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V. Mage's Angle Grinder

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V. Mage's Angle Grinder Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:43 pm



Name: Mage’s Angle Grinder

Slot: Weapon

Type: Sword

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Damage: +0 Strength

Durability: 4x S-Rank


Description: Created by powerful arcane mages who wished to enforce their will upon society physically while lacking any form of strength, the Mage Angle Grinder refocused their abilities into something that could be harnessed with devastating results. Capable of being wielded by anyone with significant enough magical abilities, innate or otherwise, the mage's Angle Grinder is a fearsome weapon to be sure. Possessing a fearsome cyan hue, the blade irradiates an intimidating presence to its onlookers.

Measurements: The Mage's Angle Grinder is a two-handed single-edge sword approximately 150 meters in length total while the total size of the blade itself from tip to handle occupies roughly two-thirds of the weapon.


  • The user must be capable of using magic

  • When wielding The Mage's Angle Grinder, it will always be considered a two-handed weapon preventing the user from using their off-hand slot.


  • Brain into Brawn: When attacking with the Mage's Angle Grinder, the users base intelligence is calculated towards damage dealt instead of their strength on a 2:1 ratio where every 2 Intelligence they possess the Mage's Angle Grinder will have +1 Weapon Damage
  • Brawn into Power: The Mage's Angle Grinder deals Magical Damage rather than Physical Damage when striking targets.


  • Name: Overcharge
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of the users total mana pool
    Requirements: The Mage's Angle Grinder
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once Per Topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user supplies the Mage's Angle grinder with a steady flow of magic causing the Brain into Brawn effect to go into overcharge with it now giving +1 Weapon Damage per intelligence the user possesses including those given through buffs and items. This unfortunately damages the Mage's Angle Grinder causing 1x A-Ranks worth of damage to the weapon per turn

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