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Memories of the Past (Epic)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:10 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had been aimlessly going around the world. He had been trying to figure out what had happened to him, but there was something else. Yes, he was trying to figure out what had happened to his best friend. The two of them had met each other in Hosenka and as time had moved things had adjusted his life to Paradise Dawn. When his best friend disappeared from his existence Drakkon didn’t understand what had happened. He had vanished without a trace and without anybody knowing. He had been trying to find him, but at the same time, he had filled these sudden urges to find other Dragon Slayers.

It was not something that he had done before, and it was a hidden discovery for him. The Devourer had always thought he didn’t have magic, but something happened and there were a lot of new things about him that he had to figure out.

The day was bright outside, things were looking marvelous, and Drakkon was riding Bai Long as he was heading off to his destination. He had used Yamato to get to Joya, but where he needed to go, he couldn’t use the katana. No, he had to find his way to them without surprising them or anything of that sort.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:11 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He wasn’t sure why, but he was remembering bits and pieces of his past with Toge. The things the two of them had done together, and the violence that they had caused throughout Hosenka. While he traveled to the Port of Joya, he remembered that his friend loved violence more than anything else. The harm that was done to him was something else and he couldn’t believe that was how his friend lived. Still, he was looking for him, and he had heard rumors that the last location he had been found was in Joya.

It was hard for him to find the whereabouts of Toge, so when he found this out, he had to make his way to Joya. That was when he figured that if his friend was in Toge, then he might have partaken in gang activity. He had to think about it, and he knew of a crime organization that was hidden within Joya. The ones that went looking for them ended up joining their ranks or dead when they got too close. Drakkon wasn’t going to end up as a statistic, he just wanted to know about his friend.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:11 pm

Go D. Drakkon
When he got to the Port, he could see that it was filled with life; there were so many people moving around and there was a lot of shopping going around. It seemed like this was the life of Joya now, which was a good thing. He was happy that his home was thriving, and he only hoped it would continue this way. He moved around as Bai Long was by his side, the two of them were looking around, and Drakkon was just looking for someone who could give him answers. Luci was on his shoulder at the same time, the demon was smoking his cigarette happily, but it was something that didn’t bother anybody around them.

“So, do you think you are going to find him Drakkon?” He asked him as he already knew the answer and what had happened to his friend.

“If I know Toge, the man must be somewhere where there are a lot of drugs and fighting going around. I figured he would be in Seven, but I don’t think that’s his scene.” He said to Luci.

The demon knew he wouldn’t be there either, but he would allow him to continue to search for answers.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon

He had noticed that there were people moving through an alleyway. He figured that was a good place to start. When he had the Dragon Gang it was something he would have his men use in Hosenka. He moved around and his eyes continued to scan his surroundings. He was making sure that he didn’t miss anything.

“Do you think we find someone who knows who we’re looking for?” He asked Luci.

“I don’t know, but I guess that is for you to find out.” He said to Drakkon.

The Son of Chaos had known that was going to be the answer he was going to give him. He kept moving though as he would soon find someone that caught his eye. This person was someone he would have as a person keeping tabs on who walks around here. Yes, he was a leader before the life he lived now, and he was going to ask him the questions that he needed answers to. Drakkon moved straight toward him, the homeless-looking man was confused as to why he had approached him, but he would find out soon enough.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon

When he got to the man, he would crouch, so that the two of them would be looking eye to eye. He had smiled at the Son of Chaos and he could only smile back at him.

“I need some questions answered and I believe you could answer them for me. So, do you think you could be kind enough to do so?” He asked him wondering how he would react to what he had said.

The man tilted his head, confused to what was said to him. He didn’t know what he wanted to ask, but he figured he might as well wait for an answer.

“I don’t know if I can answer your question, but you can ask me. I just live here because I have nowhere else to go.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer Dragon Slayer heard him and he had a smile on his face. He knew what to ask and he knew that asking this would get a reaction from this man.

“Do you know where I can find the Yakuza?” He asked waiting for a reaction from this man as he knew it was coming.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man was shocked to hear those words, his eyes widened, he had gotten flustered and he didn’t know why, but he got hot. He tried to play cool, but Drakkon noticed his reaction immediately. This man knew where they were, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to get the answers. When the man regained his composure, he tilted his head trying to act like he didn’t know what he was talking about.

“You mean the legendary myth Yakuza? I heard about them, but I don’t even know if they exist. They are usually so well hidden, I don’t think anybody has found them. I wouldn’t know where to find them though, so sorry I couldn’t help you.” He explained to Drakkon.

The Son of Chaos had a smirk on his face. There was no way he was going to leave this guy.

“Are you sure you don’t know? It seems like you do and you don’t want to tell me.” He said to him as he was hoping he would change his mind.

The man shook his head as he couldn’t help him and Drakkon nodded as he understood. He stood tall and then turned away from him for a second. He was about to leave, but then he turned around and grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:13 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man was surprised about this, you could see the panic on his face. Those who were walking by would move away from the scene as they didn’t want to intervene. They ignored what was happening as they were trying to mind their business. He would lift him up in the air as he had used his Dragon Force to gain more power. His eyes turned into that of a lizard as he had him on the wall.

“You see, I know you’re lying to me. I can tell just by looking at you. Do you think you’re observant? Well, so I am. You barely stink like a man who lives around these parts. Your nails aren’t dirty and when you smiled at me, your teeth weren’t decaying or anything of that nature.” He paused for a second.

The man had grabbed Drakkon’s wrist, trying to get out of the hold he had him with, but it wouldn’t work. Instead, he figured he would plead for his life.

“I’m sorry I don’t know where they are! I wish I knew because then I would tell you and you wouldn’t harass me! Please let me go and live my life!” He pleaded as he was trying to push his arm off, but nothing was working.

Drakkon had a smirk on his face as he was hoping this man would break easily, but that wasn’t going to be the case.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:13 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon started to do his best to relax; his eyes staring at this man, and he would just shake his head at him. It was then he would thrust a punch onto the wall next to the man. His eyes stared at him and he would let him go, and shake his head.

“Too bad, I was hoping you would give me the answer I was looking for.” He said to him as he walked away.

The Devourer moved away from him and when he did, he turned the corner. He didn’t keep going though, instead, he peeked through the corner as he was waiting for something to happen. The man was looking around to see if there was anybody looking at him. When he saw that he was in the clear, he would use a device to alert someone or something. Drakkon saw this and he had a smile on his face. This was what he was expecting; he read his lips and he could see that he was warning them that some Joyan-looking man was looking for them.

Drakkon couldn't help it but his grin got bigger. This was perfect and now he was going to have to wait it out.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:14 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Luci was on his shoulder as he was smoking. He could only shake his head as he wanted to tell Drakkon the truth, but he couldn’t. His soul was bound to not being able to say a word, so he would watch things unfold. He was sure Drakkon would find the answers, it wouldn’t be what he was looking for, but it would be answers right?

The Son of Chaos was just watching the man gain his composure as he sat down again. Drakkon was pretty sure whoever he had made contact with would appear soon enough. This was what he was hoping for. He was pretty sure that they weren’t going to take him where he needed to go, but at least with their appearance, it would be a start.

“So, how does it feel to know that the Yakuza is real? Do you think Toge is a part of this organization?” He asked him wondering what he would say.

Drakkon looked to his shoulder to hear Luci and he shrugged his shoulder hoping they would get the answer soon.

“I hope he’s with them. I need to give him a piece of my mind. He disappeared without telling me, and I don’t like that.” He said to Luci.


#10Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:14 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The Demon would smoke his cigarette without much of a hassle and he would leave things just like that. Drakkon stretched his arms into the air as things were about to get interesting. The people there kept moving, minding their business, and they also looked like regular people who lived in Joya. They were not the men he was looking for, and he was hoping they would show up soon.

The Demi-God would take his jug of alcohol and he took a swig of it without much of a hesitation. Things were getting boring waiting for these guys to show up and he was pretty sure he didn’t misread the situation. He stood there for a few minutes, and nothing changed or felt like it was going to change.

“Do I just confront him again, or give him more time?” He asked Luci.

The demon shrugged his shoulder as he didn’t know what he should do. It was then he saw four men approaching the man he had harassed earlier, which was beautiful his waiting paid off.


#11Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:14 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had seen them approach him, and he had gotten up from the floor. He peeked through the corner again to see what was going on right now.

“Where did this guy go? How did he look? Was he alone?” He asked the questions as the man would look nervous with these guys being here.

“Ah yes, he had green moss hair. The man had two katanas on his waist, and he wore a black kimono and a scar on one of his eyes. As for where he had gone, he was walking off in that direction.” He pointed in the direction where Drakkon was.

The men from the Yakuza had heard everything he had to say, and they now knew who they were looking for. They would get on a device again and it seemed like they were going to speak on it.

“The man that was asking about us, might be a Joyan man. He has green messy hair, with a scar around one of his eyes. He has two katanas on his side and is wearing a black kimono. If you find him capture him and bring him to the base. Just make sure you don’t let him know where it is.” He said to his men before hanging up.


#12Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:15 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon figured that was all he needed him to do, and now he was going to make his appearance to them. The Dragon Slayer came out from his corner as he approached them. They noticed someone coming their way and when the guy sitting down looked in the direction everyone was looking at his eyes widened.

“That’s him right there. I didn’t think he would come back. I guess he didn’t believe me.” He said to the guys as they nodded and acknowledged that he was who they were looking for.

“At least we don’t have to search too hard for him. Why are you looking for us?” He asked Drakkon as he didn’t care about his name or anything.

Drakkon smiled as he had cracked his neck and shook his head.

“I think of friend of mine is within your organization. I wanted to meet the head of the organization and ask them a few questions.” He said to them.

When they heard him say this, they would laugh at his words as they couldn’t believe that he was that direct with what he had said. They shook their heads because couldn’t believe it, but the head of the group would take a deep breath.


#13Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:15 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The group cracked his neck as he was looking at Drakkon.

“You think you can just ask and that we will let you do just that? I mean we are going to bring you to him, but not the way you want us to.” He said to Drakkon.

The Dragon Slayer heard this, and he could see them approaching him. It was then he would see that he had taken out two daggers from his button-down sleeves and swung the blade at Drakkon. He saw this, and he stepped back as the guys would feel cold and at the same time, he would dodged the blade.

The other three saw this and they would make their way to the fight. One of them took a bat that he was holding on his back. The second one had a katana that he had revealed to him as he was ready to cut Drakkon down. The final one had brass knuckles as they were going to help him. They were ready to attack him as they were not going to fight him fairly.

He knew that much was going to happen, and he would wrap his bandana on his head as he was ready for this.


#14Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:16 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon took in a deep breath, and he was in Ultra Instinct combined with Dragon Force. He pulled out his Yamato, and when he tried to pull out his Enma, he could feel the power behind it, and he couldn’t put the blade out. He sucked his teeth that it had decided to do something like that right now of all time. He shook his head and when the first set of attacks had come, he would dodge them. The man with the bat would swing, and the Devourer would crouch to avoid the swing. It was then the man with the katana would swing, and Drakkon would do the same thing as they had both clashed.

He could feel the power this man had behind his attack, and he knew not to do that again. It was then the man with the brass knuckles had come up from behind to hit Drakkon. He sensed the danger coming from behind him, and he would activate his defense spell. A magic circle would appear, and a bunch of scales would gather around forming wings to protect their caster. Drakkon figured he would start with this man behind him.


#15Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:16 pm

Go D. Drakkon

When the defensive spell went down, Drakkon was already slashing his blade at the man in front of him. It was then the blade would connect, and he would activate a dimensional slash that he had. It would cut the man as it connected, and he would notice that he couldn’t move from where he was standing. He didn’t think he would still be standing after that attack, but he knew how to get him down next time. The group had gathered again, they could see he was a mage and not a weak one at that.

“Seriously, you guys could just take me to the head of your organization without all of this.” He said to them.

They had serious expressions on their face and he knew they weren’t going to listen to him. It was then they would all gather around him, and he would slash into the air and a bunch of slashes would appear all around him. It would cut them up as they didn’t know he could do that.

When it was all said and done, only one of them had fallen to the ground. He was impressed by that, and it was then he knew these guys were strong.


#16Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:17 pm

Go D. Drakkon
They saw the man with the brass knuckle had fallen. Their comrade was taken out by this guy. It wasn’t just that, but it seemed like wielding magic was something he could do. This was interesting, but they were going to be afraid just because of that. No, they were notorious and if they ran away now, then it would be a disgrace. The man sitting on the floor looked at the group wondering if they could handle it. He hoped that was the case, but just in case he had decided to call in reinforcement.

If they had failed, then overwhelming him with numbers would be the best and next option. The leader of the group rushed over to Drakkon. The man swung his two daggers at him, which caused the Son of Chaos to step back and dodge the attack. While he did that, the man with the katana had shown up next to him and he would attempt to cut Drakkon’s arm.

He saw this and he stepped to the side a bit having his Kimono ripped a bit before thrusting his shoulder on the man and pushing him back. These guys were persistent and he admired that about them, but they could have just taken him to see their leader.


#17Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:17 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon looked at them as they were getting ready for another round of assaulting him. They did take into account that he was strong, but it was not something that they were hesitant to attack him. Drakkon looked at them as he was ready to continue fighting them. He figured that he would take the remaining three out and then use this man that was spectating as a way to get answers. He wouldn’t be able to escape from him that was for sure. Still, the first thing he needed to do was take these guys out,

They had come at him with their weapons and he would make use of another spell. This one is a fire defense spell. He used it to protect himself from their attacks. They had each attacked at the same time in different directions. He could move and dodge them, but there would be a chance he would get hurt that way,

He would see that they had stumbled back from attacking him. Their weapons had bounced off the defense he created. When he saw this he figured it was time for him to attack now.


#18Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:18 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The fire defense that he created would disperse at this opportunity, He stepped forward to the man with the katana as he had swung his blade at the man. While he did that he had activated a spell as well with the attack. The slash had focused on that specific person and with that a bunch of dimensional slashes would come out from his attack. The man in front of him would be surprised with this as he couldn’t believe this had happened to him. When the attack was done the man was on his knees panting from the damage that was caused to him.

He hated to admit it, but this guy was strong. Still, it was hard for Drakkon to handle just four people and he didn’t like this. All he could think about was that Yuurei would have been done with this fight. He shook his head, he couldn’t compare himself to that freak. Yes, he himself was a God, but he didn’t think there was anybody that could be like that Angel. He would steel himself as he had taken down two of them, but there were still two of them standing in this fight.


#19Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:19 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The two men that were standing were the man with the two daggers and the man with the bat. They stare at Drakkon as they were plotting their next attack. They were sure that he couldn’t use another defensive spell, so they felt like they could attack without worrying that he would defend again.

“I will admit you’re strong, but now that we’re after you, don’t you think this is futile? You’re not leaving Joya since we know you’re looking for us.” He said to Drakkon.

The Devourer heard this and he laughed at his words. They didn’t know who he was and they were going to find out. He held Yamato with both his hands as he waiting to see what was going to happen next. Which one of the two was going to strike him? He didn’t know, but he was going to go down that easily. It was then he saw them attacking at the same time. This would cause him to activate another spell, bringing one of his hands to be free.

When he did, two dragons would come out of two magic circles and they would move toward the two men that had rushed to him. When they saw this, they were surprised about this and moved away from Drakkon to avoid getting hit by this attack.


#20Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:20 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had seen them running away, but he would move his hand to bring out suggestions to where the Dragons should move. They would follow the hand gestures, and they had moved to the two men. It wouldn’t take long, but they would turn to see if they had dodged the attack.

That would turn out bad for them as they had looked back, but they would see the dragons were coming straight for them. They would both be hit by the dragons that were coming after them. They both got hit and they were both sent flying to the walls that created this alleyway. When they hit the wall, they bounced off and landed on the ground unconscious from the blow. He saw this and cracked his neck as he stopped the use of his Dragon Force, and his Ultra Instinct at the same time. His eyes look at the man who lied to him at the beginning of all this.

He approached the man as he was nervous that this man had taken down his friends and now it seemed like it was his turn to get beat up.


#21Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:20 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon approached the man and he looked at him. His eyes glared down at him as he was waiting for him to say or do something. When things stood quiet, he sighed as he had sheathed his blade and he looked into his shoulder waiting for him to answer him.

“So, you lied to me, that’s make sense. I expected this from you, but at the same time, I did ask nicely. I wanted to meet the head of your organization and ask a few questions. Instead, you got people to come after me. I don’t know what to do to you. It breaks my heart that you started all of this because I asked questions.” He said to him.

The man was nervous now, he needed to do something right now. This guy was strong, but if there were more of them then he wouldn’t stand a chance.

“You got to understand man. I couldn’t tell you where the base was. I would have gotten in trouble if I did and then that would have been bad for both of us. You got to understand.” He said to him.


#22Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:21 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon sighed hearing him, he understood that from him, but still, he wanted the information. The Son of Chaos was trying to figure out what to do with him. While he was thinking about this, the man saw it as an opportunity to run away from him. Drakkon noticed this and he stepped in front of him causing the man to fall on his ass. He chuckled nervously when this happened as he looked up to Drakkon.

“I was expecting you to give me answers so we could avoid the problem that we had earlier, but you were going to run again. Now tell me why shouldn’t I not hurt you?” He asked him waiting to see what he would do next.

The man was nervous, his eyes trembled with fear as he didn’t know what to say. It was then, only then, that he decided it was best to continue running away. He got up and started running the opposite way from him. He would get up and dust himself off for a second. It was then he would start running away from Drakkon.


#23Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon rubbed the back of his head as he knew this was going to happen.

“Man he doesn’t give up doesn’t he?” Luci said to Drakkon as he was waiting to see what he would do.

Drakkon would shake his head and he chased after the man. He was his only lead right now, and he wasn’t going to let him escape. The Dragon Slayer moved through the alleyway without hesitation. He avoided the people who moved through the area as well. It was then he saw him not too far from him. He was slow, or was he just too fast for people to actually run away?

The both of them would make their way out of the alleyway together. Drakkon went to grab him on the back of his shirt, but then somebody rushed toward him. He felt the danger coming from his side and when he looked it was a man covered in Tattoos ready to take him out. He fell to the ground because of this, and Drakkon kicked him off of him immediately as he noticed he wasn’t alone. He got up from the ground and he noticed that there were a lot of people around him.


#24Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:22 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He looked at everyone around him, they were all covered in tattoos on their arms, and he just couldn’t believe that there were this many by the alleyway.

“Shit, I didn’t even leave the alleyway and you guys are all here to welcome me. I only came here to look for answers, and what I got was a bunch of guys ready to kill me. This is not the welcome I was hoping for, but this is better than nothing. The chaos you guys bring to the table amuses me.” He said to them as the ones with blunt weapons would slap them against the palm of their hands.

He just sighed as this wasn’t going to end well for him. He knew that much, but he wasn’t going to go down without a fight. They all looked hungry to get a hit on him as they were told to take him in alive. He just cracked his neck as he was wondering if anybody would speak to him. It was then that Bai Long had rushed over to the destination of Drakkon and he had trampled one of the guys that were going after Drakkon.


#25Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:23 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had seen the arrival of the horse, and he was surprised about this. He had a smirk on his face when he saw the horse. This was perfect and it seemed like things were going to get interesting. It was then the horse would transform into a man who was half dragon and half human. He looked at everyone with a vicious look on his face.

“You’re all my enemy. After I take you all out, then I’ll go after you again.” He said to Drakkon.

The Yakuza men were confused by the surprised appearance of the horse that had turned into a humanoid with a tail. It was then that Drakkon brought out the scales on his body as his eyes changed to that of a dragon. Bai would launch a roar from his mouth straight at some of the men. A few of them had moved out of the way, while some of them had gotten caught by the attack. They screamed from the pain and while this happened Drakkon attacked as well.


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