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{ VC: WotV } Wicked Winds Upon Wings

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#1Altuo Dorian 

{ VC: WotV } Wicked Winds Upon Wings Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 2:24 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 333 / 1500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Emerald GroveTags : @Goji @ZerutodSpells UsedNone
Once more into the fray, it seemed like there was hardly a dull moment to be had around Northern Fiore these days. Not that such a thing was something to complain about of course. After all, keeping lively and thoroughly entertained was better than wasting away in absolute boredom. Especially for one such gentlemen that was tasked with handling the day's assignment. What type of dastardly deed awaited him this time? He was all to ecstatic to find out.

Having taken leave at the first signs of sunlight, straight from the city limits of Orchidia all the way to the overgrown marvel of Worth Woodsea. He had been given his directives plainly on the way out. To make expeditious headway towards the known location of a reported void portal in the area. Once there he was to make contact with his prearranged team and prepare accordingly for the extraction of valuable assets. This was also alongside the extermination of foreign void entities. Of which the latter was expected to be handled with extreme prejudice. As the creatures from this particular portal were said to be nothing short of a nightmare even in the smallest of numbers. Quite a claim, perhaps one he'd be brave enough to test the validity of if things took a turn. Fingers crossed.

Altuo gave a chuckle at the very notion as he came upon a clearing nestled along the side of the road. Figuring it would be an easily noticed meeting spot should the other two be close by. While he awaited their arrivals, the imp of a man pulled a small black book from the back pocket of his form fitting pants. Cracking open the pages to the exact spot he had left off at when he was last able to take a moment to himself. Inside was written a story of an unusual band of adventurers doing everything within their means to fight against the powers of all knowing paracausal entities. A thrilling read for sure.
deadly sins


{ VC: WotV } Wicked Winds Upon Wings Empty Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:40 pm

The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and moss as Zerutod navigated the winding path through the Deep Green. Towering trees loomed overhead, their gnarled branches twisting like ancient fingers reaching for the sky. The forest was alive, a cacophony of rustling leaves and distant animal calls, yet it felt eerily silent around him. Zerutod’s silver hair fluttered slightly in the cool breeze, a stark contrast to the dark fabric of his military-style trench coat that billowed around him like a shadow. He paused, tilting his head slightly, listening intently. The world around him was a symphony of sounds, each note resonating in his mind. He could feel the vibrations of the forest, the pulse of life that thrummed beneath his feet. Blind since birth, Zerutod had learned to rely on his other senses, honing his electroreception to navigate the unseen world.

Ah, the sweet scent of adventure,” he murmured to himself, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Or perhaps it’s just the smell of damp leaves. Either way, it’s delightful.”  His voice was calm, almost whimsical, a stark contrast to the foreboding atmosphere of the Deep Green. He had a mission ahead, one that required not just intellect but a keen understanding of the dangers lurking within the shadows. The void caverns awaited him, a mystery that had drawn him into this enchanted yet perilous realm. As he continued down the path, he thought about the team he was supposed to meet. They were a motley crew, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Zerutod had always found it amusing how people underestimated him, viewing his blindness as a flaw rather than a unique advantage. “Do you think they’ll be surprised when they see me?’” he chuckled softly, imagining their reactions. “I can already hear them: ‘What’s this blind fool doing in the Deep Green?’” He shook his head, a hint of mischief in his lavender eyes. “Oh, if only they knew.

The trees began to thin, revealing a clearing that marked the outskirts of the Deep Green. The air crackled with a strange energy, a palpable tension that sent a shiver down his spine. Zerutod paused, taking a moment to absorb the atmosphere. The void caverns were close, their presence almost tangible, like a whisper in the wind. “Time to get serious,” he muttered, his playful demeanor fading as he focused on the task at hand. He stepped into the clearing, the ground beneath him soft and yielding. The sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows that danced around him. It was beautiful, yet he could sense the danger lurking just beyond the edges of the light.



{ VC: WotV } Wicked Winds Upon Wings Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 7:08 am

Accompanied by a disgruntled assortment of groans the whole way through his travel. Of the three men to be expected Goji was the last one to arrive more or less on time. Having been shaken from his bedroll by the ungodly chaos of a stray monster wandering through his encampment in the wee hours. Needless to the say the morning hadn't been all that kind to his usual wake up routine leaving him feeling slightly less than his best. Even so, he already had a job lined up and ready to go for the day which meant strapping in and strapping on regardless of any personal issues. The jewels weren't going to magically drop themselves in his pocket after all.

With his hand me down armor locked into place, a tattered black robe draped over his broad form, and a well used rucksack slung in place over one of his sturdy shoulders. Goji was more than thoroughly prepared to get on with the task assigned to them as soon as he caught up with the two gents. Even going so far as to save his breath with few words before passing right by them both. Figuring that they would follow along if he took the lead. At the very least, he knew Altuo would understand his opinion on the matter. "Let's get this over with. I've had a hell of a morning already."

As he had walked on by, Goji spared a passing glance of curiosity towards the other man he didn't recognize in the slightest. Their military style of dress and somewhat blank expression leaving him quietly wondering about a few things. Especially when it came to the piercing gaze of their ghostly lavender eyes. There was definitely something more to them that Goji couldn't quite place but for now he wouldn't stress to find out exactly what. Deciding it was better to note the detail for later when he felt more inclined to ask.

[ WC - 326/1500 ] @Altuo Dorian

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