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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki]

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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:48 pm

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Captur10

The soothing gentle sounds of the water running mixed with the distant sweet soft voices filled the steamy air of the famous Hosenka hot springs. The warm high-spirited ambiance soaking the atmosphere was rejuvenating as the springs themselves. The inn Zeno was staying at was a temple of the olden times of joya. Lanterns and lush trees fill the infrastructure, giving off the look of a land straight from a fantasy story. Laid back in his private room, Zeno sat on the balcony sipping Hosenka inn exclusive sake as he waited for his esteemed guest to arrive. Such a scenery before him reminded him of some of the good memories he had with the fairy family he was adopted into. Vivid colored trees full of life, the purest water you can find anywhere with flowers and fruits in overwhelming abundance. Being surrounded by nature was the closest feeling to home Zeno had ever felt. Unfortunately, his peaceful night would abruptly turn to chaos when cries for help rang out from the main grounds. “S-Salamanders!!” “Where did, so many come from!?” “Q-Quick, Over here!”. With all the commotion going on outside, Zeno took it upon himself to look over the balcony edge and see what was happening. People were running from the springs gate in a panic with at least 5 adult-sized salamanders scurrying behind them in confusion. “Trouble in paradise it seems”, Zeno sighed. “These must be the infamous heat-loving rascals that were mentioned on warning signs throughout the inn. Well time to take a dip and get paid!” Zeno cheered to himself. Getting properly dressed before making his way down to the main grounds to deal with the pest.

Upon reaching the main grounds, the staff can be seen evacuating the guests from the different hot springs stationed around the temple and gathering people inside. Squeezing his way through the rowdy crowded halls to get to the main exit, Zeno slipped out and darted towards the nearest gate to help out the staff members.

WC: 340


Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:38 pm


Lumikki enjoyed a few drinks at a tavern nearby, an activity chased after attending a Joyan show. The main characters were tragic but resolute, until it cost them in the end. It left her thinking, mulling over the many times such tragedies reoccurred, but now it was time to visit the inn her recent friend had noted to her.

As she wandered the road her ravens lead her down, she’d look over the trees ands shops, the fashion and stands, just everything. She simply loved the aesthetic and design to everything as it clashed a lot with things of her motherland but in interesting ways. Added to was she fought in Joya and her brother deriving from such a place, she simply could not get enough. It was akin to a fantasy world for her, one of many she hoped to drown in among the world as time skipped her.

She wore her favorite blue yukata with a floral motif. Paired with a simple lilac obi and a pair of wooden Sandals. Her hair was bunched in a bun and held together with ice-made raven feathers, but many loose strands hung and undid themselves. She’d saunter the road toward the inn, just a few minutes away when she began to hear cries. Nothing worth rushing for, there were gasps that salamanders were infringing. But that was hardly a cause for alarm to the Demoness.

”How many?” She’d inquire, a raven just above would note five and relay it to her. ”I wonder if they’d strike up a decent reward? Shouldn’t take me too long to squash before meeting me friend should it?” Lumikki would make the turn through a short cut that would veer her closer.

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Nerili11

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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:31 pm

“Ugghhh.. This..has to be the worst timing.. To get a cramp at all times..” The older man groaned deeply as he was in immense pain from his foot and calf cramping during his escape. Using his burly upper body, the older man managed to crawl partially out of the water, but he accidentally pressed his palm down on one of the salamander's tails, causing it to retaliate in a frenzy. Its body lit up brightly as its body temperature also skyrocketed to dangerous degrees. The sudden heat spike burned the man's hand, causing him to lose his balance as he reflexively moved his hand from the top of the salamander. The congress eagerly scurried to the waters and dived in, swimming past the man to head to the other side of the springs. Their attention was set on the large orangey-red female salamander that had just crawled its way into the gates.

She was heading straight for the hot steamy pool with haste just before green vines wrapped around her legs, torso, tail, and mouth firmly. Struggling to wrestle free from the vines grip, she eventually stopped moving and started glowing red. “Sorry to burst your bubble little lady, but your hot tricks won't do you any good with me” Zeno jokingly said as he reined in the Salamander to him. A congress of smaller ones surrounded  Zeno from behind, feeling the need to protect her. They all started glowing bright red and emitting steam from their entire bodies. “This doesn't look so good” Zeno scoffed sarcastically. He yanks the vines back more to get a better grip before wrapping them around his wrist. Once her movements were locked down Zeno clapped his hand together then interlinked his fingers, pouring mana into the core of his body and release through his feet invoking a magic circle behind him. A thick wall of green fiery tree roots emerge blocking the path to the springs."Don't you know the rules little guys, no fun time~ in the springs. Now be good salamander's and stay out" said Zeno as he tightens the vines."

WC 370


Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 5:29 pm


For the rising heat in the air around them, Lumikki countered it with the frigid aura of hers. Not wanting to suffer more than she’d have to as there were no plans for a hot bath that night. It took a little effort, only because of the overwhelming steam from the baths, but the breeze would cool all it touched now and this pleased her just fine.

”Oy, Zeno! Not quite how I thought I be meeting ye sadly. I wasn’t trying to do any work either.” Lumikki came strutting in while pulling the loose strands of her hair and fringe back. The chill wafting off her was visible, so was her hot discomfort. ”But looks like ye handle ‘em so well~ Not bad for someone of yer rank I’d say. Maybe yer due for a promotion even? I could mentor ye now for a moment and see. Just call out when ye need me.” It was then when the older man caught on the corner of her eye through the interlocking vines and she’d suck her teeth for it. He seized up from the pain, panting and heaving from the burns and cramps. Of course Lumikki would not yet know the extent of his damages.

Her wings would unfurl, somewhat undoing her Yukata, and she’d hop over the roots to settle onto the other side. ”I could manage him, just focus on the annoyances and soon. It’s getting too hot for me liking.” With soft and silent footing, Lumikki landed by the man. Quickly working her magic over him to ease his pain and sooth the wounds. Black frostflowers from her magic crept along his skin, blooming and wilting in rabbit succession. Flourishing most in the places where he held the most wounds. He’d calm down quickly from the relief and she will tendrils to drag him up and out of the water.

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Nerili11

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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:43 pm

With a soft popping sound, the smaller salamanders began shooting balls of fire at Zeno from behind. He ran towards the female salamander, strafing left and right, avoiding the fireballs. Once close enough to the restrained Lizard, he takes a huge leap over her and rolls on the ground to soften his landing. Afterward, he yanks the vines, pulling her body forward, then slams his hands on the floor a few meters away to invoke a magic circle between her and the smaller lizards. Sprouting out from the magic circle were several robust fire vines that towered high into the air. Zeno used his mana to control their movements, having them slap around and slam down on top of all the surrounding lizards, rendering them unconscious. The female salamander, leading all the smaller ones in a frenzy, endured the attacks and tried her hardest to resist and break free from the vines ensnaring her, but it was futile. Zeno released the spell, having the towering fire vines sink back into the magic circle before standing up.

He suddenly heard a woman with a familiar striking voice speaking to him, shifting his head left and right to find the source of the disembodied voice. That was when he noticed her, to his right, the elegantly dressed demon wrapped in the most beautiful kimono strutting her way into the springs past the gates. Hearing her praise his efforts at how well he handled the situation left him feeling overjoyed deep down, but he kept his cool, calm, collected demeanor at the forefront.

“You are looking as lovely as usual. I am glad you got to join me, even if this was not the desired location” Zeno greeted the young lady graciously as he walked over to the female salamander and proceeded to sleep via strangulation through the use of his vines. “You flatter me with your kindness lady Lumiiki, I will accept your offer to be my mentor as it would do me much good in the long run.” He gathered the unconscious salamanders and put them into a makeshift cage he made using his magical tree roots.

“Thanks for tending to the man, I will go get the staff members” Zeno ran off with the cage of small salamanders. Upon meeting with the staff team, he notified them of his friend treating an injured man in the springs and requested further assistance. Several of the medical staff rushed over to the springs where Lumi was. Zeno informed the head of the inn that he had captured and restrained all the salamanders and revealed the cause of their sudden appearance. It was related to their mating season and finding the perfect spot to mate and nest. He dropped off the cage, allowing them to make whatever decision they wanted with the salamanders, requesting he would like to be rewarded and compensated with a new room more on the colder side if possible. They obliged his request and provided Zeno access to the suite on the top floor for the remainder of his stay.

After hearing this news, Zeno thanked the owner and then went back to check on Lumikki to notify her of the good news. Staff and visitors applauded Zeno for his valiant efforts and for saving the hot springs from potential disaster.

WC: 534


Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 5:48 pm


Among the staff and victims of the stupendous incident, Lumikki also found herself clapping. It was a bit cheeky, but also a tad in earnestness. She was sincere proud of his efforts. He handled it with grace and skill; but she could not help but forgo full praise as it irked her very nature. One like this man could be tested further, but with anticipation of the notion, Lumikki sense that there was a well of hidden greatness. Besides, a prolonged dance with the Fae proved enriching. She lacked the experience with their race or the secrets such beings held. Ones so attuned with this realm would only bolster her own connection.

So the cold Frost Demoness gave him, his dues and followed them up stop the towering inn. Should they enjoy the boons that his efforts had provided. ”Curious and curiouser lad. How does one learn to fight as ye did just now? I’m curious of yer background since yer quite skilled for someone of yer class. Not like an imply nefarious things within yer nature, I just like to indulge in me company. Yer far more interesting than the humans I keep company~” There was a sway in her voice, smooth like a glass of sake. She spoke with a sing-song tone in her merriment to know more. Her vestige tinged with the coy awareness of an observant cat, her eyes betraying her danger. But her lips would remain soft and her demeanor amicable. There was simply something about the Fae man she could not yet put a finger on, but his grace and posture pulled a sense of playfulness. Even if it could be perceived as devilish.

”Oh but I’m getting ahead of meself like always, aren’t are? I should rather first inquire the nature of yer invitation. I didn’t think ye’d take to me company enough to welcome me here.” Zeno, lead her to the room and she’d enter unbothered of the implications. The Demoness long lost the fear of being alone in one’s company, there was even a time before the fame that she’d welcome the danger. As she took a seat on the cushion, she’d circle the air with her index finger. Opening a portal into her personal abyss, and pulled out bottles of plum wine and sweet sake she purchased prior. The raven even had the sense to store the needed cups to drink as such, and she’d after him his fill as she poured herself first. Licking her lips before hastily taking her drink in. ”Nothing like the ale or brew of Iceberg, I’ll say that. If ye travel, ya should honestly indulge in everything. But Zeno, if ye were to travel around, what would take yer focus?’

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Nerili11

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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 6:19 pm

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] 75487e9aac3107629f3c06cec0fcccef

The room Zeno and Lumikki would stay in would be located at the top of the Inn, but to reach the desired location would require them to take a hidden passage. This hidden passage will take them through a short mountain pass connected to the inn.  The passage is filled with vividly colored trees and flowers along the stone path. At the end of the mountain ridge is a large temple. Inside that temple houses a large personal hot spring bath with sliding doors leading to the courtyard with a stunning view of the horizon of Hosenka’s peak. Lanterns hanging from the ceiling and floor lamps light up the room, revealing the polished, pristine wooden floor. A couch hangs in the back, giving a perfect view of the entire room.

Zeno enters the large grandiose room and slides the doors in front of the bath wide open, letting the moonlight and fresh air flow into the room. “Now this is truly amazing Lumi” Zeno happily took everything in as he wandered around the entire space. “The praise you shower me will be met with great appreciation Lumi. About my background, I was trained to survive an onslaught of attacks from countless beasts while honing my magic. I was not given any weapons and was forced to learn how to be resourceful. So I learned quite a bit of tricks hehe” Zeno flicked his hair with a small smirk, feeling proud of his survival skills. Zeno flips up his hair revealing the tattoos on his forehead. "These represent each insufferable mission I passed to earn the freedom I have now. He traces the stars and closes his eyes before letting his hair drop down over his forehead.

“As to why I invited you here of all places, well, I was curious, how lovely you would look in a kimono of course, and thought a nice secluded place to enjoy drinks with a wonderful landscape cannot be found at a bar, but only somewhere exotic” Zeno said as he sat on the edge of the bath sliding his hand through the hot water. Watching his reflection get distorted by the ripples of the water. Turning his gaze over to Lumikki, he sees her sitting on the couch and opens a portal to pull out drinks and a cup. “Ho ho, you are full of surprises! What else you have stored away there, I wonder. I”

Zeno walks over to Lumikki, analyzing the two drinks, thinking he will indulge in the plum wine as he had already tasted Hosenka’s exclusive sake earlier. Wanting to cleanse his palette and try something different, he reached for the plum wine and the extra cup provided by Lumikki to pour himself a drink. His spirit was unwinding after the exciting events from earlier. This was made easier by the company of the demoness in his company. He decides to open up a bit more to her in hopes of deepening their existing bond.

“I have always taken the time to enjoy the surrounding nature of all the places I have traveled to, Hosenka is a prime example.” he states as he walks around the room holding a cup filled with the plum wine he poured himself.  “It is soo remarkable how interwoven we are with the world and nature, when not trying to destroy it or each other… Some stops I have been to during my travels were Seven, to have bouts in the Colosseum.” Takes a moment to sip from his cup and another moment to enjoy the aftertaste as the wine coats his tongue and throat with a taste completely unfamiliar to him and a slightly tinged sensation. “mmmm… Another location was Sin, taking part in the lighting of lantern boats ceremony. A wonderful event to pay respect to the departed, one I think you would enjoy, my dear, who is starting to enjoy the magnificence of the flames of life.” He takes another sip but longer than the previous one. “Some amazing stuff you have brought with you. From Iceberg, you said… I have been forbidden to travel to that location by my superiors, but it holds a lot of mystery and curiosity in my heart and mind.  Other than Iceberg, I seek to visit the Erased lands hoping to catch glimpses of what secret history resides there.” He took one last small sip to finish his drink, and released a satisfying sigh. He took up the plum wine to refill his cup and sat down next to Lumikki on the cushion gazing at the view in front of him, raising his cup to Lumikki to perform a toast.

WC: 775


Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:43 pm


”A tattooed practice? Seems quite rare outside of Iceberg, though I still have more to look into. I will say, I didn’t peg ye to be brought up by such a tradition. If I had a guess, I figured ye were more of a noble that was properly instructed—but I suppose the nobles of other areas have their own traditions…” Lumikki, who was sure to chill the drink just before, poured a generous amount into her glass and a proper amount for Zeno. She was half laying down as she did, already properly adjusted to the Joyan styled mats. Her gaze, slowly lifted to the view outside; the mountain structure reminding her of her homes while the rock faces were bathed in the luminous moonlight. Slight mist permeated in the night sky, a mixture of how high they were and rising steam slowly cooling as it rose. She’d make note of early slight breeze that ruffled the leaves of the carefully placed and groomed trees. Their branches lush with flowers fresh from the transition into spring. Lumikki slightly slid the cup meant for Zeno as an invitation to drink, as she brought her just to the point of her lips. Not yet taking a sip as she took in the sight from outside the room. But eventually she’d break her glance, throwing her head back to take her sake all in one shot. With a satisfied sigh, a cool fog left her lips and she’d leisurely slump on her arm prompted on the arm of the couch.

”See me in a kimono?” Lumikki chuckled as she sat up and poured herself another glass. In her lofty posture, the robe of her dress loosened enough that one fold draped along her shoulder, exposing her neck and chest. She didn’t quite care, or perhaps she didn’t notice; but her second cup was already pouring into her mouth and leaving another smile on her face. ”I could agree,” she began to speak while placing the cup back down, ”those of Joya really know how to create a fantastic atmosphere for drinking. So much so, that they’ve won me favor in that regard.” The corner of her eye shifted to the bath in which Zeno sat, she would assume with a sense of longing but admittedly, she didn’t know him enough to properly say. ”Ye say kimono, but I curious if ye meant a bath Fae child. Kukuku, the nobles really know how to bolster their charm…..Hmmm? What I have in here? All that I need, really.”

Zeno began to pace around with the plum wine he poured before she settled the cups of sake. His reaction to the taste pleased her as she enjoyed the company of those who could enjoy sweet just fine. And his tales of the varying places he’s visited were a fascinating topic, as Lumikki was not sure how far this wandering fae may have been. ”Oh no, the wine is Joyan, the ale from Iceberg is to strong to willingly share. Now many could stomach what the Dwarven brew.” Lumikki snatched the cup she poured him, drinking as he sat down beside her. His excitement noticeable and his passion adorable. ”Suppose I could the fires of Sin a try. I’ve visited there just a bit ago and even collected a few dresses and pieces while there. I have to say, I love their sense of color and design. Even me Mum was pleased to study their work, she’s never seen any thing like it.” Lumikki not noticing his cup raised at first, promptly raised the bottle instead. It would seem there was no reason to share this one if her friend was situated with the wine. Then she’d take another swig on the conclusion of the toast and return her gaze to the outward view.

”Guess yer connected to nature as me Uncle is the stone…and I am to the tundra…I don’t mind the desolate beauty of the cold, barren, frigid fields; with snow untouched and the sheen of that dancing lights….”

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Nerili11

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Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:24 pm

“The tattoos branded onto me were more of an experiment the fairies did out of boredom to mimic that of human military rankings. It shows proof of my value and skills, but it only matters to those who know what they mean, otherwise they're just some fancy-looking designs on my skin” Zeno laughed at the cruel joke the fairies played on him. “I've come to like them though, so it works out And they look pretty cool don't you think?” Looking over to lumikki who was sitting beside them. He put the cup to his lips and threw his head back to swallow the contents of the small cup in one go. Exhaling loudly from the refreshing sweet tinge of the wine passing through. “That hit the spot~”

Zeno glanced over and noticed the demoness vulgar way of her drinking straight from the bottle without any care. Seeing somebody be so lax in his presence without any ulterior motives was a breath of freshness for him. This brought delight to Zeno as he felt he may have actually found a friend after so long, but he could not get his hopes up. “You know, taking a nice dip in the bath together wouldn't be so bad” he said teasingly. “Or a better proposal would be a little fashion show to give me a glimpse of your dress collection from Sin, that would be a real treat” Zeno snapped his fingers conjuring up several flame butterflies to flutter around. “I have a deep fascination for beauty and nature, so forgive my excitement as it can make me quite bold when making requests”

“Did you know dwarven brew is vastly popular among collections? I have come across it during my travels, but it usually stays untouched. Such a drink not for the weak or faint of heart, hmmm you my dear, perhaps you may have dwarven blood in your veins” Zeno asks with a curious smile while pouring himself another cup of wine, gazing at the fluttering flaming butterflies dancing around the open space of the room.

“You a tundra…I can see that, but I would hazard a guess that days like today put you in your summer season huh” laughing softly, to himself before snapping his fingers, causing the butterflies to turn into fading sparkling embers. “I would say I'm deep-rooted, into nature, but with my magic I'm more of a poison or impurity. Which makes me happy” He looks into the distance at the mountain scape with eyes void of light. “The only light I have left is my own flames, nature, as we know, is just the shell of me” Taking a long sip of the wine from the cup, Zeno exhaled loudly again before falling into silence to just listen to the hashing breeze. A long moment of silence passed before Zeno gave a faint whisper before dozing off “Thank you for the company, Lumikki…”

WC 490


Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:28 pm


Zeno explained further about his tattoos before gulping down the bulk of his drink. As he did, Lumikki placed her bottle back down on the table and adjusted herself so that she could lean over toward the Fae beside her. With her cool left hand, Lumikki pushed his black thick bangs from out his face. Taking care to trace the designs with her eyes.

Lumikki was mere inches from Zeno as she studied the tattoos, a soft cold chill lifting from her skin could be felt, along with the scent of a cold crisp day and lavender. The fold of her yukata was also shifting in her movement, hanging a little bit further than it had before but Lumikki still wouldn’t notice. Her focus was on him.

”Here I thought that among us, the Fairies would be the ones to not be cruel. I figured that those of this realm would know better than to turn mortals into playthings. But I suppose their wings could also look beautiful hung up on me walls. I look forward to beginning me collection~” Her voice was reminiscent of the howling winds amid the tundra. Like gales lashing on fresh fallen snow. She had refrained from using her true voice until this moment, but her ire would beseech her. Compelling the calm Demoness to display her annoyance.

But his next comment would shake her out of it. Her glowing gaze shifting from the tattoos to his eyes and her serious expression fading with it. ”I knew ye wanted me in the baths, sadly heat doesn’t agree me. Not without effort that is.” Lumikki chuckled, her mood was shifted and his second suggestion was far more interesting. ”Hah, did I finally find someone who wants to entertain me outfits~ If that is what ye want, then I’d gladly show them. I even have a few with Joyan designs too!” As the frost raven pulled back, she’d poke as his flame construct. Another butterfly like the day the two had met and now fluttering between them. It brought another smile to her face.

Lumikki got up from the couch rather quickly, with an “ouph” slipping from her lips as she got her footing. The yukata that was already peeling away, would be she’d further. Enough to see her bare back and a little more before a the shadows along the floor warps and fixed itself into a screen she could change behind. She wanted the outfits to be a surprise every time she walked from behind them. And just as she stepped out of sight, her robe had finally hit the ground.

”Ye could say I do, aye. I was raised by ‘em since I was three and me Pa taught me all I knew until me Uncle taught me more. Hard to know just how much information people know about me these days, when ye get popular a lot of details get passed around. But I am the heiress to me Dwarven clan and mean to watch over them when the time passes-Hah! Hardly a surprise they go untouched though. Ye’d have to be quite the drink to appreciate ‘em, or a proper Demon I suppose.” Lumikki was sliding on a different robe, a kimono that better suited her aesthetic. It was one she got order personally for herself.

”We all have the capacity to be shells love, all ye could aim to do is indulge on matters that give ya life. But aye, times like these ease me winter to a more amicable spring, or even summer.” As her screen of shadows faded to show her dress, Lumikki was sadly met with a half sleeping Zeno. Perhaps the heat of the day and the battle tired him out. Whatever the reason, the Demoness was somewhat upset but she chose to remain unbothered. Instead tossing her things back into the void and looking upon him one last time.

With a last bout of mischief, Lumikki used her shadows to paint and mark his face. Her spell, she decided, would last until the next dusk. When the dark of a new night could wipe it all away. And with that she would step back out, annoyed at the loss of her fun. And she’d drift back with strong wings to her own inn on the other side of town.

Curtain Call

Spring Cleaning [FPHS – Pest Control][Lumikki] Nerili11

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