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The Pest Problem 2

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The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:51 am

Emil received yet another request to deal with rats and this time it is in a huge building and it has a fair few floors that he was going to have to clear but something about this request makes Emil worry about something not fully being on the level but he was going to go and handle it but he knows that means that he is opening himself up to some danger and he makes sure that Indiana knows of the danger that they might be facing but a cloaked figure with a crow mask says he is going to join him and says that he is friends with Emil's brother Kaito. This was a first for Emil but he knows that he will probably need the help anyways so he agreed to have the strange man with the crow mask help him out. They headed for the large building and Indiana is keeping an eye on the cloaked man with a crow mask.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:51 am

Once they arrive at the door Emil opens it and there is a wide open area and no sights of the rats but he can hear the distant sound of the rats and he and the cloaked figure head toward the sounds that they were hearing and once they go into the room Emil jumped back just in time to dodge a giant rat's claws and he gets his gauntlets on as the crow masked man equips his weapons which are to katana and he jumps in with Emil right behind him throwing arcane punches and the crow masked man trusted that, his masters brother is capable enough to not accidently hit him with a spell the cloaked makes weapons change to a spear and the man flips a rat into a wall as the large number of rats that were in this building seemed to consume every space in this area.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:51 am

Emil was amazed that even Kaito had followers that had this kind of power had he trained them? Emil didn't have time to ask the man now but he would later if there was a later for them to talk in as Emil's spells jumped from target to target not leaving anything to chance though the rats seemed slightly resistant to magic so his spells were not having the effects that he was hoping that they would have but he kept pushing forward and the other man's weapon changed again and turned to a war hammer and once he swung that it caused a hard and loud crunch on the rats as it was a weapon that was made for him with tougher metal to max out the blunt damage it could do with raw power. Emil was surprised by that and his gauntlets when they hit the rats stunned them and Emil was keeping up the best he could.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:51 am

Emil wondered how he could swap weapons like that and then he realized that the person he was working with was a re-quip mage and that they had a ton of weapons probably and this was probably nothing compared to the spells that might be on the weapons that he has. The rats just kept coming in on them, this was clearly a set up by someone and is that why this man had come to help him. Emil wonders if his brother was having him watched or something. Indiana yells to Emil to pay attention before he gets murdered by the rats and Emil snaps back into the fight with the rats and they seemed to be starting to learn from the other rats as the attack patterns they were using against the two people fighting them changed and the masked man tells Emil to step back which Emil does then the man summons an axe out and spins around cleaving through the rats that had jumped at him in the moment that Emil had jumped back.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:51 am

Emil was impressed but he wasn't going to be shown up by some random man that worked with his brother and he self-buffed his strength and his speed and went back into get some more action against the monster sized rats Emil knows that he is only delaying the fact that they are going to be over run and probably be killed but Emil was going down fighting and he wondered if there was going to be trouble as well or if this was something that he can handle and take on simply. The other man keeps the rats off of Emil as lightning surges off of the man and Emil starts releasing these charges into the groups of rats as they moved to the next floor and the man had to admit he was impressed by Emil's use of lightning magic like that and the man wondered why the other mage's magic seemed to change elements from time to time.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:52 am

Emil fills the next floors hall with lightning that jumped from rat to rat and they seemed to change who was the lead on each floor as the re-quip mage was not going to be shown up by the lightning mage so easily even if he was not that kind of person he was not going to just fall to the way side as he had a lot to prove as he was here to help Emil and they seemed to be having a bit of a friendly competition with the other as they were fighting the strange rats and Indiana was following behind them and placing some deterrents to make sure more rats don't enter and don't follow them up the stairs. Indiana is doing his best not to fall to far behind them if he can but he knows they are not going to slow down for him and that is when it happened a rat that had hid attacked Indiana and an arm from the shadows came out and blocked the attack with a dagger and the person that was by Indiana was wearing a cloak and a rabbit mask.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:52 am

Indiana wondered how many followers Kaito has, but the woman raised a hand to her lips telling Indiana to not speak that she was here or that they nearly go him hurt and she returned to the shadows and Indiana got back to placing the traps and deterrents as he was trying more to get back to the other two as they were now another floor above him and his short legs were not helping him to keep up with them as they slayed the rats. Emil had stopped for a moment and looked around for where his exceed was at and he wondered if he had gotten hurt but he figured that the exceed was just being slow because of him placing the gear. Emil was feeling like he was on top of the world fighting side by side with someone. Emil fires off another burst of lightning magic that seemed to finish off the last of the rats in a room and then they headed for the top floor.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:52 am

There they found a huge rat that was feasting on other dead rats that were around it. Emil wondered if there was going to be some issues going on here and he wondered if there was anything that he could do in this moment to make that stop and he really could only hope that there wasn't anything that was going surprise them beyond that. Emil without another thought ran into the creature and the re-quip mage swapped back to his katanas and he followed after the idiot that was running in without any info on the creature but he guessed this was the best way to get the info first hand experience. The man can see how different his master was to his brother in this form as his master was always cautious about things but his brother runs in head long. The giant rat spun around and caught Emil's strikes and tossed him like a rag doll.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:52 am

Emil punched the air and shifted his weight so he landed on his feet and he ran back in trying to time his attacks with the other man and his sword attacks but this rat's skin seemed harder than the others so it probably had a thick hide and that was going to be hard to get through but they would have to manage this as they didn't have a choice here they had to fight and they had to live through it. The cloaked man did a feint and baited the rat into making and opening for himself and Emil who knew he had to strike now and make it count so he did a punch that was followed up by the magic strike that was behind it and that was something the rat hadn't seen coming feeling the charge numb its body making it sluggish in movement and this was the time to get this to end.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:52 am

The cloaked man swung his swords as hard as he could and it rends the flesh of the rat but it seemed to get slightly bigger and it was moving again and this time the man was forced to block an attack with his sword as he was sent backwards into a wall which he hit very hard and the man would need a moment or two to catch his breath and that leaves Emil to have to fight this on his own and Emil started laughing as he transformed to his god form and he clapped his hand then hit the drums deafening the rat that screamed in pain and a great storm brewed in the room hitting the rat with full blasts of lightning that seemed to strike so fast an eye couldn't even pick it up as his transformed form was intimating to the rat which was now trying to escape.


The Pest Problem 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 10:53 am

The man got back to his feet and he moved in with Emil was they were about to unleash one last combination attack to try and end this fight and they sped in and unleashed their strikes and the sword in the mans hands glowed and let loose strikes of fire and poison that burned and poisoned the rat and Emil got in the killing blows with his gauntlets and lightning and the rat dropped to the ground unmoving and dead. Indiana made it to them and saw what they had just done before he started placing the deterrents as Emil and the masked mage went and took the bodies of the rats out of the building. Once they are done they say their good byes and then Emil and Indiana head to go and get their reward for dealing with the rats as they had done and Emil would have to thank his brother.
(155) (1,806/1,750) (30% wc from companion and gauntlet) (exit)

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