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The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK]

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The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK] Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:09 pm


Why! Why had they allowed this to happen?! It was a question that repeatedly resounded in her thought processes as she gazed coldly toward the robed man. Despite the fact every component in her being felt disgust toward the magic council member for what he was about to do, Primula also couldn't help but feel that shadow looming in the back of her thought process: This would have never happened if Kon was still among them.

"Major Primula, Execute Order Thirty-Seven" The man repeated, the words triggering the control mechanism that the talaz lagaarian engineer had installed into her. She could see her reflection in the window, the eyes of the lass turning a crimson hue as she slowly shifted and started to move toward the plaza in front of the headquarters were the rally of worried citizens had gathered.

It had all been a ploy of the man, to instigate a protest rally among the citizen of Era. It was a peaceful protest, part of why the knights stationed at the headquarters were willing to overlook their activities till one of their superiors arrived to diffuse the situation.

Yet they had not expected what would transpire next. The doorway leading into the headquarters opened to reveal the Major, her gaze focused on the crowd in front of her.

"Order Thirty-Seven has been engaged-" The robot's voice seemed to shake for a moment, as if something was trying to wrest control back.

"please... stop me!"

The knights looked in bewilderment at her, a reaction shared by the equally confused civilians. One of the knights clearly was starting to notice the trouble that was brewing and attempted to gently grab a hold of her shoulder, yet what followed was something nobody expected:

The armored lass shifted her body, a sudden swing of her arm being accompanied by the activation of her darksaber which tore straight through the knight! For a moment it seemed like time froze as the knight's torso was severed from his lower-body, and yet the moment his corpse collapsed onto the ground chaos broke out.

"Do not resist."

One of the civilians screamed in a fit of pure terror, trying to turn around and run away from the plaza but Primula raised her free hand, the blaster in it charging up at the back of the fleeing woman. A sudden surge of energy was expelled from the weapon, the attack causing a small localized explosion which briefly shrouded the area in a cloud of smoke, and in hindsight it might had been better if the smoke never cleared, for the gory sight of the poor civilian's scorched body only served to make the small crowd even more petrified as they hurled themselves onto the ground screaming between pleas for mercy and for someone to save them.

"Do not try to flee."
"Stop Me!"

a slow step forward was made as she declared firmly. "By authorization of the Magic Council Order Thirty-Seven is now in progress. Resistance is futile, your cooperation is appreciated till General Saturn is eliminated."

The robotic tone clearly suggested something was wrong, and by the time reinforcements would come they would see that the stationed knights were all slaughtered around Primula who idly had been waiting for Saturn's arrival.

"If you can't stop me...

then please...

destroy me."

today a shadow loomed over Era...

WC: 590


The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:06 pm

Ittindi was out he had his custom artifact purchased, something unique from Talaz Lagar being so satisfied with their custom job on his car. Or was it his influence from the void tempting him further? Either way Ittindi cared little the new whisper in his head, Ace fit in with Naki just fine. They both watching and judging his character, Ace seemed to embody nothingness, if Ittindi couldn’t command and occasionally hear its dull whisper he’d think it wasn’t living at all. Ittindi wondered if it would slowly form a personality from memories, that was how humans worked to a degree after all.

Either way he was sporting a red three-piece suit with a black button up and tie to accentuate his hair against the red. He also had made a bold choice in fashion and wore red contacts to better match his outfit.  Walking about the town, he was becoming more recognizable in Era, a problem Ittindi minded more than he thought. He didn’t enjoy recognition as much as he initially imagined. At least it was more for his cleaning abilities than his status as a Rune Knight. Only other government officials recognized him, hopefully that would remain the same after his soon to be promotion.

That’s when he’d get an emergency summons back to headquarters. Ittindi upset that he’d have to test his suit so soon without any practical training. He’d start to take off running at full speed back to headquarters. Praying that he wouldn’t be to late before whatever horror spread through the city. The time he had been spending on training his body paying off, his defeats at the hands of his friends in the arena reminding him of his deficiencies. He could feel the underlying panic his full sprinting was causing as he passed buildings, intersections, even parks. There was a decent distance between Ittindi and headquarters his alert growing more urgent on every repetition.

When he finally made it to headquarters, there was a panic as Ittindi would be recognized by one of the scouts and he’d brief him. The summary being that someone was attacking Rune Knights in their headquarters. Ittindi wasn’t even aware that one sentence could cause such turmoil in his mind. Who could it possibly be? There weren’t many officers at headquarters and now Ittindi would likely have to face off against some random assailant alone.

He'd take out his dominator from his shoulder holster by his armpit, while he preferred his cross lately, Ittindi knew that only one weapon would make the newspaper if he were to be featured. It was important to assure the civilian population the power behind the weapon even if every user couldn’t unlock it.  Dominator angled down 45 degrees Ittindi would move to the location briefed. What he saw before him caused Naki to perk up, Ittindi had a problem with bloodlust when he saw dead allies. Still he managed to keep his gun down at 45 degrees at the sight of the bodies. Even worse then that was the perpetrator, there was a point in time where he almost met General Kon through the person before him. He hadn’t much interaction with Major Primula after, but his usual stoic face was instead twisted in shock and disgust.

”Major Primula, this is will be your only warning, surrender now, lay on the ground ankles cross hands behind your back.”

WC: 566



The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK] Empty Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:33 pm


Ittindi's arrival caused a sense of relief to wash over Primula. Although she knew little about his abilities in person, reports suggested he was quite a competent member of the knights and also quite skilled with his gun. Although that relief turned into worry when instead of taking the opportunity to ambush her with an attack he tried to warn her. The robot turned her gaze toward Ittindi, the blaster held in her right hand raised toward him.

"Confirmation: Major Ittindi - Threat Level: Orange, high risk of interference with orders. Proceed with elimination of threat."

Holding the trigger down of her blaster the loop of the weapon started channeling mana while the robotic voice from before changed toward a more panicking one, clearly now belonging to the same person he had met back then during his initial briefing to the knights.

"No! Shoot me! I can't interfere with their program!"

As Primula cried out the blaster unleashed its power in a single shot, the bullet formed from energy seemingly aimed straight at Ittindi's torso! However, whether he was able to dodge or endure the attack mattered little to her right now. Her orders were clear, and to ensure she could carry them out she needed to eliminate the Major.

However, after a moment, rather than firing a second time she turned her gun toward the crowd of civilians that were frozen in terror and turned her arm toward them?

"Artillery Mode: Activated."

The same robotic voice as before called out, although this time the blaster seemed to start changing shape, as if being fused with her arm to form a cannon of sorts. Although her intentions were clear as the barrel started to hum with mana and the fiery energy started to gather. Yet it seemed in that moment that she was about to fire that Primula spotted something in the crowd, her eyes widening as a liquid started to trail down the corners of her eyes, a momentary pause in her charging, possibly enough for Ittindi to act.

"Override behavior module of individual: Primula completed - Carrying on with Order Thirty-Seven."

This time there was no hesitation or any more delay after the robotic voice spoke, instead unleashing the power of her arm cannon in a vicious beam that surged straight toward the crowd! It was clear that if Ittindi didn't intervene there would be casualties among the civilians.

WC: 415


The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK] Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 3:57 pm

The sun hung suspended in the azure expanse, a celestial orb caught between the desire to complete its journey and the temptation to linger. Era basked in the gentle caress of this indecisive daystar, its streets alive with the melody of chirping birds and the whisper of a breeze so crisp it carried hints of a distant shore. Diaphanous clouds drifted lazily across the sky, their ethereal forms painting fleeting masterpieces against the cerulean canvas.

Perched atop a building, Colonel Tōga of the Knights found solace in this tranquil tableau. His soft brown eyes, windows to a soul both fierce and compassionate, gazed upward, drinking in the serenity of the moment. On duty, the weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon his shoulders, but today – a rare respite – he allowed himself the luxury of idleness. The stridency of city life drifted up from below: the exuberant chatter of children, the measured tones of their parents, and the wisdom-laden voices of the elderly. This urban stage play, usually a source of comfort for Tōga, suddenly found itself interrupted by an urgent cry.

"Colonel Tōga! You're needed at headquarters, it's urgent!" The peace shattered like fine crystal, replaced by the palpable tension in the voices of two breathless privates. Their disturbed visages spoke volumes, prompting Tōga to action. With a resigned sigh, the pink-haired mage rose from his perch, brown eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. "Okay – catch me up on the way," he commanded, scooping up his nearby weapons before leaping down to join his subordinates. The peaceful day had evaporated, replaced by the familiar rush of impending conflict.

As Tōga raced towards headquarters, chaos was already unfolding. Ittindi, a fellow knight, found himself locked in combat with an unexpected foe – Major Primula, a cyborg whose allegiance had apparently shifted. The streets, moments ago filled with the mundane bustle of daily life, now echoed with screams of terror as citizens fled the rogue knight's wrath. Primula stood amidst the pandemonium, her arm-cannon gathering mana, the weapon's maw glowing with threatening energy. Some bystanders, paralyzed by fear, could only stare in horror as death seemed to loom before them. Ittindi struggled nearby, occupied with deflecting a previous assault, leaving the civilians defenseless.

Just as hope seemed lost, the air crackled with sudden, intense heat. A veil of fire erupted from nothingness, interposing itself between Primula's blast and the terrified crowd. Through this blazing curtain sliced a blade of midnight steel, dispersing the flames to reveal Tōga, his arrival timed with preternatural precision.

"Ittindi-san! What happened?!" Tōga's voice cut through the chaos, a mixture of confusion and command. With a casual flick of his wrist, he dispelled the smoke clinging to his sword, the residue of Primula's thwarted attack billowing away on the breeze. Facing his former comrade, now a threat to the very people they had sworn to protect, Tōga's voice hardened. "Stand down, major..." The words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of potential consequences.

The sun, once a lazy spectator, now seemed to burn with renewed intensity, as if lending its fire to Tōga's cause. The breeze, no longer playful, carried the acrid scent of discharged mana and the metallic tang of drawn steel. Era's streets, typically a canvas of everyday life, had become an arena where fidelity clashed with insurrection, and where the fate of innocent lives hung in the balance.

wc: 603


The Council's Shadow - Order 37 [RK] Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 1:12 am

It seemed that his warning wasn’t heeded, as Major Primula took no time in firing some kind of weapon from her arm. As it was charging Ittindi brought his dominator to attention, his danger sense screaming. If it wasn’t currently trying to kill him he’d love to inspect the weapon or magic she was using to emulate the same effects as his dominator. Well, no better time than the present to test his dominator. Firing off his strongest shot he’d attempt to have their bullets clash. Before he had time to see the outcome of the clash Major Primula was already preparing her next attack. There was still a small moment of hesitation, Ittindi was about to be on the move when he felt a familiar presence.  He’d give the mental command to his armor to cover his body, Ittindi would start talking at Colonel Tōga who had arrived on scene just in time to protect some of the innocent bystanders from the Major’s follow up blast.

”Colonel Tōga something has hacked corrupted Major Primula. We must take her alive for further investigation.”

His voice would start to distort near the start of his first sentence as the symbiote finished covering his body. It was a warm feeling being completely covered from head to toe, while his voice started to carry two dissonant voices fused when speaking. The very quiet whispers of Ace still humming in the background of his mindscape, or were they just Ittindi’s imagination?

”All civilians evacuate now, leave this to the professionals.”

Ittindi would put his left arm across his chest as no seal appeared, courtesy of his suit, instead a mask, one depicting an Oni with cracked horns and jagged sharp incisors, matte black with an aggressive smile forming a 1x1 shield. Once that was done he’d fire one more shot from his dominator weaker (A rank) than before.  Things had escalated so quickly he still had no idea what order or mandate number 37 was, Ittindi wondered if this was a consequence of Kon leaving or General Saturn promotion.

Either way they would have to minimize their destruction with so many innocents nearby. He was aware that both he and Colonel Tōga could turn the whole plaza into a warzone with one or two spells. Ittindi was unfamiliar with how much destruction Major Primula could cause as she was his Senior in time in rank, but he assumed safely that she would be at the same level as himself. Then there was the matter of their needing to take her alive versus her lack of control. Though there was that pause, it gave Ittindi hope that whatever was happening was reversible.  Losing control was a fear that Ittindi could sympathize with knowing that Naki could try to wrest control from him at any time.

WC: 470/ 1,036

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