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Lily vs Drakkon

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#1Lily Knight 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 8:49 pm

Lily Knight
Walking into the arena, surrounded by the cheers and jeers of a way too many people, Lily felt as nervous as she was scared. Having never fought another person before and just beginning to grasp her own powers, she wasn't sure this was the best idea. However, for the sake of growth and to show her guild that she was committed to becoming strong and learning the ways of battle, she threw herself headfirst into the Arena of Champions.

Her opponent, a man named Go D. Drakkon, seemed to be well-known, as his name was being chanted even before she entered the arena. This made Lily even more nervous, but she put on a proud face as she looked to where her opponent would enter the arena and hoped for mercy. With the only restriction being no equipment, Lily felt a little more confident and hoped that the strength of her magic would hold out against any onslaught thrown her way.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had lost his first fight in the Arena, but it seemed like it was good enough for the crowd to enjoy. They wanted to see more of him and, of course, there was another fight for him. His equipment was being repaired, and it didn’t matter. The fight that he was going into had some weird restriction that none of the fighters would be able to use the equipment. He was fine with that and it allowed him to showcase his magic to the people who wanted to see what he could do.

His body was completely fine from the fight he had; he had still felt the blows from the attacks, but he lived. He knew this one would be interesting, so he decided to make sure he didn’t underestimate his opponent.

He was going to use the Dragon Slayer abilities that he had gained through his travels. While he was waiting for the gates to open up he heard his name being chanted. He didn’t know why, but it didn’t matter he was going to rectify that loss by winning today. Soon enough, the gates would open and once it was all the way up, Drakkon made his way out to the field once again.

He waited for his opponent to come out as he could hear his name constantly being brought up. He wasn’t sure why, but he soon saw a woman appear from the gates. He had never seen her before, and even though she was pretty, she was here to fight. He wouldn’t allow his guard to be down; if she was here, then she could fight, or else why else would she be here right? He moved through the arena until he was ten meters away from her.

Once he was close, he had stretched a bit as the announcer had his microphone.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we have ourselves a no-equipment fight. That means you can only use your hands if you have your magic. If we catch you using your equipment you shall be disqualified. Now in this corner, you guys have been chanting his name, give it up for Drakkon.” The crowd cheered when they heard his name hoping that he would show them another fight.

He would look at the woman and he would put his hand in her direction.

“And in this corner, she is new to the Arena, and not much is known about her. Give it up for Lily Knight!” He shouted and the crowd cheered waiting to see what she would do in this battle.

The Son of Chaos looked at her and her scent was familiar. No, it was not familiar but similar to his own. She must have been a Dragon Slayer right? Well, he wasn’t totally sure, but in this battle, he would indeed confirm if his assumption was correct. He would get into a fighting position as he had his guard up in this fight. How would she approach him? From up close or from afar? He wasn’t sure, but he knew that today he might become stronger.

“Let’s enjoy our fight.” He said to her as he waited for it to begin.

When the announcer saw that they were both ready to fight, he would get out of the way as he yelled.

“Start!” He shouted for them to begin.



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#3Lily Knight 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:58 pm

Lily Knight
Lily heard the command "start," yet she remained rooted to her spot at the far end of the arena, directly facing her opponent. The spectators roared for action, eager for a confrontation, but she knew her strength lay in defense. She was determined to hold her ground until the right moment. The crowd's disappointment grew audible as they expected her to make a move, but she stood firm, locking eyes with her opponent.

It was up to her opponent to initiate the battle. Lily could feel the mana swirling within her, its energy growing and flowing towards her hands, ready to be unleashed in defense at a moment's notice. She couldn't afford to be caught off guard, preparation was key when already on the defensive.

The crowd's cheers and boos reverberated through the arena, causing her heart to race uncomfortably in her chest. She wished they would quiet down, but she understood this was a tournament, and noise was part of the game.




#4Go D. Drakkon 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:18 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched as the fight began, but nothing started at first his eyes glaring and the young girl wondering how she would approach this. That was when he watched, the woman had stood her ground, she didn’t come at him like he thought she would. This was interesting, and it seemed like she was going on the defense.

Here I thought she would knock me on my ass and that is why she wanted to fight without equipment. He thought to himself. Violet on his shoulder would smoke and chuckle a bit as he blew the smoke into the air. Drakkon would be the only person to see him as he didn’t exist in the real world for him anymore.

He figured if she wouldn’t start than he would start with the fight. He had to try something and if she was a Dragon Slayer then it would pay off. If she wasn’t then he would end up getting hit with a spell or he would look stupid in what he would do. He kicked off the ground and the distance between the two of them would close in less than a second. While that happened there were also two things that happened at the same time; the Dragon Slayer would bring out his Dragon Force. If she was going to stand there waiting for him, then he would do what he could to start with a spectacle.

While the scales ran amok on his skin and his pupil had changed to be more draconic a red magic circle appeared underneath him. The flames instantly would compress itself into a dense orb in the palm of his head. This was one of Toga’s spells, Drakkon didn’t have to take it from him to know it was his. They had met and he knew that it had to be him.

He thrust the orb away from him and toward the direction of Lilly. The thing is the orb wouldn’t go directly toward the woman. Instead, with how quickly it had gone, she would see it fly right by her. Still, it would land Fifteen meters behind her causing an explosion to occur from the attack. It would engulf the area around it instantly reaching to sixteen meters around where the core of the explosion landed on. It would engulf her, but at the same time, he watched her. The spell itself would only appear in front of Drakkon.

The son of chaos could feel the heat coming from the attack, but at the same time, he was waiting for her to do something so he could try his plan.


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#5Lily Knight 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 6:00 am

Lily Knight
Once Lily saw her opponent move, she responded in kind, though she wasn't sure if she could keep up with his speed. Making a swirling motion with her hand directly below her, a magic circle appeared. From it, a hard and rocky earth dome, 8 meters in diameter, grew in mass at the focal point, with her being that focal point. If she could get the spell off, she would be able to protect herself, or at least that was what she hoped. She truly didn't know what she would do from there. Holding up one defense spell, hoping it wouldn't fall, wasn't a viable strategy, but it was all she had until she figured out her next move. The mana she wove into the spell was pretty strong. Being a dragon slayer, her shield would be able to withstand three S-Ranks' worth of damage, which was significant in her opinion. Anyone getting through that had to be crazy strong, and she hoped that this man wasn't.

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#6Go D. Drakkon 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would watch her and she did respond to his action. Well, she didn’t move from where she stood, but she was doing what she needed to do. This was interesting and it seemed like she was a defensive mage. Now, these mages were rare but scary and difficult; their defense was something of an annoyance to his knowledge. When he saw her casting motion and the magic circle appeared, he decided to try it.

The Son of Chaos had started it and he took it all in. The Earth magic that she created, he had tried to consume it. A big inhale had come from him as if he was taking in the aroma of her magic. The Earth dome that she was creating would start to crumble and it would enter through his mouth. His stomach and his chest looked like they were expanding as he was doing this, and his magic would clash with her. This would do a lot as Toga’s spell had connected.

When he saw that he had been able to consume her magic, it meant one thing, she was a Dragon Slayer. He wasn’t sure what kind of powers she had, but when he took it for himself, he would know. This was perfect, and from what he could tell he was having a good thing from all of this. The Devourer decided to go and take it another step further. They were in front of each other, and she was indeed feeling the effects of the explosion that had engulfed her.

It was indeed a mess for her, and he was sure that she didn’t expect him to consume her spell. He would swing his arm away from him and a magic circle would appear next to Lily. There a Dragon of arcane energy would come out of the magic circle and it would fly at Lily. Drakkon was trying to take her with this hit so that he could devour and become stronger than he was.

I didn’t think I would fight a Dragon Slayer in the arena. They aren’t easy to find, and the only ones I know are in Dragon order. They are babies at best, or have powers I have no interest in consuming. He thought to himself as he was fighting her.

Drakkon had watched her to see if there were any more moves that she would use. If he could gain more magic from her that would be beautiful. The more magic that he had in his arsenal the scarier he would become. Still, he wondered what she would do as he had marked her with his eye as well just in case.


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#7Lily Knight 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:13 am

Lily Knight
She honestly thought she was safe for at least a few moments. Her guard dropped as soon as the walls around her went up, and that was her first mistake. She had counted on her opponent taking damage as soon as he tried attacking the earthen dome, but what happened next was beyond her imagination. Time seemed to slow as her walls crumbled around her. She didn't understand what was happening until she was face-to-face with Drakkon, who was consuming her spell. What sort of magic allowed someone to eat another person's spell? She didn't know, but she was terrified. In her fear, she didn't even notice that as he was consuming her spell, he was preparing another one. The next spell hit her square in the head. The pain sent her into a panic, and she shot out her hand in the direction the spell had come from, pouring mana into her hand and clenching it until a bolt of earth magic formed. But before she could throw it, she was hit with another attack, firmly knocking her out. It was all over before it began, and the world around her went black. It seemed she would need a lot more practice in fighting before she stepped back into this arena.

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#8Go D. Drakkon 

Lily vs Drakkon Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 10:02 am

Go D. Drakkon
With the confirmation of her being a Dragon Slayer due to the consumption of that spell, Drakkon wondered what kind of abilities she had. He wouldn’t know until he found out, and that was what he was hoping for. The Dragon Slayer was excited and thrilled to find another one of his brethren or in this case sister with the power to possibly make him stronger. He had consumed one of her spells, and he was hoping that she would use more. If it was another one that he had not feasted on, then he would do so right now if she made any actions upon his moves.

As she had gotten hit by Toga’s Spell, she was ready to use another attack of her own. It seemed like this one was an offensive spell, a bolt made of earth in her hand it would seem like she was using an attack this time rather than a defense move. She was desperate, and he could see it. He would inhale once again, his chest getting bigger as it was expanding. While he was doing this, the bold that she had created was dispersing from her hand, and the mana she had used to create that was heading toward him.

He would consume the magic that she had just used, and on top of that, the Dragon he created would slam right into her. This would do the trick as she would fall to the ground from that attack. He saw this, she had taken two hits before she fell to the ground. He looked at the palm of his hand as he felt like he could do better. It was then he would exhale and burp from eating her magic. Once he was done, he noticed that the announcer was walking over to the arena.

He looked over to Drakkon to see if the man was ready, but he turned away as he was looking at Lilly.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we have ourselves a winner! Drakkon didn’t use these abilities against Ikazuchi, but it seemed like things were different here today! So, with that, he is the winner of today’s match!” The announcer said this and the crowd would roar with their cheer as it deafened anything around the area at the moment.

Drakkon walked over to Lilly as she was unconscious and he would touch the side of her head quickly. When he did this, he consumed the other three spells that he had not copied from her. She only knew five spells from what he gathered from his Devouring abilities. He had also gained her Lacarima abilities that made her unique to the other Dragons.

They were all different in their own way, but with Drakkon he was all of them combined if he chose to. Once he had done that he stood tall and he would raise his arm into the air as he was proud to have won and at the same time gotten stronger. He looked down at the unconscious woman and he hoped that she would become stronger, if she could obtain power moves, then he could take them from her.

It wouldn’t take long, but Drakkon would walk away and through the gate of which he had come from. The people who worked there would have gotten Lilly off the stage now that she was unable to fight. He had to find a way to become stronger and fight someone like Ikazuchi in close combat and that was something he learned recently.



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