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From the Wood work

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From the Wood work Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:10 am


There was a little bit of unrest within the Worth Woodsea. The Erwyr Settlement had been feeling the brunt of it. Like there was a disturbance in the woods around them. An eerie force sprouting and budding like the many fresh, new spring flowers; and with its abundance, it would cause a stir among the Druids within all the towns nearby. Agatha Neronellia the chief of Rue Knot was the one to take action. First hosting a meeting among the other Druid chiefs. They were hoping to handle the matter within themselves.

This would take place three weeks prior. All the leaders of note assembled from throughout the Settlement’s villages. It was somewhat an event as it was rare for them to gather in such away; and like an ominous sigh, the skies that were always so clear prior had hung with an abundance of dark clouds. The rain pouring down for days, over saturating the earth and causing the ground to swell.

From the Wood work Nerili11

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From the Wood work Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:26 am


The ground rendered to mush and mud, made the travel that much harder. It was like the elements were trying to hinder their meeting, but for what reason, the Druid’s could not yet comprehend. Every thunderous cry from above could have been seen as another tally toward their agitation. But who could say, even those that commune with storms was baffled, and beyond the roars, it was silent.

And so they converged. Making the route by foot, so as to avoid the dangers of their horses slipping and falling. While Agatha took the measures to welcome them and provide them a warm and dry place to stay. After a day of rest, the chief would finally begin their discussion.

The details being particular, and it was agreed upon to not disclose the verdict decided in the room. Now it was a matter of sleeping on the results and trying to give nature another prolonged observation.

After another week passed by, this was when a raven was petitioned. An offering of nuts and fish in hand were given so that it may send the message back to its master.

From the Wood work Nerili11

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From the Wood work Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:54 pm


” Yer telling me that they’re bothering me for some passing storm?” Lumikki was at her vanity mirror, overlooking her reflection as she styled her hair. The Demoness pale locks were carefully being braided into neat plaits and pulled back.

“Yes, they say that there has been a disturbance with the spirits of the Wood. But us ravens cannot be sure. How can we tell you about things we cannot see?” His head would bob in emphasis.

”Perhaps, I could go ahead and see? I could at least look out for any oddities among my old friends. They might just know more than the humans could figure out.” Lonu, a previous spirit of the Worth Woodsea who accompanied Lumikki some time ago, would chime in with his assistance. Which would relieve the Demoness greatly if it kept her from entering the situation blindly. She didn’t have as much time to waste on the petty missions of men like she used to, but she was not above the work just quite yet either.

From the Wood work Nerili11

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From the Wood work Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:25 pm


”Would ye then Lonu? I’ll set out once I get more word. Ye could pass on the message through the other ravens to save ye the time of going back and forth.” She was about done with her hair and looking down at her little raven. His calm demeanor one of her favorite traits about him. ”Of course my lady. I shall speak with you again soon.” He took off soon after the last word slipped through his beak. Trygve, her other raven, shimming into her other side.

He was not as wise like Lonu, nor was he as old or mature; but he was eager to learn and assist Lumikki in all ways that he could. ”What do you think it could be my Lumi?” He’d say affectionately, with much curiosity laced into his voice. Like she was working on her hair, Trygve was preening his feathers. His focus now was on the pinions of his left wing.

From the Wood work Nerili11

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From the Wood work Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:42 pm


”It’s hard to say love, but the Druids aren’t usually ones to complain over nothing. So if they are noticing something odd, then it is best I do end up checking it for meself.” Lumikki sat back, slumped in her chair. Her gaze was toward the window as she finally paid note to the clouds outside. It was indeed true that it has been raining for some time. For the moment it was a bearable pour. Light enough to trust her birds can fly safely within it just fine; but if it were to prevail, who knew how annoying that could be. So it would be best to sort out whatever mischief these spirits could be harboring.

It wasn’t until the next day that Lumikki finally sent word of Lonu’s investigation. Seems he was very busy with sorting the matters. Trying to find and speak with every spirit calm enough to entertain him.

”My Revna, Lonu told me to tell you of the matters in the Woodsea. The spirits are indeed disturbed, but most are too irrational at the moment to properly explain why. He noted that this may indeed be a cause for alarm and I am here to bring you to the Druid that made the prior request.”

From the Wood work Nerili11

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From the Wood work Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 3:00 pm


With a deep sigh, Lumikki put her work down. Her heart was hardly in the books she was thumbing through anyway, knowing that trouble was stirring took most of her focus and thoughts. If it would put her birds or followers in danger that is, well then she could not sit idly. After all, what else was there to do with power but maintain a stake in that was yours.

Of course, this did not come from selfish desires, on contrary, she was actually a very protective being. Even if her Demonic nature made her want to portray otherwise. Or if she wanted to entertain more destructive means.

Lumikki looked out the window, observing as the rain was beginning to pick up again. The fat droplets of water pelting the pane in an aggressive rhythm. The grey clouds constantly churning in the sky. Yet from what she can see, this was the lightest part of the storm. Paradise Dawn was simply at the edges. But it would be time for her to face it at last.

1,068 50% wcr due to ring, companion, armor

Curtain Call

From the Wood work Nerili11

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