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Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore)

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Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 10:19 am


Lumikki sat back and watched what she could of the show. Her frost still smearing the glass so that it was hers and Hai’s alone. But just as she leaned back and got comfortable, the pair combined. Using magic she herself was not yet savvy with, only knowing it in passing from what she’s heard.

”Hmmm…” She thought out loud, Drakkon sprouted wings and the purple scales of Hai Gone now speckled upon his skin. Crawling over his flesh like a second armor.”And this fool is another snack for the maw of the Dragon…hmmm Dragons were certainly rare once. Suppose me sister has gotten busy on that mission of hers. I wonder just how many of ‘em will crawl from the caverns they’d hid within.” As they was mulling it over, Drakkon and Raphael were trading blows. It was a jab to Drakkon’s chest in exchange for a strike at the others. The pair would continue to dance around more, much of the same, until they could land their next attacks again.

Lumikki began clapping as the last of it was to come. Raphael was too wounded in the leg to move now, all he could do was kneel and wait. Only to be met with Drakkon’s vicious lasts words to haunt him before the lash strike and off with the man’s head. Lumikki couldn’t help herself, a giggle escaped from her lips. Even as she rose from her seat, her body shook with laughter. It was cruel, but so was the life he had probably lead. Only to be done in by the rising new star among the underground and discarded.

Shadows wrapped around the severed head, its chilling touch now freezing over the open wound and sealing the blood within. The dark morphed into a black talon that carried it for her. “Ye want the seat? Perhaps we should bring this…Let ‘em mount it on their wall. They seem ghoulish enough for it.” The black frost she encased the glass in also finally begun to fall away, displaying the carnage that occurred inside.

The trio walked back, passing through the doorway they entered before. Only to be met with the men at the table again with hardly a look of surprise on their faces.


Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) - Page 2 Img_0811

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#27Go D. Drakkon 

Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 11:20 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon watched what Lumikki had done, and then he heard her words. He was fine with that as he had a smirk on his face. His wounds were all better now as the men waiting for the results to conclude would see Raphael’s head off his body. They laughed a bit as they expected that much from a man who had a thing like Hai walking around with him. Then there was also the fact that the woman he was with was indeed the Guild Master of Paradise Dawn. There was no doubt about that and after looking into it seemed like they knew each other.

“I’m fine with that, it was always mine. They just wanted me to put on a show and see if killing someone was hard for me to do. Clearly, they don’t know who I am still.” He said to her as the door to the room would open, and Drakkon would walk out of it with Lumikki and Hai.

Drakkon would see the empty seat, and he would walk to it and he would sit down on it without anybody telling him otherwise. He would lean back on the chair as he had a smirk on his face. This was what he wanted and he looked at everybody at the table as they had a smile on his face.

“I killed your traitor. He will no longer be giving out information about us and he will no longer be stealing from any of you guys. I give you the gift of him in two pieces. Still, now that I’m here we can talk about the plans I have to help us grow.” He said to them as Hai stood behind Drakkon they whispered to each other as they turned to look at Drakkon.

“Thank you, and that seat is yours and yours alone We are glad to know someone as powerful as you can sit at the table. Who knows what we might need you for in the future right?” He said to him and they all nodded.

Drakkon just leaned on his chair looking at them; they were all pitiful and they didn’t know what was coming. He just needed a seat at the table, but he was looking for more. He wanted to be the king of the underworld. He wanted them all to bow to him and they would do so. They didn’t know what they had unleashed, but he and the Yakuza did.

He looked over to Lumikki and smiled at her.

“Thank you for taking part in this. As my treat, you will still get to enjoy Joya with me. There is a festival happening right now, and I would like to be your date for it. We will enjoy it how I would enjoy it if that is fine with you.” He said to her as he wondered how she would react to it, but they were done here and the group would talk a bit about the future of their illegal activities.




Becoming an Underworld Boss (Long/Lore) - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 2:22 pm


Turned to meet them, the men of the table bursts into malicious laughter. Their traitor was now gone, dispatched by the newest among them. Perhaps they thought Drakkon was both hungry and naive, that he would do all his power to amuse and please them if it meant him keeping his seat. But Lumikki knew enough about his nature to know this would never satisfy him, not in the slightest. This charade won’t last forever, Hel, it wouldn’t last for long. So Lumikki took a nice glance at all of their faces, knowing that this could be their final days.

All while Drakkon took his seat with Hai Gone never straying far from his side. Lumikki strutted over, her talon tossing the severed head onto the table. The hunk of flesh nearly rolling off the other end. But their focus was more on Drakkon and their possible new future. It was hardly on her anymore. She’d reach over, wiping the blood still smeared on his face and lifting herself up so that she may sit stop the table’s surface. This was not her world, nor her game to place. She was an outsider and therefore acted as such with indifference and distance.

Date? The word echoed in her mind while the raven’s eyes narrowed. But she’d refrain from her defensive reflex when she remembered that there was no need to read too deep into it. Drakkon was a devastating storm, destructive and free. He was choosing to be playful, a mood more than likely afforded to him by the elation of his goal’s completion. Either way, she’d feel it more pleasing to look forward to a festival than this.

”Fine by me, let’s go and play.”

279_7882 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion.

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

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