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Case eXodeus 1

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Case eXodeus 1 Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 6:01 pm

Police sirens screamed out during the rainy night, the skidding sound of wheels across the pavement followed by car doors slamming echoed in the air. Heavy rain pelted the cars, making a relentless pitter-pattering noise as the red siren lights lit up the scene of the crime. The police car headlights shined forth revealing two dismembered humanoid bodies lying in front of the Orchida church gates in the shape of a large bloody X. The gruesome grotesque sight was the signature of the killer traveling around Fiore named “X”. Cops could only feel sympathy for the unfortunate victims as they were left in completely unidentifiable states and none of their belongings were ever found. The rain started to pick up more, summoning a downpour that washed the blood of the limbs and organs down the street into the drains.

An anonymous person called and tipped them off about the sighting. With this becoming the most common occurrence, the police raced to the scene to confirm if what the tipster said was true and hoped to maybe catch the person who called near the scene. The operators try to get the anonymous person's identity, but they always call at random times of the day right and moments before the horrific crime is committed, as the bodies are always still fresh, sometimes still warm even. This time was no different from the rest; fresh bodies and nobody around in the surrounding area. Police had a large perimeter covered and even searched the church inside and out, but not one person was in sight. The chief was growing very frustrated that there had been no person of interest at all since the start of this case.

“Over here, I think I found a clue. This is something more personal in the signature of the killer. Could it be a copycat or maybe a message?” The female deputy named Sam said with a discerning voice as she gestured for somebody to come over with her hands while keeping her eyes glued to the area of interest. Two surrounding officers proceeded to walk towards Sam while looking in the direction she was facing, there were four impaled ravens with their wings spread lying in each gap of the X shape. “Somebody even removed the eyes of those poor birds. In every other signature there were chalk drawings nearby but never this woven into the piece. I recall Wings of an angel, a sparkling crown with insect wings, a bat, a full moon, and a group of hands resembling humans…what could this all mean, especially with this new inclusion” Sam muttered loudly to herself while observing the details of the X.

“Why doesn't the chief call in the Rune Knights or affiliate guilds to help with such an investigation?” one of the officers asked Sam. “I know we are here to help assist while they are busy with other matters, but this seems quite serious, don't you think?” the second officer whimpered while projecting his opinion. “You may have a point there, but we need to show the Rune knights that their faith in us is not wasted. We can make a report once we get back, but for now we must continue our search here.” Sam proudly stated while jumping up from her previous squatting position, releasing her thumb from the walkie-talkie hanging from the side of her belt.

A bolt of lightning struck down behind the church, filling the entire sky within the area with a blinding white flash. A large bird resembling a hawk flew from the top of the church overhead past the officers and faded in the murky clouds. Sam caught a glimpse of the bird before it faded into the dark clouds hanging overhead as she uncovered her eyes.

The next day came.

An enlarged hawk flew to the window of Zeno’s room at paradise dawn. It cried out to get his attention and flapped its wings a couple of times as it got comfortable on the ledge of the window. Catching wind of the hawk approaching the wind, its routine visits to Zeno had already reached toward the bucket full of raw chicken pieces. “What did you get for me today? Hmm, a letter?” Zeno picked up the letter that the hawk dropped in his room while perched on the window.

Zeno read the letter out loud. “Seeking assistance from the well-esteemed guild of Paradise Dawn, there is a mole working under the jurisdiction of the Rune Knights, and they are planning something big. There is an ongoing investigation of a killer performing mutilation randomly for months now in Fiore. I suspect foul play. Please help. Check out the Orchida Church for more clues” Zeno paused briefly before grabbing the bucket and placed it in front of the hawk. “Enjoy your reward and behave” the large bird screeched in joy as it hopped down into the room to eat from the bucket. Zeno then whistled to call forth one of the messenger ravens. “Give this to our guild master” Lifting the note to the raven's beak, it snapped on to it firmly then flew away. The hawk stopped eating while eying the raven from the moment it came to after leaving. “You will surely get turned into an ice sculpture if you dare harm the ravens here, you know, so don't be stupid Raoul” Zeno scoffed cheekily at the hawk before getting ready to leave the room. He opened the door and looked back at Raoul, then closed the door behind him before heading up to see Lumi. "Never a dull day, huh, sis? Hope your days are equally exciting, and you're in good health" he whispered to himself. He reached Lumi's quarters and knocked on her chambers while greeting the ravens that were perched outside the icy exterior of her room. "It's me, Zeno. I trust you got the letter? I would like to discuss the matter with you...preferably over some tea by chance?" Zeno wore a big smile as he spoke through the door.

WC 1013


Case eXodeus 1 Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:27 am


Lumikki laid in bed with a pile of books beside her. The Demoness was in her typical form, and sprawled about with nothing but a night gown. She was taking some time for herself to enjoy some reading at her leisure. Alvis, the head of her Eight Pinions, was now in her office reading over some of the left over paper work she hadn’t touched yet. He was tasked with sorting them out and writing up some simple summaries for when she got back to work. It was a means to simplify all the work so she didn’t burn out.

Now, Lumikki was reading over some interesting text she borrowed from Elise about Demons. As well as flipping through a few pages about the Bosco language. Just another tongue she wanted to learn among the many others she was currently taking one. But due to how similar Bosco’s wording was to the Icebergain tongue, it was proving to be a breeze. Which allowed her to focus on many things at once.

Lumikki was just about to finish another section of some old depictions, Demons of ancient times and how they were seen in the past just before the Great War, when one of her many ravens flew in through the window with a message in beak. It perched onto the table until Lumikki took the time to look them over, finger held high as she was still finishing the few words left on the page and didn’t want to lose her place. ”Aye….just…..one bit.” Her other hand slid over to reach for a bookmark before tucking it into the crevice. After a moment to let the words settle, she’d look over. The hand that was already outstretched was now open palmed with anticipation to receive the note. To which her raven would promptly comply to as he would glide toward the bed and drop it into her hand.

The bird would nuzzle into her, and she’d pet it just after unfolding the note. ”It was Zeno, the new face, he asked me to bring this over to you.” He’d utter before Lumikki got the chance to ask. ”Hmmm,” was all she’d answer as now she was reading message over. ”That bird is still there…” He’d continue after a small moment to let her finish. ”It doesn’t bother ye does it?” Lumikki inquired, she was now getting out of bed and enjoying a big stretch. Her raven was simply hopping about her as she rose, falling over at some point but choosing to stay down.

”No but…..its unsettling.” He looked at her with wide eyes screaming for comfort. Lumikki couldn’t help but walk back over and plop herself back onto the bed so that she could pet him a little bit longer. ”That is Zeno’s friend. Only right that he gets a chance at a bird of his own.” That is when she heard the knocking on the door and Zeno on the other side. ”Huh,” she’d sigh, but not in a bad way, it was more as a mild surprise. The Demoness slid of her gown and willed a new one with magic. Approaching the mirror to look at herself over while shifting to her human form. She did not want to spend more time on her hair than needed, choosing to pull it back in a long ponytail instead. Her dress now one that was still fairly short but loose, with tuffs of feathers draped upon the shoulder and ribbons on the chest. One more glance at the mirror, and she’d manage to paint her face in darkness. With that, she was just about done.

”Ye could of sent word with the letter that ye were coming ya know Zeno. Could have gotten ready the moment I was done reading it over!” Lumikki added some winged hair accessories into her hair and walked toward the door. Opening it up with an unamused look on her face. ”Tea would probably do me well right now, aye. Come, let’s head to me office to discuss the matter and have the refreshments sent there.” One there way up toward her office, the pair would encounter one of her Eight Pinions. The girl was taller than most of the others by far, but held a demeanor that was quite elegant. She wore green regal Icebergain linens that Lumikki had provided as she wanted all her servants to look well dressed. And the white fur accents and big jewelry only promoted such an image.

”Erica, have some tea prepared and sent to me office. I would like some lavender. Zeno, what have ye?” She’d look over to him and await his answer. ”Very well my Revna, that’s a simple task to fulfill.” Erica gave a slight bow and veered off quickly to the mess hall to begin the request. While the pair continue on their way and up the steps toward her office.

”How have ye been liking yer stay here? The feel of living in a guild at first is an interesting one. I remember when I entered meself, this place felt so big.” They were nearing the office by then, it wasn’t until after they entered that Lumikki bothered to acknowledge the letter at all.

”What a surprise to see you my Lady, I thought you were gonna take the day to yourself.” Alvis was sitting in her seat sorting through the papers as planned. The table, covered to the brim with stacks papers and folders, sat relatively to the center of her dark blue office. Just before the window so that it could bask in the light of the day. There were many Icebergain furniture strewn about, the indigo couch Lumikki was approaching was but one of them.”So did I until a weird message showed up at me window. Seems the Rune Knights are a mess. Sadly I can’t put this off for a day, so I best be getting to work. But don’t mind us, finish yer task. Erica is serving me at the moment, so we will be fine.” Lumikki took a seat and pat the free space so that Zeno knew he could do the same. And with a big, deep sigh, Lumikki learned back so annoyed. ”What do ye think of it lad, yer the one who passed it on to me after all. Ye figure the job is too much for ya?” Her head was leaning back as a she spoke, while she was still trying to calm down.


Case eXodeus 1 Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Case eXodeus 1 Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:47 pm

Seeing Lumi's face expressing irritation left Zeno feeling a bit apprehensive. He regained his composure shortly after she took him up on his offer for some tea and invited him to her private office. Graciously accepting the offer he followed the demon guild master, who was leading the way. A prominently tall woman named Erica approached us quietly with a humble demeanor. Based on how Lumi and Erica spoke, it was apparent that she was a servant Zeno thought to himself. The guild master requested for her to bring us tea. When asked what tea he wanted Zeno replied quickly. “Berry tea. Nice and sweet please” She nodded her head towards Zeno signaling she understood.

As they continued walking to the office Lumi inquired about his experience at the guild thus far. “My time here has felt very welcoming I must say. The complete opposite of my time at the fairy family. Though I haven't met many of the other members so far…The rooms and location are fantastic, I'm thoroughly impressed” Zeno enthusiastically expressed his liking of the guild. They approached a large intricate-looking door that Lumi pushed open, revealing the dark blue grandiose room filled with thematic-looking furniture.

Upon walking into the room Zeno heard a voice speak out to Lumi, it turned out to be another one of her servants named Alvis. He looked in the direction from where the voice was coming from and to his discovery the man was sitting behind a stack of papers on a desk. Zeno briefly greeted Alvis with a head nod before sitting down next to Lumi.

“I think all of this is very suspicious and without a doubt a trap, but I am curious why they wish to involve Paradise Dawn? If they suspect a mole, using us to corner them can be their plan as it is a strong tactic for intimidation but risking a guild feud is too messy. It would only complicate things, leading the mole to have more leeway to maneuver which does not seem wise, desperate even” Zeno strokes his chin to hum to himself quietly. This allowed him to concentrate his thoughts and keep them organized. After a few seconds of pausing he resumed speaking, feeling the need to inform Lumi of something important first.“I also want to add, as to how I even obtained such a letter you must know Raoul is a messenger hawk from an informant I met a while back. He works in the underground but I can assure you he is trustworthy. For him to get such a letter must mean somebody reached out to him seeking us out with this letter in hand. To ask for paradise dawn only for assistance behind their official's back is the behavior of somebody desperate or trying to set a trap. That itself is very concerning, especially for a member of the police force serving the Rune Knights. The best course of action would be to check out the church as it will be monitored by the Rune Knights police force and potentially the criminal in question. I will have Raoul scout ahead while staying nearby to observe things from a distance. Your ravens may also prove useful in this investigation especially since they can talk to you and other ravens… One thing is for sure they want to involve our two guilds for some reason. Doing nothing may risk them taking further devastating actions to force us to intervene. After all, we have close to no real clues, So I came to you to seek guidance on what to do next and hopefully have your aid with this case” Zeno looked to Lumi while sitting back on the couch pondering about the matter in silence awaiting her response.

A few moments later Erica walked into the room, pushing a mini cart with 2 teapots, two cups, a glass jar of sugar cubes, and a jar of honey. And a pair of spoons resting on top of a pristine white linen. The sound of her heels colliding with the floor echoed throughout the large space. Clip clop clip clop, the footsteps grew closer to Zeno and Lumi, the teapots and cups clank as the cart slightly rumbles from the grooves of the tile floor. Once Erica reached the two she prepared the tea in front of them by filling each cup with the steamy hot liquid from the two pots. The aroma from the two teas mixed, leaving a smooth yet distinct sweet smell wafting in the air around the trio. The filled cups are placed onto mini saucers and sat down on the mini table in front of Lumi and Zeno. She also set the sugar cubes, honey jar, and spoons between the cups. After successfully setting up she bowed to the two and headed towards Alvis who was still busy handling paperwork.

“Thank you, Lady Erica, the tea smells lovely” Zeno cheered as he added a cube of sugar to his tea and began to sip on it after stirring it slowly. “One more thing if I may add, my dear, if you approve of the plan or have anything to add, I will head out right now to Orchidia church and begin my Investigation. I will send Raoul back to my informant with a message for the client, letting them know your decision. Just say the word, guild master Lumi~” Zeno said in a sweet yet teasing tone after taking a long drink from the teacup, releasing a satisfying sigh of relief. The steamy hot sweet tea did not burn Zeno's tongue as his body grew to endure major levels of heat from the inside out. He poured himself another cup of berry tea to hold himself awaiting his orders from Lumi. "Phenomenal cup of tea you brewed, Lady Erica. This is the best tea I have had thus far in my travels. If there is a way for me to express my gratitude, please allow me to, I insist." He graciously thanked and praised Erica while drinking the tea and soaking in the aroma and flavor in unison.

WC 1022

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