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Zeno vs Lumikki:Dance of the winged creatures

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Zeno vs Lumikki:Dance of the winged creatures Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 7:42 pm

Standing atop the arena’s rooftop gazing at the night sky, Zeno conjured dozens of green wisps in the shape of butterflies to flutter around him in a circle. He remembered his first encounter with the demoness guild master who became one of his newest friends. They had several encounters together, but all were friendly. He knew she had participated in mand battles before but had no battle scars to reflect it. In comparison, this was a nice change of pace for the other people he had met in his travels. Despite her high status and powerful aura, he had no idea how strong she was in an actual fight. This weighed on his curious mind to see how she would perform in combat. So, upon his acceptance into the guild, he left her an invitation to have a sparring match in the arena of Seven. A friendly battle to shake up things would be fun and seeing how she maneuvers the battlefield. He hoped he might learn something about her fighting style, in case they had to go on a mission together. “Synergy is important, so let us dance” he muttered to himself before sending off the butterflies circling him on their way to flutter into the glowing moon before fading away.

The following morning, he approached the receptionist with a gentle smile, who was growing accustomed to seeing him. She greeted him with a soft smile and a short wave of the hand. He was a newcomer who quickly became known as the indomitable punching bag. No matter how strong the foe was, he would challenge them and get back up ready to go again. So what crossed her mind was who he was challenging this time around. She slid the application and a pen across the desk so he could fill it out without a word. Curiously, she took short sneaky glances at his hands to see what name he was writing. When she saw it was Lumikki's name that was written, there was an uncontrollable huge smile cracking onto her face. She has been a huge fan of Lumikki since her first debut.

Zeno noticed the receptionist taking glances at the paper and a smile he had never seen on her face before. He smirked and happily spoke to her “I will be sure to tell her to give you an autograph or spare you some time to chit-chat. Oh, it would help to ask her out to get drinks or something” Zeno winked at the receptionist before sliding the completed form to her. “Well then, I will see you tomorrow during the big day!” He waved goodbye to the slightly flustered receptionist before leaving the arena venue. She looked at the form and reviewed it before giving it the stamp of approval.

WC 468


Zeno vs Lumikki:Dance of the winged creatures Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 8:58 pm


Lumikki read over the note for another time. Mulling over what compelled Zeno to challenge her, but it somewhat reminded her of how when she was still new, how she requested to spar with Yuurei. Of course it was simply her accepting his suggestion. Lumikki was hardly that bold around the time but she was brazen enough to take it.

In her weakness then, he would toy around with her easily. There was no hope for any of her attacks landing, and he’d send out a spear from which, she could not dodge. Not yet anyhow, and even so, the Seraphim never stopped feeling like a monster even now. But as she proved with Alaric, and what she wished to prove with Zeno. Was that though she could indeed be a monster, they would not have to see that side of her just yet….

”Alvis, seems I’ll be having another fight in a few days. Would ye cover the appeals in me absence?” Lumikki put the note aside, using it as a bookmark for her ledger and balanced her elbow upon the desk so that she could rest her head on her palm. ”Of course my Revna. It’s become a simple taste at this point.” There was a slight smile on his face as he took a small bow, but Lumikki matched it with a flustered one of her own. ”Oh come now, can’t help that I’m busy. Kukuku but at this rate, can’t help but see ye like the shadow Guild Master at this point. If only ye faired better in battle, but we can’t be good at everything. In terms of supporting me, ye run simply unmatched.”

”Heh, you honor me Lady. You know I like to do my best, but sadly I cannot follow you into battle as well….but I can hold the fort, so rest assured like usual. If there are any updates, you’ll be met with a raven as it happens.”

Two days passes and Lumikki is now within Seven once again. Her third home beckoning her to enter and she’d saunter through the entrance like she usually had. Only to be met with a particulars receptionist, who had a double take upon seeing her, but Lumikki didn’t think too much about it.

”Greetings lass, I believe ‘Zeno’ put in an entry for me. Could I inquire the proper details and time?” Lumikki, who normally concealed her face, didn’t bother taking such measures at the moment. She even wore a loose black variation of Seven cloth dress. As the Demoness was slowly acclimating to their culture.

”Ah—Ah-ah, yes actually! He was here the other night and we even had a little chat. So um, your fight, it’ll be scheduled for tomorrow in the evening. And you can return then and battle….but….since……..but since……do you like to drink?” The receptionist wasn’t prepared for Lumikki to actually show up during one of her shifts. Hoping to hear of her in passing and slide the message through Zeno, win or lost. But things did not entirely go to plans, nor did her words and execution.

Lumikki with a mix of confusion and amusement on her face would tilt her head as she unraveled the girls words. Eventually an impish smile crept along her face as now she had plans for the night. ”Is that so, well I do love a drink lass. Would ye show me to some places tonight when yer off work? Just whisper to a raven me name, and they should lead ya, me way.”

With plans made, Lumikki enjoyed her night and new friend made in Elena, who slept over and crashing in Lumi’s bed. The pair got drink and in their stupor, they spoke until they fell asleep and cuddled.

With enough time for preparation, Lumikki was well rested, well fed and in the area at the designated time. There was no reason to stay within the side rooms to wait as her arrival was just minutes after she was needed.

The moon was full in the night, illuminating all that was below. Soft clouds dragging high in the sky, and curving around the lunar heavenly body. The ring looked like a rain forest. Trees and other thick flora encumbered the space. One could hardly see past them, as even the darkness was smothered in vines. In the center of the ring, there was a small bit of free space of around ten meters in diameter, so it looked like the arena was encouraging the use of the brush hide and fight about.

Lumikki took it in awe, with a soft gasp. The arena never ceased to amuse her, and as she took her steps, the announcer made themselves clear. ”Welcome back folks, I know you could never get enough. We are curious to see how our friend Zeno handles another of the arena’s known monsters. We hope this setting gives him a fighting chance, but his spark like green flames, amazingly never goes out! And now here we are, Lumikki the Frost Demoness has graced us. Let’s see what goes on tonight!”

Lumikki, wearing all her garb for battle: the Twilight Veil, Snow Monarch Concealment, and Kal El cape. Her staff not yet in her hand as she walked her way to the center, the path within the brush, closing just behind her. ”Oy, greetings Zeno. Didn’t think of ye as eager to battle, but ye honor me so all the same. Don’t take it wrong of me if I don’t show ya me full power yet, but I still mean to get strong fighting along ye as well.”


Zeno vs Lumikki:Dance of the winged creatures Img_8011

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