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Boys Will Be Boys (DRank)

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Boys Will Be Boys (DRank) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:15 am

Back into the vermin filled streets of none other than Orchidia. Both of the creature and people variety in equal measure. If not for the wide array of contract work one could pick up very easily at any hour of the day. The two of them would have probably moved on to somewhere more desirable by now. Reality was though that they'd more than likely be stuck within the city limits for a few more days at best. That of course was assuming one of them didn't get tired of the jewels flow and dip set elsewhere for the hell of it. Which was very tempting considering how long they had already settled in so far.

Regardless, for now they would have to accommodate themselves while in between jobs. At least until they were ready to move on to the next destination offering free real estate. Like today, where lunch was on the menu but where exactly was up for debate. With his eyes jumping from one sign to the next as they carried on through the open streets. Goji's stomach roared with demand at the variety of smells coming from each restaurant they passed by. At this point he wasn't picky he just wanted Altuo to make up his mind already. "If you don't hurry up and pick something I'm about to say screw it and do it for you."

[ WC - 231/500 ] @Altuo Dorian

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