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The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will

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The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:13 pm


The Oath of Life -

Surrendering your will

Calls of horror and awe spread through the capital of Sin as Qinglong’s full form came into being stretching out from Miharu’s body. Surviving monks and Sinese warriors fell to their knees as they began to worship the god-like entity, a truly naive act as their life essence was ripped from the mortal coils to maintain their great body within the Earthly plane. Shock draw upon Hirota’s face as the damage around them increased with each and every passing moment. At the same time peering through the heart of Qinglong, they weren’t growing in strength but rather diminishing over time. Their very spirit was failing as something in the great distance beyond Kon’s own scope was ripping them apart. He had heard in the whispers of rumors in which Qinglong once resided freely only this world only to be stopped by some figure, who it was Kon couldn’t remember. Perhaps this was a residual effect from whatever battle or conflict the two had between each-other.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:14 pm


Drawing Hirota’s attention for the briefest of moments away from Qinglong’s intimidating presence, Kon took a glance at Miharu’s body that was rapidly diminishing as their energy was being siphoned to the Sinese Spirit while their spirit was being transferred into the damaged amulet. Perhaps more concerning the already wounded Kon’s own spirit was being siphoned into the amulet, which would have thrilled Hirota to no-end but she was clearly distressed for his demise perhaps she was becoming accustom to him or worried that she might lose control of Kon’s body as well. A thought provoking theory at least, one that he hoped wouldn’t be tested upon especially considering he didn’t believe in any real form of religion that involved reincarnation or the concept of an afterlife. If he was still capable of sweating he would definitely be doing it right now. It was only thanks for his sheer magical reserves that the presence of Hirota within his body that the amulet wasn’t having a more substantial effect upon him.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:14 pm


Recognizing the time crunch they shared as the amulet was literally killing both Miharu and Kon while Qinglong was running rampant apparently ignoring Kon for the time being instead relishing their limited freedom within this world. Knowing that Qinglong would need to be taken down to stop Miharu’s demise, Kon without hesitation shot a bolt clear through Qinglong’s ethereal body, lacking a true physical form lacking a body to call their own. Through it certainly did harm the spirit, the after-effect only seemed to rouse Qinglong’s fury upon Kon rather then the masses around them. Skirting through the alleyways decimating the sinese people before spearheading towards the Machia, Kon noticed a faltering in the spirits strength all the while it tried to create a physical form. Shooting yet another bolt aimed at their eye, Kon’s aim was true as their implanted eye activated honing onto the Sinese spirit. Piercing through the vulnerable flesh of their eye, a massive howl rang out shaking the very ground beneath them, breaking glass nearby and bursting the eardrums of those within a few meters of Qinglong.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:15 pm


A vengeful spirit, the Sinese spirit in a flurry of anger nearly ripped Kon’s face in half removing his golden eye that had been with him for years. Vision impaired beyond belief, Kon fell to one of his knees clutching his face with his empty left hand as his other clenched Hirota’s sword ripping his inorganic fleshy exterior from his mechanical hand revealing his even more of his robotic self. “You dare injure me, worm?!” Qinglong bellowed out as he flung Kon’s golden eye beyond the horizon, beyond his own perception with the force of a meteorite in freefall as flames followed the artifact. Reeling from the damage and having his life energy sapped away from both Qinglong and the broken amulet, Kon needed to recompose himself even for a few seconds. So wrestling the eyepatch used as merely a disguise only minutes prior with his free hand, he bound his splitting head into one piece as slowly began to repair itself. Fumes and strange electrical noises left his head confusing Kon whilst the Sinese spirit was equally recomposing themselves in their own way by further harvesting the lives of those below. He could only thank his mechanical frame he had not been one of them, though it did not diminish the amount of carnage that had been brought about by Kon’s hand, intentional or otherwise.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:15 pm


Echoing in his mind, two voices rang out both female, one slightly older then the other and significantly stronger, they were like a indistinct chorus but both had their own thoughts and opinions. “You can not fight Qinglong on your own, they are a God, you are but a man…” The first spoke resembling the voice of Miharu albeit without the toxicity of the spirit’s wrath, while Hirota spoke in turn. “Use the elves for your needs, those blessings will only take you so far, many have died already, if they need to, in order to stop them do it!” Resentment, but recognition of the terrible situation they were in would be critical for them to survive a fate worse then death. Surrendering his body over to Hirota needing a few moments longer to mentally recompose himself, Hirota took great steps to conceal the damage that Qinglong had inflicted upon them before scouting after Folre and Vaeri. The latter of whom was still stationed upon the last remaining standing towers shooting down any enroaching sinese warrior despite the flames that were licking at the four wooden pillars that supported the position. Speaking Fiorian of all things within Sin, Hirota was able to communicate with Vaeri with relative privacy, who they had beckoned to leave the tower and ignore the soldiers in the distance and instead target the distracted Qinglong by their signal.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:15 pm


Folre proved to be a harder individual to track being entered the streets of the capital after falling from his tower and began an unprecedent rampage that could only be rivaled by Qinglong themselves. Able to follow the path of blood with their own life energy dwindling, Hirota with Vaeri in toe, finally met up witnessing Folre plunging a dagger over and over into a soldiers chest in an alleyway whilst fire and destruction was all around them. Shouting at them proved a fruitless endeavor with them only stopped as Vaeri laid a gentle hand upon their tense shoulder. Blood still dripping from their blade, Folre relented dropping what had effectively become nothing more then a fleshy mass, completely unidentifiable from the carnage. Recognizing the threat at hand, the trio concoited a scheme to regain the spirit’s attention once more and for Hirota to send them back through a dimensional rift much like it had used Miharu earlier to enter this plane of existence.



The Oath of Life - Surrendering your will Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:16 pm


Returning to the very same clearing in which Kon/Hirota had been harmed, with them taking the rear while the elven couple practically danced there with their enthused grace. The desire for the return of their child was obvious, but would the reality match their dream?, that was another question entirely. With Qinglong still largely distracted and blinded in one eye, Vaeri and Folre rested in the sidelines once more while Hirota though still unaccustom to Kon’s mechanical body shot a volley of Bolts at the spirit’s scaly side causing the scolding hot blood of the beast to rain down upon the city. Flames were smoldered in an instant as black smoke replaced them as noxious fumes spread out amongst the area hindering the citizens of the area further as they were forced to don facemasks.

Garnering its attention, Hirota appealed to its baser urges encouraging the spirit to consume her much to Kon’s apprehension, being eaten by a spirit held some more grim prospects then just death, but nonetheless steadfast and with life draining from them, they remained where they were as Qinglong raced towards them, only moving to the left at the very last second as they cut a hole into reality itself bridging the gap between the real world and whatever plane of existence they had come from. Unable to adjust their speed or direction, Qinglong fell prey to the opening and with a fearsome roar mirroring the ones prior, they departed this world back to their own. This victory would be short-lived, however as Hirota’s facade disappeared mere moments after as Kon collapsed in her place still clutching the medallion in one hand and her sword in the other.



Last edited by Kon on Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

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