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Ittindi Spells: S rank and others

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Ittindi Spells: S rank and others Empty Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:36 am

They will be trained (I have a S slot scroll in inventory)

Name: Split Second Evasion
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: 5 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: This spell does not require any actions to be activated. The user stops time for split-seconds multiple times in a row to avoid numerous attacks that are too close to avoid. The user may not engage in combat after using this spell in the same post. The spell can only be used for evasion purposes and not as a method to attack someone else. The split-second evasions can be used up to 8 times in a row within a time frame of 10 seconds to avoid hits. With each split-second evasion, the user may relocate themselves instantly up to 1 meter away from where they were standing before. It might appear as teleportation to others, but in reality, with time stopping briefly each time, the user simply moves around quickly to avoid all hits.

Name: Transformation: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 10% of Total Base Mana
Requirements: Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit
Type: Transformation
Element: Arcane
Range: -
Cooldown: 5 Meters
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user activates the Demon Soul and merges with Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit. The user oozes a deathly black cloud and increases in size by 50% while receiving moderate Arcane Resistance.  This is a transformation and not a spell. Therefore, it can't be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells.

Name: Wings I
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: Self
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user stomps on the ground and creates a magic circle. Magical decrepit black wings will sprout out the user's back and they will be able to fly up to 10 meters. Flight speed is based on your running speed.

Name: Go Away You!
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect:  The user may flick with their finger in any particular direction sending a projectile out that is 5 cm squared and creating a magic circle of the appropriate size on their hand, upon striking a target they will be sent the total distance of the spell after spell range modifiers at their lunging speed. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit.

Name: Ancestral Defense I
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Arcane
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user thrusts down their arm activating the spell creating a magic circle beneath them, they can then apply the spell by touching a target covering them in a defensive spell with 2x A-Rank durability. The cover can be applied to either the user or to others and maybe manipulated by the caster for what it covers when first casting the spell. I.e whether it covers certain body parts, or certain pieces of equipment. The cover itself is transparent, creating no glare in the sunlight nor capable of impairing the vision of the recipient.  The user must continue to sustain this spell for the effect to be maintained, paying for each person impacted by this spell.


Ittindi Spells: S rank and others Empty Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:59 am

These spells have been approved for training.

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