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Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem)

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Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 8:19 am

Emil had gained a mission to take on the pests that are running wild in the north, he was not really worried about the giant rats that this usually entails but today he was to work with a man he hadn't even met yet but was another of his guild mates that he would need to work with on this and Emil hoped that they would be able to carry their weight and not just drag the team down. Indiana Emil's trusted exceed was by his side as they moved toward the building that they were going to have to clear and he wondered why this place seemed to have a strange type of aura was around this place like it had a sense of impending doom to it like this was not going to be normal rats that they would be facing here and he would need to pull out the stops and actually use his brain but he doesn't feel that he will need to worry about it.

Emil looked around for the guild mate that was to join up with him and he thinks he knew the name but he wasn't sure of them. The exceed looked at Emil and spoke. "Make sure you don't blow this as they said these rats were special and even gave us special traps to put around to keep the rats from returning I will make sure to follow behind you two and place these so we don't have to worry about it when we are doubling back." Emil nodded as the exceed made sense with what he was telling them they were going to do as that was the usual thing but he was not sure fully about this job and how it would be handled yet as he didn't know what his fellow Paradise Dawn member would be able to do or bring to the table of this mission, but he hoped they would not just be a waste and need to be protected the whole mission. The building looked like it had elemental damage from what Emil could tell, the rats wouldn't be able to use magic would they? Emil shook his head and laughed because of course they wouldn't be able to do that or else this mission would have come with a fair more amount of warnings than it had right?

Emil was just more excited by the thought of these rats being stronger that he had thrown fear to the side and was just ready to bold in but he needed to wait for the other that was joining them on this mission so he had to reign in the excitement before he took off without thinking.

#2Salem E. 

Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:55 am

Salem E.

Back to the daily grind of the north. That was the main feeling Salem had as he made his way back. “Is this your home? Frosch likes staying on the island more.” Salem gave his partner an affirmative as he showed him around. That took all of fifteen minutes before he looked at his work pile. He spent too much in jewels on parties and needed to do some make up work for it. Not to mention the fact that he was supposed to be back last week so he already had quests and such lined up for him. Like an extermination job that he had to do today since it was with another member. He was just getting the notice and was already running later than he would have liked.

“Come on buddy let’s go.”

Salem started to jog to the location in question. Frosch kept up by flying. His pink frog suit makes him look like an odd creature going through the air. The oddity of magic and the culture in Fiore did not make him stand out too much. Some people noticed and simply chose to ignore it. It took him a solid twenty minutes to make it. If he flew it would have been faster but as he was training his body. He did not want to do so.

“Sorry I am late. I hope you two did not have to wait too long for me.” Salem started to feel the familiar glow in his eyes. He would be surprised to see another cat-like companion. This was his first time meeting this particular guild mate. His eyes flashed as visions ran across them revealing some information.

A lightning user by the name of Emil. It was interesting enough. Salem thought he current mission should be fun with these two people. They at least did not seem boring. “The name is Salem. This cutie here is my buddy Frosch. We will be teaming up with the both of you.” Salem gave the introduction of his team to the both of them. He double checked their gear and was ready to set off. He was eager to get this show on the road.


Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:05 am

Emil looked at the man that had come running up to them and he blinked. "You sure took your time getting here didn’t you? You are probably lucky that Yuurei didn’t catch you being late. I am Emil and this exceed is my companion Indiana. Make sure you stick close and he will be placing deterrents to stop rats in the future, please don’t be dead weight." Emil started walking up to the building to open the door but just before he touched the knob he felt heat come from the knob and he wondered if their was a fire going on, on the inside of the place. Emil zapped the handle of the door and a cry rang out from the inside of the door.

Emil quickly opened the door and there were mutant rats, each seemed to have a different symbol on them for an element. "Seems these are not normal rats, don’t die." he was short with his words before he punched forward sending a beam of lightning inside and into the rats which caused it to bounce around between the rats that were right inside the door that were waiting for them to enter to ambush them and get a sneak attack. These rats seemed smarter and more dangerous, Emil hoped the pretty boy they had sent to join him was up to snuff as he didn’t think he was going to be able to babysit him if things went to shit for them here. Emil waited to watch what his team mate would do, he wonder3d if the pretty boy would run in and fight or if the man was going to stay back and behind him and Emil was the one going to be running in to fight them as he had not waited to strategize with the Salem man that had joined him here to deal with this weird mutant rats.
(318) (772)

#4Salem E. 

Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:52 pm

Salem E.

Salem raised an eyebrow, not at the tone his new mate was using. Salem dealt with enough dicks to be unsurprised by one. It was the lightning magic that was used on the door. It was not a commonly used element. It would explain the attitude. If elements were attitudes, lightning mages were always weird. Not as weird as wind types but usually a lot more polarized.

The second surprise came in the form of the mana beasts. A horde of rat type mana beasts to be exact with various elemental affinities. It was an interesting site to behold but he was not too bothered by it. Salem saw a smaller rat cloaked in shadows. Salem was amused that such a creature could use invisibility magic. The small thing leaped from its place as if it was a shadow assassin towards him. Salem saw it and simply wrapped it really hard with his staff. It was like playing baseball. The creature shot out and hit the wall. Salem made a grasping motion with his hand. A blue bolt of his magic shot out and ended the creature.

“The two of you may be in a bit more danger than I thought.” Salem made two separate motions. He covered Frosch in a higher tiered defensive spell. Salem understood that his exceed companion was on the weaker side. Salem then cast another defensive spell on Indiana. It was not as strong but it would not take as much mana as well. He could have cast a third one on himself or Emil but he wanted to save the man. The Fairy Godfather had a harder time casting recently. He needed to try to save some mana when he could.

“Feel free to go all out. I pretty much do damage control and restoration as my specialty. I can at least keep us same from all the rats.” Salem commented as if he knew Emil was. If his visions were anything to believe Emil could really do some lightning stuff. Salem was half tempted to see if he could tank it all. He never got to see what his upper limit was. Maybe this would be a great chance to see how he measured up in more real time combat exercises. Salem’s eyes started to shine like stars. He was growing excited at the prospect of such a fun new way of battle, it was like a brand new game for him to play.



Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 7:09 am

Emil looked at the man as he said he was damage control. "What do you mean you are damage control?" Emil wasn’t even watching the rats as his lightning spell bounced from strange empowered rats to strange empowered rat. He was confused by the man saying what he did, was he damage control cause Emil did a ton of damage or was he damage control in case Emil got hurt during this or was there a third option for the damage control thing. Emil’s cape whispers to him about wanting the man’s body and Emil just ignores it as he is not killing a guild mate to give his cape souls a new body.

Emil having grown impatient ran forward and his lightning charged gauntlets were at the ready, he punched the rats that were being deafened by the lightning hitting them taking advantage of that disorienting them so he was free to strike and use the openings he was making for himself as he was use to doing missions solo for the most part so he had to learn to adapt and make his own openings for him to strike. While Emil was bum rushing elementally enhanced rats Indiana had started to set up the deterrents near the door they had come in so no more rats would enter but it also stopped them from escaping through that way, though the exceed wondered if this was really the smart move right now as he has a shield on shouldn’t he be out there fighting?

Indiana looked at the man that gave him the shield and his companion. "Does your companion fight?" He was arming the deterrents as he asked the man and his exceed that question as his exceed looked kind of soft and not intimidating, but Indiana knows better than to just judge a book by it’s cover as even the prettiest looking treasure might just be a dud to lure you into a trap and be killed. Indiana had looked past them a bit and was watching Emil still fighting on his own pretty much and the lightning flashing around from rat to rat like they were connected by wires and he wondered how long his own partnership with his mortal would last as he knows Emil is more into himself and getting stronger what if he was holding him back would he then just be left behind? Indiana knows this isn’t the time for this as Emil is fighting and he is setting up and arming deterrents but he had to wonder.
(426) (1198)

#6Salem E. 

Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:31 pm

Salem E.

Salem took out a snack as he heard Emil talk to him. He did not want Frosch to get his feelings hurt. “Damage Control is what I do. Keep people from dying if that means they blast themselves apart, or they start destroying the area. I keep things safe. That way people that do the most damage can continue to do just that.” It was a dangerous but fun job. Only someone as selfless, focused, and understanding as Salem could do the job. Salem was sure that as a Fae with all those things he could be called superior when it comes to looking after others.

When Emil started to rush off. Salem got to work himself. He put down a few shields in various places. Some shields were to keep the building steady, others acted to keep the rats away from the exceed companions. Salem would simply play whack-a-rat with the ones that slipped past Emil to focus on him. He made sure to try to not stray too far from the lightning lad. It was just in case he needed to perform emergency care. Not that it looked like the man needed it. He was handling the rats as if they were blood feud enemies.

Salem was focusing on making sure no accidents occurred. The voice of Emil’s partner attracted his attention by asking him a question. He thought about his reply for a moment. “My buddy can speak for himself.” It was not that Salem was thinking badly about his partner. He just believed that he would not treat his Exceed buddy like he was air. “You tell em Frosch.”

“Yes. Frosch is not good at battle. Frosch is helpful and strong.” The frog suited Exceed nodded as if what he said was some solid advice. He was not fighting in the battle but ignoring the rats. He was trying not to get hurt or be in the way. The battle style that Salem had been going over with him. It was also true. What Frosch said was accurate. The Exceed was not good in battle. He was, however, a people cat. He was an odd mix of awkward and fun that disarmed people and made finding out things great. Not to mention his out of the box thinking gave him a lucky break at times. Making it so much easier for him to finish up certain missions. At least the Exceed was a plus presence to be around.

The slight distraction was all Salem needed to have a bit of blood appear on his arm. It was not his own. Just a hazard from his innate ability. Someone had gotten damaged and negated a portion of it by taking it instead. Salem tapped his staff to the ground. A blue glow with a green hue appeared. It covered them all as it expanded outward. Salem was not sure who got injured but that should have been enough to heal them. As the blood on his arm was already gone and the previous scratch he had was sealed up. The large scale magic even hit a lot of the rats in the vicinity giving damage to their furry bodies.

“How many rats are in this place? Think you can move a bit faster?” Salem was getting tired of killing them. He asked the vanguard if the rats could be removed at a faster pace. He wanted the job to end sooner.



Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 8:24 am

Emil is not impressed by the man's answer but to be honest he respected that the man was not beating around the bush with it just flat out saying, you mess yourself up I got you, you mess up the environment I got you. This was something that he thinks most people don't fully grasp that they can be a good team mate and a healer and not just waste people's time as he knows that he is not that kind of person he prefers to fight and kick the collective asses of what ever might come running at them like monsters, rats, mages, or mecha monsters. He was not going to back down no matter who or what comes his way as he needed to make the most of what he has and what he can do and that is a lot of things if he doesn't start slacking or getting to full of himself as there are people like his children counting on him not to die a dumb death if he can help it.

The adventurous looking exceed heard the man and then looked to the frog suited exceed to hear what they had to say for themself as the man had pointed him to the other exceed and he heard what the other said to him. "You don't gotta be strong to be a battle companion but I see your point. Here take some of these and help me set them up near exits that way we can get it done faster." The exceed pulled some of the deterrents out of the bag and hands them toward the other exceed. "Pull the tab on the bottom stick it to the all then hold the button on top for like two seconds." Indiana moved toward the far side of the bottom floor as the lightning spells whip around inside hitting the rats like ping pong balls.

Emil smirked at the other man when he asked if he could hurry it up and Emil spoke. "I will take that as consent that you are fine with me unleashing death at the risk of your own and your companions lives." Emil super charged his gauntlets and a storm started brewing heavily out side and lightning strikes the building with great force and then the top floor lights up and the light is starting to speed down the floors as that lightning travels from the bigger creatures that were on the higher floors. "Your sacrifice is admirable." He was just teasing the other man as the lightning was fully under his control and he and his companion were not under any risk of his spell hitting them as he was not one to risk his own companion getting hurt either as the little guy had earned his place at his side.
(479) (1,677)

#8Salem E. 

Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:36 pm

Salem E.

Salem was taking back some of his previous thoughts. Maybe this Emil person was not as bad as he thought. Anyone that was willing to be thoughtful was not always bad. Not that being bad was even always bad. It was all a thing of perspective to him. Even now he made rat juice and helped destroy this colony. They could be considered bad guys to all the dying rats even if it was needed for the other races. It was sad in a sense. Salem did not bother to tell Frosch not to do it. His buddy was going to be helpful how he chose to be.

The large scaled magic that he used was able to heal up the damage that he took. It also put a large strain on the rat population. Salem’s magic lacked a deadly punch but it was able to do damage like getting run over by a carriage. He was proud of the effort he put into it.

The buzz of lightning and the smell of ozone made Salem a tad edgy. Most of the time people would not use large scale magic directed at him so this was fun. The fairy of fun and games could not remember the last time he felt so excited. He retreated backwards and tossed up a dome shield. Then put the weakest body shield he had on himself. Salem figured between that and his natural vitality. He should be able to pull through anything that happened.

“Let it rip and send it flying. After this we should go out for beers.” They were really piss water but it was shown that humans, dwarves, and weres liked them enough. Elves and Fae were naturally more sophisticated and inclined to better drinks of choice.




Pests in Paradise? (S-Rank NQ with Salem) Empty Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:43 am

Emil was not really risking the lives of the people with him so that was just something he said to tease the other man but seeing the other man jump to take cover at it he guessed the other man took it as super seriously going to come for him but he guessed that he had said something stupid so it was only fair that the other man would wish to hide himself away to reduce the damage that he might take from the lightning if it was to strike him. Emil’s magic flashed through the last of the rats and then he looked at the man that said something about beers. "This is a high rank quest not a low rank, beers are for low rank quests. Need something better than that for this one buddy." Indiana went to finish setting up the deterrents that they had left to set up before they were to leave and Emil went with the man to get paid and then to go and drink and celebrate.
(174) (1,851) (Exit) (30% WC Gauntlet 10%, Companion 20%)

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