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Litter Locker got me talking way to much [Rhea]

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Litter Locker got me talking way to much [Rhea] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:29 pm


The sun was out beating down the citizens of Era on an unceremoniously hot day, and with the harsh weather came harsher attitudes. That’s where Ittindi thrived…well where he worked now. There was a dispute going on, a family of 4 was complaining about a small magic shop owner across the street from their house. Apparently early in the morning he’d started to work waking up the family, and they didn’t mind when it was just the morning. However, about two weeks ago according to the family the man started having large noises come from his shop in the middle of the night. Ittindi could understand their complaint and was dispatched to handle the case due to the Magic shop owner having multiple notes on being aggressive especially with enforcement.

So Ittindi was cruising down the street in his Mana car, top down with a bright green stripe on his top hat and in his usual enchanted tuxedo. His M bowtie replacement shining in the sun from his recent polishing. As he cruised down the street, he’d receive greetings from random Rune Knights he had worked with and occasionally a transient here and there from his foot washing services. While Ittindi preferred being in the north due to the mages he had met and trained with, there was a certain allure to Era that he’d never be able to shake off. It was the only city where Rune Knights seemed to be mostly greeted with smiling faces.

Not to mention that he had heard rumors of a couple of new Knights joining that had been making waves. He had yet to run into any, typically Ittindi didn’t seem to run into many Rune Knights at all. The only two he had met more than once were General Saturn and Colonel Tōga, he had planned on meeting with Lady Averie again, but their schedules seemed to always be clashing. A shame since she’s the only reason he made it in in the first place. He never did find out what rank she was, apparently the Rune Knights had merged with a magic guild before Ittindi had joined, as a result there were still Rune Knights wandering around with no rank and only in the archives as listed as a Rune Knight.

Ittindi was forced to bring his mana car to a full halt as their was a disturbance up ahead, he’d pull off to the side. Hitting the button to put his top back up, he’d wait anxiously as the mechanism locked shut before hopping out of the car. He’d be quick with his gun to see if there were any hits on infamous criminals nearby.


Litter Locker got me talking way to much [Rhea] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 11:39 am

The day started off pretty peacefully for Rhea as she patrolled the vibrant streets of Era. The city looked magical under the midday sun, like a jeweled tapestry woven with designs of marble and glass. But that peace didn't last long. She soon stumbled upon two idiots arguing over a woman who clearly wanted nothing to do with either of them. Both guys were obsessing over the woman standing nervously behind Rhea, like moths fluttering around a flame that wasn't even lit. The Dragon Slayer didn’t know either of them, and they’d both been trying to get her attention to the point of obsession. How did Rhea end up in this mess? She couldn't tell you. All she knew was that men this desperate for attention didn't deserve it.

There she stood, the Stellan Knight, eyes low and thoroughly annoyed. She’d tried talking to both men, but there was just too much testosterone flying around. Arresting them was an option, but she had a complicated relationship with her job. What would they learn in prison, anyway? Some people just needed a good beat down. "Okay, listen—"

"No!" one man snapped, turning back to the other guy. "She clearly wants me, bro. Move along! You're weird and I saw her first!"

"You're a fool to believe that! Have you seen yourself?" the other shot back, his voice rising like an angry hornet's buzz.

Rhea balled her fists, twitching as the woman behind her gently held onto her shoulders. People started gathering around, eager to watch the drama unfold. Because, of course, wherever there was chaos, there was an audience. Just as Rhea was about to step in and knock both of these creeps on their butts, a man hopped out of his car and approached.

Rhea’s attention shifted for a moment—she recognized the captain himself, striding toward them like a thundercloud rolling in over a clear sky. Suddenly, she felt a wave of calm wash over her. "Uh oh, you two idiots are in trouble now," she smirked, almost enjoying the situation. It seemed the gods had spared these men from a humiliating beatdown, as the captain's arrival promised a swift end to their nonsense.


Litter Locker got me talking way to much [Rhea] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:25 pm

Gun drawn; the crowd would quickly make way for Ittindi as he pushed through to see what kind of debacle was unfolding. He was decently known around Era, slowly developing a reputation in the North thanks to his adventures with Lady Lumikki.  To Naki’s great disappointment it seemed that it was just two men squabbling over a woman. Ittindi hated these encounters, mostly since proving harassment was one of the more difficult things to do. Ittindi would also see that neither carried an active bounty or a criminal history he’d stow his dominator. Luckily there was still an avenue of punitive action for him he saw another Rune Knight and smiled. Ittindi was a master of bureaucracy. Part of that was knowing exactly where the legality fell, especially in Fiore.  Ittindi would take his 2.5-meter cross off his back slamming it against the ground to get both men’s attention.  Its bottom half would open revealing the 1.9-meter barrel. As Ittindi spoke it the first thing one would notice if looking at his face was the Rune Knight ankh tattoo on his tongue.

”Good afternoon gentleman, I am Major Amali of the Rune Knights. And over there is another officer, it seems to me that you are obstructing her duties. Which means I’m free to rectify that by any means necessary. Or we could all just enjoy the beautiful day, so if the next words aren’t sorry to my officer and the lovely women behind her, or you both walking away…Well I’m afraid I’ll be within my rights do shoot you down right here.”

As Ittindi said walking away he’d brandish his punisher right hand in the center of the cross for the trigger handhold, his left balancing at the base of the barrel there was a resting spot where it wouldn’t heat up. He hadn’t much opportunity to use his gun, especially the rapid fire function. It would be obvious to both men and the two women that Ittindi seemed almost excited at the chance to use his weapon.  Naki wasn’t helping either as they spoke directly into his mind.

You are being to kind, why warn them your shots themselves are a warning. It’s not like we plan on giving them the sweet embrace of death just scars to remember how to address others.

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