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Bella Benini

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Bella Benini Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:04 pm



Name: Bella Benini

Age: X776

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Pan

Ethnicity, Birth Father: Joyan

Ethnicity, Birth Mother: Joyan

Ethnicity, Adopted Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Adopted Father: Minstreli

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Wood Elf

Rank: B-Rank

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Tattoo: Upper Thigh, Pink

Face: Ahri – League of Legends


Height: 171cm

Weight: 58kg

Hair: Blonde, most often

Eyes: Blue, most often

Overall: A pretty, slim and athletic young woman with noted Joyan features and yet rather a few abstract aspects to her appearance, Bella is an attractive young woman with typically long blond hair, who has her own sense of style and is bold and unapologetic in her outlay. Carrying a noticeable tone to her body like a sports star or fitness geek, it is clear that she has the tone of an active young woman who makes the effort to keep herself in great shape, and yet isn’t without a pleasing curve here or there. The face of the girl a pleasing, slightly impish set of features, Miss Benini has a slightly mischievous visage with her almond shaped eyes as well as her sharp jawline and nose, with full lips that just beg to be highlighted with a nice colour.

Azure eyed for the most part, Bella possesses irises which have a bright blue tone like the sky on a bright day, and they can look quite dazzling when caught by the light and are framed by a set of long, dark lashes which can make a wink or flutter seem to hold such promise, though also rather cold in the wrong circumstances. Defying usual conventional image with her unusual features as well, one will note the fact that her ears sit atop her head rather than at the sides and are pointed and covered in short and incredibly soft fur like those of a fox, and she also can boast slightly longer and more pronounced canine and premolar teeth.

Those golden locks rather long, they reach all the way down to her mid back when left to their own devices, they have a surprisingly straight and sleek nature which features only a very slight curling toward the tips, and in which she often chooses to temporarily colour to spice her image up further. The natural hair colour she possesses seeming to be a product of her quirk, the rest of her family seem to have dark hair whilst hers is naturally fair and bright and transfers into the furry covering which washes over her ears seamlessly.

Adaptive in terms of her hairstyles, though on the whole she will tend to wear it loose, Bella has enough sense of fashion and ability to mould her mane into almost any appearance, and sometimes enjoys a giddy sense of irony in wearing her tresses in braids or buns which are more typical and traditional in the land she comes from, or might let it all hang down and add the allure of long, framing curtains around her face for her own sense of amusement. Toying with her bangs frequently and sometimes having them long and flowing whilst other times short and a bit messy, the image of this vixen changes with the day, but then since this seems to be an aspect of her quirk one can hardly blame her for being a little more flexible with how she carries herself.

Highly stylish when it comes to her personal taste and with a strong fondness for designer items, one could describe her fashion sense as flirty but not lacking for class as she favours items that are intricate and pretty, and while she definitely enjoys wearing racy numbers also is skilled enough in designing her ensembles that she knows sometimes less is more. On the whole favouring tight items and not afraid to wear a sinfully short skirt or show a little flesh all the same, Miss Benini dresses in dark colours though sometimes adds a little flourish of brightness here and there for contrast, though with her frame and body confidence it would be fair to say she could make almost anything look good if she wanted to.

Fond of jewellery and not afraid to show that even with her unusual appearance, one will note that her delicate and perky ears are pierced at the outer corners like normal girls would the lobes, and when showing these off she often likes to wear large and flashy items in them like gems or even large hoops and other items. A master of makeup, Bella likes a little lip colour in provocative shades of red or purple or even a metallic gold, and enjoys cats eye or ironically enough fox eye makeup around her eyes, but like her clothing knows how to be subtler with her applications in order to respond to the role she needs.

Especially seeming fond of playing up her fox-like qualities, it is not unusual for Bella to give herself whisker-like markings upon her cheeks or wear tail-like accessories to further enhance her image, some of which can be rather grand or surprisingly lifelike thanks to magicraft.

Extra: Tends to change her style often, which can mean she varies her hair colour and style regularly, as well as her eye colour.



An outgoing and assertive young woman with a definite playful side, Bella Benini can be charming and adventurous but also at times mischievous, vain and even volatile. The type of person who enjoys the company of others and having a good time, Bella is happiest in pleasant and familiar company, and can be quite affectionate when given the chance. A passionate and impulsive girl who can be somewhat easily swayed by her sense of whimsy, Miss Benini seeks excitement and adventure both in a conventional and a more figurative sense.

Playful, mischievous and flirtatious if given the chance, it would be fair to say that to some degree Bella enjoys teasing and toying with other people. Laid back for the most part and definitely open-minded, she can be somewhat hedonistic and folk may be surprised by her frankness with certain interests. Enjoying the thrill of being ‘chased’ so to speak but certainly not bound by that pleasure, Bella is happy to indulge her desires for intimacy with available partners she is attracted to and doesn’t mind making the first move. Far from a demure wallflower and proving somewhat aggressive when she needs to be, in terms of relationships this young woman has learned that it is better to chase what you desire rather than wait for it to fall into your lap.

A free-spirited girl who likes to follow her heart and hates to feel judged for her interests or inhibited in her activities, while Miss Benini is a little rebellious at times and can be known to do certain things simply for the sake of defying convention and conformity, at the same time she can be quite a curious and highly adventurous girl. Outgoing, engaging and rather strong spirited, Bella can be quite bold in her interests and brazen in her friendships, and can often show a precocious tendency toward favouring older friends as well. Not that she minds those of a similar age to her or younger, she just seems to note her tastes are a little mature for her age, and perhaps also enjoys getting the acknowledgement of her peers as well.

Something of a romantic at times though her age and open-mindedness meaning that she does not subscribe to certain notions of exclusivity, Miss Benini loves the thrill of a new relationship, enjoying that giddiness and excitement of discovering another and one’s self in the process of attraction. In some ways a little bit obsessive with those she feels a strong draw toward, Bella is bold and unconcerned with labels in her approach, showing herself to be pansexual in regard to her attractions and rather persistent. Tending to flout conventions and even certain taboos when it comes to her interest in another person, the girl can be somewhat single minded and tends not to consider differences in age and station to be much of a concern, as in her mind desire is the only thing that should matter.

Tending to show a hint of rebelliousness and stubbornness when being told ‘no’, Miss Benini has developed a fondness for ‘forbidden fruit’ as it were, and being refused what she desires will only seem to intensify her determination, and her boldness. Wholly confident in her own good looks, if she senses a connection with someone she will tend to show limited understanding as to why they wouldn’t be interested in her magnificence, though is understanding enough to be respectful of certain boundaries like committed relationships, even if begrudgingly so. Though that’s not an absolute rule, and sometimes she can let herself get swept up by the heat of passion.

Unfortunately that same self-possessed streak sometimes making her seem somewhat selfish, while it gives her a great drive and makes her hard to supress, Bella can have a habit of considering her own concerns first and foremost and is ignorant to those of others unless they are direct with her. Perhaps viewed in a bad light for being outspoken and perhaps a little vapid, she doesn't have a bad heart and usually likes to look after the people she cares about and keep them happy, but can be somewhat superficial and air headed.

Not really the type for grand matters of philosophy and instead showing more of a materialistic and perhaps driven mentality, Miss Benini tends to air toward the notion that if she can then often she will, and has a certain pragmatism and perhaps ruthlessness as well. Not above certain acts of manipulation in order to get what she wants, she is happy to flirt with folk for advantage or exploit her good looks, and seems to view those who judge or reproach her for this as uptight or repressed. From her viewpoint simply making full use of the gifts she has been given, she can be mischievous and perhaps a little callous, and though she doesn't often set out with the intention of hurting the feelings of strangers, also doesn't feel too guilty for doing so either.

That being said seeming to show a greater solidarity with those she is close to, Bella is generally loyal and caring toward the people she loves, and often seeks to impress and earn the approval of people she admires. Displaying herself to be especially prone showing off around people in this fashion, she becomes noticeably emboldened and can sometimes be somewhat reckless in fact, and might need folk to rein her in a little.

✔ Assertive, Bold, Suave, Independent, Outgoing, Progressive, Encouraging, Passionate
✖ Contrary, Showy, Materialistic, Manipulative, Impulsive, Impetuous, Reckless

👍 Approval, Luxury, Sweets, Style, Family, Night, Mischief, Theatrics

👎 Disapproval, Salty Food, Squalor, Early Mornings, Bad Hygiene

  • Fame: Craving renown and acknowledgement, Bella wants to become a popular mage, seeing a kind of esteem and celebrity in the concept which she enjoys.
  • Indulgence: A girl who is rather honest and expressive of her passions, Bella tends to be impulsive and lives in the moment usually, and can prove rather hedonistic.

  • Obscurity: Expressive and something of a show off, even if she tends to garner attention on her own terms, Bella would hate feeling as if she were invisible or forgotten.
  • Ugliness: A girl with a strong sense of style and confidence in her looks, though it's vain she would be afraid of becoming ugly and unpleasant to look at, and seems to feel nervous around those who she views as grotesque.


Strength: 31

Speed: 31

Constitution: 31

Endurance: 31

Intelligence: 61


Magic Name: Glow Up (Maker Magic)

Magic Element: Light

Magic Enhancements:

Magic Description:

Maker magic is a magic that allows the user to create constructs out of their element and sustain them. The constructs can vary and take the shape of creatures, weapons, armor, or even shapes like wings for flight.



Perhaps the first chapter in Bella's life far from the happiest, the girl was conceived as the daughter of Joyan refugees, who were fleeing the increasing hardship and hostility that their people faced in their homeland. Those of her kin always viewed with suspicion and mistrust thanks to the superstitions of yokai and the like, things only grew worse as the Shogunate became increasingly tyrannical and oppressive, and the mother of the girl opted to seek sanctuary and shelter in another land in order to provide for a better life for her daughter.

Seeming to find it in the free and accepting country of Fiore but paying the ultimate price for doing so, travelling so far in such a condition left her in a bad way, and so when her daughter came it seemed too much for her. Losing too much blood in childbirth and barely able to hold her little girl for more than a few minutes before she sadly died, the woman barely had time to see her blue eyes and smile before she unfortunately lost her life, but through the trial and sacrifice she made ultimately provided something greater for her daughter than she might have ever dared to hope.

Emmanuel and Bruno Benini a married couple who wanted the joy of children, they fell in love with the cute little bean at first sight, and when they had seen her and her cute ears they knew they had to keep her, going so far as naming her Bella both because of both her fair skin and the beauty which she brought into their life, both figuratively and more literally sometimes.

A bright girl in more ways than one, the love that her dad’s had for Bella meant that she was often heavily doted on, and grew up perhaps a little bit spoiled. Realizing quickly that she might be able to play them off against one another a bit, the cheeky girl would often take advantage of Emmanuel’s desire to make her look like the loveliest girl on the block to get the cutest clothing she could, and since he was a fashion designer would even benefit from that fact to quickly become fond of chic items of clothing that were cutting edge, fashion-wise, which naturally made her a popular girl in the playground, especially among her fellow femmes. It becoming the norm for her to have all the big labels picked out by her patriarch to make her look like a million bucks, Miss Benini was certainly not a dull cookie and picked up on his advice quickly, delighting in picking out items that would make her and others look good and receiving praise for her taste from such an important man in the clothing industry. I mean, he did work for Gocci, after all.

Bruno something of a contrast to the more flamboyant Emmanuel in the fact that he was far more understated and perhaps more typical of what one might expect of an Italian man, while his ambitions were far less lofty than that of his husband since he just wanted to own and run a nice café, this difference in tempo and interest was something that the daughter of the family loved, with all her heart. The man much more down to earth, while he was quieter he was far more understanding and if she was honest also more connected with his daughter on an emotional level as well. Bruno was the father that Bella ran to when she needed comfort, and while she had grown up a lot in the interim, even to this day she remains rather affectionate with the man; loving to cuddle with him when she’s feeling less than her best and feel safe and protected by him.

Perhaps the combination of her pretty looks and popularity a reason that Bella has experienced a little less prejudice in regard to her heritage than many might do, while it would certainly be something of an overstatement to say that she has never found people showing distaste for having weird powers or hasn’t heard people call her a freak, she learned that her gifts were more a blessing than a curse at an early age and continues to see them as such. In fact as she grew older tending to find more reproach for her habits and passions from those who don’t know her than the simple but special ability she had been given, she grew into a girl with a strong will and perhaps occasionally feelings of self-importance who appreciated the differences in people, and ultimately preferred them to embrace who they were than try to be something they weren’t.

This belief something which could be construed as being something of a mixed bag for the young beauty, while she would habitually act out when faced with oppression and usually come out of the other side stronger, at the same time she could tend to show a habit of being a little blunt with her opinions. More perceptive than some of her vainer inclinations would imply and as such tending to find those who were sycophantic toward her off-putting, while Bella was certainly happy to hear that people thought she was the prettiest girl in her class at the same time she would grow increasingly weary of those who seemed to want to toady up to her, and voice that in a rather frank fashion that could rub people up the wrong way.

Occasionally finding herself in trouble with teachers and parents alike when she was a bit brusque with a classmate, whilst in her own mind she was just trying to encourage people to be more the person they like than the person they thought she would like, Miss Benini tended to cause upset and ruffle feathers and perhaps acquired a bit of a reputation for being a bit snobbish and elitist with some. Ultimately seeming to presume that the saltiness she was shown was mere envy, she knew that she was pretty and stood out from the crowd, and talented in other ways as well.

Agile and deft in ways that the other children seemed to envy, Bella was a good dancer and gymnast, and seemed to relish both the spotlight and to an extent the competition involved as well. Often seeming to steal a starring role in plays and the like, she also proved to have a natural bent for magic which not only provided her with amusement, but also only added to the regard she was given by her peers. Able to perform simple spells and perhaps showing off that fact a little, it wasn't long before she was being shown magazines and the like about the people who represented the popular guilds of the time as mages, and Miss Benini began to garner an ambition to join their ranks.

Perhaps this a factor in why Bella tended to demonstrate an increasingly precocious mind-set as she grew older, it felt like adults seemed a bit more tolerant of her childish ‘bossiness’ and rather opinionated behaviour, finding endearing and outside the norm for most people her age, which she liked. It made her feel all the more special and important to be friends with people older than her.
The advent of the teen years really seeming to ramp up that factor as well, the girl seemed to bloom early both physically and to an extent mentally, and quickly developed a heavy interest in romance and courtship, in part due to the influence of her parents.

Emmanuel and Bruno always rather affectionate, and also packing plenty of stories regarding ‘youthful misadventures’ with men and even some women, they held no stuffy attitudes in regard to endeavours of an amorous inclination and ultimately encouraged it as well. Happy to know that their daughter was exploring her tastes and interests so long as she did so healthily, Bella grew a little closer to Emmanuel at this age because he seemed especially fond of gossip about the cute boys in her life, and even encouraged her to bring them over for his own wicked purpose of eye candy.

Certainly considering nothing unfaithful or untoward but at the same time his eye for fashion and appearance making it a little like the appreciation another might have for fine art, though he perhaps pushed her interests in more superficial directions out of habit he didn’t particularly disapprove when his little girl showed an interest in a mousy boy so long as she was happy, and both her papa’s seemed overjoyed when she also brought a girl home as well, leading to develop a rather healthy and perhaps generous view of romance and attraction.

This connection which she had with her fashion designer father seeming to influence her beyond the promotion of what some viewed as promiscuity as well, Miss Benini wondered what she was to do in life, and found interest in certain things via the contacts he had. Seeming to become especially enamoured by the mages of a certain guild known for their strength and beauty, father would hire them for both modelling and the jobs he needed performing, and the girl seemed to be especially awed by the gorgeous glamour of one of his favourites.

Seeming to garner a quick crush upon this stylish and stunning figure and perhaps see something of an idol in her both for the celebrity she carried and her ability, Bella was certainly no less smitten when she saw the way in which the woman handily dealt with would be pirates as they sailed to Emmanuel's homeland for a fashion show, and was inspired to follow in her footsteps. Taking her magical studies more seriously with this ambition, it became her dream to become a renowned mage and cover girl for the magazines which she saw when she was younger, and with that earn the acknowledgement and perhaps more of her one time idol.

For that reason pestering her parents to send her to the prestigious Aberforth Academy, both of them a little bit reluctant to let their teenage daughter attend a school overseas but a combination of assurance and perhaps a bit of emotional warfare affording the girl the chance to try out, and managed to score her place in the institution and eagerly began to take to her course. Initially feeling a little bit like she missed her home in the rather different culture than what she was used to, the stricter academic society was a bit of a culture shock for a free thinking girl like Bella, one that she never quite became used to, but ultimately she enjoyed the school itself.

Adjusting to the place in due course, while the work at the Academy was hard ultimately Miss Benini enjoyed having the chance to test both her powers and her mind, and found herself being pushed to the limit by her exercises and coming out stronger as a result. Never lacking for confidence as one could probably guess but lessons in self-defence and others only further enhancing her assurance, she began to experiment in more ways than one and not only enhance the abilities she already possessed but also find new ways she could use her magic, and her wider range of skills as a whole.

Blossoming both as a woman and a mage in the years she spent there and coming out the other side only more confident and perhaps ambitious as well, with her abilities refined the girl has now set her sites upon the glitz and glamour of the guild world, opting to join Blue Pegasus to attain such status and with it meet once more with the woman who was once her hero…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa did~!


Bella Benini Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:05 pm

Using @Farah's inventory death coin into this character~


Bella Benini Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:00 am

The death coin has been accepted. Welcome back to the land of the living, or something like that.

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