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Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.)

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Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 4:47 am

At least Elise seemed to be some what trying to be out and around more, It didn't help still people would have to find her at night time and even then Elise still might have very little interest, Entirely off of what was exactly was going on. But here she was back at it again, taking notes. With her normal vices on display. It was most likely a good thing to anyone to ponder over. What was Elise studying today to look into?

She had a lot notes on various different monsters, daemons, demons, gods, Angels, seraphim, Nephilim. With now and added new section of Fae. there was various others but just in case it might seemed to add Fae being added in just in case because she did not know much about the fae, So it was seemingly something new to her and she did not knwo if Fae were goin to cause problems.

But at least she could be found, But she doubted anyone was awake at the evening time to really be spotted at the time. Even if she was not hiding.

#2Earan F. Channtelle 

Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:22 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Earan really wasn't sure how to spend their second day off now given how out of their element but like all idols that came before them adapting is key as one needs to know what is currently popular if they wish to remain relevant. Walking the halls seemed like a rather common yet it also felt as though the walls had many secrets hidden behind them.

As they walked through the halls their normal Idol facade slowly melted away as they let their hair down and ruffled it slightly, the change suttle so that on one that normally saw him would really question it but just changed enough to have some do a double take if they saw him. I've been in Idol mode for way too long tho I have to say interacting with others has been easier, As they made it to the offices checking in on the others seemed like a good idea but also a bad one.

With the number of members, it would be difficult to meet everyone so the only option left would be to talk to the only person that would have said notes. Passing by an open door they couldn't help but take a peek inside "Oh I see so your the one I seek." they said seeing the woman alone left to her own devices.


Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.) Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 3:40 am

The best part of Elise was hiding, She learned so much with such a small time frame, some one was actually look for her. But unless it was known behaviour by other people.  It seemed some one she had never met before was looking for her.

Elise could not help her self, After all she did tend to joke with people at times."Oh looking for me are you? I feel sorry for you."Elise said casually because most people don't look for her for good reasons.

Most people don't search for Elise for casual manners, Then again Elise over all didn't put herself out there either or such social things."What is the problem, do you need something dead?"Elise asked this while she casually lit up and started smoking a cigarette.

Even remarking about it."After all, you don't take me as a "I normally am up all night for no reason." Type."Elise mentioned this because Elise was only ever awake at night time unless things needed to change. Even now it was night time.

For now she would not try and be too much. Unless it was something that was over all going to be risky."Unless there is another reason?"Elise figured it would be a good time to ask that at least.

#4Earan F. Channtelle 

Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.) Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:28 pm

Earan F. Channtelle
Sitting before him was a rather oddly elegant lady who asked several questions without really giving time for rest in between "Well umm yes but that's a matter for a different day."  They tried to answer each question in the order that they were asked but after a few seconds, they gave up.  She didn't give off the vibe that she was in any way threatening or scary for that matter though the same could be said about themself, "Why are you sorry for me exactly?" even though she mentioned something about being a night owl it was hard to tell given how silky smooth her skin looked.

Still trying to wrap his head around all the questions Earan moved in while making sure the room wasn't set to blow or something outlandish. "I was hoping that I could connect with a few guildmates while I have downtime if possible. I'm Earan by the way thanks for asking." even though being assaulted with questions was rather common while they were in idol mode outside of that it took alot out of him. We have some similarities but I don't think that's gonna be a good talking point, crossing his arms as they stopped at the table looking at her with their now dim eyes.


Some Speak Of A Mystery.(Social.) Empty Yesterday at 4:05 am

Sadly it seemed like he was not getting what Elise's humour was right away. Suppose however Elise knew this person did not know how Elise was as a person her jokes where not over all easy to connect with at the time."Another day? I guess my services aren't needed...depending on the target anyway."Elise mentioned as she continued on listening and adding her odd charm into this conversation.

As for why she was sorry. A very simple answer this."Most people. Don't see me out for casual chats that isn't leading into me hunting something."She laughed about it mostly that was her experience in life so far."Unless you are wishing for prayers or forgiveness from some one who use to in the churches?"Elise mentioned also just in case she did not think he did.

But humour aside Elise would some what show she was actually a bit more friendly then she let on."But I suppose I should give you some credit, you came to find me at night when most people talk and socialize during the day."It seemed it was a form of compliment from her if it was even picked up as one.

Then she would merely mention."Getting ahead of ourselves as we?" Elise chuckled."Elise, Slayer of monsters, demons, daemons, angels, werewolves and all things that go bump in the night, It is nice to meet you Erean." In some manner it was kind of a back and forth even if not intentional.

"Now that is out of the way cigarette?"
Elise had a feeling this person did not have this horrible habit just as much as she did but she would still offer anyway, Since it was actually just normal manners to share with others.

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