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The Myras Agenda [Travel | West to South]

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The Myras Agenda [Travel | West to South] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:57 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 332 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

It had only been a short time since they had been on the road before, having returned to Oak Town from Crocus and already they were set to be return to the road again. But this time, it would not be a return trip to Crocus, where many would have expected her being after having left abruptly following her encounter with The Divine. Instead, she were to proceed south, to the city of Myras at the instruction of The Divine. The purpose remained something that she was unsure of and the value that it would have played to the endeavor was also a mystery. Nonetheless, it was a task that she had to carry out. The trip to Myras would be a long one, a bit longer than that of what the trip to Hargeon would have demanded, which was not the worst thing. The problem simply was the nature of venturing to Myras, a city that she had seldom ventured to, either for political or personal reasons. Myras never wanted to involve themselves with Astrid’s politics, nor that of the Senate broadly, so it was hard to believe that the reception she stood to receive there was going to be frosty at best, horrible under most likely scenarios.

The lone benefit came that she would be making this trip amongst several confidants in Sia and Noir who had been with her in Oak, joined her in Crocus, and returned with her. The pair were going to be joining her throughout the remainder of the trip, particularly given the value that Noir was going to bring with The Divine having shown very particular interest in her. It was an unexpected boon, something that no doubt in part drew The Divine’s interest towards her. Whether or not it was simply an attempt to further drive in Astrid’s own interest, it did not much matter as the trio were on their way south. None of them were thrilled at the idea of having to travel again after such a short time in Oak Town, but it was clear too that there would be more travelling before everything was done. All roads eventually led to Seven, and Myras was the first step in their road to that. What The Divine had them to venture to next remained a mystery, but it was very obvious that Myras was the next required step. It would take some time, but after a short day or two of travel, they would eventually find themselves within the Merchant city.


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