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Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show]

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Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:28 am

Yijun would head for the hot springs for some hopefully normal time to rest but he was not sure if they were even going to let him be in there after the last time with the drinking contest but he guesses that was more on the people that were holding the contest, so he should be fine to return and get in to relax easily. Yijun walked up to the hot sprig and they let him in and he smiles glad they were not going to stop him from being able to soak off the stresses of the world in the spring. He walked in and he got himself changed to head for the waters and he hear something that sounded like giggles from the woman's side of the wall and he figures that they must just be in a good mood today and thought nothing else of it and he joined the other men in the hot spring.

He wondered if he was going to come across the other man again or have their paths separated from the other after their drunken work out in the more plant wild style of it all with the ball there was a chance he was going to have to fight that man in the end but for now Yijun didn't want to think about it as there were many dangers in the grass that could come and strike him first but for now he is going to relax in these hot waters and just let his body recover from the stresses of the world till he next has to take on the next enemy. He didn't know that some of the women on the other side were peeping and watching him in the spring knowing that he didn't realize that they were doing it and thinking they were going to keep getting away with it.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:44 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been drinking this entire time. He was enjoying his time in the festivities that Hosenka had provided them. It was enjoyable indeed and he had met an interesting fellow as well. The man didn’t have Dragon Slayer abilities, but he did have the powers of what seemed to pose a threat to Dragons and Dragon Slayers alike. It was interesting and honestly, he wanted to test it out, but it seemed like he had dodged that fight for now.

The Son of Chaos decided that it was best to enjoy his time here. He had gone to the Hot Spring before, but after the contest, it seemed like they weren’t going to allow him to go back in. That was what he thought at first, but eventually, he found one that would let him. This was good and it seemed like this one wasn’t touched by the people who were hosting those drinking contests within the springs.

He moved around and made it to where he needed to go. There he would remove his clothes, folding them nicely and placing them where they needed to be. Once that happened, he would wash himself to make sure that any sweat, or dirt was removed from his body. When he did that, he would shake his body off, and he would grab the towel that was next to him. When he covered himself, he heard laughter coming from the other side.

It seemed like there were women also in the hot springs, but in a different section from the men. That was good to know. He moved through the hallways and he ended up with the other men in the Hot Spring. His eyes scanned through the water, and he would soon see Yijun. The grin that appeared on his face was there. He moved into the water and he waved his hand at the man.

“Who would have thought we would meet again in the Hot Springs no less? You never told me if you were from a Guild the last time we chatted.” He said to him wondering if he would disclose that information to him.



Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:23 pm

Yijun looked at the man as he saw him come in and it seemed the man had also seen him and waved to him in the spring and Yijun guessed that for some reason this man had been tied to him by a fate of some kind and he waved back and as the man go closer to him and spoke about not getting from him if there was a guild that he was part of or not the last time that they had met. "I am not part of a guild I am part of a faction that serves Joya." He was not sure what the man would say to that and he really didn't care or at least in the moment as he hadn't seen any members in awhile of the faction. He did wonder what had happened to Iza. He hears shuffling coming from by the wall that was between the men's and women's baths and he wondered what was going on.

He didn't notice the woman that had now grown in crowd size now that the other man had come in and got close to him. He did hear a few small giggles and strange women noises that were coming from the other side and he looked toward the wall and he wondered if they have something going on, on the other side of the wall like an extra woman classed thing that men don't get as the monks told him about some baths just being far different between men and women. Yijun kind of wondered what the differences were and to why he can hear them so close to the wall to their side of the spring. Yijun was a man of more honor than to peek so he stayed in the water but he could see some of the other men starting to sneak closer to the wall like they were about to peek and look. Yijun knows it is none of his business to stop them as if they get in trouble they get in trouble if not that is a win for them and it is not his place to stop it.
(362) (675)

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:52 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon waited to see if he would get an answer from him, and soon enough he would. He nodded hearing those words and it seemed like he stood corrected. The man was part of a faction in Joya and he nodded. He understood why he liked this guy now; he was Joyan just like him or he lived around his home and was sworn to protect it.

That was interesting and honestly, he didn’t see it coming. Still, he could see why he liked the man, and he thought about how his home now.

“I see, I’m from Joya myself. It is interesting to see that someone lives there and on top of it all you’re saying that you’re a part of a faction that serves Joya.” He said to Yijun.

It seemed like now he had known that he was in a group and in his home, which meant that he had learned more about him than before. And with that, it had gotten quiet for a few seconds. It was then that Drakkon heard more giggling coming close by. His eyes glared to the wall that was not too far from them. It seemed like the walls weren’t thick enough for them to not hear the woman on the other side.

He wasn’t the only one that caught the noise either. It seemed like Yijun did, but the man had ignored it more than anything. He had snickered a bit because it couldn’t be said for the others. The Dragon Slayer looked at the wall once again and then he looked over to Yijun with that grin on his face.

“I wonder what they are laughing about? Don’t you? If you want we can check and see for ourselves. I’m pretty sure there is nothing beauty on the other side. What do you say to that Yijun?” He asked him curious to see his reaction and to hear what he had to say.

Drakkon was curious to know what they were doing over there, but it wasn’t just that. He didn’t mind taking a peak at one of the best things to see in this world, a woman’s body.



Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:45 am

When he heard the man speak about the fact that he was from Joya and he wondered if maybe that is why he seemed to have a strange air around him as others he had met from there seemed to also have the same thing a powerful aura. "Yeah I have a in building room there, do my best to watch over the people under the new leadership. Though I don't see the leader around much at all. I also use to have a partner but he was a bit off and I am not sure where he went." Yijun was just being honest but that was all he really knew of the place he served but that was only a small part of the issues that was going on here.

He looked at the man when he said that they should look through the wall and see what is going on, on the other side. Yijun sighed as he doesn't need more trouble for himself as it is but he would speak. "I think I get a bad enough wrap as a daemon I don't think I need to add peeping to the list but you can go ahead and do that if you want." He said that but he did kind of what to look as well to find out what they were carrying on about as he was a bit of a wandering mind and wanted to learn things. He doubted what ever was on the other side of the wall was going to be worth him to look at as it didn't help him gain power or get him closer to being a demon but if the other man went he was going to follow him still and maybe steal a peek to see if he could tell why they were seeming excited and gitty almost. He was going to be careful though as he doesn't want to get into trouble.
(329) (1,004)

#6Go D. Drakkon 

Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard his words about Joya and it seemed like things were weird in that country. He was fine with that as long as he could go home without a problem. Still, it seemed like this man had a lot going on with him right now. The faction he was in was going through it seemed and he was wondering if things would be alright.

“I see, that sucks, but as long as you’re okay then that is all that matters right?” He said to Yijun.

Drakkon heard his words as he suggested that the two of them should peek into the woman’s side. He chuckled a bit to learn that this man was a Daemon. It seemed like he didn’t want any trouble due to that; The Dragon Slayer would look at him with a smirk on his face.

“Who cares if you’re a Daemon? I’m the Son of Chaos, you don’t see me complaining or having it stop me from doing what I want.” He said to him.

It was then he got out and up from the water. His eyes looked around hoping that there was someone as curious as him to see the other side. He looked at the wall that separated them and finding a hole would be the best opportunity. If he couldn’t find that then he would have to find another way to approach this. The Dragon Slayer rubbed his hand on the wall as he looked up and down for something.

The men in the water looked at Drakkon and shook his head to see what he was doing. They wanted to join him, but if they got caught then they would be in trouble and most likely banned from ever coming here. That was why they chose to stay back instead, while he searched.

It would take a while, but he would find it. The golden hole, that would reveal all the women on the other side. It seemed like nobody found it, which meant two things. The girls never spotted someone looking at them, which led to the fact that nobody would ever look for this hole to conceal it.



Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:28 am

Yijun had followed the man as he said he would and he wondered if there were any beautiful non-human women on the other side or if there would be only humans. "Well me being a daemon got my mother killed by hunters." He was honest with the man even if he was a son of chaos that didn't change the fact that he nearly lost his life to hunters because of it and his mother did pay the price of her life because of himself and now he is left looking for pieces of a puzzle he has no reason to even be trying to find now. He looked at the wall and he wondered if there was even a point as no way a hole wouldn't have been patched if they had people peeping on the other gender. Yijun was going to give up as he saw the man spot suddenly and he wondered why the man had stopped like that.

He then noticed that the other man had stumbled on a hole that might be able to peer into the other side of the bath and Yijun was feeling a bit nervous about this all. He then heard a sound of confusion from the other side of the wall like they were looking for something and now Yijun wondered if there was really something going on, on the other side of the wall that he would want to see as he can hear whispers but he isn't able to make out what they are saying but they are close to the wall that much he can tell and now it is starting to make sense to him. The women were also doing peeping onto their side and were probably looking for him and the other man that he had followed to come to the wall. Yijun looked down the wall and he wondered where the hole they were using was or did one of them have the magic to be able to see through solid objects and they were using that with their fellow women to look in on the men. Yijun knows that he needs to be careful as if they were looking in that way they might soon be able to find out where they went and then return to themselves acting normal and that they were the pervs here.
(396) (1,400)

#8Go D. Drakkon 

Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was ready to look through the peephole and he looked back at Yijun as the man had commented about him being a daemon. When he found out what happened because of that, he felt kind of bad. That kind of sucked that something like that had happened to him, but this world was cruel indeed.

“I’m sorry to hear that Yijun. I wouldn’t know what I would do to those who harm my mother.” He said as he looked back to the hole he would look into.

He was pretty sure that he was going to be the only one who was going to be doing this right? When he looked back again, he could see that he would be the only one looking. He could tell that something had preoccupied Yijun, so that meant he was on his own. He shrugged his shoulder as he figured that he would enjoy this more himself anyway. He looked through the peephole and he could see the different women around the place. There were some of them hanging out in the water, but there were others out and about.

He could see them nude from his perspective, and it was a beautiful thing to see. He also noticed that there were girls moving around a lot, and he wondered what they were up to.

“Interesting what are they doing around there?” He asked himself as he waited for something to happen.

Still, it seemed like he was in the clear for the time being. His eyes looked away to see that Yijun was probably looking for something.

“Did you lose something around here Yijun?” He asked him wondering what he was going to say.

Drakkon would shake his head again as he figured that this man’s urges would have kicked him and he would have joined him on their hunt to see all the different beautiful women in there and what they were made of.



Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Today at 6:02 am

Yijun heard the man speak and say things like it sucked and that he wouldn't know what to do if something had happened to his mother. Yijun doesn't know if the other man can really understand the effects of being of a demon's blood or not as he said he was born of the chaos. Yijun was not sure what to even say to that as he had more on his mind like getting kicked out of the hot springs for peeping but there was something that was bugging him about how the women had been reacting and there it was he saw the other hole a bit down from them and he turned back to Drakkon and he made hand motions saying that the women on the other side of the wall were peeking from a hole that was just down the wall from them. Yijun got closer to the wall and listened to the chatter of the woman and he wonders if they were worse than the men that were on this side of the wall.

Yijun knows that if the women saw this or figured it out his reputation would be probably ruined for him but he was going to stand strong on the matter of finding out and so he also looked to see even if he could but he knew that he needed to be very careful so he doesn't get himself poked in the eye and learn a very painful lesson that they women on the other side probably wouldn't think twice against, unlike for Drakkon who was built like a god and was good looking he probably has woman that lust after him every where he goes and that was a big difference between himself and the other man. Yijun can just barely see the women on the other side that were using the other peep hole and they looked quite happy with themselves and that they weren't getting caught for doing it but he was not sure who they were looking at.
(340) (1,740)

#10Go D. Drakkon 

Two Bros chilling in a Hot Spring [FPHS – Peeping Show] Empty Today at 12:52 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He was enjoying the show from his end. The women there had different types of beautiful bodies. There were some that had bodies that were not his type, so he chose to ignore them. The man continued to watch some of the women get up and some of the women took off the towel as they entered the water. This was golden and he could be here all day. He made sure not to make any noise, and to make sure to look away if he saw one of them coming straight for the hole he was looking through.

While he enjoyed himself, it would seem like Yijun had found another hole. This one was in the direction of where he could see a bunch of girls gathering around in one place. This was impressive that he had found this, and he could see him signaling him about it. Still, the fact that the girls had also been doing the same thing he had been doing brought a smile to his face. He knew women couldn’t help themselves either. It was just something both parties enjoyed and lusted over. He stopped looking through the peephole and made his way to Yijun.

He got close enough to his friend so that he could be the only person to hear what he was about to say.

“Do you want me to surprise them with a show they will never forget? It probably made them jump, startled, and probably have them back off on what they’re doing.” He said to him wondering if he was for it, or if he wasn’t.

Drakkon was just going to move to the hole and drop his towel down, so the entirety of those peeking would see something spectacular. He would only do this if he didn’t mind surprising them.


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