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Memories of the Past (Epic)

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#26Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:23 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had moved toward who he wanted to take out right at the beginning. He took his katana out again and he would slash horizontally to try and take them out. The person would feel the blow of Drakkon’s katana, but it was not enough to do anything. He could see it on the man’s face and it looked like it annoyed him more than anything. This would bring him to leap back from this as he couldn’t just use his katana in this fight. He had to get stronger, but how would he do that?

He didn’t have time for that as he shook his head to see that they were approaching him. The Dragon Slayer would use his dimensional slash at the opponents near him. Only one person would be hit by that attack. A person who avoided being hit had approached Drakkon and swung a bat right at the man. He saw this and he covered himself from the blow and it pushed him back and away from him.

The blow behind that took a lot out of him, but he was ready to continue.


#27Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:23 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would look at the group and he could see that there were indeed a lot of people. The civilians around the area had scattered, none of them wanting any business of what was happening right now. He was on his own, and he was fine about that. All of this was going to make him stronger, better, and more experienced. Bai Long was rushing toward these people and he was clawing and kicking at the Yakuza men. They had gotten hit, but they were indeed fighting back through all of this.

Drakkon would activate another spell, this one revealing a crow from above as it was coming down from the sky and toward the entire group. Everybody looked up to see the shadow that overshadowed them. They weren’t sure what it was at first, but soon enough they could see the crowd landing on them. It was then an explosion had occurred and harmed everybody around the area.

It would cover the place hiding everybody that had been hit by the crow. It had done its damage, but he wasn’t sure if it was enough.


#28Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
When the debris dispersed from the area where the big fighting was taking place, there were two things that had happened. One everybody was still standing, and two everybody had been harmed by the attack. Bai Long didn’t care since the attack was magical it didn’t hurt him as much. It was the same for Drakkon, but it was because it was Arcane. That was what he was hoping for, but these men were persistent. None of them had fallen from his attacks, and they were still coming after him. He wasn’t sure how long he could even handle this.

“I can't believe you are all doing this for one person. I just wanted to see your boss without all of this.” He said to them as he was a bit irritated this was happening.

They had snapped their head toward Drakkon as they didn’t care what he wanted to do. In the end, what they saw was someone who knew about their organization and was going to have two things happen to him. One it was going to be his death after they took him to the boss, or two he would become a part of the organization.


#29Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon could see them charging at him all at once. He wasn’t sure what they were planning on doing but it wasn’t going to be good. He had gotten on guard, and the group of Yakuza men had separated into two groups. The sudden appearance of Bai Long through them off. It was their turn to get them off guard. Drakkon was running low on his mana and he couldn’t believe that they had overwhelmed him with numbers. He was stepping back, crouching, and pivoting his feet to avoid being hit by these people. Still, with the numbers it was too hard for him to avoid them all.

He would get hit by something from behind, which would make him stumble forward. When he tried to regain his composure, he would get hit by another attack. This wasn’t good, and he could feel himself losing consciousness with them attacking him. He was healing every time, but that was depleting his mana. Bai Long was holding his own, but he was also being overwhelmed by all the attacks that were coming his way as well.


#30Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:25 pm

Go D. Drakkon
This was getting tough for both Drakkon and Bai Long; they were exchanging blows with the number of Yakuza men surrounding him. Still, they were harming these guys while their fight was almost coming to an end.

“I came here to help you and fight you at the same time, but I didn’t think we would be taken over like this!” Bai Long shouted this as he could feel the blows slowly taking effect.

Drakkon would feel someone hit him on the chest with a bat, and then another person hit him on the jaw with brass knuckles. This hurt a lot, and he stumbled back as he looked a bit dizzy. His head was hurting and he shook his head as he looked at everybody in front of him.

“I didn’t ask for help. I’m just trying to see what happened to Toge, but it doesn’t seem like I’m going to get the answer that I’m looking for. At least we will take a few of them down with us.” He laughed as he sliced down at another person before he got hit again.

When he had gotten hit this time, he didn’t know what happened, but Drakkon had lost a sense of where he was for a split second, and when he realized what was going on he was falling to the ground.


#31Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:26 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had fallen to the ground now as he couldn’t move. He was surprised that he had been taken out of these attacks. These guys only won because they had overwhelmed him with numbers, if it weren’t for that he would have still been fighting. Bai Long was still up and fighting, but it seemed like their attention had all turned to him. He had a smirk on his face because he was just getting started.

He would transform into a Dragon now as he had rushed toward them. They were surprised at first as they ran away from him as he was coming after them. When they saw that he was missing, they turned around and figured that they would work together to topple down the Dragon. They started running after Bai Long, and he had seen this. He would rush straight toward them, and he would chop and slash at those who were coming at him.

While this was happening, he was also being beaten and slashed while he was fighting. They were exchanging blows with each other, and he could feel himself being weakened. He looked over to Drakkon as he could see the man on the floor and shook his head to see that this man had lost the fight.


#32Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:26 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Bai Long knew that if Drakkon lost and was unconscious it was only a matter of time before he was taken out. That was when he looked ahead of him, and he saw somebody swinging a bat at his face. He felt the blow on his face, and it was too strong, that it sent him flying in reverse. That had done it and his eyes rolled back as if he would revert back to a hose.

The Yakuza men around the area looked at the two of them on the ground unconscious. They had fought well, but their overwhelming numbers had won.

“What do you think he wants to talk to our boss about? He has been bothering us about asking questions this entire time.” He said to one of the guys that were there.

“I don’t know I don’t care, we taking him and this stupid dragon horse with us. Now start dragging the horse.” He said to the group.

They heard this as he approached Drakkon, and he had picked him up. Still, before he put him on his shoulder he placed the katana back in its sheathe and took it from the Dragon Slayer.


#33Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon unconscious was going through it; he could see Toge in his dream, but every time he tried to approach his friend he walked away. He could see the man with his companions and he always thought they were weird, but they were a part of why he was so strong. The Son of Chaos reached out to him, but it didn’t matter. Toge never looked back at him and it bothered him.

“Toge, where are you? I see you in my dreams, but I can never find you anywhere in the world. Why is that? I missed you, we were supposed to change the world together, but you left me.” He said to Toge.

The Beast Master had turned to look at Drakkon and he would shake his head. He didn’t know what had happened to him, and he didn’t know about Toge’s dream. The man had worshiped demons and he wanted to be one so bad. He had thought he would become one, but something happened. It was a horrible and disappointing result, and he was ashamed of it.


#34Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He shook his head though and he could see that Drakkon kept getting close to him, and each time he had to move away from him. It was then that he would get even further away from Drakkon as he had looked over to him.

“You will find out what happened to me soon Drakkon. I cannot give you the answers because I’m not allowed to say, but when you find out, you will not be happy.” He said to him as he turned around and kept walking.

Drakkon would keep moving toward Toge, but he had turned away from him and kept walking. The Devourer had started running after him. He was fast and he knew he could catch up to him. When he closes the gap between them, he would reach out to Toge, but the man would disappear from where he was and he would appear further away.

He stopped running as he looked at Toge. He was disappointed at the fact that he couldn’t get an answer as he stood staring at his friend walking away from him.


#35Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon sat down, and he noticed something, this wasn’t reality. It was the first time he had noticed something like this. It brought him to sit down on whatever was below him. He thought about it and if he remembered correctly, he was fighting a bunch of Yakuza last time. What had happened in the fight? He wasn’t sure he was fighting and then suddenly it had gone black right? Yeah, that was what had happened, but did that mean he lost the battle? Yes, now that he remembered he did lose that fight, but where was he?

The Yakuza had been dragging Bai Long and carrying Drakkon on their shoulder. They had made their way to the base. The people who did see the Yakuza men walking, moved away from them as they weren’t going to get into that business and honestly, they didn’t want to know the location of this place. If they had known, it would just put a target on their back. It wouldn’t take long, but they had reached the home where their boss lived.


#36Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:28 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The place where their boss lived had fences covering the huge estate, and it was beautifully built. It had the culture of a person with a rich status within Joya. The people who walked around this place knew that the man was a prestigious person in the country, but that was all. They didn’t know that this person was the head of the Yakuza Organization and he wanted to keep it like that. When they saw their friends had made it to the entrance of the gates, they would open the door so that they could come in with their new guests. The group had seen that Drakkon was unconscious and then the horse that they were dragging surprised them.

“Welcome back! I see you brought back the noisy kid!” They all shouted as they bowed slightly as the group was walking.

They were heading to the area where they put prisoners before killing them and disposing of their bodies. They would take Drakkon and Bai Long and they would throw them in their respective cell. It was then they would dust their hands off and the group had decided that they would get something to drink and eat before anything would be done with the unconscious man.


#37Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:28 pm

Go D. Drakkon
It would be a few hours of Drakkon being unconscious. The young man had his wounds treated and at the same time, his wounds were healing fast without their help. It seemed like this man was different from others. They had clothed him when they saw that they didn’t have to do anything for him. As for the Horse, they had to treat the wounds on it, and while it was unconscious they had done just that.

They would make sure the cells were locked as they left the place. It would soon be the time when Drakkon would awake from his slumber. He rubbed the back of his head as he had a slight headache from the beating he took. Once he rubbed that he proceeded to do the same for his eyes as he was looking around. He was confused as to where he might have been, and Luci would appear on his shoulder again. The demon was smoking again as he shook his head at where they were right now.

“So, how did we get here again? It seems like you got your ass beat, but I’m not even sure where we are.” He said to him as he smoked.


#38Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:29 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon kept rubbing his eyes as his vision was coming back to him. He noticed the area he was in, and he was in a prison cell. He looked over to the side and he saw Bai Long was sleeping as well. It seemed like they had captured the two of them.

“It seems like they beat our ass and took us to their base. I figured I would be able to beat them and make my way to their base. Still, it seems like they had other means of me getting here. I just wished they weren’t that rough with me.” He said as he started laughing at his own words.

He went to grab his jug of alcohol from his sash, and it was then that he noticed they had taken it from him. He sighed with disappointment, and he leaned back and tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. He was wondering what they were going to do with him now that they had him here. It was going to be rough, but he knew that he was going to have to see if this guy could give him an answer.


#39Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon

He took a long time to do anything, but he decided to wake up Bai Long from his slumber. He was the owner of the Dragon duo and he had shown him that he was the stronger of the two. Still, that was what he liked about Bai Long the man didn’t care about who was stronger, but he was planning on coming out on top as the victor.

“Bai Long are you awake? It seems like we’re stuck in a prison together. Well, they kept us in separate cells. I mean I guess we would be fighting if you woke up if they locked us in together.” He said to Bai Long who seemed like he was knocked out still.

Bai Long opened his eyes to look at Drakkon and he shook his head and then went back to sleep. He was not like the Dragon Slayer, he couldn’t heal like he did, so his body was still aching. He didn’t see him waking up, which sucked because that means he was on his own on this. It was then he saw someone approaching his cell, his eyes staring at their arrival to ask them questions.


#40Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:30 pm

Go D. Drakkon
When the person arrived, it seemed like they had food in their hands and they would move it to Drakkon’s cell.

“When do I go see your boss? I think it’s reasonable I see him since his guys jumped me.” He said as the person stepped away from the cell so Drakkon could get his meal.

They motioned him to get his food and when he saw this, he approached his food and took the tray. The food he had been given looked good and actually looked edible so he would eat. He was enjoying the meal, and he could see that what he had was water.

“You will see our Oyabun if you are only fit to see him. If you don’t past the trial he won’t even know you were in his estate.” the man explained to Drakkon as he bowed slightly.

Drakkon heard him and he didn’t like that sound of it. Things were going to get messy if he had to do any trials. As long as he wasn’t getting jumped then he knew he had this in the bag, right?


#41Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:31 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He continued to his eat meal as he looked over to the man who had served him food. It seemed like he was waiting for him to finish eating before he left.

Drakkon stared at him as he drank the water from the cup that was given to him.

“So, what kind of test are you guys going to be putting me through?” He asked him as he put the cup down and continued eating.

The man was surprised with how calm this man was and he figured he would tell him if he really wanted to know.

“Well, you and your pet harmed a lot of our men. We don’t feel like we should even let you see our boss. Some of us did like that you could fight, and they wanted to give you a chance to prove yourself. You will have your trial happening soon, so I suggest you get some more rest, we will be bothering you soon.” He said to Drakkon.

The Dragon Slayer heard him as he was finishing up his meal. Once he was done, he had given the man the tray back, so he could be on his way.


#42Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:31 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He was hoping to get an answer from this guy, but that didn’t happen. It was sad honestly, but he knew that he was going to find out what it was soon. He figured that they wouldn’t allow him to bring Bai Long with him, so his journey had ended here for this trip. He had closed his eyes as he took a nap; he figured staying up and waiting would kill him with boredom.

It took a few hours, but they would arrive again as they would clank on the cells to wake up Drakkon. When he heard the noise, his eyes opened up and he got up slowly as he rubbed his eyes again. He got up from the ground and walked over to the cell as there was a man covered in tattoos in front of him.

“I guess they prepared my trials before I saw your boss?” He asked him waiting for him to say something.

The man in front of him wouldn’t say anything. He had been quiet this entire time as he looked at Drakkon.


#43Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:32 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man would open the gates without trying Drakkon or anything like that. It seemed like they were confident that he wouldn’t run away. They were right and he would just follow them right now as he wanted to see what they were going to have him do. He didn’t mind what they wanted to do he could do it unless they were rigging it for him to fail. He followed the big with the tattoos as they were heading to a different section of the house. He didn’t get to see it before, but it was a beautiful traditional Japanese home.

The servers were moving around the place as they were handling things. Drakkon’s eyes looked around the place trying to see what was going on. While he was scouting the place while being captive he missed the most important part and it was basically where they going. It wouldn’t take long, but they would come to a stop. The Son of Chaos knew this because he bumped into the guy escorting him. The man’s eyes stared into Drakkon’s soul as he pushed the door open for him to enter.


#44Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:33 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had looked at him and the man stared at him waiting for him to make his move. The Dragon Slayer knew this wasn’t going to go anywhere, and he would just walk past him.

“You know you don’t have to be all mopey. You could have had a normal conversation and that would have been fine.” He said to him as he would enter the room.

When he did he could see that there were a lot of people in the room. They had led out the path for him to go through and he would do just that. He just watched a bunch of these guys staring down at him. It seemed like they were not happy with his arrival here, but here he was. When he got to the middle of it the person in charge of this plan had appeared walking to him.

“We see that you have two katanas, one cannot be opened, and the other one is beautiful. We want you to prove yourself. We know you beat up a lot of men, but that wasn’t just using your katana was it? If you could fight someone we choose, then we will move on to the next challenge. Do you accept the challenge?” He asked waiting to see what Drakkon would say.


#45Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:34 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon didn’t have the power to take someone out with just his katana, but he would use the spells it had to win his fight. He moved over to the man and he grabbed both of his katana. He couldn’t use one of them at the moment, but he knew that his Yamato was enough for him to fight. He would put them both on his sash as it was comfortable as he looked at the man who had his katanas.

“Can I get the jug of alcohol you took from me? It’s what I need near me, so it’s comfortable unless you don’t want me to fight at my fullest?” He asked him waiting for him to give him an answer or give him the jug.

The man shook his head as he moved to the back and got what Drakkon had asked for. When he got the jug, he opened it and drank some of it. That was the good stuff and he missed it as he put it on his side. He looked at them all in the room and wondered who he was going to fight.

“So, who do I have to fight?” He asked them.

It got quiet for a second, but then someone started approaching the area. They were scrummaging through the area and soon they would make their appearance. Drakkon could see his build from right here. This guy wasn’t going to be a joke for him to wipe the floor with easily, this was going to be tough.


#46Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:34 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The Yakuza would do a weird chant as they looked at the two of them. Drakkon stared into this man’s eyes and he could see the killer within him. This was going to be fun, but should he kill him or knock him out? He wasn’t sure how to go about this, but he knew one thing was for certain, this guy was aiming to kill.

“I’m going to slice you up before you can even see my boss. Someone who can beat up the Yakuza needs to be taken into consideration if they want to see our boss.” He said this to Drakkon.

The swordsman took hold of the hilt of his blade, and he would take the weapon out. It had gone quiet, so you could hear the sound of the blade gliding out its guard as it revealed itself to Drakkon. The Demi-God saw this and he had grounded himself. This guy’s katana was beautiful, and he could see that it was time to bring out his Yamato.

“Well, this is going to be fun, I can't wait to cut you down then.” He said to the man as he had a smirk on his face.


#47Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had taken out his Yamato; the same effect happened with Drakkon as his blade glided out of the sheath-like butter being cut by a sharp knife. He would reveal the blade to the man in front of him and he had just pointed toward the man in front of him. When their sword had been shown to the two of them, the battle had begun. They had started moving around as they were looking at each other waiting for an opening to happen. The two of them stared at each other and soon it had begun.

They had a mental battle right now as they were trying to figure out how they were going to attack each other. They had made a lot of movements in their mind, but each one ended badly. It was then that they had both found a solution to this fight. They had made their move at each other as the Yakuza had swung his blade at the Dragon Slayer.

He had pivoted his feet to dodge the attack and with that, he had countered with a horizontal slash at the man. The man saw the attack and he took a step back to avoid the blade from cutting him.


#48Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The tip of Yamato cutting the cloth the man was wearing as they returned to their fighting stance. It was then that they had gotten close once again. Drakkon had swung his blade and he missed, with a miss a counterattack would happen, and he would dodge it as well. The Yakuza men who were watching the battle would watch these two swing their blades at each other and miss repeatedly. The two of them had been close to hitting the other, with pieces of their clothing being cut, and hair being sliced off, but no direct hit from either of them.

The Devourer knew what he had to do to turn the tide on this fight. This time he had gotten close and when he did, he had activated his spell. He brought his arm around as he tried to slash the man, but he missed. Of course, that wasn’t the point of this attack, no he had created a furry of slashes that had been delayed for a second and they were brought out cutting the man he was fighting.

It was then he jumped back from the attack as he noticed the blood that was on his chest. It seemed like the blade had abilities that not even his weapon could achieve. He gathered himself as he looked at Drakkon as he was ready to continue.


#49Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“So, your weapon has abilities. I did not expect that in this battle, but it seems like your weapon is powerful. Still, you will be taken down now.” He said to Drakkon.

The son of chaos had noticed his stance changed. He wasn’t sure if he was getting desperate or if he was now getting serious. He was about to be found out as the man made his first move. He had approached Drakkon and thrust his blade towards him. He pivoted his foot to avoid the attack, but then, that thrust became a slash.

The slash was unexpected, and he would feel it tear into his armor and then into his skin. That wasn’t good and it seemed like this guy could break through his armor without actually doing proper damage to it. He stepped back as he felt his chest had been cut open and the blood was dripping from there.

He took a second to take that attack in, and the man had rushed Drakkon. The Devourer was moving back now avoiding the attacks, and while doing so his wound would start to close as he was healing.


#50Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:36 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The Yakuza was surprised that he was able to do something like that. He didn’t think this man had an ability like that. Actually, he started to wonder if this person was a human at all. He wondered if this man could be like their boss, if he was out of this world, then were they fighting a losing fight against this man? He wasn’t sure, but he was going to test his ability against him. He would push forward on Drakkon and honestly, he was on the defensive. This man’s blows hurt, and he knew that if the man had kept cutting him up, he would just go unconscious from the attacks.

He couldn’t allow for that, and when the man had done the same move twice, Drakkon didn’t allow the second step to happen. Instead, he would step forward for the thrust, taking it in before he would move on to the next step. He swung his blade, and he would activate his ultimate spell.

This would cut everything around him, but he pushed the area of range to just this man. He would feel the damage of the attack coming from Drakkon, and he would slice him this time with his Katana as well.


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