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Light Dragon Slayer | Starters

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Light Dragon Slayer | Starters Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 2:54 pm

  • Name: Light Step
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Dragon Slayer Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 5 meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Instant
    Effect:  The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

  • Name: Light Walk
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Dragon Slayer
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user taps their heels together creating a magic circle below them and causing their feet to glow a golden color which allows them to  move upon surfaces that they otherwise wouldn't be able to move upon including vertical walls, water, and even while upside down.

  • Name: Light Vision
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Dragon Slayer
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user touches their forehead and creates a magic circle. The user is granted infared vision and they will see a gradient of colors based on what emits bio-luminescence light. Since living beings emit light, this can be used to sense the presence of someone even in darkness. This covers a 5-meter radius.

  • Name: Light's Out
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Dragon Slayer
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user clearly and dramatically closes their hand to make a fist, causing a magic circle to appear around their wrist, upon jabbing or punching towards a target, a .25 meter fist made of golden light is propelled towards a target, knocking them back the total distance of the spell upon contact after spell range modifiers at their lunging speed. This spell ignores terrain and will continue on until it hits a target or reaches the spell range limit.

  • Name: Light's On
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Dragon Slayer
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Post
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user raises their hand or a finger, causing a magic circle to appear above it. This causes their hand or finger to glow a vibrant golden light to provide light in darkness. The light has a 5 meter radius.


Light Dragon Slayer | Starters Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:20 am

Spells look fine. I believe the limit for starters that are free is 4. For the final one, would you like to pay for it, or do you plan to train it @Rhea ?

Light Dragon Slayer | Starters GPIjkMz

Light Dragon Slayer | Starters Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:01 am

It shall be trained, @Toga , thanks.


Light Dragon Slayer | Starters Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:04 am

Then you're good to go! I'll move these over to approved for training, but note you'll have access to the first 4.

Light Dragon Slayer | Starters GPIjkMz

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