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Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:30 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The sun had barely begun to rise over the towering buildings of the Silver District when Tsukishima received an unexpected request. An aristocrat by the name of Jean Paul, notorious for his vain demeanor and impeccable lineage, had hired him for a particularly mundane task. Jean Paul possessed a burning curiosity to witness firsthand the lives of those dwelling in the city's lower district.

Tsukishima, with full mastery of his innate lich powers, initially wondered how Jean Paul had come to know of him. He soon realized that his reputation was beginning to spread, though fortunately, many still had not made the connection between his Athlas Elf appearance and his true undead nature. As he pondered the implications, he couldn't help but question whether such requests would continue once the truth was inevitably revealed to the world. Despite the potential risks, he accepted the job as he required a significant amount of jewels if his idea of binding his soul to an island would come to fruition.

Word Count: 167

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:32 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Jean Paul arrived at their arranged meeting place, his attire so extravagantly out of place that it drew immediate stares from passersby. His velvet coat, embroidered with gold thread, and the glint of jeweled rings on his fingers seemed almost to mock the humble surroundings. Tsukishima noted the imperious tilt of his chin and the disdain in his eyes as he surveyed the area.

"I trust you are Tsukishima?" Jean Paul began, his nose wrinkling slightly as if the very name of his guide carried an unpleasant odor. "I assume you know your way around these... parts?" he added, his voice dripping with condescension as he turned up his nose. Already irritated by the man, Tsukishima merely nodded. He had seen all types pass through the lower district, but an aristocrat, particularly one as insufferable as Jean Paul, was a rarity. The lower district was not kind to outsiders, especially those from the upper echelons of society. It was a place of raw survival and unfiltered reality, far removed from the opulent and sheltered life Jean Paul was accustomed to.

Word Count: 180

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:33 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
As they began their journey, Tsukishima couldn't help but wonder how this pampered aristocrat would fare amidst the gritty, unforgiving environment of the lower district. He was curious to see whether Jean Paul's curiosity would hold up against the stark contrast to his luxurious existence or if it would shatter under the weight of reality.

Tsukishima led the way through narrow streets lined with dilapidated buildings crumbling and weathered by time. The pathways were crowded with vendors hawking everything from suspicious food to various trinkets and necessities. The air was thick with the smells of street food, sweat, and the unmistakable odor of trash. Jean Paul's expressions ranged from faint amusement to thinly veiled disgust as they passed beggars, street performers, and children playing in the dirt. The aristocrat's gaze flickered with a mixture of fascination and repulsion. He seemed particularly perturbed by the sight of a street musician attempting to play a partially destroyed violin with a stick.

Word Count: 159

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:33 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Despite his disdain, Jean Paul followed Tsukishima closely, his curiosity compelling him to continue. As they ventured deeper into the heart of the lower district, the contrast between their worlds grew starker. Tsukishima observed Jean Paul with a mix of amusement and skepticism, wondering if this excursion would enlighten the aristocrat or simply reinforce his prejudices.

Every turn revealed new layers of the district's harsh reality: a makeshift market teeming with desperate merchants, a group of laborers toiling under the watchful eyes of their overseers, and families huddled in horrid conditions. As they ventured deeper, the alleys grew narrower, the shadows longer. It was in one such shadow that trouble found them. A towering figure stepped into their path, his presence casting a shiver down Jean Paul’s back. Tsukishima already knew of the figure in front of him and was not alarmed. The man’s name was Jason, a massive hulk like figure who was known around these parts as somewhat of a local tyrant.

Word Count: 164

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:35 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Jason was also known to be a user of fire-make magic, a rarity around these parts. His eyes, much like his magic, burned with disdain. "Look what we have here." Jason sneered, his voice a rumble of thunder. "A silver-spooned brat comes to gawk at the 'less fortunate'."

Jean Paul bristled. "You…you watch your tongue, you dall oaf. Do you know who I am?" Jason's laugh was dark. "I know exactly who you are. And I know what you think of us." With a flick of his wrist, a flame sprang to life, dancing in his palm before solidifying into a fiery construct—a snarling wolf made of pure flame. The crowd that had gathered around them stepped back, eyes wide with fear and curiosity. Tsukishima stepped forward, placing himself between Jean Paul and the advancing fire wolf. "That's enough." Tsukishima said, his voice calm but firm. "There's no need for this."

Word Count: 151

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:36 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Jason snarled, the fire wolf lunging forward. With a swift motion, Tsukishima drew his dagger, opting not to reveal his true lich nature and clashed with the dagger’s edge catching the flicker of the flames. He moved with grace, parrying the wolf's attacks with precise strikes. The wolf's fiery fangs clashed against his blade, sending sparks into the air. The duel was intense, a dance of steel and flame. Jason summoned more constructs—serpents of fire that hissed and coiled, striking with deadly intent. Tsukishima remained unflinching, his movements a blur as he sliced through the constructs, his blade singing with each strike.

Finally, with a powerful sweep, Tsukishima dispelled the last of Jason's fiery creations. The mage, panting and visibly weakened, staggered back and fell to the ground. Tsukishima lowered his blade towards his neck, his eyes locking with Jason's. "End this…or else." he said quietly. Jason, chest heaving, nodded slowly. The fiery passion that previously coursed through him was subsequently snuffed out by Tsukishima’s display. He knew when he was beaten and fighting a losing battle was pointless.

Word Count: 179

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:37 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Picking himself up off the ground, he slowly moved to the side, allowing the two to continue on their path without incident. Jason’s eyes remained fixated on the ground with pride wounded as the two moved past. “Thank you for that.” Jean Paul says with a noticeable change in his demeanor. Jean Paul, to his credit, did not falter during the attack. There was a certain resolve in his step, a determination to see his morbid curiosity through to the end. Tsukishima found himself grudgingly admiring his tenacity if nothing else.

The tour of the lower district culminated at a makeshift rooftop lookout, offering a panoramic view of the district below. Here, amidst the ramshackle rooftops and smoke-stained chimneys, Jean Paul stood silently, absorbing the day’s events. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the city, Tsukishima saw a change in Jean Paul’s eyes. A hint of understanding, perhaps, or at the very least, a recognition of the vast gulf between their worlds. Their journey back to the Silver District was quiet, the once-overbearing aristocrat now deep in contemplative silence.

Word Count: 184

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Silver City [B-Rank] [Solo] Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 10:41 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
And we’re back.” Tsukishima says, breaking the silence as the two arrive at the place where the trip began. Jean Paul’s luxuriously customized mana car, driven by his butler, pulls up smoothly to the curb. The lights dim as the butler exits, moving around to open the passenger door for Jean Paul. “I thank you for the rather… enlightening experience.” Jean Paul says, his tone more subdued than before. “I could have only imagined what truly went on here. Seeing it firsthand, having my life threatened in such a manner, was eye-opening. I’m sure you could tell, but the act I attempted to pull against that ruffian was for show. Perhaps, I've been wrong.

With that, Jean Paul moves away without another word, getting into the awaiting open door of the mana car. He shares a quick, lingering glance with Tsukishima, his eyes reflecting a mixture of contemplation and acknowledgment. The door shuts with a soft click. The butler then approaches Tsukishima, handing him a large sack of jewels. “The young master extends his thanks once more. I wish you well.” he says, bowing deeply before returning to the car. Tsukishima watches as the car drives off, its taillights disappearing into the distance. He pockets his pay and heads off in the opposite direction, disappearing into the shadows of the lower district.

Word Count: 222
Total Word Count: 1,406 / 1,200 [20% WC Reduction]
Quest Completed

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