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Walk the Land with Elise.

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Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:35 am

Yijun had received a request to help with some spirits that were causing trouble in the Woodsea from people stealing offerings and bandits making messes of the area of worship. Yijun wondered who would want to do such things but he was going to probably have to chase off bandits and help to restore things to their places but that is easier then said he was told he was going to be working with a local of the north and a member of the guild that was here Paradise Dawn. He wondered who of their kind he was going to be dealing with as he had heard many rumors about the members of that guild some being monsters and others being just idiots that hurt everyone around them with their powers and magics.

Yijun walked up to the small settlement that the request said he was to go to meet the quest giver but he was not sure who of this place would know where he needed to walk up to but he walked into the settlement and they looked at him and his slightly demon looked appearance giving away that he is a daemon and they pulled out strange and crudely made protection pieces to hold told him and he spoke out. "I am not here for trouble I am here to help with the unset spirits." They looked at him as if they don't trust him and he holds up the request form and they let down their guards and point him to the place to meet the person that had sent out to have the request taken care of and Yijun sighed as this was his life and he just had to deal with it and he stood there and waited for the member of Paradise Dawn to show up so they could both go inside and get the rest of the details together as a team. He just hopes that he gets a team mate that isn't going to see him as a threat as well.


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 12:55 pm

This might be an interesting twist depending on how the Yijun felt about some one who might be a person who could risk hunting him in the future. But in some manner while Elise might seem like an actual threat to Yijun in theory, If meeting Elise would give him anything. It would actually benefit him because of how Elise filtered her targets, It would just be a bit hard on the nerves at times. Depending on how brave one was.

Elise would most likely be the later one, As most of the time she was not active until the night time hit, Seemingly just as it night had fallen Elise did show up. With her typical vice in hand of a lite cigarette, Elise really did not make her entrance dramatic she merely just walked in like any person on a mission would be doing. The cigarette she had came to enter with was done, So she took a few steps back make sure she was outside of the place flicked the butt outside, Pulled out another one, Lit it and continued smoking.

Then she would look upon who was apparently joining her, He seemed tense.Elise rather then seemingly being a massive paint in the ass to start with would merely ask him."Something bothering you?"It seemed like a fair question to ask. After all everyone seemed nervous With it not being her that caused everyone to be nervous Elise was really curious over all about that.

After all everyone was just standing looking at each other Elise merely let out an annoyed sigh."Already giving each other the death stare huh?"Even with her minstrel accent her slightly annoyed tone was heard. But she did not seem to be making any problems for Yijun at this time.



Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Fri Jul 05, 2024 7:05 am

The person that gave the request looked to the woman. "You must be the Paradise Dawn member that we hired to take on this very important mission that we can not risk a daemon like this man to handle. Is there a way we can have him removed from the mission?" The man seemed to be dressed as a holy man that was asking the ex-nun to maybe chase him off. If the man doesn't get the reply he wants he will ignore that Yijun exists and carry on. He speaks again talking to Elise and not even looking at Yijun. "We have an issue with bandits stealing offerings and ruining sites of worship, can you help us?"

Yijun guessed that his race still was not gaining or granting him any favors with these people, humans seem to be all the same hate without a valid reason and distrust those that are not like them because they are dark race. Yijun looked to Elise and asked as he kneeled. "Please allow me to work with you on this request even though I am a daemon." He was being respectful as he was in the presence of a member of a strong guild and if rumor was true she is also strong and one of the higher ranking members of the Paradise Dawn guild.

The holy man seemed revolted in seeing the daemon kneel to the hunter and request to be taken alone and allowed to help her on this request and then sighed and started to give over the details of the site that they need to free of bandits and return the offerings to that was north west of the village that they are in and he hoped they would hurry and free the site and not allow the daemon to taint it with his darkness. Yijun had made a fist in anger in hearing the holy man speak like that about him and that made him wish to do this job even more and help this woman to restore the site and add to it somehow.
(354) (696)


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:29 pm

There was worry about this person already, Elise would not seem as worried because she had other things on a massive list on paper that were far more dangerous and important to deal with when she or other people were prepared to deal with."You consider this mission important....Yet you allowed and even considered a daemon to do this work."Elise raised questions to who gave them the missions for one reason, Why where they judging who came to do the job? it was counter protective to the problem.

Even pointing it out."So your narrow minded to ask help for the public, Yet judge the person for things beyond their control?"Elise in some manner was actually scolding them and point out things that made her hate faith bound believers in the first place."He walked innocent yet he is judge?...Shame on you."Elise seemed to want to make her point.

Stared at people who talked as they did even if they were giving her question to do."We will deal with it."Elise said with a casual inhale of her cigarette as most people who smoke do with a casual exhale. Casually walking over to Yijun patted him on the shoulder."Look at me for a moment."Elise didn't sound as grumpy talking to Yijun as she as taking her partner on this mission."Get on your feet, You and I are equal you do not kneel before me."The front of Elise seemingly settle for a moment there was in some manner compassion with a bit of Empathy. With how odd this situation was. Elise expected this to work out as badly as she thought it could go.

But she was going to be Elise, These things are the reason why she hated devoted people of faith."Let's solve the problem, People can not pray to their gods to solve."Elise hopped this settled him, She was trying to lean him in some manner, she knew very well she came off a bit of boss and snarky. She seemed blunt and callous. Even with the end of one cigarette another one was lit and started to smoke away. They are partner on a mission. Elise not bringing up anything else at this time until Yijun maybe attempted to say something to her. As Elise still expected him to in some manner be scared of her, Reject trying to work with her or leave.




Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:56 am

The man looked at the hunter that was talking down to him and he kind of just shrunk as a person as she was right but he didn't know that the man that accepted was a daemon. The man just nods along as he is destroyed by the sharp and very cutting words of the hunter, that he couldn't argue against. He simply waves his hand as if telling them to get off and onto the mission that they needed to get to before the bandits get away and he knows that he had been beaten by the woman.

Yijun being touched by the woman and told to raise as he is her equal was something that he almost couldn't believe that he had just heard from her as she was a high ranked member and a strong hunter so he didn't think that he would hear such a thing from her ever in his life time. "I am honored to hear that you will accept me as your team mate for this mission. As for us being equals I think I still have a ways to go to be your equal." He bowed his head in respect to her on that matter as he wanted to make sure that he had gotten across that he was really respectful of her still choosing to allow him to work with her.

Yijun gently took the map from the holy man that looked like Yijun had kind of wiped poop on his hand by touching the same item as him for a split second. Yijun just didn't pay it any mind and he started walking as he figured that the huntress would be right behind him and letting him be the distracted one so she could keep an eye out for them. "This path over here takes us right up to the site." Yijun can already hear some of the bandits taking about before they leave the site to break the statues and scrape up the holy symbols. Yijun was starting to wonder if they weren't bandits but are part of a cult that is trying to move in and cause issues and it is just easier to do so as a cult gaining followers to make it look like bandits are attacking holy sites and ruining them to make them useless for worship to their gods so to keep them safe they have to swap to the cults god and gain powers from them.
(417) (1,113)


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 5:23 am

Elise seemed to have settled her grudges quickly. As long as she disliked many things and was open about it. But Elise had always made it clear that if a person had nothing that made them guilty to start with, One was truly innocent unless proven guilty or it was shown that something happen that she needed to judge them upon. But Elise had a temper at times too. But if anything always showed under the monster underneath Elise's aggression was some one who showed compassion for people who were being judged for things they should not.

Elise at least felt better that he was comfortable enough to express how he felt about it even letting out a sigh."There is a reason why I hate followers of most forms of faith...preach but not follow their own teaching."But she seemed to at least be relaxed and settled, Even if she did just set a few people into their place.

But Elise faintly smiled with his respect. While she was not judging Elise just knew how bad she was with emotions at this time, She was defending some one and was happy he was okay. This worked out nightly because he got to the point this was helpful. Bandits where simple to deal with and she really did not pay it much mind.

Only asking while they where making their way over. "How many bandits have you fought in your life?"Elise asked just to be sure. Wanting to get a good feel on what he had done and not done."Just so, I know how careful I need to be with you or them."Elise was good some what working with others if he was not ready she would plan for that to make sure it worked.

After all, now it was Elise wanted to prove to people that the gods could not help them and everyone needed to help each other. He was also a good guide too, Since most people did not take the front quickly. Since it was now time to work. Elise then flicked her cigarette away even if it was not finished yet. While smoking was bad and she did it anyway, smoking on the job just was something she avoided just to be sure it was not another distraction. At least she did not need to charge up a particular thing she aquired yet.



Last edited by Elise on Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Mon Jul 08, 2024 11:39 am

He looked at the hunter woman and he shrugged. "I have lost track of how many bandits I have fought, do you remember the amount of bandits that you have fought?" He moved his arm and his tattoo glowed and his spear appeared in his hand and he spun it in his hand before grabbing it and putting it across into his other hand as well to hold it as they were about to go in to fight with the bandits but he wondered if she was going to be okay. He should know she will be okay as she is one of the higher ranked mages of Paradise dawn. Yijun will lead the way as he knows that he shouldn't burden the huntress that accepted him and he ran in with his spear ready and as he went in he used his debuff spells to debuff the group of bandits. They went and instant debuff that slowed their movements as Yijun ran at them clashing with his spear and being careful that he doesn't hit the statues and other things that are here that people may worship at.

Yijun was not looking to make the holy man right in doubting that he should be here on the mission that he was on with Elise, even if it had started out rocky he was not going to back down and he was going to raise to the level he needed to be so that he can not be left behind in her dust as he wanted to make sure he did something that was not just bringing down the team. The bandits that were closest to Yijun had drawn their swords and axes attempting to make short work of the man but they didn't seem to catch on that the man's spear was not just a normal spear or weapon as it whispered to the man that was fighting telling him words of wisdom and insights of battle. Yijun was not sure how much of what they said that he could trust that wasn't attempting to kill him off to attempt to be free of him but he was going to keep fighting with this weapon till the day that he can no longer hold the weapon and it finally drops from his hands and into the next pair of hands that is fated to wield it.

Yijun refocused himself on the bandits that were right in front of him and he worked hard to not lose sight of them or their weapons as he clashed with them and attempted it make a dent in their numbers for his team mate.
(443) (1,556)


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:57 am

Elise had some experience but couldn't say that she really slayed a lot of bandits in her time. Just only from other things she was in life bandits at times were a minor worry she just knew how to sneak past them or in some cases talk them away because she was at one point a nun that had nothing but she still kick their asses when it came down to it."Decent enough, Just wanted some ground to make sure it is clear."Elise was a hunter who was also if needed was willing to defend him if need be, But since he pulled out a spear and apparently had killed enough to mention it was no longer a worry.

Planning was planning, So she would merely get go get her swords just in case she needed them Elise was even going to chuckle for a moment."I suppose I need to think if it is a simpler, just one sword mission...Or I need to use a new trick I got."Elise called it a trick but getting Zeus' god soul was not exactly that, But then again when most people would realize she had that power. But it was not needed yet. But Elise had a problem of some what messing with people.

But as casual as she was about it she then looked at some of the bandit then back at Yijun measuring how much time until he caught up to them and figured he might as well Death's Illusion was a scary looking sword when some one actually saw it, But Elise hunted things and often did it at night."Come on now, Don't need to make it hard for us." Elise mentioned seeing if they would either look at her, stop to try and reason with her.

Things would get very different. But it would be entertaining to her."Suppose just one sword will do."Elise sounded a bit casual about this. They just needed to go fine the bandits and she would also even keep her second sword at her side just in case.

But Elise assumed the Bandits weren't going to give up and they were stealing it for a reason, While not disappointed it was still something she hated to quickly come to terms with after all throwing your life away over such simple things as this was just disappointing. There was always a chance for other things to be better for them in life, But suppose not everyone lived a law following peaceful life most of the time.




Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Wed Jul 10, 2024 9:35 am

The spirits were sitting in the trees watching the fight with them verses the bandits, they seemed to be waiting for their own chance to strike on their own and Yijun picked up on that and looked to the spirits and they stopped moving in the trees as they sensed him and his dark aura. The bandits are trying to hold their camp and Yijun spun his spear and knocked away arrows that came at him and he moved closer to break their bows and their spirits as they didn't seem to have a lot of spirit after they saw the huntress that showed up with him as they seemed to be trying to bargain with her but fight him as they didn't want to die and Yijun had come in ready for the fight that he was aiming to have with them. He was driving some of them out of the camp and away from the worshipping areas making sure they aren't picking up any more of the offerings that they had already stolen and put back into their bags which be cause of this ambush they weren't able to take with them in the moment with Yijun breathing down their necks.
(203) (1,759)


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 8:35 am

There was a bit of a sigh almost like this was not working effectively enough. After all since they did not really want to talk since the answer was now a weapon it was time to deal with these things. Elise knew she was far more casual about these things then most things."A shame really, fighting should not really be the answer." Elise mentioned as she did not even think or second guess into going into combat. Elise against a bunch of thieves was not much of a problem in fact the hunters movements and actions it was effortless seeing her slash them in various ways.

It there was an odd smile on her face. While she hated that she got that feeling from Zeus, It was the only way she starved off the lust Zeus tended to have for a habit that Elise has never even done before as a person herself, So she figure out how to route it out that rather then normal lust, It was let out as Bloodlust, while a minor form in this chase. It would spike horrible for her when she was on the trail of things she was trained to hunt normally.

But Elise would find it a relief that she deal with the bandits and causing the damage she did with her saw and seeing blood. Surely the bandits would drop what they where taking by that she was so chasing each one down patting them down to making who was holding what they where searching for or not, Between the slashes of swords and blocking of other weapons. Elise had not found it yet, But she was pretty good as checking all she could for this stolen item. Elise would check in Yijun everyone once in a while incase he needed help.



Last edited by Elise on Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:05 pm

Yijun looked to the woman that was leading this mission then he finished off the fight he was in with a quick swing of his spear and he knocked them out, he then started to collect some of the stuff that they had stolen from the place of worship. He wondered what all they had taken from the place, there were coins, statues, food, and some woven gifts that they had stolen and some of it was damaged. He was going to have to think of something to do and he put his spear away back in his tattoo then he started to replace the items and he did his best to repair the items he was returning to the site that was near by and he wondered what his mentor in this quest was doing and thinking. He would also have to check in her area to see if there was more to have been stolen and he walked over to the area where she was fighting and making them wish they were not here.

He found more items and he collected them so she could keep doing what she was doing and not have to worry about him being in her way as he started to try to recreate the site from the marks on the ground and stone of it. He places a few things of his own there as offerings to the spirits as well to try and stay in their good graces as well as the spirits faded from the trees and seemed to have been settled down. He then stood and once the woman was done with her part he joined her to return to the town to go and get their rewards for the job well done and the man would hand her, her reward to her hand and he dropped Yijun's reward trying to make it look like an accident that he dropped it then Yijun kneeled and cleaned it up.
(329) (2,088) (Exit)


Walk the Land with Elise. Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:13 pm

Over all it was quick work to get done, It was simple and easy work to get done, Bu these were not the best fighters kinds of bandits, they where more of the stealing type of bandits who ran at the chance of being able to get away with the time.

Even after such a quick about of blood shed and violence. Elise had hopped they would last a bit longer, it was almost fun enough to forgot about work but some one else was smart enough to deal with it, Elise would have if she had to worry about it.

Yijun completed the missing pieces, Collected the stuff then head off to hand in the mission. impressed how it all came together, Compared to it all just turning into screaming and panicked men and woman running about the area over what a person was doing or mostly killing one or the two




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