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Pyreaus - Few More

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#1Alaric Holloway 

Pyreaus - Few More  Empty Today at 5:34 am

Alaric Holloway
Pyreaus - Few More  Yiw4Sp4
Name: Fire and Brimstone
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Alaric’s aura will begin to burn any trace of scent that he may give off. This makes him scentless for all intents and purposes. Things like a werewolf’s nose will be unable to pick up his scent at all while this spell is sustained

[color=#b72f22][b]Name:[/b][/color] Fire and Brimstone
[color=#b72f22][b]Rank:[/b][/color] D
[color=#b72f22][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] 25
[color=#b72f22][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
[color=#b72f22][b]Type:[/b][/color] Supplementary
[color=#b72f22][b]Element:[/b][/color] Fire
[color=#b72f22][b]Range:[/b][/color] Self
[color=#b72f22][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] 1 Posts
[color=#b72f22][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Sustain
[color=#b72f22][b]Effect:[/b][/color] Alaric’s aura will begin to burn any trace of scent that he may give off. This makes him scentless for all intents and purposes. Things like a werewolf’s nose will be unable to pick up his scent at all while this spell is sustained

Pyreaus - Few More  P2vHblH
Name: Forceful Kneel
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
Type: Supplementary [Knockback]
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Alaric will say the command “Kneel”. A magic circle will appear above any target within 10 meters. The circle will be 2 meters in diameter. Once summoned, the circle will cause a roar of flames that cause a blast forcing anybody under that circle to be forcefully knocked downward, up to 10 meters. Of course, if there is not 10 meters between them and the ground, they will instead be slammed onto the ground.

[color=#b72f22][b]Name:[/b][/color]  Forceful Kneel
[color=#b72f22][b]Rank:[/b][/color] C
[color=#b72f22][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] 50
[color=#b72f22][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
[color=#b72f22][b]Type:[/b][/color] Supplementary [Knockback]
[color=#b72f22][b]Element:[/b][/color] Fire
[color=#b72f22][b]Range:[/b][/color] 10 Meters
[color=#b72f22][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] 2 Posts
[color=#b72f22][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Instant
[color=#b72f22][b]Effect:[/b][/color] Alaric will say the command [color=#b72f22]“Kneel”[/color]. A magic circle will appear above any target within 10 meters. The circle will be 2 meters in diameter. Once summoned, the circle will cause a roar of flames that cause a blast forcing anybody under that circle to be forcefully knocked downward, up to 10 meters. Of course, if there is not 10 meters between them and the ground, they will instead be slammed onto the ground.

Pyreaus - Few More  EK7rS0G
Name: Snapping Flames
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Alaric will take a step or leap forward or will just state “Chase” and a magic circle will appear under his feet. This circle will allow him to make a 5-meter lunge in any direction he wishes, even upward. Once he reaches the length of this distance or at any time by clenching his fist, a second magic circle will appear that will similarly lunge him 5-meters towards any direction he wishes. Once he reaches the end of this distance or once again clenches his fist, a third and final seal will emerge to launch him once again another 5-meters.

[color=#b72f22][b]Name:[/b][/color] Snapping Flames
[color=#b72f22][b]Rank:[/b][/color] B
[color=#b72f22][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] 100
[color=#b72f22][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
[color=#b72f22][b]Type:[/b][/color] Supplementary
[color=#b72f22][b]Element:[/b][/color] Fire
[color=#b72f22][b]Range:[/b][/color] 15 Meters
[color=#b72f22][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] 3 Posts
[color=#b72f22][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Instant
[color=#b72f22][b]Effect:[/b][/color] Alaric will take a step or leap forward or will just state [color=#b72f22] “Chase”[/color] and a magic circle will appear under his feet. This circle will allow him to make a 5-meter lunge in any direction he wishes, even upward. Once he reaches the length of this distance or at any time by clenching his fist, a second magic circle will appear that will similarly lunge him 5-meters towards any direction he wishes. Once he reaches the end of this distance or once again clenches his fist, a third and final seal will emerge to launch him once again another 5-meters.

Pyreaus - Few More  Xr3JVGt
Name: Shining Flames of Hell
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
Type: Supplementary [Half Blind]
Element: Fire
Range: 8 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Alaric will summon forth an orb of flames that will float above his head. The orb will emit an intense light that causes those within 8 meters of Alaric to become partially blind. Due to the location of the orb, Alaric will be spared of the intense flames.

[color=#b72f22][b]Name:[/b][/color] Shining Flames of Hell
[color=#b72f22][b]Rank:[/b][/color] A
[color=#b72f22][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] 200
[color=#b72f22][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Pyreaus, Lord of Flame Magic
[color=#b72f22][b]Type:[/b][/color] Supplementary [Half Blind]
[color=#b72f22][b]Element:[/b][/color] Fire
[color=#b72f22][b]Range:[/b][/color] 8 Meters
[color=#b72f22][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] 4 Posts
[color=#b72f22][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Sustain
[color=#b72f22][b]Effect:[/b][/color] Alaric will summon forth an orb of flames that will float above his head. The orb will emit an intense light that causes those within 8 meters of Alaric to become partially blind. Due to the location of the orb, Alaric will be spared of the intense flames.

Pyreaus - Few More  1ttePXg
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