gentleman who had thrust various magical artefacts in his face this time carrying the same one that he had been given earlier.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:30 am


Possessing a strength beyond his years, the merchant threw the amulet at Kon dead centre, with the Machia only having a moment to collect himself and pluck it from the air. Vaguely recognizing its purpose now glowing just as his auras around him were beneath his clothing, Kon draped the amulet around his necklace and waited for the time to use it. Anxiety seemed to plague Hirota when it came into his possession doubly so when it was around his neck. Perhaps it has some deeper use to restrain spirits bound inside people. Who could say? Without another word being spoken between them, the merchant blended into the crowds which were brewing as it hit mid-day and the starving masses began to crowd over food stalls. Food being the least of the man’s concerns, he began his tedious walk while the elves ran across the rooftops, caution was paramount as his clothes constantly swiftly revealed the markings upon his skin gaining the attention of a few curious faces.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:30 am


Following a lengthy and admittedly painful walk from all the slouching, Kon finally made it to the entrance of the temple. His disguise would be short-lived with a monk still maimed from the injuries he had inflicted upon him was able to spot Kon as soon as he crossed the threshold into the temple grounds themselves. This would be much too late, as Kon using the blade that had caused him so much strive cut down the monks around them many of whom were fleeing in terror meanwhile the elven couple had been able to station themselves into the northern and southernmost towers of the temple and were now casting various spells below. The destruction was immeasurable as the countless magical traps that littered the grounds went off, much to the monks' pleasure until the explosive power struck the temple and by extension, themselves as the rumble struck the various occupants. With the grounds now lacking the great wall surrounding it, the temple buildings were greatly diminished in presence.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:31 am


Sword slick with the blood from his unrelenting slaughter, Kon flicked away the flesh and sinew that clung to the blade causing a powerful sonic wave to rip through one of the buildings to his left knocking over a great pyre setting it ablaze. Unable to let this assault continue any further without retaliation, a burst of energy besting any Talaz Lagaarian power source hit him directly in the chest as a fearsome voice echoed in his mind, a tongue twisted with two minds, one ancient beyond life itself and the other barely an adult. “I am the great Qinglong, you dare enter my grounds and attempt to stop the ceremony? I’ve been alive before your species even left those caves millennia ago.” Reaffirming their power, Kon continued to be pushed further and further into the soil, ripping apart his clothes as they tore from the stones and debris created moments ago. This concentrated force only eased as the doors to the temple in front of him pushed open revealing a contorted floating Miharu wielding the same bow he had seen days earlier albeit with some draconic flair. Gathering enough strength and magical energy, Kon was able to break through the pressure applied upon him as Miharu looked down upon him with a scornful grimace as her body took on the properties of the infamous Qinglong.



The Oath of Life - A Painful Sacrifice Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:31 am


Managing to take a single step, Kon was immediately assaulted by a series of arrows empowered by Qinglong’s spiritual energy, Several were reduced to golden flakes, while five zoomed past, despite this however, two struck him in the chest radiating a deadly bolt of energy that would have killed a regular human. Recognizing the futility of attacking the host in an attempt to save them from becoming the vessel for something truly damaging to the world and still ensuring they were alive afterwards, Kon gritted his teeth and began to think back to recent events. His composure and ability to resist Qinglong were diminishing with each passing moment and were only regained after they stopped screeching in his mind as Hirota finally spoke to him once more. “Use the amulet, Kon it’s your only way to survive and save the elf.” Already injured beyond recognition, Kon wasted no time sheathing their sword back into their person before transforming into Hirota as she then ripped the amulet from their neck and thrust it towards Miharu allowing one of their arrows to strike both the amulet and hand creating a definitively hole through both. The effect was almost immediate as the spirit of Qinglong was torn from Miharu’s body displaying itself in front of them all in full as another spirit bowed and weaved into Kon. A more innocent presence though one still tainted by Qinglong’s essence. “Help me please…” were the three words uttered within his mind before Hirota intervened and took charge of what was becoming an ensemble and deafening them from Kon. “We are talk about this later, deal with Qinglong first!”



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