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The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence

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The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:14 pm


The Oath of Life -

Breaking out of Innocence

When the duo arrived at their destination, the day had already shifted to night, not that Hirota knew being bound and blinded so thoroughly that even their millennium eye couldn’t see. The Monks were careful using magical items to restrain them, even the ropes were enhanced with some form of durability spell that caused them to tighten as they struggled against them. Onaga meanwhile had been a poor companion on the trek to what would become their prison remaining silent during it. His presence could only be identified by the occasional thump felt as his machia body struck his and a sharp hiss that was released from their left leg every half an hour or so. Originally he thought it was just a failure in the man’s body but Kon later realised that Onaga was actively overclocking his body even when not in a fight causing constant wear upon it. “How could someone sustain themselves like this? surely this must be destroying their body?”



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:14 pm


An empty question without an answer was brought to an end, as the Sinese Machia left his saddle and ripped Hirota throwing her to the ground. Raising the sleeping Hirota she squirmed around the muddy ground while Onaga spoke to the guard at the front of the Nobleman’s estate. A dialect was shared between the two distinctly different from what he had heard in central Sin, Kon wondered just how far they had travelled. After the brief exchange, Hirota still resisting Onaga was hoisted into the air with enough force to knock out a horse. Coughing at the sudden g-force, Hirota was briefly stunned as they entered the estate. Though blinded, whispers and footsteps were aplenty as they crossed the wood floors before stopping at the presumptive nobleman who owned the estate. A hearty laugh left the man while a shrill cackle of a woman could be heard in the distance, who would be later identified as the lady of the house. As if treating them as a prize game from a hunt, they were amused at the fact that before them was the General of the Rune Knights bound and gagged for their entertainment.



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:15 pm


Disgusted at the idea of becoming the plaything of some foreign noble family, Kon added to the chaos by taking control of his body once more composing themselves enough to look blindly in the general direction of the nobles, before letting out two muffled. “Stop, Stop.” Curious about what they had to say, the noble ordered Onaga to remove their gag and blindfold. “Yes, what is it?” Glancing around him scanning the room for something, anything, Kon reached out for their sensibilities. “What you’re doing is a huge mistake, holding the General of the Rune Knights?, it won’t be a good look for you when they come crashing down upon you once they learn I’m here.” Placing their index finger upon their lips the noble pondered for a moment. “My hands are tied, I have made a deal with the monks of the temple and your precious Rune Knights aren’t coming, you went after Miharu by yourself, after all, where are they now? why weren’t they with you earlier?”



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:15 pm


Stunned, Kon was unable to respond after which the noble ordered the transfer to the dungeon, lifting the Machia, Onaga had slowed down ever so slightly as he took Kon to the dank, dark depths of the lower sections of the manor, Each section seemed like a maze so there was almost no need for a blindfold, attempting to retrace the route to a suitable exit was practically impossible. The only means of escape were through force or being rescued neither of which seemed likely. After all his body had been sapped of energy and only restoring piecemeal, while no one knew he was there or so he thought. He could overcome all the challenges that he might face within the manor, him personally, not Hirota who had become increasingly erratic while within their mind of mind. Over time he had identified the skills of the spirit namely her sword which he had taken great interest in. If she didn’t recover and he needed to fight, he had a vague idea of how to withdraw it but the concept still amused him.



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:16 pm


After almost an hour of weaving between room after room each becoming increasingly unused with cobwebs and dust covering everything, they eventually reached the dungeons some ten floors down buried deep within the earth. Recognising that he was a Machia just like Onaga, food and drink would be all but redundant thus Kon could be locked within a sturdy door and never given the grace of fresh air ever again. Knowing that Machia was a race that was few and far between especially after the near destruction of Talaz Lagaar, he wished to assist and learn more about Onaga despite being enemies. Wriggling about once more trying to get a word out, whilst Hirota remained silent, With a functionless sigh, the Sinese Machia removed the gag and blindfold, seeing no reason to restrict their senses before commenting. “Yes, What is it?” Through a voicebox weakened after the powerful magic from the monks, “You’re killing yourself doing that you know, continuing to leech out your energy like that, the damage to your circuits will become irreparable over time, I’ve seen it happen to earlier model Machia, their parts couldn’t handle the constant power load and burned out.”



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:17 pm


“Good thing I have a spare body in front of me then…” Onaga remarked as he removed a screwdriver-like instrument designed to remove pieces from Talaz Lagaarian Machia, this would have little effect on the General, however as his parts were made from something entirely incompatible with those tools. “You can try but I’m unique, I was handcrafted outside of the island, your model meanwhile appears to be little more than a modified version 3.” Seething in anger, Onaga ran the tool over and into the artificial flesh of Kon’s face leaving a deep gash from his left jaw up to his forehead causing Kon’s vision to turn crimson. Surface level pain was insignificant for their race and only warranted by Onaga to vent their frustration as steam left his chest. Kon had proven not to be the golden goose that the Sinese Machia had hoped for.



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:17 pm


Enraged at the truth, he left the dungeon slamming the door with enough force to send glassware placed upon nearby tables to the ground. Whispers and murmurs perked up in Kon’s ears as a broom collected debris, the distinct scratching of crystal upon concrete brought the hairs on his neck to stand on end. These voices became more distinct until he recognized them as being none other than those of Folre and Vaeri. The complex feelings of Hirota become more difficult to gauge with a strange combination of relief and resentment towards the elven couple. Kon’s feelings were far more hopeful as a gangle of keys echoed throughout the room as over half a dozen keys passed through the Dungeon door without success before a definitive click and swoosh as the door opened. This chance for freedom was challenged by the return of Onaga now carrying a satchel of sharp instruments undoubtedly planning to tear him apart piece by piece.



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:18 pm


Sweat building upon Folre’s brow despite the cold environment, he slashed at the enhanced bindings with a bladeless sword only revealing its danger with an ethereal, tempered blue flame from the crossguard. Knowing Kon’s strength only in reports, Onaga squared up to him blocking the only entrance while the couple gave Kon enough time and room to recompose himself. The Sinese Machia wasted no time, however, attempting to block any attempts Kon made towards raising from his position, hurling weapon after weapon in a flurry at the General. Barely finding time to get his spacing in his prison cell only able to crouch to three-quarters of his real height, Kon flicked away the attacks burying the weapons swords into the walls, floor and even the roof above him instead of his weakened body. This hyper-fixation on Kon would lead to Onaga’s ruin as the elves flanked them and began to cast magic ripping apart their fatigued metal frame as Folre ripped water from the humid air and Vaeri bound him to the ground using vines.



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:19 pm


Enraged by this dominancy over his power, Onaga with his last free hand slashed through the growing vines and dashed towards first Vaeri and then Folre in a matter of seconds, an impressive feat and one that carried substantial risk as sonic booms blasted out in each instance. A brief failing of his parts gave Kon the small opportunity to cripple them beyond repair. In a flurry of flames, a single bolt shot out from his arm cutting through the durable metal like it were a warm knife through butter. Mirroring an accordion, Onaga’s torso split and reattached several times over as he bent and shifted before collapsing to his knees. Blood still oozing from the side of his face, Kon tore a piece of cloth from the last remnants of his dirtied shirt and covered the injury, refusing the aid of Vaeri who offered to heal it. “This is not a regular flesh wound, I will need to get this repaired elsewhere.”



The Oath of Life - Breaking out of Innocence Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:19 pm


Still fatigued from the restraints, Kon slumped to the closest wall, while the elven couple hurried around with a renewed sense of urgency as raised voices and flames were lit in the distance. While Kon did recognize Onaga as his kin in a twisted sense, allowing them to remain in their state only meant they could be revived and so as the trio left the dungeon, Kon shot one final bolt through the Sinese Machia’s head leaving nothing but a charred piece of scrap. Using the various other items in their arsenal, the couple was able to escort Kon out of the building disguised as a large dog after putting on a magical cape. An amusing prospect if they weren’t fleeing for their lives. Kon didn’t have the strength to take them on just yet, perhaps he would come back and take down the entire building. A decision that he would have to make with a clearer mind and one that could only be made after Hirota had agreed with just who owned Kon’s body. For now, though he was glad to have regained it even though Hirota was now in the same position he was, stuck sitting in the abyss.



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