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The Oath of Life - Forever from now on

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The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:19 pm


The Oath of Life -

Forever from now on

Exiting Sin would prove to be a far more challenging feat compared to entering the country especially as a criminal instead of an honourary guest, his status as General of the Rune Knights had long been stripped after his interference within the Sinese society and the devastation that followed soon after. Countless families sought his head and as a result only a hefty bribe to various officials allowed him safe passage back into more neutral territory. He had never wanted to be the cause of such carnage nor Hirota, but a rampaging spirit isn’t something you can really talk down from massacring thousands of lives. Fortunately using his last remaining shreds of authority and Folre’s good will, Kon was able to force the hands of several deckhands who would ferry him from Sin to Talaz Lagaar unmolested without stopping any of the normal ports. A task that could not happen any earlier with him receiving an evergrowing number of death threats in an almost daily frequency whilst he was recovering in the room he had been offered by the Sinese Government, an offer which he only took as sleeping with the assailant who inadevently killed your daughter wasn’t something he wished upon Folre or Vaeri.


Last edited by Kon on Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:19 pm


Fearing, or better yet recognizing just who the Sinese people were, Kon left his room at the crack of dawn before even the servants of the establishment had risen from their slumber and left without a trace, replacing even the bedding before he left with new ones he had found in the laundry. Gear strapped tightly to his body, Kon made naught but the slightest of sounds as he crossed the streets deafened by the croaks and moans of roosters and other morning animals. Draped in a thick cloak, he hoped to conceal his out of place appearance enough to reach the dock, something of a pipe dream given the increasing density of the morning workers growing around them. Whilst he would have relied upon magic to ease his through the evergrowing numbers either through disappearing from sight, shifting from one location to another or some other form of curious incantations, his own magic had become reliant upon Hirota’s whims, desires and own abilities all of which had become focused on carrying for Miharu who seems to have developed an almost maternal relationship between one another.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:19 pm


Much of their relationship had been concealed from Kon’s own reach but he did get snippets every now and again, most of what he could interpret held him in a positive light. Of course large portions of their communications were done spoken in Sinese rather then his own Boscoi or adopted tongue of Fiorian. Socializing was never Kon’s strong point much less being the equivalent of a literal psychotherapist to resolve the ongoing issues that Miharu would be dealing with. As a consequence he remained largely out of the conversation between the two, assuming the worst in which they would both remain inside of them, he prayed that he could remain on their good side as he feared truly becoming consumed by the duo with his own persona being entirely entombed by them. Fortunately the relationship between Him and Hirota had reached a point of mutual respect in which they would share his own body mostly with his consent though there were common times she would intervene both to their benefit and detriment.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:20 pm


Following the events in sin, Hirota was truly beginning to recognize that the world was not as black and white as she had hoped, and the child’s spirit now occupying the little remaining space left within their consciousness would serve as a constant remainder for the both of them. It was their shared hope that it would not be a permanent and could be resolved by placing her with an artificial frame just as Kon was able to do so through the assistance of Karisa, but there were substantial differences his transition was performed near death rather than following it and his own personality, his very soul was untainted, unbounded by any outside influences such as the amulet used to perform the split between Qinglong and the child. This was just one of the concerns for attempting such a procedure afterall his experience and knowledge for machia creation and soul transference was limited to the scope of being a recipient as a opposed to the operator so he’d be planning it most by ear and with the guidance of scientist from Talaz Lagaar who admittedly were still recovering from the destruction caused by the explosion many months ago.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:20 pm


These were personally concerns that he would continue to dwell upon as he finally reached the dock and boarded a merchant ship that would be travelling to Talaz Lagaar. In an attempt to hasten their travels, vast sums of cash were passed from one hand to another, with the captain smiling from ear to ear whereas Kon’s face was left in dismay. It was times like these that he had seriously begun to consider using his skeleton key once again despite the danger of potentially falling into the void compounded by the presence of Hirota who was inherently tied to the chaotic realm. She might be able to traverse through that plane of existence but she was preoccupied with Miharu and even Kon knew better than to distract someone caring for a scarred child. And thus Kon was bound to using traditional transport, even his reliable mount, Hespa had deserted him attempting to go to the Hellsea Bastille had been the last straw for the beast.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:20 pm


Just one of the many mistakes he had made in his life full of tragedy, much of which were done without proper foresight. Coming to Sin was one of the worst mistakes he had made in a long time, a choice which had been made largely for him by the will of the Magic Council and Hirota who wished to see her homeland again. An understandable desire but one that had ultimately lead to the deaths of countless sinese people and his demotion as General for the Rune Knights, something which questioned his standing with the organization as he had pioneered the reformations that lead to its redemption. Though he had demonstrated little desire for the position, it still left a sour taste in his mouth with the decision to remove his authority, Colonel Konstantin just simply didn’t have the same renown as General Konstantin, but alas he would endeavour to improve himself and his position within society despite the challenges that were evergrowing around him.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:21 pm


Despite the initial concerns of the captain, the voyage across the normally chaotic coastal seas remained uncontested with the water remaining calm for its duration while raiders were entirely absent despite the clear indication of the ship carrying goods such as it travelling far slower then similar vessels and riding far deeper then normal. Perhaps luck was just simply on their side today or any wouldbe raiders had reconsidered attacking them after recognizing his intimidating presence by simply drawing near to them. Whether or not the trip was peaceful meant little to the former general who became increasingly restless as he could sense the bound forming between the two spirits within him growing stronger and Miharu’s attachment to his own body further increasing. Now more then ever before he felt the need to remove her from his body before things truly became impossible to separate her from what he had become.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:21 pm


Finally approaching the artificial island, Kon’s mood rose before radically dipping, first seeing the original structure untouched by the devastation before the ship turned revealing the vast chunk removed from the city. While he couldn’t say that it was ever beautiful, what it had become soured his mood substantially how was he supposed to construct anything with the same grandeur as his own body that would be seen as acceptable for Miharu. An expression that resonated with both Hirota and Miharu equally who become downtrodden about this shocking revelation. Something which only hastened the burying sensation that he felt from Miharu mirror that of Hirota so many months ago, whether it was unconscious or intentional he wasn’t sure but definitely an uncomfortable feeling to have someone push their will upon them in a manner you can’t resist or stop. He grew increasingly frustrated, biting his tongue to distract himself from the headache that had been brewing since this renewed desire to remain with Hirota and by extension, Kon.



The Oath of Life - Forever from now on Empty Wed Aug 14, 2024 9:26 pm


Landing on the destroyed shores, he could barely hear the captain over the pounding that continued in his mind, struggling to muster a simple. “Thank you.” Violent winds quickly swallow his gesture of good will while revealing his artificial frame beneath his thick cloak for the briefest of moments. Departing from the ship, Kon hurriedly met with members of the Talaz Lagaarian community who still possessed the knowledge of machinations and through a combination of blackmail, threats of violences and bribery gained the remaining collective information on machia which was contained within a series of digitized vessels that he transferred into his mind with a speed inconceivable to the normal man. While he now did have the knowledge and theoretical experience behind making an artificial body, he lacked the materials and tools needed something which he would now need to recover and possible make himself. Lacking the ability to make them himself, Kon doubled down upon the community and pressured them into serving his needs over their own concerns demanding they make whatever would be needed while he sourced the materials whatever scrap he could be found much to the resentment of Hirota and Miharu alike.



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