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Memories of the Past (Epic)

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#51Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:38 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man stared at Drakkon as he tried to pull his katana away from the Demi-God, but he couldn’t. Drakkon wouldn’t allow him as he had held onto the blade with his free hand. It was then that the Dragon Slayer would swing his blade once more on the man, cutting him again, and activating another spell. This spell wasn’t strong like the rest, but Drakkon could see that the man he was fighting had been weakened. This was perfect and what he was about to do was about to take the man out.

With the attack connecting of Drakkon, he felt the man’s grip loosening on the blade that was pierced in Drakkon’s chest. When he felt this, he would step back allowing the blade to come out of his chest. When the man saw this, he gripped his blade once again and rushed toward Drakkon.

He was ready to cut down the Dragon Slayer, and when he got close, he swung the blade but fell to the ground before the attack could connect. The group that was in the room was surprised to see this had happened. It was as quiet as it could get with a bit of murmuring happening. The Devour would look at the man and he knew that if he didn’t have his healing factor, he would have lost this fight.


#52Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He had to give it to the man, and he bowed slightly to the unconscious man. He would swing his blade to the side, clearing the blood off it before he put the katana back in its sheath. He looked over to the area of men staring at him and then he looked at the man who was unconscious on the ground. He would sigh with relief that it was over, and he had cracked his neck a few times to look at everyone here.

“You should take care of your companion. He’s hurt, but I made sure not to kill him. I figured it would be a dishonor to kill him when I’m trying to meet your boss and ask questions.” He said to them.

They heard him and two of them would grab the unconscious man and his katana before taking him to the infirmary. They all looked at Drakkon as if they were going to give him one more trial to pass before they would even bring him to see their boss.

“Nicely done, I didn’t think you would take him out in this fight. I was pretty sure you would meet your end here, but it seems like you’re not a regular person.” He said to Drakkon he nodded as the man was observant.


#53Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wondered what was going to happen next, and he would soon find out. The men who were sitting and watching the fight had now gotten up and were standing tall.

“The next thing we want you to do is not as hard as what you did here. We want you to get a specific herb that our boss enjoys for tea. You get that and you can see him; the herb only grows in this estate, but it's guarded by one of the vicious creatures in Joya. The thing is you are not allowed to kill it, if you do, then we will just kill you.” He said to Drakkon.

The Dragon Slayer heard this and it confused him. Why the hell would he do this, if he couldn’t kill the damn thing?

“Why don’t one of you go get it? You guys are scared of this creature?” he asked him trying to get information on this thing.

They laughed when they heard him speak and shook their heads because it wasn’t hard for them to do it.

“We could, but then that would be too easy. He doesn’t attack us because we’re part of the Yakuza, so he ignores us, but you aren’t so this will be fun.” He said to Drakkon as the Dragon Slayer was annoyed with this.


#54Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:40 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon shook his head as he couldn’t believe this. Still, if this is what they wanted from him, then he would do it. He was pretty sure he could get in and not die or get whatever this is killed. He just had to find a way and everything would be fine.

“Alright, I will do it. Just give me the herb I’m looking for and I will get you it.” He said to the man who was in charge of these guys here.

He heard him and he nodded as he was glad to hear that from him. It seemed like this guy was determined to see their boss.

“Alright, then follow me.” He said to Drakkon as he started walking off.

The Dragon Slayer saw him leading the way and he followed him. The others would follow behind Drakkon as they made sure he couldn’t leave or anything now that he had his katanas. Drakkon wasn’t going to leave this place as he needed answers, and Bai Long was held captive as well. He moved out of the room they were in and was walking again through the estate.


#55Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:40 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He was hoping to get a glimpse of their boss through everything they were doing, but that was not the case. It looked like he couldn’t even sneak away to try and find their boss on his own. He was going to have to rely on these men right here to keep their word. The group had walked through the place and soon they would stop by an area that was locked off.

“This herb is very rare and costs a lot of money. It is why Oyuban had such a creature guarding it. We’re just happy we aren’t that thing enemy.” He said to Drakkon as he would remove the locks off the door.

Once he was done with that, he looked at Drakkon once more before opening it. When he opened it, he waited for Drakkon to enter so he could close it. The Son of Chaos shook his head as he walked in because he figured the quicker, he got this done the better. When he went to the next area, he could see that there was a lot of gardening stuff there. He also could see that it was a green area, and there seemed to have been something lurking in the area.


#56Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:41 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The Devourer could smell it, but he couldn’t pinpoint the location, so he decided to do one thing, and it was run. He moved quicker than anything right, so he just had to move and look around at the same time. As long as that was going on, he was sure he was safe. The man looked at the paper and then he looked around. He was scouting the area hoping that he would find it. Luci was on his shoulder, and smoking as this man was looking for a herb and answers.

“You really doing a lot just to get answers about Toge.” He said to him as he was moving around the place.

Drakkon had ignored him, but by ignoring him, he was still around and looked agitated. He shook his head and figured he would answer him.

“Yes, I’m doing this to get answers about Toge, but I’m also doing this, so they could show me some respect. If I can get this herb without a problem, it shows them that I’m strong and earned the respect they don’t want to give me. I will do it.” He said to Luci as he kept looking around the area for the herb.


#57Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:41 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The smell and the vibration of another thing around him would continue to get closer. It was creepy up on him and he didn’t have an infinite amount of space to run around. His eyes were sharp, his movements were as they could be. Of course, soon after he would see it, the herb he was looking for. This was what he had come for and now that he had found it, he would be able to collect it and get the hell out of here. He was sure that he could fight this thing, whatever it was would be difficult to fight, but he couldn’t kill it, and harming it might have done that.

Drakkon had found the herb though, he pulled it out from its roots and the Dragon Slayer made his move. He rushed to the door, but it was then he saw something overshadowing him. He looked back to see that it was a demonic-looking creature. No, it was something out of a fairy tale. He wasn’t sure what it was, but the talons and claws it had, the evil aura that was brought into its life was behind him.

He turned around, instinctively ready to fight it and protect himself. He didn’t know why, but he had to defend, or he felt like he would die a pitiful death.


#58Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was getting ready to defend himself with magic, but as the creature got close, its demeanor changed. It took the young man’s scent and when it got close to him, the creature took in something familiar. Drakkon had the scent of Chaos within him. This caused the creature to become timid and instead brushed its nose against Drakkon’s shoulder. It moved away a bit and then knelt as it looked at him.

The Dragon Slayer was confused for a second, and then he noticed that this thing wouldn’t attack him. He sighed with relief because it allowed him to walk away without a fight happening. He didn’t know why at first, but he would find out soon enough. He moved to the door he had entered, and he opened it to make his exit. When he came out from the other side the Yakuza were surprised to see that he was in one piece. It wasn’t just that, but he didn’t even get hurt or a battle didn’t even occur.

“How did you even get out without it attacking you?” He asked a bit confused and surprised about this turn of events.


#59Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him and he brushed the back of his head with his free hand as he had given the man the herb he asked for.

“It went in for an attack and when it got close, the creature stopped and then left me alone. I guess it took a liking to me.” He said to the Yakuza men waiting for an answer.

When they heard this, they couldn’t believe what he had said, but him being here right now could only mean he was telling the truth right? They looked defeated and shook their heads, he had passed their trials and with that, they would allow him to see their boss.

“Follow me, you will be allowed to speak to our Oyuban. Once you ask your questions, you will either join us, or you will perish to his might, that is up to you.” He said as he gave the herb to one of his men.

He knew what to do with this as he was going to prepare the tea for the two of them.


#60Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:43 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was glad to hear this and he followed the man again into the estate they were in. it was a beautiful place and he wondered what kind of man this boss was. It wouldn’t take long for them to make it to their destination and with that the man he had followed knocked on the door.

“Oyabun there is a man worthy enough to come to speak to you, are you busy?” He asked him.

“No, I’m not, let him in and bring everybody here as well.” He said to him.

The man was surprised to hear this, but he would do as he was told. He would open the door and soon enough Drakkon would be let in. When he entered, he saw how big the room was, it seemed like there was a lot of stuff that could fit in there, but it was empty with a chair on the other side and a man sitting on it. There were women next to him fanning him and feeding him, and then his eyes widened, was that Toge?


#61Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
He walked over to his friend, and he looked around to see that he didn’t see his companions anywhere.

When he got close the two of them locked eyes as he felt like something was off.

“Toge is that you? I have been looking for you, and you have been here this entire time?” He asked waiting for him to give him an answer.

The man in front of him looked at him and he had a smirk on his face and then laughed a bit.

“I’m not Toge, I’m your father, Chaos. This form took shape because it was what you desired the most to see. I figured with the rumors I sent out about your friend being in Joya you would come here and try to find him. I’m happy you have become strong enough to show the Yakuza that you aren’t a weakling.” He said as he took a bite out of the food that was presented to him.

Drakkon was confused for a bit, this was his father? Why did he have Toge’s face then? Did he hear that this was his father? Why did this man show up now and not before? They had a lot of time to reunite, but it was now that he wanted to do this. Why did he bring Toge to do all of this? So many questions had gone through his mind, and he figured he let it all out.


#62Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“Why did you wait all this time to meet like this? Why did you use rumors to bring me here, and why did you use Toge’s face and not your own?” He asked him waiting for answers.

“I use his face for you, the others see someone different than Toge. They cannot handle the way I look in reality, it would only break them, confuse them, and bring them to the brink of insanity. I know you’ve been looking for your friend, but do you want me to tell you what happened to him?” Do you want me to tell you about your past? I have been waiting for you to gain power to be able to do this and now you have the opportunity to know it all. Do you want me to reveal it?” He asked waiting for Drakkon to say something.

Drakkon thought about it for a bit and he figured the questions he had could be answered today.

“Yes, tell me what happened to Toge, tell me why you met my mom and created me?” He asked the man who had said to be his father.

It made sense though, the creature from earlier didn’t attack him and it was because they were all made from chaos. The man would stop eating and he looked at Drakkon ready to explain it all to him.


#63Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“You never questioned why Luci was with you this entire time? A demon that was hanging out with Toge all the time? Your friend had an obsession with Demons, and he wanted to become one at any cost, that it cost him everything. You didn’t have the powers of a Demi-God awakened, but it was because the Lacrima I implanted in you was suppressing that aspect of you. Your God-like blood and the power to Devour Dragons were in constant battle with each other that it appeared that you were just an ordinary person to everyone else.” He paused for a second as he wasn’t done talking.

“Your friend had achieved a level of power, and a level of knowledge that he thought he could become a Demon through a ritual. When he did this, he would have become a Demon with the fusion of Luci, and his other Demonic companion, but I intervened. The level of friendship you two possessed was what I needed to awaken your powers, and so when the ritual was finished, Toge’s body started disappearing, and he was consumed by you Drakkon.” He said to his son as he took another bite of his food.


#64Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him and his eyes widened when he heard what had happened to Toge. His eyes shifted to his hands as he couldn’t believe that his friend had died or had become a part of him. He was wondering if that was why he had vivid dreams about Toge as if he was trying to tell him that he was a part of him. It would make sense why Luci appeared to him and how a bunch of things happened to him. He knew the languages of all of Earthland, he had gotten powerful out of nowhere, and he had this urge of gluttony that he felt that he didn’t have before.

“So, you killed Toge? Why did you do that, he was his own person and he was about to achieve his goals, and you foiled them why?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

Chaos laughed a bit as it seemed like his son was confused by all of this. It seemed like he needed to understand why his father had done all of this.


#65Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:46 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Chaos had gotten up from his seat as he looked at Drakkon. The Demi-God felt the pressure from his father, and he stepped back from where he was. He didn’t notice, but the overwhelming power between the two of them was too great.

“You have to understand my son, Toge was the missing ingredient to awaken you from your slumber. You were to be my greatest creation. You were created to become my successor in everything. I wanted to give you things when you were strong enough to have them. Like the Yakuza, I took over, so you can have this organization within this mortal realm and do what you will with them.” He said to him as he paused for a second.

“Still, it seemed that with what I did Toge was strong enough to stay within your conscious. You weren’t able to devour him fully, but it didn’t matter because the power that you gained has been magnificent. I was waiting for now to tell you all of this.” He said to Drakkon as he could see how surprised his son was.

“You are the product of creation, to see if you could become the strongest being in this world. I had done this to multiple children, but you were the only one that had survived the experiment. It was then I watched what you did as a normal person and the leadership you had with the criminal side of this world.” He said to Drakkon as he paused for a second.


#66Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:46 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“It was why I kept tabs on you and decided it was best to get you one of the greatest organizations there was in this world. We Primordial Gods cannot intervene in the Mortal world too much. If we do a war like no other would begin and that is not something I or some of the other gods want. Yes, I’m chaos, but the Mortal Realm is so fun and entertaining that if we started a war, this realm would no longer exist. So, I would have you rule this realm if possible or at least be someone that has enough power to do what they want.” He said as he laughed a bit as the Yakuza men started moving into the room.

Drakkon was confused though; his friend had been absorbed by him, so that meant that Toge and him had become one person. He thought about it, but that was the reason why he had Luci for a while, and then the demon had disappeared. He devours them all and it is because of his power of Chaos and his power of Gluttony.

“I see this makes no fucking sense, but you’re saying that you’ve done all of this for me and that I’m your greatest creation? Do you want me to take over all of this? Are you nuts?” He asked his father.

Chaos would lift his finger, and something had rumbled. There would be two things that happened, and one was the Egg that Drakkon had carried around with him had come from behind the throne his father was sitting on. He figured he had been missing, and then Bai Long had shown himself. It was then the Egg started shaking a bit and it started cracking from where it was at.


#67Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:47 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon noticed something was also happening to Bai Long it was as if some of his essence was being drawn into the Egg. It wasn’t just him, a bit of Drakkon could be felt being taken away from him. A bit of him, Bai Long, and a bit of Toge had entered the Dragon Egg. It was then that the egg would completely hatch, and a Dragon would be born from this. It was a black and purple Dragon that had appeared from the egg, and it looked at Drakkon before anybody else. The Yakuza men would see this was happening, and at first, they were surprised, but allowed to continue without questioning anything.

It would fly toward Drakkon and then spin around him before it rushed to the girls to eat the food they had in their hands. He was delighted about this and when the Devourer Dragon Slayer looked to see if Bai Long was fine, he saw that the horse had disappeared as well, and he wondered what the hell was going on here.

“What did you do?” He asked his father.

Chaos had looked at him as he leaned on the throne again.

“I gave Hai Gone here a bit of a nudge and gave more power than he could ever imagine. Now you have a Dragon that could fight by your side and give you the edge you need. He has some of your traits and some of Bai Long’s traits. He might have some of Toge’s traits as well, but that is for you to find out.” He said to Drakkon.


#68Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:47 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Hai Gone had continued eating and when he finished, he flew straight to Drakkon without hesitating. It stood next to the Dragon Slayer as Chaos had gotten up again when he saw everybody was there.

“So, all of you have gathered here for a reason. I have been making sure you guys have gotten the proper training and have gotten well enough that I could pass the torch to someone else. With that being said, I would like to give the title Oyabun to my son Drakkon. He has proven that he is strong and that he can also do the impossible. With his leadership and his experience, he could show you guys something different that I couldn’t. I couldn’t interfere with things because of certain reasonings, but with him, he could take you guys into battle and also partake in the battle as well.” He said as he looked at Drakkon.

“Drakkon sits on the throne, and if you guys object take it from him before he sits. Once he is down on the chair, he will be the next Oyabun.” He said to the group.

They all looked at each other and then looked at their Oyabun. They weren’t going to question his decision and they saw that this man could fight, and with their guidance, he could become even greater.


#69Go D. Drakkon 

Memories of the Past (Epic) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:50 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard his father, and he looked at everybody. They weren’t moving or saying anything to stop this, and the Devourer wasn’t happy with how he got into this position, but he would make the most out of it. The Son of Chaos walked over to the throne, and while doing so everybody would stand there.

“Thank you for your service, Oyabun! We will support our new Oyabun, who is also your son! If you say he is our future, then we will listen and follow him no matter what! From now we listen to him and only him!” One of them shouted and they would also repeat what he had said.

Drakkon would sit down on the throne, and he looked at everybody. There were a lot of people he was going to be commanding now. He was fine with that, and he knew that he had a bunch of connections due to this organization. He was going to have fun with this, and he wondered what the future was going to hold. He was a part of the Dragon Order, and now he was the leader of the Yakuza Organization.

“Alright guys we’re going to throw a party and at the same time, we’re going to continue our work. While we do this I will find a way for us to expand, so that way we can control the underworld.” He said this as they would all agree at the same time and bow to him.

Things were about to get crazy and spooky. Still, one thing he was still processing was what had happened to Toge. He felt like he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t and he hoped that Hai would become his new best friend.

290|14159 (50% Word Count Reduction) (10% Guild Perk 4, 5% Helmet, 5% Armor, 10% Ring, 20% Relic)


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