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Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem]

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Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 9:00 am

Elijah looked all around him, the trees looked once again the same no matter how long he walked or how many different paths he took. At least he thought he was taking different paths, there was no pointers or anything and his own sense of direction was failing him hard. He frowned and thought how stupid he felt getting lost in a forest, all he wanted to do was go and see the ruins nearby. He had just arrived here from his birthplace and while Orchidia seemed great to settle for a while he had the urge to explore and that urge became a need when he learned of the ruins in Worth Woodsea but to get to them he had to pass through this place.

It was a verdant paradise no doubt and he did enjoy the view for a while but not being able to find his way out was more than frustrating. It was already evening and night was fast approaching, surely there were wild beasts here at night and he didn't want to become their food. He sighed and tried to remove the thought from his head instead continuing forward until he saw a figure approaching. He didn't know if it was friend or foe, he was prepared for a fight but at the same time looked calm as to not unnecessarily alert the other individual.

#2Salem E. 

Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 7:06 pm

Salem E.

The feel of the wind on his wing was a glorious sensation. He hardly ever took the bad boys out to go flying with but a small flight through the forest felt right. He was not a fan of how big the mana consumption on the things were, but he did believe in taking them out to stretch. He was proud of his big boys. The glowing blue wings were big, and had a hardness to it that was unexpected. You think they would be soft because of the flow-like state they had but they would be solid to the touch. Like touching skin.

Salem noticed an unfamiliar face in the woods. He decided to land and approach to meet up. As an accomplished mage he was less nervous about unknown dangers. That and being in his own territory made him self confident. He could guarantee his own escape if needed, and he would always get his revenge. “Hello~” Salem tossed out a singsong greeting.


Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:21 pm

Elijah was relieved that the person ended up being friendly as he could really use someone to guide him in this mess of a forest, then again maybe he was lost himself although he had an air of confidence surrounding him making it highly unlikely to be the case. "Hello~" he replied in the same singsong voice, imitating the man out of sheer excitement that he wouldn't have to spend the night in the forest or at least, alone. "Do you happen to know the way out of here? I'm positive that I'm lost." he said in a soft tone that made his embarrassment visible and quickly followed with introducing himself to the man. He then, while getting his answers, looked more carefully at him, his hair color and eyes weren't something you would see every day and with the color of his clothes matching he looked almost ethereal like the aspect of water itself. Even his facial characteristics were too good looking for a human but he didn't want to reach any fast conclusions so he dispelled the thought from his mind for the moment. Hearing the man's name, Elijah would then smile and compliment him on it while reaching out with his hand for a handshake.

#4Salem E. 

Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:44 am

Salem E.

Salem checked out the newfound forest person. His eyes took on a bluey glow. He was looking at him not at the present but holistically. He managed to grab a name and the interesting fact that the man was a summoner. That was not a common class, he had seen the class before but it was still not common.

“Sure. I can show you the way out. What is a summoner like you doing in the woods Elijah?”

The fae said the words as a statement. He was trying to make Elijah feel as if he was an old friend. How well it worked was another story. In some ways Salem started to forget how nerve wracking it could be for people to just know you. He walked slowly and spread his mana out. The forest would make a way for the two of them in a way. Salem was getting used to using his magic to create paths. Water and nature was pretty much everywhere he has been around recently.


Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:37 pm

The man was definitely casting some type of spell judging from the blue glow in his eyes, he didn't seem threating however and Elijah although somewhat scared he didn't flinch seeing how he had nowhere to run or hide and he couldn't really put up a fight, not to mention he wasn't even certain he wanted to because just by the looks of it that man looked powerful. At first he was delighted to hear that he would indeed help him out of the woods but then... his question made sense on what that whole blue spectacle was moments ago. He knew the nephilim was a summoner, what else did he know, what he was? what he could summon? how this whole thing happened? "Well color me impressed, that was a nice identity spell. Just don't go stealing it!" he said jokingly before continuing "Usually I like handsome men to get to know me over time but now I'm interested in what else your blue eyes showed you." he said as he almost whispered the last line for added dramatic effect. "As for what I'm doing here, well, I heard about some ruins near this forest but my sense of direction failed me~" he said amused at his flaw that always seemed to get him in some kind of adventure. Before the man was able to answer any of the questions however, the nephilim quickly walked up to him -having witnessed the creation of the pathway- "The most important question here however is who are you, the master of the forest perhaps?" he said that sentence in a theatrical sort of way but it still was genuine, he had just seen the forest obey his command after all.

#6Salem E. 

Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:02 pm

Salem E.

One of his perfectly manicured eyebrows raised up. The cheeky man seemed like he was flirting with him. Not that he minded much. Good looking people were always reserved to speak to him. Moreso if they were decent looking dudes. It was the main reason that he gave Blue Pegasus so much leeway. Everything could be forgivable for the pretty. He did not correct him by telling him it was an innate ability. If he wanted to tell him he would have.

“Pleased to meet you. The name is Salem. Salem Emir.” He gave the man another once over as if he was liking what he saw. “I don’t own this forest but I am here often enough. The place is like a second him. If you want to explore the ruins I suggest you don’t. Last time I was there the giant spider almost trapped me.” Salem said the sentence with a smile. Not like if he had almost lost his fight in a bout with the mana beast. That and almost got trapped if he could not read the Spirit language.

“If you want. I can make some suggestions about what we can do outside the forest. I get the feeling that with your assets we should get along well.”


Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 12:16 pm

The name together with the blue hues and aquatic vibes gave off a sense of familiarity to Elijah, it felt like he knew about this individual even though he had never met him before but he couldn't quite grasp it yet. Information kept frantically shifting through his brain but he couldn't pinpoint the where, how or what. "Salem, rolls off the tongue like water." he made that remark with a soft smile like making an innocent silly little pun. "Pity, "King of The Forest" sounds like a great title for someone bending it to his will. But maybe never say never~" he replied before holding back a retch on the comment about the spider "Now that was good info, I wouldn't want to get inflicted with raging arachnophobia on top of being unable to navigate out of this place." he said with disgust in his mind as it had created a mental image of a gigantic hairy spider ready to devour its pray chasing him through the forest if he even had that chance, he shook violently just at the though of it. "Yuck, awful creatures." he finally said as his hair stopped being on edge.

At least Salem was kind enough to offer an alternative even though the nephilim had no clue what it could be and although quite disappointed that he would be unable to explore the ruins he was twice as determined to not become spider food so he took on the offer of the blue haired man laughing at his remark about Elijah's assets. Then again, what assets, he thought, he did mention him being a summoner before so maybe it was his magical capabilities he wanted to explore and not the bodily ones. And then again he wasn't certain either he'd want the latter but he was generally open to most suggestions.

#8Salem E. 

Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:19 am

Salem E.

King of the forest went over his head. He considered himself forest royalty on principle of being a Fae. That would be like telling a demon that darkness was not important to them. Even a fire fae would be at home in a forest. Nature called to them all. He was simply one to use his powers often.

“So. There is a nice little restaurant that serves up a feast. It is a quaint spot but it does serve a great variety of international dishes.”

Salem was recommending the place but he was giving Elijah a stare down. He looked at the man as if he was a starving beast that was staring at an immaculate dish. He would simply eat the man whole if given the chance. He had handsome features that made Salem want to show him a good time. It was not helping that his nature as the fairy of fun and games were acting up. It made it hard for him to ignore anything he viewed as fun.

“Or you are always welcomed to taste a dish of mine. I have to warn you. It is cream filled and explodes with flavor in your mouth.” The Fae made a wide smile as he said it. It was a grin like that of a fox in a hen house. Salem would flirt with him and make his way out. Eager to see what the duo could get up to.


Last edited by Salem E. on Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


Lost In A Fae's Palm [Salem] Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:58 am

Elijah thought about the offer for a moment, he didn't really have much in the day other than his breakfast and with the sun a couple hours before setting, he missed lunch so he'd go straight to dinner. Some food really didn't sound like a bad idea and then maybe he could get himself a dessert or two to sweeten the sourness of not getting to his end goal, the ruins. The forest excursion had weakened him anyway and he could even get to know Salem more, he seemed like an interesting individual both spiritually and physically. "Dining at a restaurant sounds like a great idea, I'm in your care~" he said with a chuckle as he approached Salem.

He didn't start moving yet and Elijah was curious as to why that was, discovering the reason not long after. A moment passed as he was being looked up and down by Salem feeling like he was getting undressed just by his stare alone, he didn't mind it, the blue haired man was quite attractive and the nephilim was always up for some flirting and fun. After the initial shock of Salem's second option, Elijah couldn't help but laugh "And here I was gonna ask if you like what you see. And flattered as I am by your words, somewhat, I'd rather have that option for dessert~" he said with a little wink as he started walking towards who knows where -cause he certainly didn't- all flustered.

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