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Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:19 am

Go D. Drakkon
A few weeks had gone by since this turn of events had happened with Drakkon. He had found the truth about his best friend. It seemed like he had become a part of him through some ritual that his father had foiled. It seemed like the powers Toge had with what he was surrounded by, had caught the attention of his father. It was a sad ending to someone he thought of as being powerful, but at least he knew the truth. His fear of snakes became somewhat understanding now and it was why pain didn’t truly bother him. His friend enjoyed pain and it was kind of similar for him too.

It seemed like through this reveal he had also met this father. It was interesting, he had learned about himself and what his father wanted from him. The reason he was born was ridiculous, but he figured it would be something a God would do. It also made him wonder if his infatuation with Lumikki had come from Toge. It was an interesting thought and honestly, he didn’t know what to believe. He did tattoo his leg with what he had promised her. It was still fresh as he just applied ointment to it.

He sat on his throne in the Yakuza’s fine estate. A place massive and right out in the open. It was well guarded, there were walls to stop people from randomly entering and of course, the doors that led into the estate. He had done a lot though, the Yakuza had agreed with Shogun, that they didn’t wouldn’t harm the people of Joya. This only stood true, if the person didn’t try to steal from them or tried to attack them first. The one thing he didn’t like because he knew human trafficking was forbidden so they didn’t start any problems with other countries.

Still, selling drugs, and selling their protection was easy to do. There were idiots in Joya as there were anywhere else, so trouble always came looking. The Son of Chaos had also sent a letter to Lumikki telling her to come visit his country. He had prepared a lot for her, but she would have to show up for it to be of any use.

Drakkon also had plans in the making, but he didn’t know when the plans would be set in motion. For now, he had planned to enjoy this like any other. The woman that served his father, had served him, feeding him snacks as he drank his alcohol and relaxed for a bit before getting to work.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:40 am


Admittedly it has been a long time since Lumikki set foot back on Joya and it was not for a lack of wanting. Life had a way of keeping one busy, and she would be engulfed in that now. But sometimes the only thing you need in moments like these, was a little nudge. Or in this case, a gracious invitation. One she wouldn’t dream of overlooking. For no matter how much she studies the Joyan culture, it would not compare to the insight of someone within.

Erica, one of her Eight Pinions who assists her on many of the Demoness’ personal matters, was overjoyed to hear about the trip. In that moment’s notice, she got to work packing some of Lumikki’s things. Taking care to include the collection of her Mistress’ kimonos, yukatas, and various hair accessories for the occasion; even against Lumikki’s behest.

”Don’t ye think ya went overboard lass? Ye dolled me up more than princess might get.” Lumikki’s pale white hair was pulled back, tied up in a braided bun with red ribbons woven within the locks and an array of flower themed hair sticks and black raven feathers tucked within her hair. Her lips and eyes were painted a dark blue, the deep shade brought out the bright hues in her eyes.

The last and most striking piece would be the kimono that adorns her. Something she requested to be custom made ages ago. It was a long back garment with bright blue accents that dragged somewhat at the feet with protruding feathers, its collar fitted with a tuff of white fur. Both a myriad of flowers and raven like feathers were intricately painted onto the fabric. And the sleeves were line with long back feathers from Lumikki’s own wings.


When the Demoness was ready to go, she’d bid her Eight Pinions and ravens good bye for the time being before pulling out her skeleton key and walking through a door. It took her to one of the last places she been to after the Joyan war, and from there she’d travel to the west. Choosing to turn into a raven as she did so as not to be bothered, nor to ruin her fine dress.  

She would not shift back until she finally found the address mentioned in his note, but even then, Lumikki would take a moment to look around. Curious of the place her good friend Drakkon now resides. After a few rotations of circling around, finally she would land a little way from the front door. To which a few, from what she could presume to be, guards stood and watched. Their astonished faces brought a chuckle to the humanoid Demoness, their weariness to until she gave her name. From which, their demeanor shifted quite quickly, and one offered to escort her in.

Still she could not help herself from giggle while she ogled the fine estate. Everything inside had a sense of richness to it, and culturally ingrained. It’s what made her eyes drawn to all the intricate details amid the vases or furniture. Even the paper screens seemed like artwork meant to admire.

The guard, stepping beside the last doorway, would turn and bow toward her. Before slowly opening the way. Lumikki nodded and a thankful gesture, and stepped into her friend’s throne room. “Did quite nice for yerself didn’t ye old friend. Leaves me to wonder if those tales ye promised are even richer than this. But more than that Vafi,” a pet name more ingrained in her tongue to call him what he is, Chaos, “what summons me?~”


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#3Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:28 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon waited as he was being fanned by the women in his room. He would reach out for snacks whenever they were doing something else. Hai Gone was in the corner of the room curled up in a ball eating the food they brought him. He was too lazy to do anything and the fact that they weren’t going to do anything until his friend arrived was boring.

“Drakkon are we going to take anybody out today? I want to cover my claws in blood. If not can we spar, you still need to work on your physical abilities.” Hai had said to him in the corner.

Drakkon looked over to him and he had a smile on his face.

“No worries Hai, we will have something to do soon. You don’t have to worry about it; just eat and rest easy.” He said to him as they waited.

It wouldn’t take long, but both the Dragon and the Dragon Slayer’s noses would twitch as one smelled someone new, and Drakkon smelled a close friend of his. He had excitement on his face as the door opened and she walked in.

The kimono she wore was beautiful and it made him wish he could jump on her at this exact second. He heard her words and smiled. He calmed himself as he pushed himself off the throne the girls there sat down as they all looked at Lumikki. They had no sense of jealousy toward her and were just admiring her beauty. Hai Gone looked over to her as well and it seemed like this was the person Drakkon was waiting for.

“You look ravishing as ever Lumi. I could bite you and have no regrets, but I must restrain myself. But yes, a lot has happened since our talk. I did so much in what I felt was a little time that we saw each other last. I figured I would invite you here, so you can enjoy yourself. Also, you might get to see my world more, and enjoy it yourself.” He said as Hai Gone would get up from where he was lying down.

It would make Drakkon clap his hands together as he remembered introductions were in order.

“Now I don’t think you two have met. This right here is Hai Gone, I guess you can call him my son, but not in the traditional way. But be careful he does bite, well humans and non-friendlies.” He laughed as Hai Gone stared at Lumikki for a bit before he looked at Drakkon.

“If you can’t ravish her, then is it okay if I can father?” He asked as him.

Drakkon heard his words and stared at him with a look that could kill, which brought Hai to step back a bit and look down at the ground.

“How was your trip here? Are you hungry? I have them preparing you various of food for us to eat. Just say the word.” He said to her with that smile of his.


Hai Gone:


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 3:47 pm


With her humble entrance, Lumikki scarcely predicted such an enthusiastic reaction, but she only got more invested for it. Letting him weave his charm while she stumbled in. “Both of us aaaare gluttonous aren’t we? But I’d prefer being the first to take a bite.” Lumikki giggled through her words with a hand raised to lips as she covered her mouth. Slowly taking steps forward to close the gap between them. ”Shame ye didn’t visit me sooner after becoming a Demon, but admittedly ye make somewhat of a bad influence.” She’d lower her sleeve to reveal a playful grin before covering her face once again to not give any more away. Drakkon only ever exacerbated her hunger, she came to know that long ago and yet here she was in the lions den, or perhaps dragon’s hoard is more suiting. In tales long told, it was expected to see a dragon amid all their riches, boasting an aura that was nearly divinely intimidating. He hardly felt different to the beings of those stories, yet she was lucky enough to see his more high spirited side.

”Yer world is far more glamorous than I’d figure. But it does hammer a point in mind. Both ravens and dragons are the same in that enjoy the shiniest things that catch their eye. Jests aside Vafi, I’m quite glad ye invited me. It’s nice to see ye be less of a stranger, but don’t worry, the raven will leave yer secrets well alone, I only accept what ye give me. Stories are far better told from the person’s lips after all.” The creature to the side of her view did not escape her vision, but her focus was mostly on Drakkon. She hardly paid any mind to the woman in I his care either, figuring she was akin to one of Lumikki’s Pinions.

”Hai Gone,” she’d repeat after him in a whisper, just to get used to the name on her lips. But when he mentioned it being his son, she’d look over to him with a perplexed expression on her face. ”Well, can’t be too surprised. Yer not only a God, which are already odd in it themselves, but one of Chaos no less. Question is…did ye split into two?” Lumikki was at the halfway point when she stopped. Looking over at Hai Gon, with curiosity. ”Drakkon didn’t mention it, but I bite too,” her eyes went aglow to emphasize her words but she’d stay quite cordial. If this was his son, then he’d make for an interestingly new acquaintance. That was until she heard Hai Gon’s following words and covered all of face.

Lumikki was usually not quick to fluster like this, that is when she felt she could be imposing in turn. But that wasn’t the case with Drakkon especially after his invitation. ”The trip was fairly simple.” She’d pull away from her hands to approach Drakkon again, her eyes now only on him. ”I have a key the cut some of the time needed to fly, and from there I’ve been on me wings.” She was at his side, not quite sure what to do with herself now that she was beside him. But Lumikki would nod to herself as she gave his offer some thought, ”Aye, a meal would be lovely. Hardly had time to eat before I set off for the trip. Erica was keen on helping me get ready down to the last detail, leaving me only enough time to hop through the door.”

Looking up, she could see his smile and she’d return with a smile of her own. ”So devourer, what were ye in the mood to eat with me?”


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#5Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could tell she was impressed with what she had seen so far. It seemed like she was caught off guard by what Hai Gone had said, but he was glad that she pushed it to the side and focused on him.

“Well, you’re here, so I will tell you the events that led to where I am without a problem.” He said to her as a man with scars approached the room.

He didn’t interrupt them or anything, but he had scars all over his face and combined with tattoos as well. The Devourer heard her speak about how she arrived and he was impressed. He had something similar to that of what she had as well. His Yamato allowed him to cut rifts to different areas that he had been to before. She agreed with the food and also mentioned that she didn’t have time to eat prior.

“We have different food being cooked right now in the kitchen, so you don’t have to worry about us figuring that out. Anything you want they will make for you if it isn’t being made already.” He said as Hai Gone was looking at her.

“As for how Hai Gone became I will tell you that in a second.” He looked over to the man who was waiting this entire time.

He had motioned him to come to him, and he would do so. He got close to Drakkon whispering in his ear, and he nodded as he looked over to Lumikki.

“It seems like food is ready and on the table, like I said don’t be shy to ask for anything else Lumi.” He said as the man was escorting the two of them.

While this was happening he figured that he would answer the question that she asked him.

“I went to check on a Guild that was in Pergrande. It was the one that was run by Ryuko. She did not like me being there at first and it seemed like it was almost impossible. Still, I guess I convinced her to let me in otherwise, but I was to protect the guild, yet at the same time stay away from the people that didn’t like me before I even got there. It was weird, but she took me to the guild, and she gave me an Egg. It seems like those who join the guild are given an Egg and hopefully, it hatches one day. That’s where Hai Gone came from.” He said to her as they were reaching their destination.

When they got to the room, Lumikki saw a huge dining room table filled with food across it. There were indeed varieties of food on the table, some of it being similar to what they had eaten the first time they had gone out to eat together.

“Before we sit, I want to show you the Tattoo.” He said as he moved things around to reveal his leg to show her the crow and dragon on his thigh wrapping around.

Once he had shown her, he would sit down hoping she would sit down with him. Hai Gone was behind them and he would take a seat as well. The Chaotic Dragon was not missing out on this.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:42 pm


Lumikki paid no heed to the man, somewhat ignoring him. It wasn’t until he made himself apparent that she’d regard him too. With a brief whisper in his leader’s ear, the scarred man would beacon for them. With promise that the feast was all and done. Of course Lumikki followed eagerly, as she paced herself quite close to Drakkon’s side. He began to speak of his time in the Dragon Order, a guild she was not yet privy to but made aware. As her new found friend ran the organization deep within her country home. Though she hasn’t gotten much word from over there. “Kukuku, can’t blame ‘em for taking caution around a Devourer like yerself. If ye consumed me magic, I’d be likely to remain scarce from ye too. Ye’ve become an over bearing Dragon ya know, imposing in yer own way. Hardly fair the among such a feat, yer entangled with a storm of Chaos in everything ya do too. Raging Storm Drakkon, off to eat the Dragons like I do me fellow Demons. Guess we’re both horrid in that sense, but one does what they need to for power, ay?” She’d steal a glance at Hai Gon, trying to reassess him with the new found point of view. Though he didn’t appear as such, he really was a child. She could only wonder what the life style with Drakkon would do to shape him, but that was none of her concern. A Demon enjoys their meddling but she prefers to leave certain aspects to their own devices.

”He really is a wee lad, quite fascinating. Ye know, out of all the lad I know, yer by far the last of ‘em I’ve ever considered to harbor a child. Of course, I assume he has interesting tricks of his own? Either way, consider me happy for ye. May he be a lovely big brother to the next from yer nest.” Her voice soft and playful, as it usually tended to be. Which a sly smirk planted on her face. It was far more interesting to make light of a lot of situations if the moment could call for it.

The feast was quite bountiful and the spread was enchanting. There were many Joyan dishes that she’s never seen before let along tried. Though before she could take her seat, Drakkon would be darling enough to show the tattoo he’d promise, and Lumikki would look it over with gleaming eyes.-Oy, ye really did get it!”Lumi exclaimed with excitement and surprise.She honestly thought he’d forget let alone make do on his promise, and she’d look up to him brimming with glee. Unlike most of her other tattoos that often hid when in human form, though she could change this if wanted, the Chaos she inscribed on her neck was still visible if noticed. Despite its meaning or true intentions, it was what she too was born from. A being from the Abyss was its own pure chaotic concoction, but it never ceased amaze her just how much it contradicts the divine. His felt more pure while hers simply malicious. “Ye know, I really didn’t think ye’d humor me. Color me flattered, ye cemented me good faith there.” Lumikki pulled away to take a seat, it put her across the table from Drakkon while Hai Gon could to take the one at her left. “I was reading up on customs of Joya, so don’t bully me on it but if I remember correctly. Itadakimasu~,” she’d utter before wondering just where to dig in. There were to many choices and so she’d simply pick at what was in front of her. Some being small steamed pork buns, and to pieces of colorful sushi. Though she knew to take the boil in hand and add some sides in before picking up a few cuts of chicken katsu. Though she barely got to practice, she almost managed the chop sticks with ease. Only struggling with the harder things to grab and eating her rice but she would make out just fine as Drakkon continued to indulge her.

”Hai Gon, yer an interesting one. How have ye been liking life?”


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#7Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 7:01 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon rubbed the back of his head when he heard Lumikki. He understood the reasoning, but he didn’t take their magic from them. They didn’t have to worry about it, the problem was he would also basically copy their abilities. He didn’t see the harm in that if they were all working together. If he got stronger then their guild got stronger.

“Yeah, without them, I’m not strong, and if they want to protect the guild from any future danger, then helping me get stronger would be ideal I think. I understand their need to be worried about me, but I explain to them, that I don’t think take their powers away from them, I just consume it and make it mine also.” He said to her.

When he heard speak about Hai Gone he laughed a bit. It was true he didn’t think he would ever have someone that would consider him a father. It was weird different, but here he was. Still, with Hai Gone he was different, he didn’t have to worry about him as if he were an actual child.

“I guess he will be, he hates humans though, so a lot of the time I have to explain his hatred needs to be bottled inside when it comes to the people who work here. I don’t mind him expressing it to others, but it kills the mood around here if you catch my drift.” He said as Hai Gone heard that and he understood what his father was saying.

Drakkon heard her and he nodded as she had started to dig in. he would do the same thing, and so would Hai. They both clapped their hands together and repeated what Lumikki had said before indulging in the food. Hai moved his hands around to grab different things and placed them on his plate without hesitating. While they were eating Drakkkon didn’t say anything, allowing her to eat without interruption. They had a lot to do today as he had planned for her. Of course, he had other plans too, but he didn’t think those would occur until after she was gone.

Hai looked at her, she had asked him a question and he thought about it. He 07.30.2024 one to talk a lot, and he looked at Drakkon, and he nodded basically letting him know it was fine to speak.

“Life is fine. Destruction is better. Food is everything. And women are enjoyable.” He simply said to her as he continued to eat.

He was a child, but a Dragon, so their aging was different than most. Drakkon saw him as a baby dragon and then boom he turned into something huge.

“You should see him in his true form.” He said to her.

It wouldn’t take long, but another person would show up. This guy had his hair slick back, and the same suit as the previous guy. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing his tattoos and his face was clean, a handsome young fellow. He approached Drakkon and whispered into his ear and the Oyuban would nod as he didn’t think it would happen so soon. The man was dismissed soon after and Drakkon would continue eating his meal.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:39 am


”Is that so lad? Can’t say I blame ye, they’re a mixed bag. But I’d hardly say the rest of us are any better. Demons aren’t the most pleasant company by far…” The trio indulged in silence. Somehow they were all in agreement to savor the meal for what it was.

”Hmmm, I’d agree. But now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a woman meself.They’re darling but I’d worry too much.” She spoke with a tone akin to a passing thought. Not particularly attached to her statement, and barely paying it more mind. The food would still seize a lot of her attention. Enough to forgot the new comer approaching.

”Considering how striking he appears now, I’d have to agree with ye on that.” She’d utter as the other man reached Drakkon’s side, whispering more things into his ear that she wouldn’t be able to hear. Either way, her mouth was once more occupied.

Time passed and they devoured most of the meal before them, hardly leaving anything left. It was hard to say who ate the most, but one can say they all had their fill. ”Thanks again for the meal~ but I sense that it’s time for mischief. Of what? We’ll I’m sure ye decide.”


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#9Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:18 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her and he nodded as he understood them, and it was why he didn’t feel offended when they approached them in that way. He looked at her as she was commenting on what Hai had said to her. He heard, but the food was good, and he didn’t want any words to ruin anything. Hai heard the compliment and nodded towards it but continued to eat his meal. They ate alright, and he didn’t hear any complaints from Lumikki, which meant things had gone well so far. Still, it sucked about what had interrupted their time. It seemed like she was aware that something might be happening soon, and he had a smirk on his face.

He leaned back on his chair and so did Hai. The two of them had patted their stomachs with the grand meal that they had.

“Yeah, I have been planning something big ever since I got to this place. I don’t think I told you this, but I became the boss of the Yakuza Clan here in Joya. I’m what they called the Oyabun of Chaos. If you want to know how that happened to me, would you like to come with me to a club? I have a business to attend, and it seems like this is where they want to discuss things.” He paused for a second as he looked at her wondering how she would take all of this.

“I don’t know what is going to happen, but if you want to have a blast, the club isn’t a bad place to do it. Since it’s in Joya, I think you can either stick to the kimono or change into something else, so it doesn’t get ruined.” He said as he pushed off his chair and stood up, stretching before looking at her.

“I will get ready, if you need any assistance, they will be more than happy to assist you. I shouldn’t take too long.” He said to her as he walked off.

Hai Gone stood at the dinner table too lazy to get up. He didn’t have to get ready for anything as he didn’t care to make a physical impression. He figured he did that already based on how he looked.

“How do you know Drakkon?” Hai asked her curious to hear her story about Drakkon.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Tue Jul 30, 2024 10:24 pm


Like father and son, they both leaned back and rubbed their stomachs in sync. Lumikki observed it while taking another sip of her tea. She found the mirroring fascinating if not amusing. But that would end soon enough as Drakkon was filling her on what was going on.

”Yaaakuuuza?…” Lumikki repeated softly, she was trying to understand. Despite all the things she’s read, there was still many things about the culture she didn’t learn, and it was becoming apparent to her now. Even if there were blissful things found among the pages, it always paled to real life adventures. “Oyabun of Chaos? Is that something akin to a Jarl or Warden? Either way, ye did promise me stories, so I’ll keep to it and follow along to this…..club? What does one do there?” She was keen on taverns and pubs, or dinning halls and celebrations, but she had never experienced a club just yet.

Hearing his reassurance that it would be a blast was enough to sooth her major thoughts, and she’d simply comply out of curiosity. Despite how lovely his home was, she didn’t care to stay within these walls without him. For that, she’d wander freely among the Joyan streets instead. And so as he rose, so did she, while paying his mind on his warning to her kimono.”I’d heed yer suggestion to change, something to move more freely would suit this best.” Drakkon walked off leaving her and Hai Gone behind and lucky for her, she didn’t really need a room or too much trouble to change.

Still, she would take the help offered and gesture to one of the women standing by, approaching Lumikki silently with her head tilted down. She was a pretty girl, most of the women here were. And by the time she got close, Lumikki placed a hand on the girls chin to raise her face. “Atama o agete kudasai.” Raise your head. Lumikki insisted before pointing to her obi to ask for it untied. The woman got to work and Hai Gone finally asked his question.

”Yer father and I go way back,” With raised arms and a carful posture, Lumikki watched the girl quickly unwrap her sash and neatly fold it before putting it to the side. As she put it on the empty chair, Lumikki slid off her kimono and let it drop to the ground, shedding the under layer as well. “Granted I only saw him less than a handful of times, so no need to admire me account. But he knew me when I was still a Daemon.” As soon as her bare skin became exposed, the shadows flexed, stretched, and wrapped around her. Forging a short black yukata with blue accents using her dark frost magic. A soft flower motif in many hues of blues would speckle the fabric and raven feathers would line the sleeves much like the last one. While small black wings folded around her waist. The woman helping her was somewhat taken aback, but not for long. She’d put her focus on folding the kimono instead.”Arigatō,” Lumikki uttered, while drawing a circle, opening a portal to her personal abyss. ”Drakkon is an interesting one, we always got along just fine but he never quite got to know him. Didn’t try to let him know me either. And then one day, like I thought he would, he wandered away. Only to build this in his absence.” She’d look over to Hai Gone again with a curious look on his face. Leaning over and pushing his bangs from over his eyes to get a better look.

”Ye Dragonkin are only getting more and more odd.” She’d take back her seat and finish her tea as she waited.


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#11Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 7:21 am

Go D. Drakkon
He heard her words and her questions. It sounded like she was confused about a lot of things. She had asked him if the title of Oyuban had been something similar to that of a Jarl or a Warden. He thought about it and he figured that could be the case. It also seemed like she didn’t know what a club was, so he figured he would tell her when he got back.

Hai heard her words and looked at her listening to what she had to say. It seemed like Drakkon was as elusive as ever, and even now it was hard for Hai to keep up with him. It seemed like the fear of commitment had got to him and he walked away from this beautiful specimen. It was soon after she had gotten dressed and had approached him. She looked into his eyes as she moved his hair and he looked at her.

“What do you mean by odd? Also, Drakkon was given this place and everything here by his father.” He knew they were rare and most of them were in Dragon Order for some reason.

Drakkon was getting ready, he had decided to change to a red and black Kimono that fit where he was going. It was designed for battle, so moving around it was easy enough. He had a black sash to keep it together, and he placed his katanas on the right side of his person. His black bandana on his left arm as he had prepared himself.

“This is it, if everything goes well, I will have a seat on the table.” He hyped himself up as he was looking at the mirror in front of him.

The woman that helped him dress had left the room and he cracked his neck. He would make his room back into the big dining room, so when he got there he saw Lumikki was dressed different already and Hai Gone was there waiting for him.

“I see we are ready to go. To answer your question, Yakuza is a criminal organization that resides within Joya. I always heard about them, but never took an interest in them. I had started a gang in Hosenka though to follow what they do and disbanded the gang to follow Toge into Paradise Dawn.” He said as his memories of his friend were clear as day now.

“Oyabun means boss, so I’m the boss of the Yakuza clan. Still, to answer your question, a club, is like a tavern, but bigger with a lot of space to dance. There are usually VIP sections for people like us to sit down in, and there are usually other hidden places that a selective amount of people could enter.” He explained that to her as looked at Hai and then back at her.

“We’re going to this club to enjoy our time there and wait for when the people I’m meeting are ready to see me. We should go now, I’ve been there many times, so this should do the trick.” He said as he took his katana out and slashed the air.

There a rift would appear and Hai would enter, and he waited for Lumikki to go through before he went through last. When they stepped to the other side they would be in front of the establishment. It took half the sidewalk. It was around three stories high, and there were bouncers or guards located by any doors around the area.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:11 am


”Oh, just all born yesterday beings are. Yer naivety doesn’t suit yer appearance but considering yer with Drakkon, I’m sure ye’ll mature fast enough.” Lumikki, placed her tea cup down and took another glance around. Taking in the setting for their dining room and noting before the decor and the attendants. Eventually her eyes would land back onto Hai Gone, ”How curious don’t ye think? Chaos taking an oddly orderly stance in his son’s life and gifting him something so lovely after being gone so long the lad wanted to butt heads with him. What was he like?” The hues of her eyes shifted to shades of purple as she inquired, as if the idea of the God brought out her ire. Whether it was her natural territorial tendencies or the implications, she did not know and hardly cared. She was just slightly annoyed from hearing it.

Before Lumikki could play with that point further, Drakkon had returned with a difference appearance. Now clad with black and red, with his swords to his right, the man looked ready for a fight. It sparked her desire for mischief was well, and it only boiled over when he explained that a club was a tavern where you could dance. ”Is it now Oyabun?~ Then let us play.” Lumikki rocked herself until she got up. By then Drakkon, with a grip on the hilt of one of his swords would take it from the sheath and sliced the air beside him. She’d think the gesture was nonsensical if not for him comparing it to her key prior, and the look of it was far more dazzling she witnessed with hers. “Like a real Dragon, ye only surround yerself with the most impressive things,” Lumikki cooed as she walked right after Hai Gone through the portal with Drakkon following shortly behind.

They appeared just before a three story building, its design was still a bit more traditional the those around it, made more prominent by its impressive size and stature. One could be sure this place had seen its share of things and people throughout the years, and it was now time to add more to the lengthy roster.

The trio approached on of the guards watching the front entry, and with little word, he let them in. Was hardly a surprise that he knew Drakkon, a man who would drown himself with everything inside the four walls of a club if you let him. The walk way after they entered was far more dimmed than Lumikki presumed, more used to the well lit taverns she’d frequent save for the bars where she watched performances. The light hardly bothered her through as she could see well enough despite it, only to be dazzled soon with hues of red and deep purples instead.

Lumikki looked around in wonder, the tables and seats were one she’s assume of a loft and not where one would drink. Though they were still too early to witness many dancers, there were a few already here. Whether setting up certain things or sitting down and enjoying the music playing from within.

”It’s beautiful…” She’d look back to Drakkon, how do ye usually enjoy it?”


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#13Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 8:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
Hai heard her question and he thought about it. He looked at her before he could speak. He remembered that day after he looked at Drakkon, he saw Chaos, and the fear that went down his spine was different. He saw the long hair the fangs in his mouth and the outfit of a delinquent, but there was so much more.

“He had long hair and was wearing an all-black outfit. He sent fear down my entire body, granted I had just been born, but I don’t even think Drakkon wanted to attack him.” He said to Lumikki.

Drakkon looked at her when she said that to him. He had a smirk on his face. He was a Dragon, after all, so his horde had to be amazing or it wouldn’t just make sense.

“Indeed, I only want the fineness things in life. Anything that sparkles I want it.” He stopped right there as he wanted to say that included her as well, but he would leave it like that for now.

The group would make their way into the establishment. The bouncers didn’t check Drakkon, nor did they tell him that he couldn’t bring his weapons with him. They knew who he was, and they didn’t want problems with the Yakuza Clan. When he entered he could hear the bumping of the music being played and as they got closer it got louder. When they made their entrance, she asked him how he had enjoyed his time here and acknowledged that it was a beautiful place.

“I usually get a VIP room. It’s like an upper deck room with glass in the front to see everything that is happening on the dance floor. It’s easier to talk there and have a good time.” He winked at her at the last part.

He also took out four pills for himself and he would take them all. It was after that, he would drink the alcohol that was in his jug as well. He would consume it without hesitating and he looked at her with a smile.

“We drink, we make money, we take pills, and we party. It’s how I live my life when I’m not fighting or trying to figure things out. It was like that before I became a member of a Guild, and it has returned to that lifestyle for now.” He said to her as he grabbed her hand and he would walk her to the stairs.

It was then he would go up to them and into a room. There, they would see more members in his clan there. They were here already as they already knew Drakkon would be here. They were here for security and back for their Oyuban. They knew he didn’t need it, but still this is what they did.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 10:26 am


”Upper deck with a glass front?” She’d look up to check and sure enough, she’d faintly see the glass he hinted at. The color of the lights were gleaming of the surface so it was harder to make out what was insider but she was sure that was by design.

Lumikki would look back over to him with an amused expression on her face and she’d notice his little ritual as she did. Not really noticing the amount of pills only as he took them and took a swig. ”Hmm? Besides drinking, can’t say I’ve done any of that. Why does one…,” she’d look around at all the people here. Most were sitting on the couches. “Why does one take pills when they heal as good as ye do Drakkon?” With a glance back to Drakkon,”Do ye know how they dance to this?”

Drakkon had reached for hand and she’d let him. Leading her toward and up the stairs. Lumikki did well to follow his pace while looking around with every chance she got. This was the first time that she got submerged in such a place, and admittedly, she almost looked like a child taking it all in.

When they stepped into the room he’d mention was available for him, she’d find soon enough that it was already full of men. Titling her head in slight confusion, she dropped the thought to look out the glass instead. Being a raven who often flies, Lumikki was keen at the impact from a change of perspective. Always admiring the sight of things from up above, despite her short stature.

”Being Oyabun, do ye ever find some peace in this life? Don’t ye just want to get away sometimes?” She pulled away to take one of the empty seats. The chilled leather now clinging to her skin. ”Hey Drakkon, is this where ye always was? Where ye’d return to while ye were gone?” Her gaze would shift back to him again, curious of what he’d say. ”Is this where ye feel more alive?”

Leaning back until she was comfortable, Lumikki would cross a leg over the other. Her eyes making note of everyone here. It almost irked her to still be in the company of so many others. Even as a Guild Master she had an office to retreat to if needed. ”Suppose I’ve been asking ye too much, I take back all I’ve said. The mind runs when I’m antsy and curious. Consider them thoughts I spoke out loud. But, what I would appreciate right now is the strongest drink. I don’t think I want to think for that much longer…” As if stirring by her anxious energy, the dark warped and wrapped around her. Lingering with every movement and clinging to her skin. Its caresses would build upon the other, almost making her harder to see clearly despite the light flooding into the room. And she’d sink back and let the music flood her ears.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#15Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:51 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would hear her as she asked him about the pills that he took. He had laughed a bit hearing her words. He didn’t take these to heal, but he could tell that she had never done this before. The people who were sitting were enjoying their time through conversation. Some of them were getting to know each other and others well they were waiting for others. It wouldn’t take long, but she had asked him if he knew how to dance this. He indeed knew how to dance to all of this, he was here all the time.

“I do this because it makes the effects of feeling intoxicated and the feeling of not caring elevate to a whole new level. It’s an amazing feeling, and since I can’t die the negatives are taken care of due to my ability to regenerate.” He said to her as he would move on to the next thing.

“If you want to dance, I can dance with you if you want.” He let her know this as the entire group of men that were in this room had bowed to him.

He heard what she had said as she took a seat before speaking again. the questions she asked him made him smile. He wasn’t always here, but as he had become the Oyabun not too long ago, then from there on he would be here most of the time.

“I mean I do have peace in my life, and I do enjoy what I can in life. As for escaping, I can do that and I sure do it. This is not where’ve I been after I spoke to Ryuko and she allowed me to enter her guild, I found out Toge could be found in Joya.” he said to her as he paused for a second.

He took a seat right next to her and he smiled at her, when he did that, one of the girls there would give Drakkon a drink, and she would offer Lumikki one as well.

“If you add this to the drink might be stronger. It won’t do anything like make you fall asleep or have you forget. I made sure to give you one, so it's not crazy on you. As for asking me things. That is fine, I don’t mind that and you should know that. Still, I promised you stories, and I will tell you my latest while we relax and wait for these bosses to be ready to see me.” He said to her as he took a sip of his drink.

“So, yes, I heard Toge was in Joya and I know him, so I figured it would be true. He was in my gang in the past, the one I had in Hosenka. So, when I heard he might be in the Yakuza Clan, I figured it made sense, and went looking for him. I just wanted answers and to make sure that he was doing well. He was my best friend after all. So, when I got here I looked for the organization, which seemed impossible to find. They were hidden within Joya, nobody seemed to know where they were, or at least nobody dared speak about their whereabouts. I did my best to find them, but these guys found me and fought me.” He shook his head drinking a bit more.

“So, there I fought and with the help of Bai Long, we did well. Their numbers, overwhelming Bai, and I lost and were taken to the place, where you entered. From there it seemed like their Oyabun had wanted to see me, but only if I could show my worth. So, I did, and I also got the respect of the others here while doing so. When I got to their boss, it was then I saw Toge, but it wasn’t him.” He paused taking another drink from his glass as the men were chatting, dancing, and watching from where they were.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Thu Aug 01, 2024 9:41 pm


”Hmm so that’s it….it finally makes sense to me.” Lumikki pondered it more as she rose the steps, allowing the thought to settle in her mind. It was not because she was naive  but that this wasn’t the norm to her. Such a tactic wasn’t something she’s known as her people had ale and mead or herbs to be immersed by.

”—Oh, will ye now? That honestly comes as a surprise. Didn’t think ye one for dancing but that was on me for assuming what yer like.” Truly the Demoness was bewildered, but more than anything she was intrigued. Little and little she was finding more things to be entertained by in his company and she was beginning to pounder just how far the depths could go. Being who she was, she was content in testing the waters and trying to see how far it he’d let her take it.

Soon after Lumikki had taken a seat, a woman just to the side came to pass them some drinks, to which Lumikki could smell just how strong they were without bringing the glass to her lips just yet. She’d take pleasure in this, always yearning for the feeling it gives. Only it hardly ever felt enough now with her Demonic form. So with Drakkon offering her one of his treats, Lumikki would accept it. Holding out her glass so that he could drop it inside. She’d let the mixture bubble, watching it with curiosity and excitement as she listened to all the odd warnings he had to give. But really, he had her the moment he uttered something about making the drink stronger. ”Ye make me with wish at times I had the regeneration ye have, but I still appreciate anything that could make me feel drunk faster again.” Lumikki quickly took a sip, her impatience getting the best of her. She’d take in two larges gulps before barely peeling the glass away from her lips. “Falling asleep and forgetting are odd things to expect. Is that the fate for the careless? I’ll keep it in mind.” Her eyes were locked onto her drink, not because she suspected it was a trick, but simply because it grabbed her focus and thoughts. Something about being in the club somewhat put her into a daze. She’d glance back up to him as he explained his reasoning for traveling to Joya, before downing the rest of the drink in that moment.

Before Drakkon could finish the tale of his rise to power, Lumikki would signal to the same girl to give her another drink again. And now that she’d slowly but feel the effects of his dosage, the sensation of floating would slight over take her. The light headed feeling was both dazzling and welcomed. It was something that she’d yearn for; and with it slowly creeping from within, Lumikki shifted from without as well. The shadows of the room now inching along her skin as she shifted to a more comfortable visage to be in. Her blue tattoos now flashing as bright as the lights that danced upon her, and her eyes aglow.

With the shift in appearance, there was a reaction from those around her; but she hardly paid them much mind. She was an invited guest from their Oyabun himself, and he was fully aware of her nature. It would be the time it took the woman to pass the new drink that irritated her, but Lumikki chose to maintain grace as there was not reason for otherwise.

”I see….and so that is when ye met that father of yers I’ll take it? Yer boy was kind enough to tell me himself, and describe the kinda terror he seemed. How kind of him, I’m sure. I just don’t get why Toge?….Granted lad, I’ve only seen him once before. I have hardly the right to say many things. I just don’t like the idea of losing one of me own and not having an answer as to why it happened. Odd fellow sure, but he treated me kind when I saw him. So I just don’t understand where he’s been…” With a face both pained and perplexed, she’d withdraw to her palm until it was left clutching her head. Truly, she couldn’t make sense of anything.

Leaning back fully, Lumikki adjusted herself until she was more comfortable. Her piercing eyes toward the ceilings before looking back upon her drink so that she could take more heavy sips. In her anxiety, Lumikki drank faster than normal. No taking into account the effects from her drink prior. She was used to gulping things down without much thought, and it would show now. All the while she was trying to take all this information in.

In a fit of annoyance which hit her like a wave, Lumikki unwittingly tensed her hand. The muscles contracting so tightly it pained her, but wouldn’t notice it beyond the sight of tense claw or talon. And when Lumikki noticed her frost was eating at her drink and freezing subtly, she’d down the rest of it before it could ice over more. Even the room, that was hot just a moment before from all the people inside, was now chilling rapidly. Not yet freezing but much colder indeed.

Lumikki sheepishly looked at her emptied glass before dropping it into her shadow to hold and gesturing for another. Maybe she simply needed to think less, she was here to have fun. And with that thought, she settled on that notion, choosing not to give too much of a thought any further.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#17Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 9:35 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked over at her; it seemed like she was welcoming the pill that he had in his hand. When he saw that she was waiting for him he would let go of the pill as it would drop into her drink and it would start fizzling the drink with its contents. He looked at her as she took a sip right after that and he had a smile on his face. He heard her words and understood that their being different from the normal humans, and elves, made things harder for them.

He laughed a bit to hear that forgetting and falling asleep when taking too many drugs was a common thing. It was true, but he wouldn’t want to be the reason for it. He nodded as it was indeed a careless thing to do as it might get them killed or worse, live with regret due to something happening.

When she changed her appearance, he smiled at her it seemed like she was feeling more herself, or at least getting comfortable with the environment. The people here didn’t know her so when she changed it surprised them. Still, Drakkon looked at them with an expression that showed this was normal for her. He then looked over to her as she spoke to him.

She finished speaking and he looked down because he wouldn’t know how she would feel with what he would say next. He saw that she was consuming a lot of alcohol faster than she normally was, and he was glad that she was doing this. It would seem like she was letting herself loose and that was for sure.

“Yes, I met my father here. My father had taken the appearance of Toge, to make the conversation between us easier. I was frustrated with this, but it was what he did, he always changed his appearance to be fit for those he was around. He told me what happened to Toge; I always knew Toge was obsessed with Daemons and Demons. He worships you guys like nothing I ever seen, the pain he suffered was for your race. Apparently, he gathered enough power to do a ritual that would turn him into a Demon, but it backfired.” He paused for a second and drank everything in his glass.

“My father had intervened, he knew about Toge because he was always watching over me. He messed with the ritual and Toge had been absorbed; The ritual went through, but it was for my best friend to be consumed by me. My father told me that I was created to be his successor in creating chaos in this world. He couldn’t do it himself because then it would create a huge war with the Gods, and that would make this world certain of destruction. He said my powers even though I was created had a conflict. My Demi-God side didn’t show itself because my Devourer Lacrima was fighting against it.” He paused as he took another drink from the woman.

“Apparently, Toge’s ritual and his friendship with me were what he needed. The man was trying to combine Luci the Demon, and his other companion with himself to become a Demon. Instead, they were used to awaken my Demi-God abilities and allow me to use my Devourer abilities. So, in a sense, I consumed Toge and became who I am. I always wondered why Luci was with me at the beginning and soon enough the guy started to disappear to the point only I could see him because he was a part of my consciousness and now he’s gone.” He said to her as he looked at Hai Gone.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 10:28 pm


Drakkon looked down, a gesture she’d overlook in the heat of the moment and the desire for relief. A sensation that would evade her with every word that fell out of his mouth. Lumikki was seething with every new detail being recanted. It was like an influx of emotions churning in her at once. But why should she even care, she never knew him. She never got to. She never even spent time with him.

And with each passing thought, the room would dim until it was barely lit at all. The woman trying to pass the pair their next drink was almost stumbling on along the way, and the men station all around them was getting anxious and agitated from the sudden change. Becoming somewhat restless and fidgeting.

Her magic was building into a crescendo, going as far as to cause a flickering of the lights and it would keep going until she finally had a thought. I don’t really care do I? I just don’t like what’s mine to be taken. He was of meee guild and that was enough. I’m angry that a God meddled with me Dawn…like the Demons who try to ruin everything…

The lights would steadily come back into view, finally undeterred by her magic and Lumikki would take a moment to drink all that was in her cup at once. Tiny trickles would slip from the corners of her lips and run down her neck onto her chest in her haste. The taste of its sting was far better than the pricks of her mind and so she’d focus on that. Just enough to push her petty selfishness away and rejoice in her time. After all, Drakkon did her the kindness in telling her at all. A act he never owed her, let alone had to entertain. She just wondered…how far would her possessive could go for all things she deemed hers. Or perhaps, and she’d almost choke at the thought, that this was just more of her personal demonic corruption simply eroding at the remaining humanity she had left. All the more reason maintain awareness and perhaps remain passive. Lumikki couldn’t afford the worse of her nature poisoning her own people so needlessly especially when it would be best she found a place to isolate instead.

In a sigh, forced with a giddier tone, Lumikki would rigorously try to wipe her mouth with the ends of her palms. Her cup withdrawn to her shadow like the last and she was finally beginning to feel the inebriation from the drinks and pill at once. It brought a joy to her chest that granted her the solace to shift from anger back to pleasant company. Though her mental stain was far from alleviated, it was now locked at the back of her mind with a chance to be forgotten.

”Now that ye mentioned, I dooo remember him speaking of his fondness for Demons and Daemons alike. And as ye could guess, he met me back then when I was a Daemon still. I wish he could have sought me in his endeavor, maybe I could have seen to it that he did it right. It was me goal to become Demon as well….but a las, suppose he was a fool. But it didn’t warrant him the fate he’s gotten either….” Lumikki looked back up toward him, her slit eyes sharp but not filled with malice. ”Fathers could be such pains, huh. So selfish and cruel….It’s why I consumed mine….” No longer comfortable sitting down, Lumikki rose from her seat. She was trying to walk over to the glass wall to over see the floor below but the surge of drink and emotion took its toll. She’d lose balance the moment she got up and fell back onto the couch to her surprise. Embarrassed by her blemish, Lumikki laughed it off. Trying again to get up but still feeling light headed. She’d resort to looking out the pane from where she was. Sighing as she dropped her gaze back onto him.

”What does it all mean? What are ye gonna do now?,” She’d drop herself back down on the couch with a thud, waving the woman for another drink again. ”Are ye gonna be the Chaos he expects of ye, whatever that means? Not like I’m to judge mine ye.I’m barely holding back me own destructive nature.” Lumikki was grateful for the drink, but she didn’t bring it to her lips just yet. Instead resting her side onto the back of the couch as she shifted her whole body to face him. “I still get pangs to bury this world in ice….but for now…I’d rather focus on consuming more….”


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#19Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:38 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could tell she was upset. This woman showed a lot of emotion through her magic. That much he knew, and right now it was showing. He looked over at everyone, some of them confused, others annoyed, and some a bit worried something was going to happen. Still, there was nothing she could do about it, but only be angry with what had happened. He waited for it to go back to normal, for her to regain control of herself. He wasn’t done talking, but he allowed her to speak first as it seemed like she had something on her mind.

He laughed when he heard those words. Toge was a man who never asked to become a Demon from a Demon. He wanted to earn it that was his problem, or at least that was how it seemed as if they were together. He should have asked, that would have been easier for him. He saw her stand up from her seat and then fall back as it seemed like the alcohol and the drugs were getting to her.

She would ask him a few questions and he would smile at her as he looked at her.

“Yeah, maybe he should have asked for someone to turn him into one. He was a nomad, and I think he wanted to do it the way he wanted to. As for consuming my father, I don’t think I will be able to do such a thing. He’s ancient more ancient than the Gods we know now, more ancient than the Gods that given the people in this realm their borrowed power.” He said wondering if he could ever defeat his father.

“I don’t know. I mean I plan on spreading chaos, like I always intended to do. So, I guess it would be following my father’s plan. I’m not changing it just because he said that he planned it. I decided to do this, my core wants me to do what I can, and it pleasures me to do so. Partying, being rich, being able to do whatever I want that is what I thrive for.” He said to her as he looked at her with a smile on his face.

“He did leave me a present though; he gave me the Yakuza, they follow me now, and I plan on expanding them to be something more. He got Hai Gone to hatch, fusing some of the essence of the trapped Bai Long and Luci into Hai Gone. He has a bit of them both within him, but he is his own Dragon. It’s why he’s known as the Chaotic Dragon.” He said this to her.

When the woman would bring another cup to Drakkon, he would dismiss her and it was because someone was coming upstairs. The door would open, and the man would bow to Drakkon before speaking up.

“Oyabun, they ready to see you.” He said to him.

Drakkon nodded as he was waiting for this. He looked over to Lumikki holding his hand out.

“Shall we go?” He said waiting to see if she was still willing to go with him.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:13 pm


”Hmm? Fair enough. Can’t change one’s nature….least for someone else I suppose. Ye’d be boring anyways if ye weren’t up to no good. Would give Yuurei less trouble to look forward to.” Lumikki looked over to Hai Gone, studying him one more time to understand how he came to be. An amalgamation of multiple beings wasn’t even a new thing to her anymore but seeing as the two were clusters of many individuals crossed among them. Well it was odd. As odd as a surface thought would take her of course, there was no point in finding reason amid chaos. Just the thought of it made her want to rub the tattoo on her neck.

”Yea….,” Lumikki sighed so deeply, her eyes shifting back to Drakkon,”how nice of him…”

Drakkon noticed the man walking up the stairs long before she did. Her attention and focus were elsewhere and she left him to be the observant one of the two. After all, this was his second home so she doubted much could pass him, meanwhile, she was taking in a lot of things at once.

”Oh? Is it yer time to shine? Let me get meself presentable enough to play the role of yer good girl…” Lumikki teased, her sharp eyed were left on the man who delivered the new but she’d close them to transition herself like promised. With all the shadows crawling up her skin and freezing over like a sheet of ice. After nearly a minute in her shell, Lumikki would emerge. The casing breaking off like shards that dissipated back into the surrounding shadows like smoke while leaving her human appearance behind and her sensibilities returned. Essentially locking the effects of the alcohol and drug in place so that she could function accordingly and actually reach for his hand and walk fine.

”We shall,” her gaze was on his hand as she carefully grabbed it. Holding onto his palm tightly as she let him assist her in getting up. Her cold skin spread a little bit of frost onto his but he’s heat would melt it just as soon as it tried to settle.

And just like nothing happened, Lumikki was just as graceful as she was before. Her quiet steps elegantly following his. Drakkon took her back down the stairs for the next phase of his plan. Turning down a hallway one could easily miss and facing a door watched by a man who stepped aside upon their approach. He opened the way for the trio to pass, and they’d step down another round of steps.

The lighting here was much different to the one upstairs. Where it was almost enchanting and playful from above, there was a slight ominous tone in the light below. The shades of red painting the scene in a harrowing light that was perpetuated by the slight muffled and distorted music slipping through the walls. A choice she figured, was to allow for clarity when one spoke; but the culmination of all the factors only made the new settings more amusing for her. Still, Lumikki didn’t need to garner any attention here, this was a matter for Drakkon to submerge himself into. One she was looking forward to just as much as her arrival. So she’d allow the dim hues and tones as well as shadows to wrap around her. It was enough that she stayed visible and apparent, but not nearly enough to pull more attention. Like a haze that would envelop her so that she was nothing more than a wallflower or passive thought.

Where ever Drakkon sat and got adjusted, she’d follow suit. Her quiet movements only playing into the petite and mousy facade she alluded while even her eyes and features seemed softer than before. And just to play the jest even further, she’d lean into Drakkon like a groupie would to play the part even further. Naive, foreign, and unaware of the business about to take place.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#21Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 8:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would smile when he heard her words. She was fine with how she looked right here. Still, it seemed like she wanted to adjust herself and reveal her true form. He smiled at her as if she didn’t need to do that, but she was beautiful to him either way. When her hand touched, he could feel the coldness that had come from it. It seemed like she was letting it all out right now. He didn’t mind it as he would leave the room and move down the steps that they had come from prior. He would move to a hallway, and it seemed empty at first, but there was a man who was guarding it.

He looked at him as if he had already stepped to the side for them to enter. He knew of Drakkon and he didn’t want any problems with this man unless he was ordered to do so. Hai was behind them this entire time he was Drakkon’s bodyguard, but they also understood that he was what Drakkon considered his son. The room they were in was huge and there was a huge round table in the middle. There would be a bunch of men sitting at this table, with a bodyguard of theirs standing behind the seat as they were waiting to discuss things with Drakkon.

He wanted a seat at this table, but would they give it to him? They weren’t sure if he would be suitable to be one of them.  One man had opened up a spot of the table, so he could enter the middle of it. The circular table had a huge hole in the middle, which is where they wanted Drakkon to be located. There were two chairs there waiting for them to sit on.

“Your seat is right in the middle Drakkon, we even put one for the woman you brought with you.” He said to the Devourer.

When he heard this, he nodded as he went into the middle. He would take a seat and Lumikki would do the same as she was leaning toward him, and he was enjoying it.

“So, you gather us all here today because you want to have a seat at the table Drakkon. A man who has just become the boss of the Yakuza clan. What do you even have to offer to sit in these seats?” The man who was cut above the rest spoke to him.

Drakkon looked at him as he heard those words, and he had a smile on his face.

“Yes, I just became the boss of the Yakuza Clan, but we have a lot to offer. We have drugs, supplies, and other exotic things that you could only find within the Joya borders. I can provide these things to the other countries that you guys would request. There is also someone missing at the table if I recall right?” He asked waiting for them to say something.

They laughed when they heard this because it was true and there was a reason for that. The man who was missing had done something despicable, but they were giving him a chance to redeem himself. After the laughing was over the man who spoke before looked over to the three of them.

“Yes, you’re right there is someone who is no longer with us at the table. Someone gave us a tip about the shameful things he was doing. Still, even though we took him away from his spot we want to give him a chance to take his seat back. That leads to the next thing on our agenda. Do you want a spot at the table Drakkon? Then kill this guy for us, he will be trying to kill you, so one of you will perish. Whoever is alive will obtain a seat at the table. Are you okay with this?” He asked Drakkon.

“Sure I will kill him. Where is he?” He asked waiting for them to answer.

It was then they would clap revealing the space that they would be fighting in. The man was there with six of his men with him. Drakkon saw this and he knew that he didn’t need all of that to take care of this guy.

“You’re allowed to bring five more of your men here if you want. I assume you will be bringing Hai with you.” He said this to Drakkon.

The Son of Chaos would get up from his seat and he would reach out to Lumikki.

“Just the three of us will be enough.” He said to them as they would whisper to each other as they were surprised about his choice.



Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:18 pm


Sitting within the circular carved space left for them in the center of the table, Lumikki listened passively with a sweet smile on her face. Being mindful to not attract than the slightest attention as she looked around all those seated at the rim.

They were all well kept, draped in fine clothes and dazzling accessories. They spoke with the air of pride, maybe even arrogance, like the seats at their table were the thrones atop the world. Lumikki’s gaze would wonder up toward the dragon whose arm she clung, trying to understand the importance. What an odd ceremony among men who only cared to boast their influence. Of course she couldn’t quite say if it was all warranted. Maybe she was amid masterminds in this room; but their features and posture hardly denoted warriors among them. Thus their power was probably superficial. Lumikki discarded her grievances, whatever may be the reason for the charade, it was important to Drakkon. Enough to bleed into their planned day, perhaps even enough to make him happy. At least at the end of it all, there was death to incur, something she could look forward to.

Drakkon got up to meet his challenge. His movement smooth and swift, and he’d lend his hand once more to help the Demoness. A gesture she was growing to enjoy from him. Lumikki grasp him, rising to join his side. The lights of the room dimming as she was giddy from her abundant hunger to be sated. The haze she cultivated around her petite frame fell away, only to give way to her true and dangerous nature instead. Her glowing purple eyes now looking over the men seated, who now looked a big unnerved by her presence among them.

”Hai, ye’d have to beat me for the six he’s brought.” She’d chuckle through her words, her voice like the tundra gales whipping at the snow. The echoing giggles were somewhat ominous. ”Clearly Drakkon has claim on the one who warmed his chair…” With her demonic nature spilling out of her, part from her boredom and part from her excitement to play. Lumikk followed Drakkon to the place blood was soon to be shed.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#23Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 9:53 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had watched her grab his hand as they were ready for what was to happen. They would open the way for Drakkon, Hai, and the Unknown Woman to enter. They didn’t notice at first, but they would soon realize that she was the Guild Leader of Paradise Dawn. They were well informed of that Guild. A few times some of these men had hired them to do a job for them, but she or the previous leader wouldn’t know that.

With the new room being revealed, another person would open the reinforced glass, so they could enter. This was a show for these men to watch and enjoy. They were either going to have a new ambitious man join their table, or they were going to have someone who wouldn’t be trusted by the other people at the table. The Devourer would walk in there without a problem as Hai looked over to Lumikki. He heard her words and chuckled slightly.

“I don’t think that is necessary. If you want to dirty yourself with five men, then I will not argue with you. I just need one and I’ll be fine. I’m really here to help Drakkon if anything.” He said to her as he walked into the room.

The men in this room were loyal to the mob boss that was in the room. He looked scarred up, big and strong as if he had been fighting his entire life. The others looked just as strong as well, and Drakkon shook his head to see such talent go to waste and die here today.

“You look ready to fight as always Raphael. Still, today is your last, you should tell your men to leave, so you could die on your own. Killing them hurts, as they are beaming with talents. They could just join the Yakuza and work under me.” He said to Raphael.

The man laughed a bit as he cracked his neck. He knew that the only thing scary about Drakkon was his magic. That was fine and he had a way to deal with that. He just needed his men to take care of his pet, and that woman that was there.

When the door behind them closed, it meant that the fight could begin, and the guys that were with the boss had started moving. Hai Gone took to the sky for a bit, before transforming from the sky. Above there would be a huge dragon looking at the group as he had taken almost the entirety of the air space. He looked at them, and even Raphael couldn’t believe what he had seen.

“One of you will become my food, the rest can enjoy becoming popsicles to the lady in the room.” He said as they looked at the Dragon in fear.

They had never seen a dragon before, this being the first time had shocked them. Still, it only wanted one of them, and they would push one person to the side as they took their chances with Lumikki, which they didn’t know was any better. When Hai saw who they offered as a tribute he smiled as it would be a pleasure to have a little snack from what they ate earlier. He looked up to Hai as he didn’t know how to face a Dragon, and that was just dumb.

Drakkon would unsheathe his katana as he moved over to Raphael. The man had cracked his knuckles as he was ready for this and had mentally prepared himself for this fight.

591|7635 Word Count Met (50% Word Count Reduction) (10% Guild Perk 4, 5% Helmet, 5% Armor, 10% Ring, 20% Relic)


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 10:50 pm


”Huuhh…” Mist left her maw as she exhaled deeply, Lumikki was lost in thought. Her mind was trying to figure out how not to disrupt his battle with her wild magic, hoping that instead, she could keep it on her victims instead.

She’d glance at the glass behind them, the fools sat back and watched. It irked to be used for their entertainment, but she’d refrain from any hostility. This wasn’t for her, it was all for him. At least that was the line of thinking she used to silence her needless thoughts.

Hai Gone leapt into the air, wasting not time. Shifting into the form that Drakkon had hinted to her before. His deep purple scaled crept along his skin as she expanded, claws and a muzzling taking shape before the rest of him would follow. And what was left after such a transformation, was gleaming violet dragon around eight meters tall.”Cute,” Lumikki cooed but she wasn’t entirely impressed. She considered taking his same lead but thought the better of it. No, she would rather they didn’t see her like that, blissfully unaware of the monster she really was.

Drakkon stood off his target, a man by the name Raphael. Lumikki gave him a passing glance before looking back over to the five who’d preferred to challenge her and vexed that they didn’t fear her over the dragon. Lumikki’s breath hung heavier, with each passing moment, the fog would thicken and darken like a black mist. The chill would creep along the floor and walls, blooming black-frostflowers that overtook the glass as well and obscured their free show. Only the men that would die should get an undeterred view, but of course they still didn’t know who they faced even now.

They group of five charged for her, but they steps and movements quickly grew sluggish. Their arms becoming a heavier burden than deep exhaustion. Yet they scrambled to meet the Demoness, trying to unleash their fury. After all, they were fighting for their lives now alongside their soon to die master.

”Yer sense of honor impresses me, but it does ye no good now. I am not amused, quite the contrary. Everything about yer lot vexes me.” As she spoke, her oppressive cold grew harsher. The man closest to the frost mage fell over, not knowing he did so because his leg had snapped from turning into ice. It would be another among them to notice, his face contorting as the horror overtook him. The rest would shift their focus and do the same. But it was all too late for them now. They had ran into her frigid trap.

Lumikki now approached them, with their slowed movements, they were nearly like statues now. She’d brush her talons lightly along theirs and stepped along to the next until they were all choking on her frost now. Heaving for every next breath as now their fight to survive was against themselves.”I didn’t have to dirty meself for any of ‘em child. Be yer soon to make one with that meal of yers.” Speaking of meals reminded her that she could indulge in one of her own, pulling at the shadows to slip them into her mouth. She’d nimble on the dark while she enjoyed their suffering and when it looked as though they were about to give into the long night, Lumikki stomped the ground. Prompted by her gesture were large and jagged frør shards that shot from the ground. Impaling each and everyone until they were forced to stand tall. Lumikki took another walk amid her new garden, observing their final expressions before parting into winter’s embrace. And when her amused finished in its entirely she’d shatter them until they laid unrecognizable upon the ground. Her focus now was on Drakkon and the conclusion of his match. And she’d drop herself onto a make-shift frør chair as she waited. Snacking on more ribbons of dark until this Raphael fell down.

”Was he worth the meal?” She’d ask Hai Gone after he swallowed the last of what’s left. She was leaned back, crossed legged and relaxed on her chair by then. With nothing but frostflowers and fractured corpses littered by her feet.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#25Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 9:39 am

Go D. Drakkon
The man who was faced off against Hai had started to run away from the fight; it was then he would chase after him. He was slow, and that was for certain, but they didn’t have infinite space, so there wasn’t much he could run to. The Chaotic Dragon swung his arm around as he tried to grab the man, and he would easily do so. He would pick the man up into the sky as he looked at him. The Dragon tilted his head as it looked as if this man was struggling.

“You will become one with me, so you don’t have to worry much.” Hai said as he bit into the man twice, one killing him and the second time to make sure he didn’t go to waste.

He would smack his stomach a bit as he looked over to Lumikki she had asked him if he was worth the meal, and he looked over to Drakkon.

“It was just desert, but seeing the terror in his face made eating him so much better.” He said to her as he dropped to the ground and then changed back to his hybrid form.

The body that he had consumed was compressed to fit into Hai’s stomach. He looked over to his father and it seemed like things were going to get interesting. When he got close to him, he swung his arm to try and activate his magic. He figured he would end this swiftly, but it seemed like Raphael had other plans. This man had nullified his magic usage, which brought Drakkon to tilt his head. That was unexpected, he never heard of this man using this before.

Still, it seemed like he could keep things hidden and now this had turned into a physical fight. Drakkon knew he wasn’t strong enough to do that on his own. He was fine with that as he approached him. Raphael laughed a bit as he cracked his knuckles again as it seemed like Drakkon was being cautious. When they met face to face, Hai saw the signal Drakkon had given him. He had activated his merger spell as he roared out loud for the entire room to hear it.

It was then Hai would go from being next to Lumikki to fusing with his father. Drakkon had wings coming out from his back, scales replacing his skin, talons growing in the place of his regular hands, horns on his head and a huge tail to follow it all up. Raphael was surprised about this but felt it didn’t matter it wouldn’t change a thing.

He launched a swift jab to Drakkon, and the man would dodge it. He knew it was coming and he would counter the attack with a quick swift attack from Yamato. He had tried to cut him horizontally, but the man backed off the moment he missed his jab. When he saw he also dodged the katana attack it was just a blessing. Once he got his footing though, he pushed forward to Drakkon and started throwing combo at the young man.

Drakkon’s speed allowed him to dodge the moves as he looked at Raphael. It was then the man had launched a feint attack and then Drakkon felt the blow on his abdomen. It caused him to cough up blood with that blow, but he didn’t just take the hit and do nothing, no he thrust his blade into the man’s chest, and it brought him to leap back and grab the wound.

The wound that Drakkon had suffered just now was healing and he had a smile on his face. It seemed that with Hai fighting with him, he had become enormously stronger than he was just now. That was interesting, but he didn’t have power, so this was good honestly. He pushed forward to Raphael and the mob boss saw his opponent coming. Drakkon would start swinging his blade and Raphael was dodging them as he knew that Drakkon couldn’t attack with his magic.

Still, Drakkon was pushing him into a corner on purpose and when the time came he thrust his Yamato into Raphael’s leg and the man shouted as he punched Drakkon right in the face. The Devourer felt the blow, and he stumbled back as he was bleeding through his nose for a second, but he healed again. Raphael, on the other hand, fell to one knee from the wound as he looked up to see Drakkon was fine.

“You were never going to win. I hope you know that, and just to let you know, the person who told them what you were up to was me.” Drakkon had a smirk on his face and when Raphael was going to say something, Drakkon had attacked.

He swung his blade swiftly and with so much power. He had aimed to cut his head off and that he would do. Raphael had his mouth open as he was shocked to feel the blow being dealt. His head would slide off from his neck and drop to the ground as Drakkon would swing his blade to the side, releasing the blood from the steel.

“That wasn’t so tough was it? They said out loud before Hai would separate from his father.

Drakkon would put his katana back in his sheathe and he would look at Lumikki with a smile on his face.


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